Index of Schools AnalysisAbout the Site 2012 20112010 20092008 2007all years
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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


Texcards 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Minor Economics and Math at very large state school (top 15 engineering, top 50 economics)
Undergrad GPA: 3.35/4.0 (3.65 Math, 4.0 Econ)
Type of Grad: None
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 800Q, 550V, 4.0AW
Math Courses: Calc I-III(A,B,A), Differential Equations (B), Linear Algebra (A), Mathematical Probability and Statistics (A), Fund Discrete Math (Spring 09)
Econ Courses: Principles of Micro and Macro (A, CR by exam), Intermediate Micro and Macro theory, Econometrics (A,A,A)
Other Courses: Lots of engineering
Letters of Recommendation: 2 not well known assistant econ professors (UT-Austin, Rice) but excelled in their classes, 1 associate engr professor (Berkeley) that I went on a study abroad trip with
Research Experience: none
Teaching Experience: none
Research Interests: International and Development
SOP: Paragraph about why I wanted to do econ even though I did engineering as an undergrad, another on my interests, and another on why I wanted to be an academic. Slightly altered my interests paragraph depending on the school, but for the most part the same for each one.
Other: Didnt start considering this until fall of last year.
Acceptances: UC Riverside (Fellowship), University of San Francisco MA in International and Development Economics (1/2 tuition remission + TA), UC Davis, University of Washington, UC Santa Cruz, Colorado, Oregon, UI-Chicago
Waitlists: Oregon fellowship, eventually notified of no funding
Rejections: Maryland, Boston University, Boston College, UT Austin, Michigan State, Georgetown, UBC MA
Pending: Toronto MA, Queens MA
What would you have done differently?
I wouldnt have applied to the Canadian MAs (1 year wouldnt have been enough to help me), Michigan State, UCSC, or UI-Chicago and maybe applied to a couple more reaches instead, but I really didn't think I would get into as many as I did. I dont know if it would have changed anything though, after really thinking about it I think an MA is a very good choice for me. Ive realized that my 3 economics courses hasnt given me enough of a background in general economics knowledge. Yes I could learn it in the course of a PhD but I think strengthening my economics background will allow me to have more focus on what field I want to go into and give me more ideas when I eventually start to write my dissertation. An MA will also allow me to improve 3 big weaknesses in my profile: (1) Do some research which will allow me to have (2) stronger letter of recommendations and (3) a more focused SOP.
I think I learned a lot in this application process and feel like I will be able to put together a much better application in 2 years after an MA.
University of San Francisco MA in International and Development Economics
    Acceptances: UC Riverside (Fellowship), University of San Francisco MA in International and Development Economics (1/2 tuition remission + TA), UC Davis, University of Washington, UC Santa Cruz, Colorado, Oregon, UI-Chicago
  • Institution: UC-Riverside Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Fellowship: 13.5K stipend first year, 16.6K TA/RA next 4 + Health Insurance Notification date: 1/22/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: My super safety
  • Institution: UC-Davis Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: End of March Notification date: 2/4/09 Notified through: e-mail Comments: Very Excited! Especially if I get funded!
  • Institution: UC Santa Cruz International Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: "I regret that I am unable to offer you any financial support at this time" Notification date: 2/20/09 Notified through:Email Comments: Surprised again... too bad there is no funding
  • Institution: Oregon Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: "Currently being evaluated for a graduate teaching fellowship" Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Kind of expected after the UCSC and Davis admits. I'm hoping it will replace Riverside as my best funded offer. Even if I am funded, will likely decline in favor of Davis
  • Institution: UI-Chicago Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Mid-March Notification date: 3/6/09 Notified through: USPS letter dated 2/26, postmarked 3/3 Comments: I applied to far too many safeties.
  • Institution: University of Colorado, Boulder Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: None Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: Email Comments: I was hoping I would get funded...
  • Institution: Washington-Seattle Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: "Cannot offer you funds right now" Notification date: 3/24 Notified through: e-mail Comments: I e-mailed the grad director and got a response saying I was "very appealing" and if I wanted an unfunded offer they would send me a letter of admission "right away."
  • Institution: University of San Francisco International and Development Economics (IDEC), Master's Decision: Accepted Funding: Didn't say anything about it Notification date: 4/11/2009 Notified through: Postal Mail Comments: Would actually consider this if they fund me...but will definitely decline if not (EDIT: No funding, will decline)
    Rejections: Maryland, Boston University, Boston College, UT Austin, Michigan State, Georgetown, UBC MA
  • Institution: UT-Austin Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: Website Comments: Oh well...
  • Institution: Maryland Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: Website Comments: Expected...
  • Institution: UBC Economics, MA Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/18 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Wasn't ever really sure I would want to go this route and go through this whole process again anyways...
  • Institution: Boston College Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Agora Comments: Grad A+S Decision Letter mailed, I am assuming this is a rejection but I'm on spring break so I can't check my mail! Edit: officially a rejection!
  • Institution: Michigan State University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/25 Notified through: response to my inquiry email Comments: I don't think I would have liked living in East Lansing anyways
  • Institution: Boston University Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/27 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Continuing the trend of no East Coast love
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/13/2009 Notified through: E-Mail Comments: Finally after sending 2 e-mails.
    Waitlists: Oregon fellowship, eventually notified of no funding

z109620 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Economics with Minor in Math and Philosophy from a mediocre state school which does have an Econ and Math PhD (NIU)
Undergrad GPA: 3.76/4.00 (Econ: 3.93/4.00 Math: 4.0/4.0)
Type of Grad: Just two masters course Econometrics and Math for Econ
Grad GPA: 3.5
GRE: 750Q, 470V, 4.0AW
Math Courses: Calc I-III, Linear Algebra, Diff Eqs, Undergrad Analysis I, and Prob. & Stats (also Undergrad Analysis II (W))
Econ Courses: Typical stuff, plus Grad Math for Econ (B) and Grad Econometrics (A)
Other Courses: A couple proof based logic courses (B,A)
Letters of Recommendation: 1 really good letter (Senior Prof., Wisconsin), 1 good letter (Visiting Prof., Penn) and 1 ok letter (Chair, London)
Research Experience: Senior Paper
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: My main focus is Applied Micro Development, however, within the above field I am interested in Agriculture, Trade, Behavioral, Public and Political Economics
SOP: I think it is ok, talked about my Senior Paper, my passion for research and my goals for the future.
Other: I did not get into econ until junior year
RESULTS: (all masters programs)
Acceptances: UC Davis ARE (partial tuition and job as grader), UBC (partial tuition), UPF (no$), Cornell AEM (no $), Purdue ag econ (no $), UIC (no $), U York, U Bristol, U Sussex, USF (20k over two years)
Rejections: Wisconsin AAE and Toronto Doctoral Stream
Pending: Queen’s MA
What would you have done differently?
Well I wish I would have known that I wanted to do Econ earlier, as well as gone to a more prestigious undergrad. However, besides that I feel that I did very well, especially considering the tough year. I am very happy with UC Davis ARE, I plan to work really hard and advance to their PhD, seeing as there program is probably one of the best in the world given my prefers.
UC Davis ARE masters
    Acceptances: UC Davis ARE (partial tuition and job as grader), UBC (partial tuition), UPF (no$), Cornell AEM (no $), Purdue ag econ (no $), UIC (no $), U York, U Bristol, U Sussex, USF (20k over two years)
    Rejections: Wisconsin AAE and Toronto Doctoral Stream
    Pending: Queen’s MA


Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 2 accepted out of 2 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.55, average GREQ was 775.0.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:57:51, Fri May 11, 2012