wajihc 2010:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top 20 National University Undergrad GPA: Below 3.0 with double majors in ECON & PSCI Type of Grad: Northeastern University Grad GPA: 3.5 GRE: 770 Q, 520 V Math Courses: Calc I, II (B+), III (B+); Math & Stats for Economists (A-), Differential Equations (audited) Grad Econ Courses: Micro (B), Macro (A), IO (B-), Ph.D. level Econometrics (A-), US Economic History (A) Ugrad Econ Courses: Intermediate Microeconomics (F then B), Intermediate Macroeconomics (B-), Intro to Stats (A), US Economic History Seminar (B), International Trade (C+) Other Courses: Letters: Ugrad Professor with Ph.D. from Iowa, Associate Professor in Ph.D. econometrics with Ph.D. from Indiana, Grad Professor in econometrics with Ph.D. from UC Berkeley Research: Ph.D. econometrics course paper on sources of multifactor productivity Teaching: None Research Interests: Economic growth and development SOP: Discussed my journey to get to economics, what I'm doing to augment my math skills, and personal motivation from ethnic background RESULTS: Acceptances: NC State (no $), GWU (no $), American (no $), CUNY (no $) Waitlists: Rejections: Indiana, Iowa State, CO-Boulder, Syracuse, Notre Dame, FL Int'l, Brandeis Pending: What would you have done differently? If I were to do ugrad all over, I would have minored in math and accounting, and gotten better grades in undergrad. Assuming my ugrad mistakes, in grad school, I would have taken Real Analysis. Final call: I deferred NC State, GWU, American, and CUNY. I got tired of being a broker in NYC, and will start at American this coming January.
Accepts: Acceptances: NC State (no $), GWU (no $), American (no $), CUNY (no $)
Rejects: Rejections: Indiana, Iowa State, CO-Boulder, Syracuse, Notre Dame, FL Int'l, Brandeis