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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


FromTheHip 2011:
Well, time to throw out my profile, which I suspect will make my results a source of hope for many with mediocre undergraduate GPAs.
Type of Undergrad: BS in a science field at a highly-ranked U.S. university
Undergrad GPA: 3.34/4
Type of Grad: Part time classes at a top-5 econ program
Grad GPA: 4.0/4
GRE: 800Q, 700V, 4.5AW
Math Courses: Linear Algebra (A), Multivariable Calculus (A), Vector Analysis (B), Differential Equations (A-), Real Analysis (B+)
Econ Courses (grad-level): Two semesters of core micro (A/A), both grades near the top of the class
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intro Micro (A-), Intro Macro (A-), Intermediate micro (A-), Intermediate Macro (A-), Two term theoretical econometrics course (B/B+)
Other Courses: A lot of very quantitative science courses.
Letters of Recommendation: All three were economists with tenure at a top-5 econ program and PhDs from top programs. One was a professor from my core micro who talked about my coursework, while another was my long-time boss (see below). The third worked as my advisor on an independent project.
Research Experience: Two years as an RA and an independent research project (still ongoing).
Research Interests: Resource/environmental, development, game theory, IO. Statement focused on resource, game theory, and development.
SOP: Fairly long. I’ve spent some time outside of undergrad and was not an econ major, so I spent a bit of time explaining how I’d come to be interested in economics and putting my non-economics accomplishments into context.
Other experience: Several years work experience before starting my economics career
Concerns: Non-economics background, low undergraduate grades
Acceptances: Cornell (no $), Georgetown ($), Iowa State ($),LSE ($), Penn State ($), Rochester ($), UC-Davis ($), UC-San Diego ($), UC-Santa Barbara (no $), University of British Columbia ($), University of Colorado ($), UPenn (initially wl for $, then $), University of Wisconsin ($), Yale ($).
Rejections: Berkeley ARE, Brown, Caltech, Chicago, Chicago Booth, Duke, Harvard, Minnesota, NYU, Northwestern, Princeton, Stanford, University of Maryland, University of Michigan
Waitlists: BU (withdrew), Columbia (withdrew), MIT (eventually rejected)
Withdrawn: University of Wyoming
Attending: Yale
What would you have done differently? Gotten better undergraduate grades and started as an economist sooner.
Other Comments: Given where I was coming in, I’m pretty ecstatic about my results. There was a lot of variance in my admits, and I’m grateful to all the programs which were willing to take a chance on me.
    Acceptances: Cornell (no $), Georgetown ($), Iowa State ($),LSE ($), Penn State ($), Rochester ($), UC-Davis ($), UC-San Diego ($), UC-Santa Barbara (no $), University of British Columbia ($), University of Colorado ($), UPenn (initially wl for $, then $), University of Wisconsin ($), Yale ($).
  • Institution: UC Davis Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Will be decided in March Notification date: Feb 11 Notified through: email Posted on GC: no Comments: Extremely happy about my first acceptance.
  • Institution: UC Santa Barbara Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No mention of funding Notification date: Feb 14 Notified through: website (I checked after seeing an acceptance up at GC) Posted on GC: no Comments: I suspect decisions are generally available, even though an e-mail notification hasn't been sent yet.
  • Institution: Yale Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: To be announced (but they fund everyone, so it seems a safe bet) Notification date: Feb 15 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: no Comments: Um, yeah, I'm pretty happy
  • Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Very high on the waitlist for 1st year fellowship Notification date: 2/24/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: Penn State Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TAship Notification date: 2/24/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: LSE Economics MRes/PhD (track 1) Decision: Accepted Funding: Fellowship Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: yes; 3 years TA, 2 years Fellowship Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: University of Wisconsin Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TA-ship Notification date: 03/01/2001 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: University of British Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Pending Notification date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: Sorry, slow to post this one. Excited though - looks like another option which will solves my two-body problem!
  • Institution: Rochester Economics PhD Decision: Accepted? Funding: No idea? Notification date: 3/8/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC : no Comments: Got an e-mail with an invitation to visiting day and a second congratulations on admission. I never got any sort of notification the first time around, so I'm just guessing.
  • Institution: UCSD Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Will get a letter next week Notification Date: 3/10/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: University of Colorado - Boulder Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TA+Fellowship Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC : no
    Rejections: Berkeley ARE, Brown, Caltech, Chicago, Chicago Booth, Duke, Harvard, Minnesota, NYU, Northwestern, Princeton, Stanford, University of Maryland, University of Michigan
  • Institution: University of Minnesota PHD economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: e-mail to check website Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Duke PHD economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: e-mail to check website Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Chicago - Booth School of Business Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: Northwestern University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/4/2011 Notified through: Website Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Chicago Economics PhD Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC : no Comments: Guess I picked the wrong week to quit smoking... (Airplane reference for the humorless)
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/7/2011 (letter dated 3/5) Notified through: post Posted on GC : no Comments: Guess I picked the wrong week to quit drinkin'... (Airplane reference part 2 for the humorless)
  • Institution: Maryland Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/9/2011 Notified through: e-mail to check website Posted on GC : no
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC : no
  • Institution: Brown Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC : no
  • Institution: Harvard University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: mail Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Agricultural & Resource Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Caltech Social Science PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no
    Waitlists: BU (withdrew), Columbia (withdrew), MIT (eventually
  • Institution: MIT Economics PhD Decision: Waitlist Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC : no Comments: Please pardon the interruption -- when NYU/Stanford rejects come out, we will return to your regularly scheduled Airplane-based programming.
  • Institution: Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Waitlist Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/9/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC : no
  • Institution: BU Economics PhD Decision: Waitlist Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/10/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC : no

philecon 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BS Business Economics, relatively unknown university in Southeast Asia
Undergrad GPA: no idea how to convert it, but I graduated magna cum laude (Rank: 7/150)
GRE: 800Q, 590V, 5.0AW
Math Courses: Calc I-III, Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis and Math Stats
Econ Courses: the standard Econ courses, nothing special
Letters of Recommendation: 1 Northwestern PhD, 1 Ohio State PhD, 1 PhD from my uni
Research Experience: undergrad thesis (won an award, forthcoming in local journal), RA for six months
Research Interests: Health Economics, Industrial Organization
SOP: Pretty standard
Concerns: I shifted from Accounting to Economics, and I took a leave for a year to take a break; first to apply as an undergrad from my school (never been done ever)
Acceptances: Georgetown, LSE EME, BGSE MS Economics, CEMFI MSc Economics and Finance, PSU (from waitlist)
Waitlists: PSU (eventually admitted, but without funding), Michigan (rejected off the WL though)
Rejections: Northwestern, Columbia, Brown, Penn, Virginia, Stanford, Duke, Singapore Management
I wasn't an economics major when I entered college, and I left school for a year after sophomore year (since something happened to me) to evaluate myself, and the direction I was going. I accidentally stumbled upon economics, and I found out that I loved it. Like the previous poster, however, I decided to do a PhD only around my junior year, so I had to cram a lot of math during my last two years, plus take the economics classes. I knew it was a huge risk, applying with only an undergrad degree, as most students from my university had at least a year of graduate coursework before applying to even European masters. I am very pleased with my results, though, and I look forward to attending the program that I chose. The only things that I probably would've done differently are: (1) I would've probably majored in math when I first thought about it (since my Math average is significantly higher than my Business average), or that I would've done my undergrad in the US when I had the chance and (2) I would've probably applied to mainly masters programs.
I guess I'll be back again for Fall 2013 PhD admissions.
    Acceptances: Georgetown, LSE EME, BGSE MS Economics, CEMFI MSc Economics and Finance, PSU (from
  • Institution: UPF MSc Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: None Notification Date: 2/25/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I wish I had funding. Haha.
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: None Notification Date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I don't think I will attend Georgetown, even if I can sweet talk my parents into funding me.
  • Institution: CEMFI Master in Economics and Finance Decision: Accepted Funding: tuition waiver, plus 10,000 euros per academic year Notification Date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: first admit with funding! Yay! And I think I'd love to go to CEMFI.
  • Institution: LSE MSc Econometrics and Mathematical Economics Decision: Admitted Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: Happy, but I didn't get funding though. Have to talk it out with the parents.
  • Institution: Penn State Economics Decision: Accepted Notification date: 03/15/11 Notified through: E-mail Comments: WTF. No funding for the first year though.
    rejected off the WL though) Rejections: Northwestern, Columbia, Brown, Penn, Virginia, Stanford, Duke, Singapore Management COMMENTS: I wasn't an economics major when I entered college, and I left school for a year after sophomore year (since something happened to me) to evaluate myself, and the direction I was going. I accidentally stumbled upon economics, and I found out that I loved it. Like the previous poster, however, I decided to do a PhD only around my junior year, so I had to cram a lot of math during my last two years, plus take the economics classes. I knew it was a huge risk, applying with only an undergrad degree, as most students from my university had at least a year of graduate coursework before applying to even European masters. I am very pleased with my results, though, and I look forward to
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification Date: 2/26/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I knew I was a long shot.
  • Institution: Penn Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification Date: 2/25/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: One of the schools I was hoping to get into, but okay.
  • Institution: Columbia Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: as expected.
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: This broke my heart.
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: last minute application
  • Institution: Stanford Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: as expected.
  • Institution: Brown Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: as expected.
  • Institution: Singapore Management University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 05/03/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: If the thread on highest ranked admit vs. lowest ranked rejection is still around, I'll probably win the award. Hahaha. But no worries, I think I'm all set for September. All I have to do is post my profile.
    waitlist) Waitlists: PSU (eventually
  • Institution: Michigan Economics and Public Policy Decision: Waitlisted Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: Should I even try to wait and see if I'll eventually get an admit?

weatherdilem 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BS Management Science (Honors), BA International Relations @ top 20 Econ school
Undergrad GPA: 3.75 overall, 3.82 Econ
Type of Grad: None
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 800Q, 740V, 5.0 AWA
Math Courses: Multivariable, Linear Algebra, Applied Linear Algebra, Intro to Higher Math
Econ Courses (grad-level): None
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intermediate Micro, Decisions Under Uncertainty, Financial Markets, Game Theory, International Monetary Relations, Econometrics (full year), Developmental Economics
Other Courses: Political Economy, A ton of Political Science courses w/international slant
Letters of Recommendation: 1 strong from well known econ professor, 2 fairly strong from good professors, 1 very strong from lecturer in econometrics.
Research Experience: Independent research starting in 2nd year, no RA positions, senior thesis in progress
Teaching Experience: 1 semester of TA
Research Interests: Game theory, Behavioral, Public finance, International Relations
SOP: ?Haven't written
Concerns: Math and grades are so so, I'll be taking Analysis after I apply
Other: Double majoring was a poor choice, should've focused on math/econ and had the time to take grad courses
Applying to: Not sure yet, definitely Berkeley and a bunch more from different tiers
  • Institution: UC Davis Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Decisions made before the end of March Notification date: 1/14 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: no Comments: I had no idea schools sent out admissions before the end of February. This process is going to make me go gray. Now I just have to survive the next 13 (there's a lucky number)...
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: yes, ~18.5k for 5 yrs (2 Fellowship, 3 TA/RA) Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comments: This whole process is an emotional roller coaster. But now I've gotten into my two "safeties" so fingers crossed for a reach school in the top 20!
  • Institution: Yale Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: Feb 16 (2:34p EST) Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: no Comments: Yeah... not exactly a surprise at this point.
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 02/28/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC: no Comment: ...
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I knew it was nearly impossible, but I wanted to go here so badly.
  • Institution: UCLA Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments:

thewhiterabbit 2011:
Type of Undergrad: MIT, SB Economics, SB Political Science, LSE study abroad (General Course)
Undergrad GPA: 4.8/5.0 overall and across both majors (converts directly to 3.8/4.0). All 1st class marks on exams at LSE (4.0/4.0).
Type of Grad: n/a
Grad GPA: n/a
GRE: 790Q 660V ?AWA
Math Courses: Statistics (AP), Single Variable Calculus (AP BC), Multivariable Calculus (P under P/no record - mandatory for first term), Principles of Econometrics (LSE advanced intro course, known in UK to be very hard, 1st/A), Differential Equations (credit by advanced standing, B), Linear Algebra (audited), Introduction to Analysis (pending, ~60hance A, 40hance B)
Econ Courses (grad-level): International Economics I (A), Politics and Economics (A)
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intermediate Micro (grad Varian, A), Game Theory (A), Intermediate Macro (B), Econ Research (A), Public Economics (LSE: 1st/A), Development (A), Principles of Micro (B), Principles of Macro (A)
Other Courses: Political Science degree, French concentration
Letters of Recommendation: 3 very recognizable names in my field. They all mentor the very top students regularly (since I'm at MIT) so it is somewhat hard for me to gauge strength of two of them. (I feel a little like a medium sized fish in a big pond)
Research Experience: Oodles: part time RA all through undergrad, full time RA since 2007. ~2 years field work. Speak Indonesian fluently. No journal publications. AAA+ Stata programmer. Best thesis award for political science thesis.
Teaching Experience: After school teacher for middle schoolers, test prep.
Research Interests: Development, behavioral, health
SOP: Have a lot of material to work with, will condense three NSF essays
Concerns: The obvious, math preparation. That I haven't had the chance to coauthor (just hasn't been an option) but some other people in RA jobs do. That I've been out of school longer than most people similar to me.
Other: I've done some cool work in technology innovation that is somewhat relevant to economics and which I wrote about for NSF. I'm really happy with my NSF app (and have been told by profs who are historically very honest with me that it was good).
Applying to:
Funding: NSF
Econ: MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, NYU, Chicago, LSE, Columbia, Brown, UCLA, Caltech, UCSD, Oxford, BU, UMD, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, UCL, Georgetown, BC
Other: Berkeley (ARE), Stanford (GSB), Chicago (GSB), Harvard (Public Policy), HSPH Economics
  • Institution: UCSD Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: "You have been nominated for a San Diego Fellowship and your file is currently under review at the UCSD Office of Graduate Studies." - came in later email. Notification date: Feb 11 Notified through: email Comments: First result, so I'm happy
  • Institution: London School of Economics MRes/PhD Track 1 Decision: Accepted Funding: "2+2 Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) studentship which provides full fee remission and maintenance support of 18,590 a year for four years subject to satisfactory progress in your studies." Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comment: A welcome bit of news.
  • Institution: Harvard School of Public Health Doctor of Science (SD) in Global Health and Population, Economics track Decision: Accepted Funding: Pending Notification date: 02/18/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: yes
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 5 years, $20,000 Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comment: No decision in the online web portal through ApplyYourself, it looks like, only an email.
  • Institution: Harvard Kennedy School of Government Public Policy Decision: Accepted Funding: Full funding with stipend (no dollar amount mentioned) Notification date: 02/28/2011 Notified through: Voicemail Posted on GC: Not yet
  • Institution: UCLA Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No first year funding Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: Johns Hopkins Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: tuition waiver, stipend after first year, can discuss stipend in first year if I want to come. Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Oxford MPhil Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Not decided; haven't even been put through college selection yet. Notification date: 3/4/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comments: Same UK visa problem.
  • Institution: MIT Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: They think I will win NSF Notification date: 3/6/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC : no Comments: Um. What?
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: $33,000 Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC : no Comments: Now I'm really confused.
  • Institution: BU Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No first year funding at all, afterwards tuition + $19k stipend Notification Date: 3/10/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC: No Comments: Will decline immediately
  • Institution: University of Maryland Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Full Fellowship Notification date: 03/11/11 Notified through: Email Comments: I emailed for feedback on my file and reasons for rejection, not asking for it to be reconsidered. The response was a full fellowship offer and an apology for never having read my file. Eesh.
  • Institution: Brown Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 20.5k stipend +3.5k summer stipend + tuition waiver, health insurance, etc. Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: Email to check Website, letter posted Posted on GC: No Comments: Email came at 9:24am EST.
  • Institution: NSF GRFP Decision: Accepted Notification date: 4/5 Notified through: NSF website Posted on GC: no Comments: Really happy, since funding at MIT was still uncertain. For all future years, it seems like there is a pattern where they announce planned server maintenance on Fastlane from 11pm-5am on some day in early April, and upload the results then. The results become available around 2AM.
  • Institution: Yale Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/16/2011 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Stanford GSB Economic Analysis and Policy Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/18/2011 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: no Comment: Was a terrible fit anyways. Also, I'm presuming I'm out at Caltech and Northwestern, but haven't heard officially.
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: As much as people say admissions are random, I am starting to see a distinctly bright line in the rankings of the places where I am admitted and rejected.
  • Institution: Chicago Booth Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No. Comments: Laughed out loud at "Our action is not intended to discourage your interest in further study nor is it a judgment of your overall ability."
  • Institution: Northwestern University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/4/2011 Notified through: Website Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Chicago Economics PhD Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC : no
  • Institution: University of Maryland, College Park Economics PhD Decision: Rejection Notification date: 3/8/2011 Notified through: Website Posted on GC : no
  • Institution: Columbia University Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Notification Date: 3/09/2011 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: Princeton Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - NA Notification date: 03/11/2011 Notified through: email
  • Institution: Harvard Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/12/11 Notified through: Post Comments:Quelle Surprise!
  • Institution: Caltech Social Science PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: Caltech wins among my schools for greatest lag between notifying admits and notifying rejects.
  • Institution: NYU Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17/11 Notified through: Unofficial e-mail after I asked about my status Posted on GC: no

riskaverse 2011:
Type of Undergrad: B.Sc. Economics at Top10 South American university; B.A. International Relations (not the same university as Economics)
Undergrad GPA: 7.5/10 for Economics (Top 5%); 8.46/10 for International Relations
Type of Grad: M.A. Economics at Top10 South American university (not the same as undergrad).
Grad GPA: 7.98/10
GRE: 800Q/540V/4.0A (2nd try)
Math Courses (undergrad): Calculus I and II
Math Courses (grad): Real Analysis, Measure Theory, Linear Algebra (audit)
Econ Courses (undergrad): a lot of them
Econ Courses (grad): Micro Theory I to IV (entire MWG), Macro Theory I to III, Econometrics, Microeconometrics, Corporate Finance, Empirical Microeconomics, Mathematical Economics I and II (some chapters of Stokey&Lucas).
Other Courses: lots of them too because of International Relations
Letters of Recommendation: A total of 4 letters, all from my MA professors. I think all of them like me, but I'm pretty unsure about the strenght of the letters. Two of them are somewhat well known, specially in their fields. I sent the letter from my advisor to all universities and rotated among the other recommenders.
Research Experience: My MA Dissertation. I have some works from undergrad published (co-authored), but not in academic journals (they were mainly directed to policy makers in my country - only one of them written in English).
Teaching Experience: TA for Microeconomic Theory II and Statistics II at the graduate level; TA for International Finance and IO in MBA courses; TA for Micro and Trade for undergrads.
Research Interests: Microeconomics, Contract Theory, Corporate Finance
SOP: very honest. I liked it in the end.
Other: TOEFL 106, but a low grade in the speaking portion. Although I applied to all parts of the US, I have very strong personal reasons for wanting to be in the East Coast.
Concerns: my first GRE try was a disaster, the second try was in December 2010, which made me really afraid of my results getting to the universities very late. My profile seems sometimes a Frankstein for me and I'm really concerned about my letters of recommendation. I don't have the minimum score for the TOEFL speaking portion that many universities require. I'm not the strongest applicant from my country this year, which makes me very pessimist about my dream schools. Also, I worked some time before entering my MA, so I'm kind of older I think... well, lots of concerns!
  • Institution: Penn State (PSU) Decision: Accepted Funding: yes (RAship) Notification date: 2/20/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: yes Comments: Totally unexpected for a Sunday! Really relieved!
  • Institution: Minnesota Economics (PhD) Decision: accepted Funding: yes (TAship) Notification date: 2/22/2011 Notified through: email with formal acceptance (pdf) Posted on GF: yes Comments: very very happy!!!
  • Institution: Arizona State (ASU) Economics (PhD) Decision: Accepted Funding: not mentioned Notification date: 2/22/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GF: yes Comments:
  • Institution: University of Rochester Economics (PhD) Decision: Accepted Funding: no funding Notification date: 2/23/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GF: yes Comments: wrote the department to ask about my results. They replied with a letter attached saying I was accepted but no funding...
  • Institution: U Penn Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: "very high on the wait list for a first year fellowship" Notification date: 02/24/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC: yes Comment: kind of worried about funding but very very happy . Great school!!
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: yes Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: yes
  • Institution: Wharton Applied Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: Yes Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: yes Comments: I am very very happy!! The program seems very nice and l would love to live in Philadelphia!!
  • Institution: Wisconsin - Madison Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: no first year funding, support guaranteed for the next three years Notification date: 03/14 Notified through: Email (informal) Posted on GC: yes Comment: without funding, even only for the first year, is impossible for me
  • Institution: UIUC Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: yes Notification date: 3/14/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GradCafe: yes Comment: very nice, specially after a week of rejections
  • Institution: Cornell Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No Notification Date: March 23, 2011 Notified through: Official e-mail Posted on GC: yes Comments: no funding for 5 years as well... but I'm really surprised to be accepted
  • Institution: Yale Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: Feb 16 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: yes Comments: I cried... one of my very top choices. Already expected from not hearing from them, but it is still hard... Congrats for the ones accepted and waitlisted!
  • Institution: Harvard Kennedy School Political Economy and Government (PhD) Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 2/22/2011 Notified through: Postal service (the letter was dated 2/18) Posted on GC: Yes Comments: long long shot, but still
  • Institution: Duke PHD Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: e-mail to check website Posted on GC: yes Comments: kind of expected
  • Institution: UCLA Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: Northwestern University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 3/4/2011 Notified through: Website Posted on GC: yes Comments:
  • Institution : Chicago Program : Economics PhD Decision : Rejection Funding : N/A Notification date : 3/7/2011 Notified through : E-mail Posted on GC : yes Comments : soooo sad... I thought I had a good chance
  • Institution: Stanford Economics Decision: rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/08/11 Notified through: email Posted on GF: yes Comments: it was a long shot
  • Institution: Columbia University Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Notification Date: 3/09/2011 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: Yes Comments: This one hurt a lot...
  • Institution: Princeton Economics Decision: rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/11/11 Notified through: Email Comments: never really thought I had a chance, but I had to try... it was my dream school, both for academic and personal reasons
  • Institution: NYU Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: yes Comments: Finally... they replied my email
  • Institution: Boston University Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejection FUnding: N/A Notification Date: 03/25/2011 Notified Through: Email Comments: Mass email with no care about privacy...
  • Institution: Washington University St. Louis (WUSTL) Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: -- Notification date: April 13 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: yes Comments: finally^2
  • Institution: Columbia Business School Finance and Economics Decision: Rejected (from wait list) Funding: N/A Notification date: 04/19/2011 Notified through: e-mail to see website Posted on GC: no Comments: I happened to know that I was waitlisted from the rejection letter.
  • Institution: Brown Economics PhD Decision: Wait listed Funding: I think it's yes if admitted Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: Email to check Website Posted on GC: yes Comments: short wait list

Econ1012011 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Top 5 U.S. Liberal Arts College. Well-respected Econ Dept but some difficulty placing people into PhDs in recent years, perhaps b/c of lack of grad classes to take and failure to keep pace with big U.S. universities and foreign universities in their emphasis on math in undergrad econ curriculum.
Undergrad GPA: 3.9/4.0
Type of Grad: M.Sc., top ten European program. 1 year of coursework, no thesis, didn't do as much of the PhD core theory sequence as I should have.
Grad GPA: 8.4/10.
GRE: 800 Q / 800 V / 6.0 W (native English speaker)
Math Courses: Calc I and II (AP credit from high school), Calc III mini course (A, at my undergrad institution), Calc III (A-, taken after my B.A. at so-so university #1, not known for econ or math, approx. rank 50), Linear Algebra I (A, taken after my B.A. at so-so university #2, not known for math, approx. rank 80), Math for Econ (A-, post-B.A., masters-level but taken at so-so university #2), Intro to Sets and Proofs and Stuff (A, taken post-M.Sc. at so-so university #1), Ordinary Differential Equations (A-, post-M.Sc., so-so university #1), Real Analysis I (A-, post-M.Sc., so-so university #1; taken fall 2010, some schools didn't allow submission of fall grades), Mathematical Statistics (B+, post-M.Sc., graduate level, so-so university #1, ditto on fall grades.) In progress: Real Analysis II, Mathematical Statistics II.
Econ Courses (grad-level): Did masters in econ. Didn't do PhD-level micro (the Mas-Colell textbook), did mostly masters-level stuff. Did PhD macro, applied micro, applied econometrics, and six standard electives (e.g. labor, public).
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Full major, 3.9/4.0. Did the most advanced international econ, development econ, and econometrics. Didn't do the most advanced micro and macro theory. Econometrics grades somewhat erratic (Intro: A+. Intermediate: B. Advanced: A-.)
Other Courses: Basic Latex, Matlab, and Maple class during Spring 2011 so no grade on transcript.
Letters of Recommendation: 1 from masters who knows I wasn't the best student in the class (Princeton PhD), 1 from undergrad who adores me but didn't teach me any advanced stuff (MIT PhD), 1 former boss who is a PhD economist but not an academic (Columbia PhD).
Research Experience: One summer RA in college doing non-quant stuff, 2 years at a relatively well respected think tank (but it's not academia for sure), 3 years in research department at international organization (very applied, far from academia).
Teaching Experience: TA'ed intermediate micro and macro early in undergrad career, nothing since then.
Research Interests: international, macro labor, environment (not the most coherent storyline).
SOP: Pretty decent (this is a skill of U.S.-trained applicants, I think), but I may have expressed interest in too many different things. Was careful to mention that I know who is doing what in areas I was interested in within each department to show I was paying attention.
Concerns: Most are mentioned throughout up above. Main ones: 1. My math might look like an afterthought, and my grades are in the A- average range, not As. 2. I'm old. Too many years away from school hurts you. 3. I don't come across as focused on a coherent set of topics / tools. 4. I wasn't a rock star at my masters. Solid, but not a rock star, as I hadn't done the needed math yet when I entered that program.
Other: My list of schools is a bit odd, because I have geographic constraints (the result of being older). Also applied to a few law schools as back up, and got offer of full funding at a top school, so I have options if I don't get funding at an econ program.
Applying to: Already Rejected Yale. Still waiting (in geographic order) Harvard, MIT, Columbia, NYU, Princeton, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland, Georgetown, Duke, University of Michigan, University of Washington.
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: yes, ~18.5k for 5 yrs (2 Fellowship, 3 TA/RA) Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comment: No decision in the online web portal through ApplyYourself, it looks like, only an email.
  • Institution: UVA Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: no info yet Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comment: I never got an acceptance email. Friday, I got an email inviting me to the admitted students weekend. I checked the online application and it said my application hadn't been submitted at all! Two days later, I check, it shows I've submitted, and there is a link to a letter saying I am admitted. Weird. Profile here (Roll Call 2011) In: Georgetown ($$), UVA (no funding info yet). Out: Yale, U Penn, Duke. Waiting: everywhere else.
  • Institution: University of Washington [Seattle] Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: yes, lowish as is standard for publics Notification date: 03/07/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comment: No decision in the online web portal. Great fit for my research interests, but Im in at UMD and UMD has much better placement.
  • Institution: University of Maryland Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: yes, not high but pretty good for a public Notification date: 03/03/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comment: My best option right now. Not sexy, but a solid option.
    Rejected Yale. Still
  • Institution: Yale PhD Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: None Notification date: Feb 16 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: no Comments: Profile here (Roll Call 2011)
  • Institution: UPenn Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/24/2011 Notified through: Got email telling me to check status on website Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: Yale PhD Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: None Notification date: 02/16/2011 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: no Comments: Profile here (Roll Call 2011)
  • Institution: Harvard Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/07/2011 Notified through: I called them Posted on GC: no Comment: I knew that all the admits and waitlists had been sent out, but I called to confirm. Indeed, if you havent heard, you are rejected.
  • Institution: MIT Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/07/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comment: Clear straightforward email is much appreciated. Profile here (Roll Call 2011) In: University of Washington [Seattle] ($), UMD ($$), Georgetown ($$), UVA (no funding info yet). Waitlist: U Michigan. Out: Harvard, MIT, Yale, U Penn, Duke. Waiting: Columbia (no answer yet, so probably reject, very bummed, dream school), NYU, Princeton (as if!), Johns Hopkins
  • Institution: Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/09/2011 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: no Comment: My top choice. Damn.
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/11/2011 Notified through: I called and they confirmed that all admitted and waitlisted students had already been notified, so if you havent heard, youre out. Posted on GC: no Comment: Profile here (Roll Call 2011) In: University of Washington [Seattle] ($), UMD ($$), Georgetown ($$), UVA (no funding info yet). Waitlist: U Michigan. Out: Harvard, MIT, Yale, U Penn, Duke, Columbia, Princeton. Waiting: NYU (according to secretary, as of 3/11, NOT all admits and waitlists had gone out), Johns Hopkins.
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: guaranteed if admitted Notification date: 03/03/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comment: Super misleading letter that makes you think youre in, but wait, sucker!!!, youre not in yet. They are flying out the waitlisted students, though, so I think they do plan to take some eventually. Ill go, sit at the loser table with other waitlisters, and see what the deal is.

Regularity 2011:
Institution: Vanderbilt
Program: Economics (PhD)
Decision: accepted
Funding: yes (1st year fellowship + tuition + insurance)
Notification date: 2/23/2011
Notified through: email with formal acceptance from DGS
Posted on GF: to be posted
Comments: !!!So Happy! First Offer!
  • Institution: Vanderbilt Economics (PhD) Decision: accepted Funding: yes (1st year fellowship + tuition + insurance) Notification date: 2/23/2011 Notified through: email with formal acceptance from DGS Posted on GF: to be posted Comments: !!!So Happy! First Offer!
  • Institution: Wisconsin Agricultural & Applied Economics PhD Decision: admitted Funding: pending Notification date: 2/24/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: no Comments: they are still taking stock of funding situation for next year
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Yes, 2-Year Fellowship + 3-Year TA/RA Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comments: Got into another Safety. Hope I can get one offer from top 20 in the following weeks.
  • Institution: University of Maryland, College Park Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Pending Notification date: 3/16/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I was short listed early this month and got off the list today. I'll definitely go there if financial aid is granted later hopefully before April 15th.
  • Institution: University of Maryland, College Park Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Assistantship Notification date: March 30 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: I was first wait-listed for admission, then short-listed for funding. Another surprise is that on the campus visit day, I was told that my name was confused with the other one. Then I got funding immediately and I'm ready to attend UMaryland this fall.
  • Institution: Brown University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments:Expected
  • Institution Economics PhD Decision: Wait List Funding: "...There is also some probability that we may be able to offer financial aid" Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC : no Comments: First Waitlist. Sigh, I really wanna go there


SASsy 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Small Public U (~12K UG & G) comparable to liberal arts college; top 5 party school
Undergrad GPA: 3.38 overall, 3.81 econ, 3.76 Spanish, 3.35 intl studies
Type of Grad: same as UG
Grad GPA: 3.50
GRE: 800Q/760V/4.5W (12/2010)...but 700Q/700V/3.5W (11/2010 - obviously I had to study harder)
Math Courses: Cal I (B), Cal II-IV (As), Foundations (B), Linear Algebra I (B), Intro to Stat Methods (B), Differential Equations I (A), Intro to Math Stats (A), Advanced Cal I-II (As)
Econ Courses: Honors Principles Micro (A), Honors Principles Macro (A), Int Micro (A), Int Macro (B), Honors Global Econ (A), International Trade (A), Game Theory (A), Managerial (A), Econ for Engineers (B), Econ Stats II (A)
Grad Econ Courses: all taken with PhD students, Micro I (A), Macro I (B), Econometrics I (A), Price Theory (A), Managerial (A), IO (A), Math Econ (A), Econ History (A), Math Methods for Econ (B), Stat Methods for Econ and Business (B), three Econ seminars, and a course that I failed 5 years ago due to very odd circumstances...hence the low grad GPA.
Other Courses: 6 senior history courses, 2 senior sociology courses, 1 law school course, several heterodox courses (polisci/history/sociology/philosophy/law) for intl studies; lots of language courses, including graduate level spanish (but other languages as well)
Letters of Recommendation: I used a mix of 5 professors, to reduce the burden on them. 1 prof recommended me to all schools with what I assume was a very strong letter of recommendation. I asked all of my grad-level theory professors (micro, macro, metrics) plus the two professors I had written research papers for (and who had taught many electives to me). None were extraordinarily well-known (to my knowledge) but knew me very well and knew my understanding of applications of econ.
Research Experience: My Formal experience was very limited; At time of application I had just accepted RA job at a university, in an unfamiliar field. Otherwise, had collected my own data for papers and had done all research independently.
Teaching Experience: TA for campus-wide service during MA, more like a math tutor; tutored for 8 years
Research Interests: micro/labor/health, IO, public finance, behavioral, development...isn't it all related on some level?
SOP: It was ever-evolving. The "best" SOP (the one that yielded my Chicago acceptance) was very professional, very direct, and discussed all research papers I had written previously. The others talked more about my one big idea. I also took a more "persuasive" tone in them. All mentioned that I want to teach.
Other: I have won several scholarships and fellowships in the past, for which I think I provided a pretty good ROR on the investment. I also worked 40 hours/week for the last 3 years while bringing my grades up significantly. During this time I made sure to be one of the top, if not the top, students in each class. (Except macro. Damn.) Also my Chicago writing sample was a paper in which I disproved my undergraduate thesis.
Acceptances: Chicago with level one fellowship
Waitlists: Rice
Rejections: Harvard, NYU, Princeton, Northwestern, UT-Austin, Rochester, Georgetown, Duke, Maryland, Cornell, Brown, UVA and LSE
Incomplete: Johns Hopkins, Carnegie Melon, American, George Mason
What would you have done differently?
This is a difficult topic. Obviously I did something right. I also did many things wrong. Points (1) and (2) are changes that would've made me an entirely different person. These are more like life lessons, that required trial and error with my own life to discover. On the other hand, I like to think that if I had only enacted (3) and (4) from below, I would have had a much better application season in spite of my past.
(1) I would have taken my academic destiny into my own hands years ago. I let my course load and academic interests be chosen by well-meaning advisers instead of determining what I actually wanted to learn. Thus I was disinterested in many of my courses, and I underperformed. I also let exogenous factors affect my grades too much. I would have been more mature about accepting life's hardships rather than taking a few semesters to mope about it. I would not have partied so much.
(2) I would have been proactive about research with professors. This problem started with my undergrad thesis. I continually chose "interesting" rather than "executable" topics. My adviser at the time encouraged me to be intellectually curious. I should have asked to continue research under his specialty so the paper would have been easier. Instead, I spent the past 6 years chasing down data about a seemingly irrelevant topic. It makes me unique to have this expertise, but it also makes me OLD.
(3) I would not have experimented with my SOP. Really, what the hell was I thinking? I could've been shut out entirely this year. Clearly I am a strong candidate, but I really shot myself in the foot with the changes I made to my SOP at the end of December. While the SOP may not help an applicant, it surely can hurt him/her; I am a good example. I should've been professional, straightforward, and commanding in all of the SOPs.
(4) I would have planned to rock the GRE by mid fall. I cut it really close by taking the GRE in November and then again in mid December. If I had given myself a little more study time between the two exams, I think I could've aced the verbal and significantly improved my AWA. I took the exam late because I didn't expect to do so well, preventing myself from the possibility of applying to many excellent schools. I applied to Harvard at the last minute, and it was the only Dec. 15 deadline I met. I like to think that if I had taken more time to prepare that application, I'd be going to Cambridge in the fall.
Note: I would not have changed my initial course of study or UG institution. I believe that my background gives me a true appreciation for economics, and without it, I'd be a physicist (true story). I tried out the other social sciences first, as I chased down my interests in foreign cultures and varying governance systems. Writing research papers for other social science courses left me utterly frustrated because I could never prove what I said. My senior thesis left me utterly dissatisfied. Enter economics. It was a natural fit for my data and research. I am proud to say that I am passionate about economics.
    Acceptances: Chicago with level one fellowship
  • Institution: Chicago Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 5 year fellowship Notification date: 3/7/11 Notified through: email from dean of students Posted on GF: yes Comments: WOOT! I thought this day would never come. A good research match (though I'm still waiting for that rejection from the perfect match before I accept).
    Rejections: Harvard, NYU, Princeton, Northwestern, UT-Austin, Rochester, Georgetown, Duke, Maryland, Cornell, Brown, UVA and LSE Incomplete: Johns Hopkins, Carnegie Melon, American, George Mason
  • Institution: Rochester Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: nil Notification date: 2/22/11 Notified through: email from grad school Posted on GF: yes Comments: meh. I applied because of their reputation in IO, but I study applied micro theory/labor.
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: nada Notification date: 2/25/11 Notified through: email to check website Posted on GF: yes Comments: ouch. Our reasearch doesn't match though.
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: -- Notification date: 3/4/11 Notified through: email to check website Posted on GF: yes Comments: started to worry I was going to be shut out.
  • Institution: UVA Economics Decision: rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/09/11 Notified through: website Posted on GF: yes Comments: I wanted to go there. Dreamed of going there since I was an undergrad. Research matched the DGS so closely. I have the weirdest record.
  • Institution: UT - Austin Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification Date: 3/9/11 Funding: n/a Notified through: Website Posted on GC: Yes Comments: Man, was my judgement way off. Clearly I don't know how to market myself.
  • Institution: LSE Track 1 and Track 2 Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification Date: 3/9/11 Funding: n/a Notified through: Website Posted on GC: No Comments: Expected. Never turned in the 1500-word research proposal. It took them long enough.
  • Institution: Princeton Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/11/11 Notified through: Email Comments: I appreciate their promptness, too. The email had multiple fonts though. Everyone else get odd formatting too?
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/11/11 Notified through: Snail Mail (Didn't look at the date) Comments: The letter was solely from the graduate school and mentioned something like 8000 total applicants to the grad school. I read that as, "We didn't even send your file to the department." It was expected by now, but still feels like a slap in the face. Until last fall, GTU was my dream school.
  • Institution: Brown U Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11 Notified through: Email to check Embark website. Posted on GF: no Comments: "We regret that we have to disappoint many bright and talented students."
  • Institution: Penn State University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Think they'd send me a few bucks anyway? Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Yes Comment: I was wondering. The post immediately before mine on GC has almost the same GPA/GRE mix. I thought that was interesting.
  • Institution: Harvard University Economics PhD Decision: (rejected) Funding: rien!! Notification date: 3/14/11 (dated 3/11) Notified through: la poste Posted on GC: ouais Comments: "When you are a skunk, you learn how to hold your breath for a long time." Alors... Thus ends my Pepe le Pew obsession with the Harvard Econ Department. Stay tuned for the sequel in 5-7 years..
  • Institution: NYU Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: can i has money n e way? Notification Date: March 22, 2011 Notified through: Official e-mail Posted on GC: yes Comments: A polite letter. Have been waiting for it for 2-3 weeks though.
  • Institution: Cornell Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: -($80 application fee + $23 ETS score report + some fraction of the favors I inevitably owe my letter of recommendation writers) Notification Date: 03/25/2011 Notified Through: Email Posted on GradCafe: Yes, in a sec Comments: Not a surprise at all. It's a nice touch that the email came from the DGS rather than the Dean of the Grad School.
    Waitlists: Rice
  • Institution: Rice Economics Decision: Waitlist Funding: implied that it goes with an offer Notification date: 2/13/11 Notified through: email from DGS Posted on GF: yes Comments: It was a nice email. Not super attached to the department, but Houston is nice.

goose88 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Top 15 undergrad, Top 30 Econ PhD
Undergrad GPA: 3.5/3.76 for econ
Type of Grad:n/a
Grad GPA: n/a
GRE: 800Q, 620V, 4AW
Math Courses: Calc(I-III: B+,B-,B-), Linear Algebra(B+), Intro to proofs(A-), Real Analysis(A), Lebesgue Integration (In progress with an A so far)
Econ Courses (grad-level):
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intermediate Micro and Macro, IO, Property Rights, Intro and Applied Econometrics, Game Theory etc. (all A-/A's except for one B)
Other Courses: MATLAB(in progress)
Letters of Recommendation: All econ PhDs...2 well Known professors (one Stanford and another from Rochester), and one ok recommendation (Stanford)
Research Experience: Award winning Honors thesis, summer fellowship
Teaching Experience: Teaching Assistant for a intro level macro class
Research Interests: Development econ, Applied Micro/IO
SOP: Good but didn't bother to customize it for each school...highlighted my diverse background
Concerns: Weak GPA and Math grades...I was not the best student for the first two years of my college career and my grades suffered...hopefully they can also see the radical change in my grades from B's to A's
Acceptances: Northwestern($$), WUSTL($$), ASU($$), UWO-PhD stream MA($$)
Rejections: Brown, Duke, Georgetown, Michigan, NYU, Queens, Rochester, Stanford, U Minnesota, UC-Berkeley, UCLA, U Wisconsin, Yale
Withdrawn: Columbia, Purdue
Attending: Northwestern
What would you have done differently? So, so many things. I think I was ridiculously lucky given how marginal my profile looks (but I promise, I am not as bad as I look on paper)
i) I would have started out as an Econ major instead of waiting till junior year to switch out of the Business school (no offense to business majors but that place drained my soul and made me super lazy)
ii) I would have taken my Calculus classes seriously or at the very least attended them for more than the first week
iii) I would have taken some more stats classes than the basic courses such as Stochastic Processes or Probability Theory
iv) I would have done more research/get to know more professors but then again, this is tied to (i)
    Acceptances: Northwestern($$), WUSTL($$), ASU($$), UWO-PhD stream MA($$)
  • Institution: Arizona State University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No info on funding yet Notification date: 03/01/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC: yes Comment: Some good news finally
  • Institution: Washington University (WUSTL) Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Fellowship ($$) Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Yes Comments: Feeling better already
  • Institution: University of Western Ontario Economics, Masters (doctoral stream) Decision: Accepted Funding: Yes Notification date: 03/09/2011 Notified through: Personal call Posted on GC: yes Comment: Good to have options
  • Institution nstitution: Northwestern Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Accepted, off of the waitlist Funding: more info next week Notification date: 04/06 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: YESSSSSSSS!!! Hopefully, I will get something for the first year.
    Rejections: Brown, Duke, Georgetown, Michigan, NYU, Queens, Rochester, Stanford, U Minnesota, UC-Berkeley, UCLA, U Wisconsin, Yale Withdrawn: Columbia, Purdue
  • Institution: Yale Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: Feb 16 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: yes Comments:
  • Institution: Rochester Economics PhD Decision: rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 2/22/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: yes Comments: I seriously overestimated my chances.
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 02/28/2011 Notified through: via email Posted on GC: yes
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: yes Comments: Nicest rejection letter so far
  • Institution: UCLA Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: Michigan Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Worst Rejection Letter Ever!
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: postal mail Posted on GC : no Comments: SHOCKER...not
  • Institution: Brown University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: Georgetown Econ PhD Decision: rejected Notification date: 03/11/2011 Notified through: postal Posted on GC: No Comments: Somewhat surprised but could not care less
  • Institution: NYU Econ PhD Decision: rejected Notification date: 03/18/2011 Notified through: postal Posted on GC: No Comments: oh well
  • Institution: Brown Econ PhD Decision: rejected Notification date: 03/18/2011 Notified through: postal Posted on GC: No Comments: meh
  • Institution: Wisconsin Econ PhD Decision: rejected Notification date: 03/18/2011 Notified through: postal Posted on GC: No Comments: Brutal day oh and a postal rejection from UCLA just in case I didn't get the message from their email rejection
  • Institution: Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Wait list Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/9/2011 Notified through: E-mail, said it is an unofficial notification and the official one will come later. Posted on GC : yes Comments:Second unofficial wait list but still happy

claphands 2011:
Type of Undergrad: B.A Area Studies, minor Spanish, urban state university
Undergrad GPA: 3.65/4
Type of Grad: M.A. Area Studies, top 25 econ program, big public school
Grad GPA: 3.8/4
GRE: 770q/710v/5.5a
Math Courses: (All taken at the big public, over three semesters at the end of my M.A.) GPA: 4.0 - Calc 1&2 (includes multivariate); Intro to Discrete, Intro to Real Analysis, Probability 1, Linear Algebra
Econ Courses: Excluding misc topic courses I took as an undergrad, I took a bunch of calc-based undergrad econ courses at the top 25 program at the end of my M.A. GPA: 4.0 - Intermediate Micro/Macro, Economic Stats, Intro to Econometrics, Development Economics, Computational Economics
Other Courses:
Letters of Recommendation: All from full professors with reputable PhDs I had for a single econ course each. One may have been strong, others were probably good but not personal.
Research Experience: None in econ except for course work, M.A. thesis involved reading an obscene amount of academic economics articles to analyze economic thought in the region I was studying
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: Open-economy macro, development, trade, inequality, poverty, agent-based computational
SOP: Pretty good I think, tied together why a student with such a background was going to study economics. On one of my flyouts, grad director asked me questions about things I'd mentioned in my SOP which made me think having said those things helped me.
Acceptances: Cornell (-), Washington (-), Colorado ($$), Oregon ($$), UMass ($), UC-Santa Cruz (partial$)
Waitlists: NA
Rejections: UC-San Diego, Georgetown
Attending: Colorado
What would you have done differently? Based on my results, I would have applied to several more programs ranked, say 20-40. But money and letter writer goodwill were very much on my mind and I think I did alright in that respect. I actually wouldn't really have changed my academic trajectory, I think most, if not all of the courses I took to get my M.A. and B.A. were interesting and useful for making me the type of thinker and writer I am now. If you are curious where I started from (before I had taken a single math class or basic econ prereq), check this thread: (Interdisciplinary grad student, weak on math. Needs econ phd advice.)
    Acceptances: Cornell (-), Washington (-), Colorado ($$), Oregon ($$), UMass ($), UC-Santa Cruz (partial$)
  • Institution: UMass - Amherst Econ PhD Decision:Accepted! Funding:$ (all admits are funded) Notification date: 2/19/2011 Notified through: Phone Posted on GF:Y Comments:First admit and a place I'd love to go. very excited.
  • Institution: Oregon Phd in Economics Decision: Accepted "pending grad school approval" Funding: ??? Notification date: ??? Notified through: Just happened to check the website after the post earlier in this thread Posted on GC: No Comment: Nice to have some some choices
  • Institution: University of California, Santa Cruz International Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 1 year Notification date: 03/01/2011 Notified through: via email Posted on GC: no Comment: Choices make me happy
  • Institution: Colorado-Boulder Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: $$ Notification date: 03/11/11 Notified through: Email Comments: Best offer so far, very happy.
  • Institution: Cornell Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Same as everyone else Notification Date: March 23, 2011 Notified through: Official e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: No funding is probably impossible for me, though flattering to be admitted to the highest ranked program I applied to!
    Rejections: UC-San Diego, Georgetown
    Waitlists: NA

AREStudentHopeful 2011:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. in economics from a satellite state school
Undergrad GPA: 3.35, 3.7 in econ
Type of Grad: M.A. Agricultural and Resource Economics from a large state school
Grad GPA: 3.45 (health problems in fall semester dropped from 3.6 to 3.45)
GRE: 780Q, 590V, 5.0AWA
Math Courses: Calc I-III (C, B, B+), Linear Algebra (A), Axiomatic Systems-Intro to Proofs (A), Intro to Stats (A), Advanced ODE (B)
Econ Courses (masters-level): Micro, Math for Econ, Applied Metrics, Agricultural Production, Water Economics, Research Methods in Economics, Natural Resource
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intro to micro, intro to macro, intermediate micro, intermediate macro, advanced macro, environmental, natural resource, comparative systems, developmental, money and banking, econometrics
Other Courses: Many environmental science courses
Letters of Recommendation: 5 econ professors (1 Davis ARE, 1 U Colorado, 1 Berkeley ARE, 1 NC State, 1 U Chicago) depending on what school I'm applying to based on their connections
Research Experience: RAed for an econ prof in undergrad, worked as an RA both years of my masters including one project that I'm getting published in a low-tier journal, masters thesis
Teaching Experience: TA for intro to micro and natural resource econ
Research Interests: Environmental is the main one, plus behavioral, urban and game theory on the side. I'm actually one of the few ARE-type people who enjoy theory (and macro).
SOP: Pretty standard plus very detailed paragraph individual to each school
Concerns: Not as stellar math grades as many of you, low undergrad GPA, no RA (a sin on this forum!)
Attending: UCSB
Acceptances: UCSB ($?)
Waitlists: Wyoming
Rejections: UCSD, UCLA, Berkeley ARE, Davis ARE, U Colorado, U Arizona, ASU, NC State, Rutgers, Duke, Maryland ARE, Georgetown, NSF
I'll stress how much letter of recommendation's matter. Just one unfortunate letter of recommendation seems to have diminished my results greatly. I would think that an acceptance from Colorado, Davis, Arizona and NC State would be likely without that letter of recommendation problem. That being said, I would pick UCSB over any of them so I am very happy with my result. I could probably have been on the borderline for ASU as well, and possibly Rutgers or Georgetown, but no regrets! For more insight into my comments on the process see here: (Advice from a 2 1/2-Year Application Process)
    Attending: UCSB Acceptances: UCSB ($?)
  • Institution: UC Santa Barbara Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Pending Notification date: Feb 14 Notified through: website Posted on GC: no Comments: Woohoo, first acceptance of the season! My nerves are somewhat calmer now...
    Rejections: UCSD, UCLA, Berkeley ARE, Davis ARE, U Colorado, U Arizona, ASU, NC State, Rutgers, Duke, Maryland ARE, Georgetown, NSF Comments: I'll stress how much letter of recommendation's matter. Just one unfortunate letter of recommendation seems to have diminished my results greatly. I would think that an
  • Institution: Maryland AREc PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 01/21/11 Notified through: Email notice for decision posted in online application status Posted on GF: no Comments: 1 down, 13 to I'm starting to remember why I filled out all those applications
  • Institution: North Carolina State University , Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/11/2011 Notified through: Online status Posted on GF: No Comments: Rough start to the season with these two...
  • Institution: Davis ARE PhD Decision: rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 2/23/2011 Notified through: checked the web status Posted on GF: no Comments: 'Nother one down.
  • Institution: Rutgers Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 2/24/2011 Notified through: web status Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 02/28/2011 Notified through: via email Posted on GC: no Comment: Saw this one coming a mile away
  • Institution: UCLA Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Kind of nice that they did them all in one day.
  • Institution: CU Boulder Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: no Comments: not surprised...
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11 Notified through: snail mail Posted on GC: no Comments: 5 more to go
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Agricultural & Resource Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: only 4 more to go!
  • Institution: u Arizona Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/17/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: Yes Comments: Rough season, this one
  • Institution: ASU Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 4/1/11 Notified through: myASU website Posted on GF: No Comments: Only one admit this season? Crazy
  • Institution: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 4/5 Notified through: email Posted on GC: no Comments: last year of eligibility
  • Institution: UCSD Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 04/06 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: 'bout time!
    Waitlists: Wyoming
  • Institution: U Wyoming Decision: Waitlisted Funding: N/A Notification date: 04/08 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No

beeconomist 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Math and Economics double major at Maryland
Undergrad GPA: 3.9 overall, 4.0 math, 3.7 economics
GRE: 770Q, 730V, AWA 4.5
Math Courses: Calc II (A+), Calc III (A), Linear Algebra (A-), Differential Equations (A), Intro to Analysis (A), Number theory (A), Probability and Statistics (A), Advanced Calculus (A-), Math of Finance (A), Stochastic Processes (A), Advanced Calculus II (A), Advanced Linear Algebra (A) , Numerical Analysis (IP)
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intro Micro (A-), Intro Macro (B+), Intermediate Macro (A), Intermediate Micro (A), Econometrics I (A+), Development (A), Honors Thesis I (A), Risk and Uncertainty in Economics (IP), Mathematical Economics (IP), Econometrics II (IP), Honors Thesis II (IP)
Other Courses: C Programming (A), Writing for Economics (A+)
Letters of Recommendation: 1 very strong from assistant professor I've RA'd for a year and a half, 1 very strong from distinguished professor I've RA'd for a year, 1 semi-strong from professor who is director of the econ honors thesis program
Research Experience: RA for macro professor (1 and a half years), RA for environmental economics professor (1 year), received a grant to complete a math research project, 2 summer research programs for women in mathematics, honors thesis
Teaching Experience: Tutored math for a semester
Research Interests: When I applied, it was macro. Now I'm interested in learning more about public, health, environmental, and agricultural and food policy.
Acceptances: Maryland (graduate assistantship), NYU (fellowship), Penn (waitlist for funding), UVA (fellowship), Duke (1st year tuition), GW (fellowship)
Waitlists: Columbia, Johns Hopkins
Rejections: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, UNC, Georgetown
Attending: Maryland
    Acceptances: Maryland (graduate assistantship), NYU (fellowship), Penn (
  • Institution: UVA Economics Decision: Accepted Notification date: 2/21/2011 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: No Comments: Yay!
  • Institution: Duke Econ PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD Notification date: 2/22/2011 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GF: No Comments: So happy!
  • Institution: Penn Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: "Very high" on the wait list Notification date: 2/24/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comment: Very happy but hoping funding comes through!
  • Institution: University of Maryland Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Graduate assistantship with $18,000/year stipend Notification date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Very excited! Good location for me, and the best funding offer I've received so far.
  • Institution: NYU Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 5 year fellowship, $23,622 stipend Notification date: 3/8/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: This morning, I received a voicemail from an NYU professor asking if I was still interested in NYU. I called back and said I was. A few hours later, I got an email saying I was accepted!
    Rejections: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, UNC, Georgetown
  • Institution: Yale Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: Feb 16 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: MIT Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC : No
  • Institution: Princeton Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/11/11 Notified through: Email Comments: The last decision that I care about (Haven't heard from UNC, Georgetown, or GW). Now I just have to choose!
    waitlist for funding), UVA (fellowship), Duke (1st year tuition), GW (fellowship) Waitlists: Columbia, Johns Hopkins
  • Institution: Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Waitlist Funding: ? Notification date: 3/9/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC : No Comments:
  • Institution: Johns Hopkins Economics PhD Decision: Waitlist Funding: ? Notification date: 3/9/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC : No Comments:

oleador 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BA International Economics, unknown Eastern European school
Undergrad GPA: 3.4/4
Type of Grad: MSc Economics, Barcelona GSE
Grad GPA: 6.78/10
GRE: 780Q, 560V, 3.5AW
Math Courses: Advanced math for economists(B) one year course which includes uni- and multivariate calclulus, linear algebra, difference and differential equations, set theory and basic topology, intro to real analysis; Probability and Statistics (B), Theoretical Statistics (A), Optimization (A)
Econ Courses (grad-level): Micro theory (D ), Advanced Micro theory (A some improvement over micro ), Econometrics (B), Advanced Econometrics I (C), Macroeconomics (A), International Economics (B), Experimental Economics (B), Econ growth (A).
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Microeconomics (B), Macroeconomics (B), other standard courses
Letters of Recommendation: All from BGSE, should have been quite good.
Research Experience: Macroeconomic research analyst at an investment bank (2.5 years)
Teaching Experience: none
Research Interests: Macroeconomics, international economics and finance, economics of information
SOP: Standard, focused on research interests and ideas
Concerns: Many My profile has many drawbacks as you can see.
Acceptances: U Houston ($$), Warwick (no $)
Rejections: Maryland, Carnegie Mellon, Emory, LSE MSc, UBC MA, Georgetown, Pittsburgh, McGill, Simon Fraser, WUSTL, USC
Attending: University of Houston
I realized that I want to do a PhD only after I finished my BA and started working. If I knew this since my first year of undergrad I would study much harder and would have a much better GPA. To some extent getting an MSc from a top European school helped me, though my performance there was quite mediocre (due to poor undergrad preparation). I have made a large progress by now and studied a lot on my own, so now I am confident that now I am well prepared to study at a PhD level.
Finally, given my terrible profile, it's good that I got into U of Houston, which could not be a top school, but fits my interests and has quite decent placement.
    Acceptances: U Houston ($$), Warwick (no $)
  • Institution: University of Warwick Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: not mentioned, I suppose I should apply for it separately Notification date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: First admission!!! Extremely excited!!!
  • Institution: University of Houston Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: Waitlisted Notification date: April 12 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Hoping for funding...
    Rejections: Maryland, Carnegie Mellon, Emory, LSE MSc, UBC MA, Georgetown, Pittsburgh, McGill, Simon Fraser, WUSTL, USC
  • Institution: Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/8/2011 Notified through: website Posted on GC: no Comments: expected
  • Institution: Emory University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: LSE MSc in Economics (Research, L1U3) and MSc in Economics (L1U1) Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GradCafe: no Comments:
  • Institution: UBC MA Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/17/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments:
  • Institution: University of Pittsburgh Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/24/2011 Notified through: E-mail Comments:
  • Institution: Simon Fraser University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: April 12 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: Washington University St. Louis (WUSTL) Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: April 13 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: expected
  • Institution: University of Southern California Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 04/15/2011 Notified through: called them to find out my status Posted on GC: yes Comments: Finally the uncertainty is over. Going to Houston!

ryanmagic 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Rank 3 University in China (Fudan), B.A. of econonmics, with one semester exchange experience in UC Davis.
Undergrad GPA: 3.57 in Fudan, top 10%; 4.0 in UC Davis (courses with * below).
Type of Grad: N/A.
Grad GPA: N/A.
GRE: 800Q 540V 3.0 AWA, TOEFL 105.
Math Courses: Advanced Math (differential calculus, integrals, a little differential equations)(B&A-), Linear Algebra(B+), Probability Theory(A), Statistics(A-).
Econ Courses (grad-level): N/A.
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Political Economics(A), Micro(A), Macro(B+), International Trade(B+), History of Economic Thoughts(A), Econometrics(A+*), Macro Development(A*), Money and Banking(A+*), Financial Management(A-), Industrial Economics(A), Investment(B), Economic History of China(A), Accounting(B), Contemporary Chinese Economy(B+), Theory on Capital(C+).
Other Courses: C programming(A).
Letters of Recommendation: 2 from UC Davis, 1 from Fudan.
Research Experience: RA for a term, one independent project and one team project in progress.
Teaching Experience: Representative for a course.
Research Interests: Labor, Development, IO.
SOP: So so.
Other: Awarded the National Scholarship in China (for top 1tudents).
Acceptances: BU MA, UC Davis ARE MS.
Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Northwestern, UPenn, Columbia, NYU, Cornell, Duke, CMU, Rochester, Maryland, Berkeley AREC, BU, JHU, UC Davis, Georgetown, U Colorado - Boulder, UC Davis ARE PhD.
Pending: Syracuse, Columbia QMSS.
What would you have done differently?
I would apply to Canadian master programs, Duke master and Tufts master.
    Acceptances: BU MA, UC Davis ARE MS.
    Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Northwestern, UPenn, Columbia, NYU, Cornell, Duke, CMU, Rochester, Maryland, Berkeley AREC, BU, JHU, UC Davis, Georgetown, U Colorado - Boulder, UC Davis ARE PhD.

arcadia 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BA in Business from top state school
Undergrad GPA: 3.75
Type of Grad: MA Economics from top 50ish PhD granting school in US
Grad GPA: 3.5
GRE: 770 Q, 530 V, 4.5 AWA
Math Courses: Calc 1-2, Matrix and Linear Algebra, Math Stats (undergrad and graduate level... some PhD level too)
Econ Courses (grad-level): all the core courses at my university, plus some field courses, tons of econometrics
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): intermediate micro & macro, econometrics
Other Courses:
Letters of Recommendation: two pretty good from professors from top schools, one from the professor I TA'ed for.
Research Experience: not a lot outside of some research papers during my masters
Teaching Experience: tons. I TA'ed during my masters and taught before that as well. taught my own courses.
Research Interests: growth and development, international trade, econometrics... have some narrowing down to do
SOP: i think its good...
Concerns: lack of formal math... but my performance in core courses should show I have self-studied plenty and know what I'm doing. Oh, and my low Quant.
Applying to: BC, Georgetown, American, GWU, Houston, UW-Seattle, UCSB, Claremont, UMass?
  • Institution: American University Economics Decision:Accepted!! Funding: Decisions in February Notification date: 12/17 Notified through: Postal Mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Yay! Will probably attend if funded.
  • Institution: Houston Econ PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TA+fellowships Notification Date: 03/10/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comment: Never been to Houston... Can't wait to visit. Are they having an open house?
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: Snail Mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Finally!

Refused 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Top 5 undergrad, top 10 econ - Physics and Economics
Undergrad GPA: 3.4
Type of Grad: Top 10 math, non-degree
Grad GPA: 4.0
GRE: 800q 680v 5.0aw
Math Courses: Real analysis, ODE, PDE, stats, probability (grad)
Econ Courses (grad-level):
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Advanced micro, econometrics, &c.
Other Courses: physics
Letters of Recommendation: 2 top 10 profs and one 1 top 5 PhD now in industry
Research Experience: RA one summer, economics research group at investment bank since college, 1 working paper
Teaching Experience: no
Research Interests: Macro
SOP: yes
Concerns: B- in real analysis
Applying to: NYU, NYU Stern, Wisconsin, UCLA, UCSD, Boston University, Duke, Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Washington University in St. Louis, Johns Hopkins, UC Davis, Georgetown, Boston College, Penn State, UC Santa Barbara, University of Southern California, University of Washington, Virginia, Duke MA, UBC MA, Oxford MSc in Economics for Development
  • Institution: UC Davis Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: "before the end of March" Notification date: Feb 11 Notified through: email Posted on GC: yes
  • Institution: UC Santa Barbara Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No mention of funding Notification date: Feb 14 Notified through: website (I checked after seeing an acceptance up at GC) Posted on GC: yes Comments: Not sure if I got an email as it's blocked at work
  • Institution: Duke AM Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No Notification date: 3/09/11 Notified through: email to check website Posted on GC: Yes
  • Institution: University of Washington, Seattle Economics Ph.D. Decision: Accepted Funding: Waitlist for partial funding Notification date: 04/01/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: yes Comments: Email asking if I would like to be put on a waitlist for partial funding - doesn't actually mention acceptance but presumably they wouldn't give me partial funding to not attend
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 02/28/2011 Notified through: website (saw above and checked) Posted on GC: yes Comment:
  • Institution: UCLA Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/8/2011 Notified through: Checked website, though I had done this an hour ago after seeing others had and nothing was there, so they seem to be trickling out Posted on GC: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/8/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/10/11 Notified through: Post Comments: Letter dated 3/7
  • Institution: NYU Stern Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11 Notified through: Website Posted on GC: yes Comments: Email to check website; 1100 applications for 20 spots
  • Institution: Brown University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: Website Posted on GC: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: Penn State Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: yes Comment: first letter of surname is 75th percentile
  • Institution: Johns Hopkins University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GradCafe: yes Comments: last name starts with 's'
  • Institution: University of Oxford Economics for Development MSc Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/17/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/19/11 Notified through: Website Posted on GC: yes Comments: No email, I just checked the website as I saw someone else had. The decision was available 3/18, apparently.
  • Institution: NYU Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification Date: March 22, 2011 Notified through: Official e-mail Posted on GC: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Decision: Rejected Funding: No Notification date: 4/5 Notified through: email Posted on GC: no Comments:
  • Institution: UCSD Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 04/06 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: UBC MA Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: April 13 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: Yes
  • Institution: Boston University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 04/15/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: yes Comments:
  • Institution: University of Southern California Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 04/23/2011 Notified through: Postal Posted on GC: yes Comments:
  • Institution: Boston College Economics Decision: Wait list Notification date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Yes
  • Institution: Wisconsin-Madison Economics PhD Decision: Waitlist Funding: No Notification date: 4/4/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments:

JG0626 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Private, Liberal Arts University (U.S. News Top 15 – Regional Universities South)
Undergrad GPA: Overall 3.93; Econ 3.92; Math 4.00
Type of Grad: N/A
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 780Q 630V 4.0AW
Math Courses: Calc I (A+), Calc II (A+), Linear Algebra (A+), Probability (A+), Intro to Math Reasoning (A+), Calc III (In-Progress), Math Stats (In-Progress), Ordinary Differential Equations (In-Progress)
Econ Courses (grad-level): N/A
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): International (A+), Money and Banking (A+), Investment Theory (A), Intermediate Micro (A), Intermediate Macro (A-), Econometrics (A+)
Other Courses: Business Administration second major
Letters of Recommendation: Two econ professors, 1 math professor
Research Experience: Nothing past a term research paper for my econometrics class
Teaching Experience: N/A
Research Interests: Two broad areas: Macro/Financial Economics and Austrian/New Institutional
SOP: I feel confident in the main body of my statement, but I put most of the customized effort into GMU, WUStL, IU, and FSU.
Concerns: The analytic writing score from my GRE is embarrassing. I’m also concerned about my hiatus from academia; I received my B.A. in economics in December 2006 and worked for a brokerage firm for a few years. I have, however, returned to school for what will amount to a math minor equivalent. Hopefully, this signals my commitment to PhD programs.
Applying to: George Mason, IU-Bloomington, Washington U – St. Louis, Vanderbilt, Georgetown, Pittsburgh, UVA, UChicago, Boston U, Florida State
  • Institution: Florida State Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No information Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Glad to have the option. I really like the program.
  • Institution: George Mason Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No information Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: Snail mail (Letter dated 3/11, postmarked 3/15) Posted on GC: No Comments: Really, really, really pumped. By far, this is my favorite program.
  • Institution: University of Chicago Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/7/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: No Comments: Even though it turned out to be a very expected rejection, I'm glad to finally hear something official from one of my ten schools.
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/8/11 Notified through: E-mail to check website for decision (sent at 1:11 AM EST) Posted on GF: No Comments: It's nice to know the official decision, but based on the dates of earlier decisions posted here, why does it take weeks to send someone an automated rejection notification? Oh well, eight more to go.
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/8/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: No Comments: I can't say this is surprising, but it stings a little more than my other two rejections. I really like WUStL's program. Oh well, seven more to go.
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: Letter dated 3/7/11 Notified through: Snail mail Comments: Six to go.
  • Institution: University of Pittsburgh Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 3/24/2011 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Bleh.
  • Institution: Indiana University - Bloomington Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 03/30/2011 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Response prompted by my e-mail inquiring about status late yesterday.
  • Institution: Vanderbilt University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 03/30/2011 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Down to waiting for an inevitable BU rejection and GMU's funding decision.

Icametoconquer 2011:
Institution: Rutgers
Program: Econ PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: None
Notification date: 2/23/2011
Notified through: Online
Posted on GF: Yes
Comments: No funding=No PhD
  • Institution: Rutgers Econ PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: None Notification date: 2/23/2011 Notified through: Online Posted on GF: Yes Comments: No funding=No PhD
  • Institution: Houston Econ PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TA+fellowships Notification Date: 03/10/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comment: My first full funding. I thought I was going to be shut out for good
  • Institution: UConn Econ PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: None (got the letter emailed from the department) Notification date: 03/21/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Harassed the department. Was told that I was admitted and that the official acceptance was sent via snail mail last week.
  • Institution: U of Maryland, College Park Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/06/2011 Notified through: Online Posted on GC: No Comments: Sad ((
  • Institution : Georgetown Program : Economics PhD Decision : Rejected Notification date : 03/07/2011 Notified through : Snail mail Posted on GC : no Comments : Oh well, I definitely saw it coming
  • Institution: Penn State Econ PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification Date: 3/10/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comment: They were taking so much time I started to wonder... but no, a rejection
  • Institution: NYU Econ PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: ... Notification date: 03/17/11 Notified through: Asked Marjorie via E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Sad, it was my dream school
  • Institution: BU Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/22/2011 Notified through: Response to my email Posted on GC: No Comments: My second choice. Oh well. At this point I just want to have all the information
  • Institution: UMass Econ PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/24/2011 Notified through: E-mail Comments: My final decision. This cycle is over for me. Looks like I'll be going to U of H.

growth 2011:
Institution: UPenn
Program: Phd in Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 02/24/2011
Notified through: Website
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Expected result. I still don't know why I applied there in the first place.
Institution: LSE
Program: MSc Economics (research)
Decision: Accepted (conditional offer)
Funding: No
Notification date: 02/24/2011
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Happy but I can't fulfill all the conditions. Have to negotiate with the admittion committee.
    Accepted (conditional offer) Funding: No Notification date: 02/24/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Happy but I can't fulfill all the conditions. Have to negotiate with the admittion committee.
  • Institution: LSE MSc Economics (research) Decision: Accepted (conditional offer) Funding: No Notification date: 02/24/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Happy but I can't fulfill all the conditions. Have to negotiate with the admittion committee.
  • Institution: Johns Hopkins Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: $-$$, no obligations first year, TA or RA 2-4 Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: yes Comment: Very, very happy!!
  • Institution: University of Oxford Economics Mphil Decision: Accepted Funding: No idea...probably not Notification date: 03/16/2011 Notified through: Snail Mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Very very happy with this one
  • Institution: UPenn Phd in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/24/2011 Notified through: Website Posted on GC: No Comments: Expected result. I still don't know why I applied there in the first place.
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 02/28/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC: no Comment: At least a decision. Heard of 3, waiting on 14.
  • Institution: Columbia University Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification Date: 3/09/2011 Notified through: email to check website Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: Brown University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: Princeton Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: Penn State University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comment: finally the answer..
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Agricultural & Resource Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: e-mail to check status Posted on GC: no
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: Snail Mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Finally indeed!
  • Institution: Cornell Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejection FUnding: N/A Notification Date: 03/25/2011 Notified Through:Email Comments:
  • Institution: Boston University Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejection FUnding: N/A Notification Date: 03/25/2011 Notified Through:Email Comments:Mass email, I could see the address of other 100 students

Abibler 2011:
Institution: Oregon, Michigan State
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Waiting to hear from Oregon, not likely from MSU unless more funds become available
Notification Date: Oregon - January, MSU 3/8
Posted on GF:
Comments: Oregon grants admission on a rolling basis and decides on funding in March and April according to the website. No funding yet, still waiting to hear from 8 schools
Institution: Rice, Ohio State, Georgetown, Penn State
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification Date: End of February, beginning of March
Posted on GF:
Comments: Nothing too surprising, only need funding from one school
  • Institution: Oregon, Michigan State Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Waiting to hear from Oregon, not likely from MSU unless more funds become available Notification Date: Oregon - January, MSU 3/8 Posted on GF: Comments: Oregon grants admission on a rolling basis and decides on funding in March and April according to the website. No funding yet, still waiting to hear from 8 schools
  • Institution: Rice, Ohio State, Georgetown, Penn State Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification Date: End of February, beginning of March Posted on GF: Comments: Nothing too surprising, only need funding from one school


geegro05 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BS Economics from Small liberal arts college
Undergrad GPA: 3.08 (2.6 after 3rd year)
Type of Grad: MA Economics from Directional State Schoool
Grad GPA: 3.85
GRE: 780Q, 410V, 4.5AWA
Math Courses: Calc I-III (C, B, A-), Math for Economists (A), Linear Algebra (B), Diff. Eq (A-), Intro. to Proofs (B), Complex Variable (A-), Advanced Calc. I (A), Topology (A), Math Stats I (A-)
Econ Courses (grad-level):Microeconomics I, II (A-,A-), Macroeconomics I, II (A-,A) Econometrics I, II (A,A), Time Series Forecasting (A), Growth and Development (A)
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): tons, all A's and a few B's in the beggining
Other Courses:
Letters of Recommendation: 1 from Dept. Chair and Thesis Advisor who I took 2 grad macro classes with, 1 from Prof. who I RA'd for and took 2 grad classes from, and an assistant prof I took grad micro 2 with. all should be decent
Research Experience: RA for 3 professors; working on a paper to be published with thesis advisor
Teaching Experience: TA'd for 4 professors
Research Interests: International Finance, Development, Poverty
SOP: rather informal, mentioned professors I would like to work with
Concerns: low ug grades, low verbal score, unknown letter of recommendation
Other: almost dropped out of college junior year. thanks to the support of a specific professor I turned my act around and started trying
Applying to: UCSC, Georgetown, MSU, JHU, PSU, GWU, UNC, UVA, CUNY, Kentucky, Oregon, Utah, Delaware, Kansas
Acceptances: UCSC($$), Oregon($$), Kentucky($$), Kansas($$), Delaware($$)
Waitlisted: Georgetown
Rejections: PSU, JHU, Virginia
Still Waiting on: UNC-CH, MSU, CUNY, GWU, Utah
What would you have done differently? First off let me say I am going to attend my dream program(UCSC) so what I could've done this cycle is just relax. But overall, I should have gone to a better undergrad, tried harder in school, and made better connections with professors. I was accepted at a top 20 school for my undergrad, but decided to stay close to home and continue dating my girlfriend from high school. While I believe all of these things could have propelled me to a much better program, who knows if I would've developed the same passion for economics and development that I did.
    Acceptances: UCSC($$), Oregon($$), Kentucky($$), Kansas($$), Delaware($$)
  • Institution: University of Oregon Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: done by March Notification date: 2/1/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GF: no
  • Institution: UC Santa Cruz International Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 1 quarter Fellowship+1 quarter TA+tuition remission Notification date: 02/28 Notified through: Email Posted on Grad Cafe: Yes Comments: So excited!! This was my top choice so I will for sure be accepting their offer!!
  • Institution: Kansas U Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Full tuition waiver and stipend Notification date: 3/4/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: one of my safeties, still nice to get an acceptance though
  • Institution: University of Kentucky Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: they were in the allocation process Notification date: 03/25/2011 Notified through: E-mail from DGS asking how Kentucky ranked to other offers I've received Comments: Nice to get another admission, but replied back that I will be declining.
    Rejections: PSU, JHU, Virginia Still
  • Institution: Virginia Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/4/2011 Notified through: E-mail to check website Posted on GC: no Comments: Somewhat expected
  • Institution: Penn State Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Expected
  • Institution: Johns Hopkins Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: email Posted on GC: No Comments: expected, rather bad fit anyways
    Waitlisted: Georgetown
  • Institution: Georgetown University Economics Decision: Waitlisted Funding: Full funding if accepted Notification date: 03/01/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC: no Comment: This is the only school I would even consider attending over UCSC, and thought I had absolutely no chance of getting in! Turn down your GU offer peoples, conditional on you having a better offer of course
Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 7 accepted out of 21 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.66, average GREQ was 798.3.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:58:1, Fri May 11, 2012