big_o12 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Good but not great liberal arts college, Econ. Undergrad GPA: 3.80 Type of Grad: MPP, Minnesota Grad GPA: 3.98 GRE: 750, 580, 5.5 Math Courses: Calc I & II, LA, Math for Economists, Intro to Proofs, Stats, all A's Econ Courses: Undergrad: intros, intermediates, open-economy macro, econometrics. Masters level: micro, labor, econometrics I & II Other Courses: Letters of Recommendation: 2 great, one good, nobody famous. One was from a professor who had supervised my masters thesis and said it was the best he had seen, suggested that I send it to a field journal. Research Experience: aforementioned master's thesis Teaching Experience: semester each as TA for micro, macro, stats Research Interests: SOP: Other: RESULTS: Acceptances: Riverside ($$), Oregon($), Minnesota Applied (waitlisted for $-withdrew), UMass ($), U Washington (no $) Waitlists: Rejections: Berk ARE, Davis ARE Pending: Never heard from UConn, I think i'll call and ask for my $80 back. What would you have done differently? I have a strong heterodox streak, so UMass is really a nice admit for me. I feel like I just snuck in there given my low test scores, minimal math and unexceptional undergraduate institution, and i'm greatfull for that, so nothing different. Accepts: Acceptances: Riverside ($$), Oregon($), Minnesota Applied
(waitlisted for $-withdrew), UMass ($), U Washington (no $)
Rejects: Rejections: Berk ARE, Davis ARE