The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart. |
Most Recently Selected profile:
The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.
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anx1ous 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.S. Econ & Int'l Affairs from top 10 U.S. public (with an 'unranked' econ dept.) Undergrad GPA: 4.0 GRE: 800Q, 680V, 5.5 AWA Math Courses: Calc I-III, Linear Algebra, Diff Eqs, Stats I, grad Prob & Stats Econ Courses (undergrad-level): the usual suspects Other Courses: lots of poli sci/int'l affairs Letters of Recommendation: all econ, 2 'unknown' (Berkeley ARE & Michigan State) and 1 'known' (MIT)...probably 2/3 were 'really' strong Research Experience: in my 4th semester as an RA, worked on 2 projects that led (or rather, are leading) to a working paper & a senior thesis Teaching Experience: none Research Interests: applied micro--labor (specifically education) & development SOP: standard? Other: did a summer research program at a top 20 dept. (which I think was incredibly instrumental in my outcomes); tried to show that despite my weak math background I at least had some programming skills Concerns: LACK OF MATH...everything else was ok, I think What I would have done different: TAKEN MORE MATH, but I didn't know I wanted to do an econ PhD until 2nd semester junior year and was always drawn more to the social sciences than math (and had no idea they could be one and the same!) RESULTS: Acceptances: Columbia ($), Maryland ($), Berkeley ARE ($), Texas ($), Vanderbilt ($), Georgetown (waitlisted w/ $), GW (no $) Rejections: Harvard, Yale, NYU, Brown ATTENDING: Columbia What could I have done differently? In terms of the application process: applied to 2-3 fewer lower ranked depts. and put that money/time/effort towards applying to a few more top 10 schools (probably just to cover my bases, as I have no reason to believe that I would've done any 'better'). Also: stayed away from TM/Gradcafe during admissions season! In terms of preparation: again, done a math minor/double major (for admissions as much as self-preparation--I'm pretty worried now!), but you can only take this 'should've/would've/could've' question so far, since I simply didn't know until later that I wanted to pursue this path or what was required of me. All in all, however, I am extremely happy with my outcomes. I obviously had zero expectations or I wouldn't have applied to such a wide-ranging group of schools.
Accepts: Acceptances: Columbia ($), Maryland ($), Berkeley ARE ($), Texas ($), Vanderbilt ($), Georgetown (- Institution: Vanderbilt Econ PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $15.9K
Notification date: 2/9
Notified through: Email
- Institution: UC-Berkeley ARE PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: fellowship nomination
Notification date: 2/5
Notified through: Email
Anxiously waiting on: lots
- Institution: U Texas-Austin Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 02/25
Funding: ??
Notified through: E-mail, but via a grad school flyout invitation
Comments: Been hearing some negative things about the department recently...
- Institution: Columbia Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Tuition + $22K
Notification date: 02/27
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Maryland Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $18K + $5K first summer
Notification date: 3/5/09
Notified through: Email
Rejects: Rejections: Harvard, Yale, NYU, Brown
- Institution: Yale Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 02/20
Notified through: E-mail link
Comments: No surprise, but still sad (first rejection)
Waitlists: waitlisted w/ $), GW (no $)
- Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted for admission w/ funding
Funding: $18.5K if accepted
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: Email
Comments: Oh well?
JasonEcon 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.S. Industrial Engineering with honors; U.S. top 5 engineering program Undergrad GPA: Overall: 3.2/4.0, Econ: almost none, Math: 3.1/4.0 Type of Grad/Post-Bac: M.S. Economics at large state non-Ph D granting university Grad/Post-Bac GPA: 3.9/4.0 GRE: 800Q 630V 5.0AWA Undergrad Courses: Calculus II-III (A/B), Linear Algebra (B) Grad & Post-Bac Courses: Grad Micro (A), Grad Macro (A), Grad Metrics (A), 3 grad field courses (As); Diff Eq (A), Adv Calc (A), Grad Analysis (B) Letters of Recommendation: 3 Econ, 1 Math, good professors but not well known. Research Experience: Only a directed study on growth at the time of application. Teaching Experience: none Research Interests: International/Development SOP: discussed my very late interest in Economics and thus my five year hiatus between undergrad and returning to school, other than that boilerplate. RESULTS: Attending: Vanderbilt (Fellowship year 1, TA years 2 - 5) Acceptances: Vanderbilt ($), NC St ($), Virginia Rejections: Duke, Maryland, UNC-CH, Arizona St, Georgetown (never heard) What would you have done differently? I would of done more research with professors as part of my grad program. I think my professors were able to write solid but not exceptional recommendations because they just did not know me well enough to elaborate extensively. That said, Vanderbilt is the best fit for me in terms of fields and as a personal fit, so I am thrilled with going there!
Accepts: Attending: Vanderbilt (Fellowship year 1, TA years 2 - 5)
Acceptances: Vanderbilt ($), NC St ($), Virginia
- Institution: NC St Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBD in March
Notification date: 2/1/09
Notified through: Grad coordinator
Comments: Notified at open house
- Institution: Vanderbilt Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $15.9 fellowship 1st year/assistantship next 4
Notification date: 2/9/09
Notified through: Email
- Institution: UVA Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: Website
Comments: Just randomly checked the website. I expect there will not be funding, but don't actually know that.
Rejects: Rejections: Duke, Maryland, UNC-CH, Arizona St, Georgetown (- Institution: Duke Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: 2/17/09
Notified through: Email
- Institution: Arizona St Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: 2/23/09
Notified through: Website
- Institution: University of Maryland Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: ~
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Website
- Institution: UNC Chapel Hill Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/9/2009
Notified through: E-mail
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corolla09 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Math/Econ Good Eastern liberal arts college Undergrad GPA: 3.28 (3.45ish for Econ & Math) GRE: 720Q, 470V, 5.5AWA Math Courses: Calculus Sequence, Vector Calculus, Intro to Proofs, Linear Algebra, Ring Theory, Real Analysis, Applied Stats, Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes Econ Courses: Intermediate Micro & Macro, Labor, IO, Econometrics, Environmental, Experimental, Behavioral, Econ of Conflict Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ, 1 math all senior faculty whom I knew very well Research Experience: Senior thesis in Probability Theory/Stochastic Processes Teaching Experience: none Research Interests: Public, Labor, Experimental/Behavioral SOP: I think this was a 'good' deciding factor for some schools showing a fit/common research interest with their program and I believe it matters a lot more for smaller non top-30 programs. Concerns: A lot, low GRE/GPA low grade in Analysis Other: had to wait a year to apply for good senior grades, take GRE RESULTS: Attending: Florida State Univ ($$) Admitted, Declined: Binghamton ($), Kentucky (WL$), Oregon (WL$), NC State (no$), Mississippi ($), UNH-masters Waitlists: Va Tech Rejections: Vanderbilt, Virginia, Syracuse (never heard back) No Word: Louisiana State What would you have done differently? A lot, actually study in undergrad for one. Had difficulty figuring out where to apply with my profiles and increase in apps, should've applied to places like Purdue, Pitt, Riverside and research schools with experimental more. Results almost identical to what I thought they would be. Had random safety's. Originally started with math major then added econ very glad I did both. Very happy with results considering my profile and for those similar to mine it is possible to get a decent funded offer without perfect transcript especially if you're looking for a LACish placement like me.
Accepts: Attending: Florida State Univ ($$)
Admitted, Declined: Binghamton ($), Kentucky (WL$), Oregon (WL$), NC State (no$), Mississippi ($), UNH-masters
- Institution: Oregon
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/5/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Very glad...details TBA
- Institution
nstitution: Florida State Economics, PhD
Decision: Admitted
Funding: TAship + Fellow!
Notification date: 3/13
Comments: Stunned!!
not top 50 but with my profile it'll be of serious consideration
- Institution: NC State Econ (pure side), PhD
Decision: Admit
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through:
Comments: details yet
Rejects: Rejections: Vanderbilt, Virginia, Syracuse (
Waitlists: Waitlists: Va Tech
- Institution: Virginia Tech Economics, PhD
Decision: wait-listed
Notification date: 3/23
Notified through: e-mail (I e-mailed the grad secretary)
Comments: ehhh, very very small program
hawksfanatic 2009:
Type of Undergrad: U.S. Top 30 Public, B.A. Philosophy and Economics
Undergrad GPA: ~3.4
Type of Grad: Econ
Grad GPA: ~3.5
GRE: 740 Q, 470 V, 5.0 AW
Math Courses: Calc I-III, Intro to Stats, Linear Algebra, Theory of Probability
Econ Courses: Standard Micro Macro sequence all the way through the PhD level, Econometrics I and II, Public Choice, Math for Economists, International Finance, Antitrust, Theory of Gov't Regulation
Other Courses: A lot of philosophy courses
Letters of Recommendation: One well known econ professor from UVA, 2 lesser known econ professors (Chicago and Brown). All very excited.
Research Experience: None
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: Undecided, but leaning towards econometrics at the moment
SOP: Body was generic for every school, changed a few things for each school
Acceptances: NCSU ($$), TAMU ($-wl), UGA($-wl), GMU(no $)
Waitlists: None
Rejections: UVA, Vanderbilt, ISU
Pending: None
What would you have done differently? Maybe study for the GRE more. Hard to say that when I came to college that I wanted to pursue a PhD, it never crossed my mind until the 2nd part of my junior year which is hardly enough time to take all the recommended math courses. In the end I got what I wanted, a place that wants me and is large enough to accommodate any possible changes in my fields of interest. I will be attending NCSU.
Accepts: Acceptances: NCSU ($$), TAMU ($-wl), UGA($-wl), GMU(no $)
Rejects: Rejections: UVA, Vanderbilt, ISU
EcoBd 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad/Grad: BSS and MSS in Economics in a South Asian University. Undergrad/Grad GPA: 3.7/4.0 in Undergrad and 4.0/4.0 in Grad GRE: 790Q, 380V, 3.5AWA TOEFL: 106 (29R, 29L, 23S, 25W) Courses: Lots of econ courses. PhD level micro and econometrics. Calculus, probability theory, linear algebra, real analysis etc. Letters of Recommendation: 3 economics professor from my University. 1 got his PhD from Harvard and taught me Microeconomics. Another did her PhD from MIT and taught me Econometrics. The last one got his PhD from Manchester and taught me International Economics. I am sure that they all gave me excellent recommendations. Research Experience: Currently working in a research institute in my home country. I also have 2 RA positions in two different organizations previously. Teaching Experience: None Research Interests: Econometrics SOP: Traditional. Emphasized my interests in economics. RESULTS: Attending: Texas A & M University Acceptances: TAMU ($$), FSU (no $), OSU AEDE: (no$: informally) Rejections: UCSD, UIUC, UNC, UF, Vanderbilt, IUB, No word: USC What would you have done differently? I think I should really do well on GRE verbal and AWA. And I should be more focused on my SOP.
Accepts: Attending: Texas A & M University
Acceptances: TAMU ($$), FSU (no $), OSU AEDE: (no$: informally)
Rejects: Rejections: UCSD, UIUC, UNC, UF, Vanderbilt, IUB,
tmdruie 2009:
So I can get on the shiny charts! PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. Physics and Economics from a top 10 liberal arts college Undergrad GPA: 3.14/4.0 Type of Grad: One stats class Grad GPA: 3.3 GRE: 790Q, 600V, 5.0AW Math Courses: Calc I-III(I took them in high school, I really dont remember and nor do my transcripts), Linear Algebra (B), Mathematical Probability and Statistics (B-, B), Real Analyst(A, at a different school then my undergrad), Stochastic Processes (B+, grad course, at a different school then my undergrad) Econ Courses: AP Micro and Macro (A, in high school), European Economic History (B+), Law and Economics (B), Intermediate Price Theory (B), Intermediate Macro Theory (B), Econometrics (B), Contemporary British Economy (B), Industrial Revolution-Britain (A-), Econ of Multinational Corps (A-), Thesis (labor econ) Other Courses: Physics, which I put in my math lists. Quantum Mechanics I, Partial Differential Equations (B+), etc. I only did the bare minimum for a liberal arts major Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ professors (my thesis advisor and the person who led my study abroad), 1 physics professor (thesis advisor), 1 economist who is my supervisor Research Experience: RA for 2.5 years at a central bank Teaching Experience: Tutored, graded and lab assisted for two years for physics in college Research Interests: All over the place. Labor, policy, experimental, applied micro, development, etc. SOP: Intro, I did physics I can do math!, I wrote a thesis in economic and liked doing research, Im working as an RA and like doing research, I took extra math and can write proofs, I was part of an econ paper reading group and like reading papers, interests (changed a bit depending on what the school had, and more policy oriented for ag econ schools). Also a few sentences about things I did that I removed or added depending on the school. The 500 word schools were hard, the 1000 word schools were easy. I also had a Personal History Statement about being a female doing math for the schools that wanted it. Other: Applied for the NSF. I tried not to say anything to risky, and not say much about interest in policy to non policy/ ag econ schools. I like Aikido. RESULTS: Acceptances: Boston University (waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA) Waitlists: University of Minnesota Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics) Pending: Toronto MA, Queens MA What would you have done differently? Gotten better grades in undergrad. When I really started understanding what the things I need to do for a PhD I think I did the best I could, took real analysis, applied for the NSF (if only to write a SoP for them), read papers etc. I probably could have gotten more research experience at my job (co-author), and I defiantly could have gotten better grades and taken more math as an undergrad. But over all Im happy. Attending: Boston University
Accepts: Acceptances: Boston University (
Rejects: Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics)
Waitlists: waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA)
Waitlists: University of Minnesota
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bellman 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: top uni in my country in south asia, unknown outside. BSc Economics Undergrad GPA: 3.87 Overall, 3.97 Econ, 3.82 Math Type of Grad: MA Economics (on-going, top prog in Canada) Grad GPA: Average 85% GRE: 790Q, 730V, 5.5AWA Math Courses: Calc I (A-), Calc II (A), Vector Calc (A-), Linear Algebra (A), Probability (A), Statistics (A), Adv Stats (A) , Real Analysis (B+), Functional Analysis (B+), Set Theory (A-), ODEs (A), Number Theory (A-), OR-I (A) Econ Courses (grad institute): Micro(MA) (B+) (this is gonna hurt me alotttt), Macro(MA) (A+), Econometrics(MA) (A+), Math for Econ(MA) (A), Econ Courses (undergrad institute): Micro-I, II, grad (A+, A, A), Macro I, II, grad (A+,A, A), Econometrics I,II,grad (A+,A, A+), Adv Game Theory (A), Adv Math Econ (A) and various other courses of undergrad level. Letters of Recommendation: diff combo of profs 2 from masters and 2 from undergrad prog. Research Interests: Applied Econometrics, Labor, IO SOP: Was told to not exceed one page by my referee. standard I'm sure Teaching Experience: TA for econometrics for an entire year at my undergrad institute. currently TAing at my grad school but wasnt able to include this in my app file. Concerns: My B+s in real and functional plus esp my B+ in grad Micro are gonna hurt me big time. its strange how one bad day can jeopardize things so badly. Applying to: Yale, Michigan, Austin, Cornell, Wisconsin, Duke, Virginia, WUSTL, Rochester, Vanderbilt, Queens, UWO, Maryland, Minnesota Rejections: Cornell, Duke, Yale
Accepts: - Institution: UT Austin Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: ??
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: unofficial E-mail
Comments: I am over the moon, this is my first offer, absolutely thrilled!!
- Institution: Univ. of Rochester Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/6
Funding: fellowship with TAship requirements starting from year 3.
Notified through: email
Comments: simply ecstatic, my first funded offer and it feels great. i slept last night looking at a rejection from wisconsin and woke up to this great news...
Rejects: - Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Website
Comments: 2nd year in a row...
- Institution: Minnesota Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -
Notification date: 2/26/09
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: another one...
- Institution: Wisconsin Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: thats strange, getting a rejection at this time, 9 PM PST. Alas, we are not safe at any time of the day!
- Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: a bit strange!
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
- Institution: Maryland Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: Website
- Institution: UWO Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/27
Notified through: postal mail
Comments: i am happy with the admits i have secured!
- Institution: UVA
Programme: PhD
Decision: Rejected (Website)
Notification Date: 04/03/2009
Comments: they took so long!
Waitlists: - Institution: Vanderbilt Economics, PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: -
Notification date: 02/27
Notified through: Email
Admit summary statistics:
| As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic: | There were 2 accepted out of 7 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 4.00, average GREQ was 800.0.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them. |
Links: Test Magic Econ Forums |