zwicker 2008:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Econ Major, Private not well known University (US) Undergrad GPA: overall GPA: 3.9; econ: 4.0 ; math:4.0. GRE: 800Q, 510V,AWA 5.0 Math Courses: Calc sequence (A), Differential equations (A), Linear Algebra (A), Probability & Stats (A), Adv. Stats (A), Discrete Math (A) Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ, 1 math; all were strong (but not MIT, Harvard, etc.) Research Experience: Very little. Teaching Experience: Graded and have taught occasional undergrad classes. Research Interests: IO, micro. SOP: I thought it was good. Concerns: No grad level classes. No analysis. No research. Not from well known school. RESULTS: Attending: Arizona ($$$) Acceptances: Wisconsin (none 1st year), Virginia($$), UNC ($$), Kentucky ($$), Arizona ($$), Texas A&M ($$), Clemson ($$), Rejects: Yale, Brown, BC, Caltech Pending: WUSTL (waitlist), Vanderbilt (waitlist) What would you have done differently? Nothing really. I am happy with arizona. I will be a good fit there. If I was shooting for a top 10 school then I should have done a masters program in stats first and/or finished my math major. I shouldn't have applied to so many lower ranked schools. I wish I would have applied to UIUC.
Accepts: Attending: Arizona ($$$)
Acceptances: Wisconsin (none 1st year), Virginia($$), UNC ($$), Kentucky ($$), Arizona ($$), Texas A&M ($$), Clemson ($$),
Rejects: Rejects: Yale, Brown, BC, Caltech
Waitlists: Pending: WUSTL (waitlist), Vanderbilt (waitlist)
corolla09 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Math/Econ Good Eastern liberal arts college Undergrad GPA: 3.28 (3.45ish for Econ & Math) GRE: 720Q, 470V, 5.5AWA Math Courses: Calculus Sequence, Vector Calculus, Intro to Proofs, Linear Algebra, Ring Theory, Real Analysis, Applied Stats, Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes Econ Courses: Intermediate Micro & Macro, Labor, IO, Econometrics, Environmental, Experimental, Behavioral, Econ of Conflict Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ, 1 math all senior faculty whom I knew very well Research Experience: Senior thesis in Probability Theory/Stochastic Processes Teaching Experience: none Research Interests: Public, Labor, Experimental/Behavioral SOP: I think this was a 'good' deciding factor for some schools showing a fit/common research interest with their program and I believe it matters a lot more for smaller non top-30 programs. Concerns: A lot, low GRE/GPA low grade in Analysis Other: had to wait a year to apply for good senior grades, take GRE RESULTS: Attending: Florida State Univ ($$) Admitted, Declined: Binghamton ($), Kentucky (WL$), Oregon (WL$), NC State (no$), Mississippi ($), UNH-masters Waitlists: Va Tech Rejections: Vanderbilt, Virginia, Syracuse (never heard back) No Word: Louisiana State What would you have done differently? A lot, actually study in undergrad for one. Had difficulty figuring out where to apply with my profiles and increase in apps, should've applied to places like Purdue, Pitt, Riverside and research schools with experimental more. Results almost identical to what I thought they would be. Had random safety's. Originally started with math major then added econ very glad I did both. Very happy with results considering my profile and for those similar to mine it is possible to get a decent funded offer without perfect transcript especially if you're looking for a LACish placement like me.
Accepts: Attending: Florida State Univ ($$)
Admitted, Declined: Binghamton ($), Kentucky (WL$), Oregon (WL$), NC State (no$), Mississippi ($), UNH-masters
- Institution: Oregon
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/5/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Very glad...details TBA
- Institution
nstitution: Florida State Economics, PhD
Decision: Admitted
Funding: TAship + Fellow!
Notification date: 3/13
Comments: Stunned!!
not top 50 but with my profile it'll be of serious consideration
- Institution: NC State Econ (pure side), PhD
Decision: Admit
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through:
Comments: Interesting...no details yet
Rejects: Rejections: Vanderbilt, Virginia, Syracuse (
Waitlists: Waitlists: Va Tech
- Institution: Virginia Tech Economics, PhD
Decision: wait-listed
Notification date: 3/23
Notified through: e-mail (I e-mailed the grad secretary)
Comments: ehhh, very very small program
rob59404 2010:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: State University with unheard of econ department Undergrad GPA: 3.99 Type of Grad: NA Grad GPA: GRE: 760 Q 640 V 5.5 AWA Math Courses: Cal I-III(A,A,A), Linear Algebra(A),Probabilty/stat(A), ODE(A), Probability theory(A), math stats, intro analysis/proofs Econ Courses: Intro micro/macro, intermediate micro/macro, development, adv. development, trade, history of thought, econometrics, graduate econometrics, graduate micro and macro. All A's Other Courses: Letters of Recommendation: thesis advisor, department chair, other econ professor Research Experience: Senior thesis Teaching Experience: Some math and econ tutoring Research Interests: Growth, political economy, applied micro SOP: Standard Other: RESULTS: Acceptances: Missouri($$), kentucky($$), Oregon($$), Colorado(no $), UW(no $), Virginia, GMU, Notre Dame ($$$ Attending) Waitlists: Rejections: NYU, BC, UIUC, Rochester Pending: OSU (implicit rejection at this point) What would you have done differently? 1) More math earlier 2) Should have got a math professor to write letter of recommendation 3) Get an 800Q
Accepts: Acceptances: Missouri($$), kentucky($$), Oregon($$), Colorado(no $), UW(no $), Virginia, GMU, Notre Dame ($$$ Attending)
- Institution: Oregon
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Decided in March
Notification date: 2/2/10
Notified through: Online Status
Posted on Gradcafe: no
- Institution: Kentucky Economics
Decision: accepted
Funding: $$
Notification date: 11 February
Notified through: phone call
Posted on Gradcafe: no
- Institution: University of Missouri Economics
Decision: accepted
Funding: no word
Notification date: 11 February
Notified through: email
Posted on Gradcafe: no
- Institution: Notre Dame Economics PhD
Decision: Admitted
Funding: 17K+tuition for 5 years
Notification date: February 13th
Notified through: Email from Director of Program
Posted on Gradcafe: No
Comments: Happy to have a funded offer.
- Institution: University of Virginia Economics PHD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: ???
Notificationn date: 02/17
Notified through: Website
Posted on Gradcafe: No
This was one of my reaches. I'm honored, hopefully aid is coming.
- Institution: Colorado Boulder Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: "can't offer funding at the present time"
Notification date: 3/10/2010
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: I need funding to consider it as an option
- Institution: George Mason Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBA
Notification date: 3/10/2010
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Really want to go here, but I really really need funding
- Institution: Notre Dame Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Fellowship: Tution + 25K and health insurance/5 years
Notification date: 2/15/2010
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: They increased their offer today and are paying for a flyout next week, but new program = big risk
- Institution: University of Washington Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: None
Notification date: 03/19/10
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: The email asked if I was seriously considering the program and will not formally extend an offer until I say I am. Right now its unfunded.
Rejects: Rejections: NYU, BC, UIUC, Rochester
- Institution: Rochester
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03-01-2010
Notified through: email
Posted on GF: no
Comments: Darn
- Institution: Rochester
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03-01-2010
Notified through: email
Posted on GF: no
Comments: Darn
- Institution: NYU
Decision: Reject
Funding: ...
Notification date: 03/18/10
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Guillotine finally lowered
- Institution: UIUC Economics
Decision: Rejection
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/25/10
Notified through: email
Comments: darn
- Institution: Boston College Economics
Decision: Rejection
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/25/10
Notified through: snail mail
Comments: rough day
The MAN 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BS in Economics, minor in Bus. Admin. at Illinois State Uni Undergrad GPA: 3.38 overall, a little better in econ. Type of Grad: MA in Applied Economics from Illinois State Uni Grad GPA: 4.0 (still have 1 year left, but I don't expect this to change) GRE: 800 Q, 560 V, 4.0 AWA Math Courses: Calc I (C), Calc II (C) [both taken a decade ago when I was a freshman and not too mature], Calc III (A+), Advanced Probability Models (A), Linear Algebra (A+), Real Analysis (in progress) Econ Courses (grad-level): MA level Micro, Macro, Econometrics (3 courses), and a few electives that probably won't factor into my admission decision (All A's) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Pretty much everything I could take: Econometrics I, II (A, A), Telecom Econ (B), Managerial Econ (A), Micro (B), Macro (A), Law and Econ (B), Money and Banking (B), Labor Econ (B), Organizational Econ (A), Enviro & Natural Resource Econ (B) Other Courses: Standard classes needed to get a bachelor's Letters of Recommendation: 3 that should range from good to outstanding from econ professors who's PhDs are from: U of Houston, U of Chicago, and UC-Berkley. Research Experience: A little over a year of RA work. This includes co-authoring a paper submitted for publishing (no word back on acceptance or denial yet) Teaching Experience: Some TA work done while in the masters program. Also, I have some tutoring experience from undergrad. Research Interests: Health, Applied Micro, IO, maybe experimental, maybe Labor, maybe metrics (If I start thinking about a topic long enough I end up generating interest in it) SOP: Should be pretty good. I'm going to talk about my past (since I have a little bit of an unusual profile having left school for 5 years to work), why I want a PhD, why school X fits me, and why I fit school X. Concerns: My undergrad grades range from terrible to okay, but there is nothing outstanding. I lack some math courses (although I have killed all the recent classes I've taken). Other: Between my undergrad and master's I spent 5 years working. Most of that time I was a Financial Consultant for a large regional bank (at the time it was the 8th largest bank in the U.S.). RESULTS: Acceptances: Kentucky ($) and Michigan State Waitlists: North Carolina-Chapel Hill Rejections: Duke, UIUC, Cornell, Iowa, Arizona, Texas-Austin, Pending: None What would you have done differently? If I had known that I would ultimately go for a PhD in economics as an undergrad I would have taken more math and applied myself more in all of my classes to carry a higher GPA. But since I didn't decide to do a PhD until after I had graduated, I can't say that I would have changed much in what I did. I loved doing my master's at ISU and feel that it helped me significantly (better LORs, more math, and great GPA somewhat answered the questions my undergrad/age generated). I probably would not have applied to University of Iowa (I didn't realize how poorly I matched with the school when I was applying because I focused more on their recent placements) and applied to a different mid-ranged PhD program.
Accepts: Acceptances: Kentucky ($) and Michigan State
- Institution: Michigan State University Economics
Decision: Admitted
Funding: None in the first year, possibility of funding in the second year
Notification date: 3/9/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GradCafe: No
Comments: My first official admit, I'm pretty excited. Now I can stop fretting about getting shut out (and hopefully focus and get my capstone and independent study completed).
- Institution: Kentucky Economics
Decision: Admitted
Funding: TA - tuition, stipend (details coming later), health plan
Notification date: 03/28/2011
Notified through: Email
Posted on GradCafe: No
Comments: Looks like I'm headed to Kentucky (Also, I was admitted to the program a while back and just got word that they will offer funding).
- Institution: MSU Ph.D. in
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Econ. of Ed. Fellowship (off the waitlist)
Notification date: April 8
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GradCafe: No
Comments: Craziest outcome to date. I had been accepted without (it explicitly said no funding, not waitlisted for funding) funding to MSU (and their Econ. of Ed. program). Since I can't afford to self-fund and I have another funded offer, I turned down the acceptance without funding. This morning I received an e-mail from Dr. Wooldridge saying that I was on the waitlist had have subsequently received funding.
Rejects: Rejections: Duke, UIUC, Cornell, Iowa, Arizona, Texas-Austin,
- Institution: Duke PHD economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 02/25/2011
Notified through: e-mail to check website
Posted on GC: no
Comments: Glad to finally hear something, disappointed that it is a reject.
- Institution: UIUC Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/14/11
Notified through: Email
Posted on GradCafe: no
Comment: This was my top choice, but I knew it was a bit of a stretch.
- Institution: Texas Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/14/11
Notified through: Website
Posted on GradCafe: no
Comment: Decided to check the status of my application this afternoon. Unfortunately, I was denied admission.
- Institution: U of Iowa Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/15/11
Notified through: e-mail
Posted on GradCafe: no
Comments: I probably wouldn't have attended even if I was accepted. It was a pretty poor match for my research interests and I only applied because of their placements.
- Institution:
u Arizona Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/17/11
Notified through: e-mail
Posted on GradCafe: No
Comments: Looks more and more like I'm headed towards KY
- Institution: Cornell Ph.D. in Economics
Decision: Rejection
Funding: N/A
Notification Date: 03/25/2011
Notified Through: Email
Posted on GradCafe: No
Comments: Not a surprise at all. Good to finally hear.
- Institution: U of Arizona
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 04/29/2011
Notified through: US postal service
Posted on GC: no
Comments: Just received a letter saying the same thing as the TWO rejection e-mails I received earlier said. Yup, Arizona really doesn't want me.
Waitlists: Waitlists: North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- Institution: UNC-Chapel Hill Economics
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: ?
Notification date: 03/31/2011
Notified through: Email
Posted on GradCafe: No
Comments: If I get admitted off the waitlist (with funding) it would be intriguing, otherwise I'm headed to UKY.
geegro05 2011:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: BS Economics from Small liberal arts college Undergrad GPA: 3.08 (2.6 after 3rd year) Type of Grad: MA Economics from Directional State Schoool Grad GPA: 3.85 GRE: 780Q, 410V, 4.5AWA Math Courses: Calc I-III (C, B, A-), Math for Economists (A), Linear Algebra (B), Diff. Eq (A-), Intro. to Proofs (B), Complex Variable (A-), Advanced Calc. I (A), Topology (A), Math Stats I (A-) Econ Courses (grad-level):Microeconomics I, II (A-,A-), Macroeconomics I, II (A-,A) Econometrics I, II (A,A), Time Series Forecasting (A), Growth and Development (A) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): tons, all A's and a few B's in the beggining Other Courses: Letters of Recommendation: 1 from Dept. Chair and Thesis Advisor who I took 2 grad macro classes with, 1 from Prof. who I RA'd for and took 2 grad classes from, and an assistant prof I took grad micro 2 with. all should be decent Research Experience: RA for 3 professors; working on a paper to be published with thesis advisor Teaching Experience: TA'd for 4 professors Research Interests: International Finance, Development, Poverty SOP: rather informal, mentioned professors I would like to work with Concerns: low ug grades, low verbal score, unknown letter of recommendation Other: almost dropped out of college junior year. thanks to the support of a specific professor I turned my act around and started trying Applying to: UCSC, Georgetown, MSU, JHU, PSU, GWU, UNC, UVA, CUNY, Kentucky, Oregon, Utah, Delaware, Kansas RESULTS: Acceptances: UCSC($$), Oregon($$), Kentucky($$), Kansas($$), Delaware($$) Waitlisted: Georgetown Rejections: PSU, JHU, Virginia Still Waiting on: UNC-CH, MSU, CUNY, GWU, Utah What would you have done differently? First off let me say I am going to attend my dream program(UCSC) so what I could've done this cycle is just relax. But overall, I should have gone to a better undergrad, tried harder in school, and made better connections with professors. I was accepted at a top 20 school for my undergrad, but decided to stay close to home and continue dating my girlfriend from high school. While I believe all of these things could have propelled me to a much better program, who knows if I would've developed the same passion for economics and development that I did.
Accepts: Acceptances: UCSC($$), Oregon($$), Kentucky($$), Kansas($$), Delaware($$)
- Institution: University of Oregon Economics
Decision: Admitted
Funding: done by March
Notification date: 2/1/2011
Notified through: email
Posted on GF: no
- Institution: UC Santa Cruz International Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 1 quarter Fellowship+1 quarter TA+tuition remission
Notification date: 02/28
Notified through: Email
Posted on Grad Cafe: Yes
Comments: So excited!! This was my top choice so I will for sure be accepting their offer!!
- Institution: Kansas U Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Full tuition waiver and stipend
Notification date: 3/4/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: no
Comments: one of my safeties, still nice to get an acceptance though
- Institution: University of Kentucky Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: they were in the allocation process
Notification date: 03/25/2011
Notified through: E-mail from DGS asking how Kentucky ranked to other offers I've received
Comments: Nice to get another admission, but replied back that I will be declining.
Rejects: Rejections: PSU, JHU, Virginia
Still - Institution: Virginia Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/4/2011
Notified through: E-mail to check website
Posted on GC: no
Comments: Somewhat expected
- Institution: Penn State Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/14
Notified through: e-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Expected
- Institution: Johns Hopkins Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/14
Notified through: email
Posted on GC: No
Comments: expected, rather bad fit anyways
Waitlists: Waitlisted: Georgetown
- Institution: Georgetown University Economics
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: Full funding if accepted
Notification date: 03/01/2011
Notified through: email
Posted on GC: no
Comment: This is the only school I would even consider attending over UCSC, and thought I had absolutely no chance of getting in! Turn down your GU offer peoples, conditional on you having a better offer of course
akmandal 2011:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top 100 liberal arts college, Midwest Undergrad GPA: 2.83, 3.1 in Econ Major, CS minor Type of Grad: MS Applied Econ Illinois State University Grad GPA: 3.24 GRE: 730 Q 650 V 4.0 AWA Math Courses: Calc I (A), Calc-II (B+), Stats and Data Analysis-I (A-), Adv Stats for Social Sciences: A, Discrete Math: C+ Econ Courses (grad-level): Macro, Micro, Econometrics I, II, III; Advanced Public Finance, International Trade, International Finance Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Whole bunch, includes Math Econ, Intermediate Macro Micro Other Courses: Security Analysis Letters of Recommendation: 1 prof from Chicago, 1 a Harvard fellow from Colorado, 1 Stats professor from UIUC Research Experience: RA for Public Finance prof, Research Paper on Ricardian Equivalence published in 2nd tier journal Teaching Experience: TA for undergrad stats Research Interests: Energy economics, Macro, Econometrics SOP: Should be alright Concerns: Low GPA, GRE Other: Results: In: UKY (wl$, withdrew application), Clemson, UWyo ($$), Auburn, Utah State ($$), UGA ($), Western Michigan, UNM Out: GSU, Oregon State, West Virginia, Rhode Islan, RAND Pardee, MSU Attending: University of Wyoming What would I have done differently: I should have thought about graduate school during undergrad and about a PhD during my Masters. All in all, given my marginal grades and GRE scores, I am very happy how I ended up. I think letters of recommendation can do wonders for one's profile.
Accepts: Attending: University of Wyoming- Institution: Clemson University Applied Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: ?
Notification date: Feb 04
Notified through: Randomly checked status online
Comments: My first admit... I would love to go there, funding is a ? though.
- Institution: Utah State University Applied Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: In the process
Notification date: 3/3/2011
Notified through: e-mail
Posted on GC: yes
Comment: Yay! It feels so good to be wanted!
- Institution: Auburn Applied Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: None
Notification date: 3/10/11
Notified through: Email from DGS
Posted on GC:
Comments: No funding at this time means I will not be able to attend. I hope something works out.
- Institution:U Wyoming Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Full + 16K assistantship
Notification date: 3/14
Notified through: e-mail
Posted on GC: yes
- Institution:
New Mexico Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: None at this time
Notification date: 3/16/11
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: Yes
Comments: Although the warmth sounds nice, cannot afford w/o aid
- Institution: Kentucky Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Not decided
Notification date: 3/18/11
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Almost a wildcat!
- Institution: University of Georgia Ph.D. Applied Economics
Decision: Admit
FUnding: Not mentioned in email from grad school
Notification Date: 03/25/2011
Notified Through:Email
Comments: Have to see if and what they offer
- Institution: Western Michigan University Applied Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Waitlisted
Notification date: 03/31/2011
Notified through: Mail
Comments: Nice to get another admission
Rejects: - Institution: Michigan State University Applied Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: 01/28/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Very disappointed. Really wanted to study under Wooldridge.
- Institution: RAND Pardee Public Policy
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: February 18
Notified through: email
Posted on GC: yes
Did not even bother to change the font of my name to match the rejection template. Oh well, disappointed but not surprised.
- Institution: Rhode Island Environmental and Natural Resources Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/8/2011
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: Yes
Comments: At least they were polite
- Institution: Oregon State Applied Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/18/11
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Who cares!
- Institution: UIUC ACE
Decision: Rejection
Funding: N/A
Notification Date: March 22, 2011
Notified through: Official e-mail
Posted on GC: yes
Comments: Not quite a good fit anyway.. was quite a struggle writing the SOP. UIUC is an awesome school, so a little disappointed.
- Institution: Georgia State University Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification Date: 03/25/2011
Notified Through:Checked website
Comments: Hmmm
- Institution: West Virginia Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 04/01/2011
Notified through: Mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Oh well.
AgEcon29 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Small liberal arts college (Economics and Math major)
Undergrad GPA: 3.96/4.00 Econ(4.0) Math(4.0)
Type of Grad:n/a
Grad GPA:n/a
GRE: 730 Quant. 580 Ver. 4.5 Writing
Math Courses: Calc 1-3 (A), Differential Equations (A), Discrete Structures(A), Linear Algebra(A), Probability Theory(A), Statistics(A), Abstract Algebra(A), Real Analysis(current)
Econ Courses (grad-level):n/a
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intro Micro and Macro(A), Intermediate micro and macro(A), econometrics(A), economics of poverty(A), public sector economics(A), urban and regional economics(current)
Other Courses:
Letters of Recommendation: 3 good letters: two econ, one math
Research Experience: summer reu
Teaching Experience:3 years as supplemental tutor for econ and as a writing tutor
Research Interests: industrial organization/econometrics
Concerns:low GRE quant. score
Applying to:Minnesota ARE, Michigan State ARE, Texas A&M ARE, Penn State ARE, University of Kentucky ARE, UCONN ARE, UMASS ARE, University of Arkansas Econ
Accepted: Minnesota ARE, Michigan State ARE, Texas A&M ARE, Kentucky ARE
Waiting: Penn State ARE, University of Kentucky ARE, UCONN ARE, UMASS ARE, University of Arkansas Econ
Rejected: none
Accepts: - Institution: University of Minnesota Masters Ag Econ
Decision: Accepted
Funding: unknown
Notification date: 2/3/11
Notified through: website
Posted on GF:yes
- Institution:Michigan State University Masters ag econ
Notification date: 1/18/11
Notified through: email
Posted on GF: yes
- Institution: Texas A&M University Masters Ag Econ
Funding: TA
Notification date: 12/9/10
Notified through: email
Posted on GF: yes
- Institution: University of Kentucky Masters Ag Econ
Funding: RA
Notification date: 12/6/10
Notified through: email
Posted on GF: yes
- Institution:University of Arkansas
Decision: admit
Funding: 27,000, fellowship/ta
Notification date: 2/24/11
Notified through: email
Posted on GF: yes
In: Texas A&M ARE, Penn State ARE, Minnesota ARE, MSU ARE, Kentucky ARE, Arkansas Waiting: everywhere else
econsd 2012:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: BSc in Economics with a Business Minor Undergrad GPA: 3.731 Type of Grad: MSc in Economics from same school Grad GPA: 4.00 GRE: First try: 740Q,410V,4.5AWA Second try: 158Q,152V,4.0AWA Math Courses: Intro to Prob and Stats (Calc Based) (A), Cal 1-3 (B,B,A), Differential Equations (B), Elementary Logic and Sets (Intro to Proofs) (A), Matrix Algebra (A), Linear Algebra (B), Real Analysis (A), Statistics 2 (A) Grad Econ Courses: Marketing Research (A), International Econ (A), Industrial Organization (A), History of Econ Thought (A), Labor Econ (A), Advanced Micro (A), Research Methods (A), Time Series Econometrics(A), Advanced Macro (A), Econometrics (A) Econ Courses: Principles of Micro (A), Principles of Macro (A), Marketing (A), Money and Banking (B), Inter Micro (A), Inter Macro (A), Public Finance (A), Math Econ (A), Stats II (Econ Department) (B) Other Courses: Letters of Recommendation: Grad advisor and 2 from Grad professors. All are from top 50 schools or very close but are not well known in researching or publications. I believe all were very strong. Research Experience: Graduate Thesis, Co-Author with a professor ( Published ), class: Research Methodology in Applied Econ, Conference Presentation w/ thesis advisor Teaching Experience: Research Interests: Health Economics/Applied Micro SOP: I spent a lot of time on this because of setbacks in my profile and modified it for each school Other: RESULTS: Acceptances: UK($), UGA($), FL St. ($), CO(-), NCSU(?), OR(?), Kansas($), WA St($), IUPUI($), OR St.(?), MO(-) Waitlists: Rejections: WI-Madison, Duke, VA, Vandy, MSU, AZ, UNC Chapel Hill, Purdue Pending: 1 Attending: Emory ($) What would you have done differently? The weaknesses, in my opinion, in my application were my GRE score and my undergraduate/MSc university. I wouldn't have transferred based on friends, relationships, and a co-authorship. The only thing I would have done differently is study more for the GRE instead of taking its impact so lightly. If you would have told me I had a choice between 12 acceptances at the beginning of the cycle I wouldn't have believed it. I'm thrilled with my results and very excited to attend Emory. Thanks for everyone who was there to talk it out in tiny chat for the past few months and good luck with your programs.
Accepts: Acceptances: UK($), UGA($), FL St. ($), CO(-), NCSU(?), OR(?), Kansas($), WA St($), IUPUI($), OR St.(?), MO(-)
- Institution:North Carolina State University Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: ?
Notification date: 2/9/2012
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC:
Comments: This is a good start and helps calm the nerves.
- Institution: Washington State Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Assistantship
Notification Date: 2/10/2012
Notified through: Admission: Mail, Funding:E-mail
Posted on GC: No
- Institution: University of Kentucky Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TA + Fellowship
Notification Date: 2/14/2012
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC:
Comment: Happy Valentines Day
- Institution: University of Missouri - Columbia Economics
Decision: Admitted
Funding: None available at the moment, will notify after April 15th if funding becomes available.
Notification 2/24/12
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Down to 16 pending..
- Institution:Emory Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Assistantship
Notification date: 2/27/12
Notified through: e-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: I had a blast at the fly-out and I'm very excited I have this as an option.
- Institution: IUPUI Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Assistantship
Notification date: 2/28/12
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: No
Comments: This program began in fall 2010. It matches my health research interests perfectly. However, it is new so I can not research placement/ranking/etc.. If anyone has opinions or comments about this program please message me.
- Institution: Oregon State Applied Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Will notify me if funding becomes available
Notification date: 3/6/12
Notified through: Email
- Institution: University of Oregon Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Still reviewing for funding decisions
Notification date: 3/6/2012
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Looking forward to hearing about funding.
- Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No first year funding, 2nd year+ funding if proper grades
Notification Date: 3/8/2012
Notified Through: Email
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Would have been another good option if there was first year funding
- Institution: University of Kansas Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: First year fellowship, the following four years either TA/RA
Notification Date: 3/8/2012
Notified Through: Email
Posted on GC: No
- Institution: University of Georgia Economics PhD
Decision: Admitted
Funding: $16,667 Assistantship + 3k scholarship (but $1,095 in fees each semester and no health insurance)
Notification Date: 3/16/2012
Notified Through: E-mail
Posted to GC: No
Comments: I'm glad to have this as an option but the fees and health insurance issue brings this offer less then most of my other offers.
- Institution: Florida State University Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 19k per year (4 years) + 3k scholarship first year.
Notification Date: 3/18/2012
Notified Through: email
Posted to GC: No
Comments: Time to start making some big decisions
Rejects: Rejections: WI-Madison, Duke, VA, Vandy, MSU, AZ, UNC Chapel Hill, Purdue
- Institution: Vanderbilt Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification Date: 2/10/2012
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC:
- Institution: University of Virginia Economics
Decision: Rejection
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/2/12
Notified through: Checked Website (no email)
Posted on GC: No
Comments: I figured but I had to try
- Institution: Duke Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5/2012
Notified through: Email to check website
Posted on GC:
- Institution: Wisconsin Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/7/2012
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: No
- Institution: Michigan State University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: March 26
Notified through: I emailed them asking about my status. The official letters will come out in 2-4 weeks.
Posted on GC: No
Comments: 4 schools left...
- Institution: University of Arizona Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: March 26
Notified through: I emailed them asking about my status. The official letters will come out in 2 weeks.
Posted on GC: No
Comments: 3 schools left...
- Institution: Purdue University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/18/12
Notified through: email
- Institution: UNC - Chapel Hill Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/15/12 at 11:30 pm
Notified through: email
- Institution: Michigan State Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: ---
Notification date: 4/26/12
Notified through: email
Comments: well... the only use for this post is +1 in post count
martanio 2012:
Institution: University of Arkansas Faytetteville Program: Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 01/02/12 Notified through: email Posted on GC: No Comments: I am not too disappointed. What does "Posted on GC" mean?
Accepts: - Institution: Colorado State University Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Won't find out till March at the earliest. I have doubts though.
Notification date: 2/15/12
Notified through: email
- Institution: University of Kentucky Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No funding yet...
Notification Date: Feb. 17
Notified Through: E-mail
and Phone
Posted on GC: No
Comments: I hope they give me funding.
- Institution: University of New Mexico Economics PhD
Decision: Admitted
Funding: Yes (expires March 26)
Notification date: 3/13/12
notified through: E-mail
posted on GC: No
Comments: Woot!! My first funded offer!! I am very happy.
Rejects: - Institution: University of Arkansas Faytetteville Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 01/02/12
Notified through: email
Posted on GC: No
Comments: I am not too disappointed. What does "Posted on GC" mean?
- Institution: University of Wyoming Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: None
Notification date: 2/15/12
Notified through: Phone
Comments:I called because the application status checker said I didn't have an application on file. I was told by the secretary that they didn't recommend for admittance.
- Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City Econ. Ph.D
Decision: Rejection
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 02/15/2012
Notified through: Found out through the web
Posted on GC: No
- Institution: University of Kansas Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N.A.
Notification Date: 3/11/2012
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: -I am worried I won't be accepted anywhere with funding now....
- Institution: Oregon State University Ph.D.Agricultural Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N.A.
Notification Date: 3/09/2012
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: This one stung a bit....
- Institution: Georgia State University Economics PhD
Decision: Denied
Funding: N/A
Notification Date: 3/14/2012
Notified through: Status Check Online
Posted on GC: No
Comments: I am not too disappointed. I think Atlanta would have been too big of a city for me to live in as well.
Waitlists: - Institution: West Virginia University (WVU) Economics Phd
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 03/14/2012
Notified through: Phone call
Posted on GC: no
Comments: I called to check when admission decisions will be made. The adviser told me that I am on the wait list and that they made their decision two days ago. I was also told that the wait list had about 10 students on it.
Accepts: - Institution: University of Kentucky
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word yet
Notification date: 2/16/2012
Notified through: Phone call and email
Posted on GC: yes
So far 3 for 3, this is gonna be interesting
- Institution: UC Irvine Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Out of State Tuition Remission + 17k TA stipend
Notification date: 2/18
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: yes
Comments: Probably gonna take this offer.
- Institution: Georgia State Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 03/15/12
Notified through: Status Check Online
Posted on GC: no
Comments: 6 for 6 so far.