The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart. |
Most Recently Selected profile:
The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.
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Internationalstudent08 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top-5 Undergrad GPA: 3.7 Type of Grad: N/A Grad GPA: N/A GRE: Q800, V670, A4.5 Math Courses: Real Analysis, Optimization (As) Econ Courses: Typical undergrad courses, intro+field courses Letters of Recommendation: 3 good ones Research Experience: 1 year RA (+2 summers as an undergrad) Teaching Experience: Some tutoring Research Interests: Mostly applied micro SOP: Must have been good Other: RESULTS: Acceptances: UChicago (waiting to hear about funding), UMaryland (18k), Penn State (25k) Waitlists: Wharton AE Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, Yale, Northwestern, Columbia, NYU, Brown Total Score: 10-1-3 Pending: None What would you have done differently? I really didn't take advantage of my undergrad school as I should have. I should have started RAing earlier, and I should have taken graduate-level courses as an undergrad, instead of being a chicken. Also, I made some bad thesis-related choices hehe However, since last year's admission cycle, I did everything that I could to improve my profile, and ended up working with some great people. I learned a lot- perhaps more than what I'm going to learn in grad school. The only significant econ-phd-related mistake I made was to apply to all top-10 schools and almost none of the schools between 10 and 20 (except for UMaryland). I rejected most of the schools in that range based on location preferences. Since my profile was not clear-cut top10, I should have been more careful. Anyway, I'm glad I made it!!!!!
Accepts: Acceptances: UChicago (waiting to hear about funding), UMaryland (18k), Penn State (25k)
- Institution: Penn State
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 25k
Notification date: Today
Notified through: Email
Comments: Very happy
- Institution: UMaryland Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted, 18k
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Third admit!
Rejects: Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, Yale, Northwestern, Columbia, NYU, Brown
Total Score: 10-1-3
- Institution: Northwestern Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: Website
Comments:The battle rages on
- Institution: Yale Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100
Notification date: a few days ago
Notified through: E-mail to check website.
(Kinda worried that not only top-5 is impossible, but top-10 is a stretch too)
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: They should never complain that I didn't give them a second chance . These days I celebrate the anniversary of the last rejection they sent me!!!
- Institution: MIT Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: Another donation to support the top 10 schools
- Institution: Princeton University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Columbia Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail directing me to website.
Comments: Same sweet letter
- Institution: Harvard Business School Business Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Letter
Comments: Not a surprise...
Sonaar 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. Economics, minor in History from a Latin American University Undergrad GPA: 4.3/5.0, ranked 2nd in cohort. Type of Grad: M.A. Economics, same Uni as undergrad Grad GPA: 4.4/5.0, ranked 7th in cohort. GRE: 790Q, 500V, 4.0 AWA. Second time. Math Courses: Calculus I, II and multivariate (A, B+, A), linear algebra (A), Math for economics (A), Math statistics I and II (both As), Econometrics I and II (both As) Econ Courses (PhD-level): Micro (A+), Macro (A), Econometrics (A), Growth theory (A), International Economics (A), etc. for M.A. Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Micro I, II and III (A, B+, A); Macro I, II and III (A, B, A+), Fiscal and Monetary theory, Public Economics... lots of them, lots of As. Letters of Recommendation: one from a pre-tenured economics professor, one from the senior economist of a IFI, other from an economist of another IFI. One from a prof of a Public Policy School. Research Experience: lots, almost 7 years between an Latin American think tank, now at IFI. Teaching Experience: tutor of linear algebra and other econ courses, TA and later main instructor. Research Interests: Applied Microeconomics, Health economics, Development, Labor SOP: Done, pretty good Concerns: some weak grades and econ and math courses (I was young and stupid then), and no formal, more advanced math. Other: M.A. thesis published at local refereed journal, presented at an international conference. RESULTS: Attending: Maryland ($) Acceptances: Maryland ($) Rejections: Michigan, Duke, Michigan St, UT Austin, Johns Hopkins, U British Columbia, Brown. Pending: BU What would you have done differently? A lot. besides the obvious (more math, better grades, apply to more safeties), I should have applied earlier. Too much RAship (7 years!) probably hurt my application. I was extremely lucky to get a funded offer.
Accepts: Attending: Maryland ($)
Acceptances: Maryland ($)
- Institution: Maryland - College Park Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $18+tuition waiver+health insurance
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: pheeeww... relieved at last!
Rejects: Rejections: Michigan, Duke, Michigan St, UT Austin, Johns Hopkins, U British Columbia, Brown.
- Institution: Duke Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: Feb 18 9:07 AM EST
Notified through: Email
Comments: I thought I had a chance there...
- Institution: Johns Hopkins University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/11
Notified through:
shortest rejection email in history.
Comments: A micro guy applying to JHU, trying to fit into health economics... long shot, but it worthed!
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
Comment: there goes my dream school...
- Institution: University of British Columbia Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: email
Comments: and there goes Canada for me...
- Institution: Brown University Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: expected
- Institution: Michigan State Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/24
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: nah, I don't care anymore
- Institution: University of Texas - Austin Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/30/09
Notified through: Website
Comments: why did it take that long?
anx1ous 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.S. Econ & Int'l Affairs from top 10 U.S. public (with an 'unranked' econ dept.) Undergrad GPA: 4.0 GRE: 800Q, 680V, 5.5 AWA Math Courses: Calc I-III, Linear Algebra, Diff Eqs, Stats I, grad Prob & Stats Econ Courses (undergrad-level): the usual suspects Other Courses: lots of poli sci/int'l affairs Letters of Recommendation: all econ, 2 'unknown' (Berkeley ARE & Michigan State) and 1 'known' (MIT)...probably 2/3 were 'really' strong Research Experience: in my 4th semester as an RA, worked on 2 projects that led (or rather, are leading) to a working paper & a senior thesis Teaching Experience: none Research Interests: applied micro--labor (specifically education) & development SOP: standard? Other: did a summer research program at a top 20 dept. (which I think was incredibly instrumental in my outcomes); tried to show that despite my weak math background I at least had some programming skills Concerns: LACK OF MATH...everything else was ok, I think What I would have done different: TAKEN MORE MATH, but I didn't know I wanted to do an econ PhD until 2nd semester junior year and was always drawn more to the social sciences than math (and had no idea they could be one and the same!) RESULTS: Acceptances: Columbia ($), Maryland ($), Berkeley ARE ($), Texas ($), Vanderbilt ($), Georgetown (waitlisted w/ $), GW (no $) Rejections: Harvard, Yale, NYU, Brown ATTENDING: Columbia What could I have done differently? In terms of the application process: applied to 2-3 fewer lower ranked depts. and put that money/time/effort towards applying to a few more top 10 schools (probably just to cover my bases, as I have no reason to believe that I would've done any 'better'). Also: stayed away from TM/Gradcafe during admissions season! In terms of preparation: again, done a math minor/double major (for admissions as much as self-preparation--I'm pretty worried now!), but you can only take this 'should've/would've/could've' question so far, since I simply didn't know until later that I wanted to pursue this path or what was required of me. All in all, however, I am extremely happy with my outcomes. I obviously had zero expectations or I wouldn't have applied to such a wide-ranging group of schools.
Accepts: Acceptances: Columbia ($), Maryland ($), Berkeley ARE ($), Texas ($), Vanderbilt ($), Georgetown (- Institution: Vanderbilt Econ PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $15.9K
Notification date: 2/9
Notified through: Email
- Institution: UC-Berkeley ARE PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: fellowship nomination
Notification date: 2/5
Notified through: Email
Anxiously waiting on: lots
- Institution: U Texas-Austin Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 02/25
Funding: ??
Notified through: E-mail, but via a grad school flyout invitation
Comments: Been hearing some negative things about the department recently...
- Institution: Columbia Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Tuition + $22K
Notification date: 02/27
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Maryland Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $18K + $5K first summer
Notification date: 3/5/09
Notified through: Email
Rejects: Rejections: Harvard, Yale, NYU, Brown
- Institution: Yale Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 02/20
Notified through: E-mail link
Comments: No surprise, but still sad (first rejection)
Waitlists: waitlisted w/ $), GW (no $)
- Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted for admission w/ funding
Funding: $18.5K if accepted
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: Email
Comments: Oh well?
FierceEconDR 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Math & Econ from the Poor's people Harvard aka CUNY Undergrad GPA: 3.92/4, Summa Cum Laude Type of Grad: M.S. Economics courses Grad GPA: ? GRE: 790Q, 540V, 5 AWA Math Courses: All required courses for math degree, Calc I-III + Real Analysis I (B), Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra 1 and 2, Probability Theory(B+), Statistics (Theory) (A+) All others A's Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Micro and Macro Theory, Labor, International Finance(Macro), Development theory- All A's Advanced econ stats (A+) Grad courses: Took the Macro, Micro, Econometrics, and some other stuff at a masters in europe. Not in my applications. Letters of Recommendation: 4 econ professors=1 Berkeley ('semi-known') + 1 Harvard + 1 Kansas/NBER +1 Queen's ('Known'), I am confident they were solid and very enthusiastic. Research Experience: AEA Summer Training Program, some development research in Paris IX Teaching Experience: Macro & Micro, Math Tutor Research Interests: Labor, Development, Applied Micro-econometrics SOP: I think it was ok, I did it alla S. Athey: Why I want it (duh research!) what research have I done, what papers did i like, some questions I would like to answer, why U X is good. Name dropped in all of them (2 names). RESULTS: Acceptances: Maryland ($),Texas ($) Withdrawn: UC Davis Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Yale, Chicago, UPenn, Berkeley, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Northwestern, UCSD, Brown, Penn State ATTENDING: Maryland What could I have done differently? In terms of the application process: not apply to PSU and apply to Columbia for my NY Bias (not that I would've gotten into!). I have to second: stayed away from TM/Gradcafe during admissions season! I am extremely happy with UMD so in the end it payed off.
Accepts: Acceptances: Maryland ($),Texas ($)
Withdrawn: UC Davis
- Institution: UT- Austin Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBD
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: Email
Comments: Relieved!
- Institution: Maryland - College Park Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $18+(5K first year)+tuition waiver+health insurance
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Some wiggle room for me!!!
Rejects: Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Yale, Chicago, UPenn, Berkeley, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Northwestern, UCSD, Brown, Penn State
- Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Email directing me to status on website.
Comments: My first rejection.
- Institution: PSU Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/24/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Good luck!
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: MIT Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Good luck, everyone
- Institution: Princeton Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Don't really care at this point...
- Institution: UPenn Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail to check website
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100$
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Email to Marjorie
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
Comment: It is becoming clearer where I am going to be.
- Institution: Harvard Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: postal
Comment: Guess I will not be naming my dog Elle Woods!
- Institution: Chicago Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: Postal dated
Comments: Would not have gone even if I gotten in, whatever....
- Institution: UCSD Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: No surprise at this point
- Institution: Brown University Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution
nstitution: Cornell Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/14/2009
Notified through: E-Mail
Comments: As if I care...JA
bigleaguechew 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Econ / B.S. Math from a top 100 public school Undergrad GPA: 3.5 Overall, 4.0 Econ, 4.0 Math GRE: 790Q, 610V, 5.5AWA Math Courses: One year of real analysis (A+'s); two quarters each of theoretical linear algebra (A+'s), numerical analysis (A+'s), math prob stat, nonlinear dynamics and chaos; one quarter each of PDE's, abstract algebra and complex analysis Econ Courses: applied metrics (A+'s), public finance (A+'s), labor, game theory (A+), and a few others in addition to intermediate micro/macro Letters of Recommendation: It seems as though I had one very respected letter writer, and other letters were more or less ignored at many schools (just what I gathered from my conversations with grad directors where I was accepted) Research Experience: Virtually none. Started an undergrad research project that was never finished Work Experience: 2 years in consulting (business, but not econ) Research Interests: Applied micro, IO SOP: Talked about how my experiences and coursework have influenced my research interests. Tailored last paragraph to each school I applied to. I cannot say this with enough emphasis... THE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE DEFINITELY MATTERS AT SCHOOLS OUTSIDE OF THE TOP 10. IF YOU DO NOT COME FROM AN IVY AND YOU DON'T HAVE A SPOTLESS MATH/ECON RECORD WITH SOLID RESEARCH EXPERIENCE, I WOULD ADVISE YOU TO SPEND SOME TIME ON YOUR SOP AND START WORKING ON IT EARLY! Concerns: I had about a year straight of abysmal grades (yes, we're talking about F's and W's here people) in my sophomore year of college due to some family issues. I think it was important that this occurred when I was an english major, and I made up for it by excelling in all of my econ and math courses. So, if you have screwed up and permanently marred your transcript like I did, HOPE IS NOT LOST! It just means that you have to work extra hard to outperform your classmates from here on out. RESULTS: Attending: UCSD ($) Admitted, Declined: Stanford GSB Marketing ($$$$$$$$), Penn State ($$), WUSTL ($), UNC ($/2), UVA ($), Texas ($$), ASU ($$), Arizona ($$), Pittsburgh ($), Ohio State ($), U of Washinton ($), Maryland (stiffed me) Waitlists: Minnesota, BU Rejections: Top 10, NYU, Columbia, UCLA, Michigan, JHU, Wharton (but it doesn't count in my mind cuz I hardly showed up for the interview) Never heard back from: USC (not that I care anymore, but seriously WTF?) What would you have done differently? Nothing really. I had a huge black spot on my record with that one atrocious year, and nobody knew how that would affect me. My letter writers were extremely supportive in helping me apply to as many places as I could afford, and cover a broad spectrum of programs. I thought UCSD was a long shot heading into this process, and I am thrilled to be going there. I can honestly say that I would have been happy at just about any of the programs that I was accepted to, and it was incredibly difficult for me to turn down so many attractive offers. Obviously, this is a problem that I am happy to have, but you'd be surprised how gut wrenching it is to turn down a fellowship offer from a school that you had been day-dreaming about attending just a few weeks earlier. Still, I would advise everyone who isn't a superstar with stellar letter of recommendation's to adopt a similar strategy and apply to as many places as you can afford.
Accepts: Attending: UCSD ($)
Admitted, Declined: Stanford GSB Marketing ($$$$$$$$), Penn State ($$), WUSTL ($), UNC ($/2), UVA ($), Texas ($$), ASU ($$), Arizona ($$), Pittsburgh ($), Ohio State ($), U of Washinton ($), Maryland (stiffed me)
- Institution: Penn State Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding:24k Assistantship
Notification date: Feb 18
Notified through: Email
Comments: Suck on that Duke!
- Institution: Washington University, St. Louis Economics
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through:
- Institution: UNC Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBA
Notification date: 2/26/09
Notified through: email
- Institution: Univ. British Columbia MA
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word yet
Notification date: 3/9
Notified through: email
- Institution: University of Maryland
Decision: accepted
Notification date: 3/10/2009
Notified through: email
Rejects: Rejections: Top 10, NYU, Columbia, UCLA, Michigan, JHU, Wharton (but it doesn't count in my mind cuz I hardly showed up for the interview)
- Institution: Duke Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: Feb 18 9:07 AM EST
Notified through: Email
Comments: Easier to take since I already have some other options.
- Institution: Northwestern Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: Website
Comments: Decision available through ApplyYourself website - not the separate link they sent for decision status.
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Chicago
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/9
Notified through: snail mail
- Institution: NYU-Stern Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: checked website after seeing other posts here (no email)
- Institution: Wharton Applied Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: randomly checked website
Comments: Not at all surprised.
I had lost interest in this program prior to my interview, and I
pretty much let that be known to them.
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
Waitlists: Waitlists: Minnesota, BU
- Institution: Minnesota Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/24/09
Notified through: E-mail
freecon 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: BA Econ Undergrad GPA: 3.90/4.0 (gpa in math&econ 3.96) Top ranked out of 150 Type of Grad: No grad degree GRE: 780Q Math Courses: Calculus I-II, Linear Algebra, Math for economists, Math Analysis, Graph Theory and Networks, Probability and Statistics I-II Econ Courses: Many...Macro and micro theories, Game Theory I-II, Growth and Development, International Trade I-II, Public Finance, Monetary, Econometrics I-II, Time Series Other Courses: Java, Matlab, Management courses... Letters of Recommendation: I used five different recommenders. One was a famous prof, one was department chair, others were associate profs knowing me well. Research Experience: non Teaching Experience: Tutoring in Econ 101&102 for two years, assisting in CS 123 for a semester Research Interests: Game theory, Macroeconomic theory, macroeconomic policy games SOP: I have sent a standard SOP to each school by just changing the name of institution. It is neither bad nor well-prepared, although I spent great time on it. Other: RESULTS: Attending: BU ($$$) Acceptances, declined: UMD ($$$), JHU ($$), Brown, LSE-MSc, UPF-MSc ($$$) Waitlists: Brown funding list Rejections: MIT, Princeton, Berkeley, Yale, UCLA, UPenn, Northwestern, NYU, UCSD Pending: UWM What would you have done differently? Firstly, I didn't study for GRE assuming that the quantitative part was easy. Yes, it was easy. But I should have studied to gain speed. Further, the verbal part was horrible for me as an international student. If I had studied, I may do well. Secondly, I didn't apply to Cornell, Columbia, Michigan, Chigago and Minnesota. I should have made a better combination of schools instead of applying Princeton,MIT,Berkeley,Yale and so on. Thirdly, it is the important one: I should have written more specific SOPs. But, it was impossible for me since I still haven't know exactly my research interests.
Accepts: Attending: BU ($$$)
Acceptances, declined: UMD ($$$), JHU ($$), Brown, LSE-MSc, UPF-MSc ($$$)
- Institution: U of Maryland Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TAship
Notification date:
Notified through:
it is an unofficial notification. They have notified one of my professor through e-mail.
- Institution: JHU Econ PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: full tuition waiver
Notification date:
Notified through:
Comments: they have notified my professor through e-mail
- Institution: BU Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: e-mail
Funding:$18700+tution waiver+summer stipend($5000)
- Institution: LSE
Programme: MSc Econometrics and Mathematical Economics (1 yr)
Decision: Accepted
Notification Date: 31/03/2009
Funding: None
After rejecting for Phd just on website ten days ago, this time they notified through e-mail.
Rejects: Rejections: MIT, Princeton, Berkeley, Yale, UCLA, UPenn, Northwestern, NYU, UCSD
- Institution: MIT Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: e-mail
not suprising
- Institution: LSE Economics, PhD MRes (Track 1)
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: web-site (no email)
Comments: They should have sent an email to be more polite
Waitlists: Waitlists: Brown funding list
- Institution: Brown Economics PhD
Decision: waitlisted
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: e-mail
SF_Haole 2009:
I've been pretty nervous about my chances, and rightly so thus far: 1 admit, 1 waitlist, 3 official rejections and 4 schools that haven't rejected me but appear to have admitted everyone already. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Stanford GPA: 3.7 Major: Physics (BS), International Relations (BA) Type of Grad: Stanford GPA: 3.9 Major: International Policy Studies (MA) GRE: 800Q, 690V, 6.0 writing Math Courses: Multivariate Calculus: Differential (A) & Integral (A), Linear Algebra: Basic (A) & Advanced (A), Honors Diff Eqns w/proofs (B). Also a ****-ton of physics classes. Econ Courses (undergrad): Basic micro/macro (A) intermediate micro (B+,A-) intermediate macro(B+), economic history (A), env. econ(A), public policy analysis(A+), stats for econ(A-), metrics(B+). Econ Courses (grad): None, but I took grad-level courses in international macro (A-), and development (A) through my masters program and the political science dept's Ph.D-level game theory class (A). Letters of Recommendation: 2 from fairly famous econ professors. I do research for one of them and took a class from the other (and worked for his colleague). 1 from a very famous political scientist (has his own wikipedia article) who taught my game theory class. Kinda nervous about the polisci rec but my options were limited. Research Experience: lots of physics research; worked as an RA for the RBI (Indian Central Bank) for 1 summer; currently work in applied econ & policy analysis for one of my recommenders (past 2 years). Teaching Experience: 1 year as a TA for intro to economics. Research Interests: econometrics, development SOP: Decent, I might have explained my research more but I built off my NSF essay, which had a separate previous research essay. Applying to: 21 schools, including the top 10 overall, top 10 econometrics, and top 10 in development. Also UW-Seattle
Accepts: - Institution: University of Washington, Seattle Economics Ph.D
Decision: Accepted (Unofficial)
Funding: No word, but according to the email "I would be very happy if we could induce you to join us in Seattle."
Notification date: 02/27
Notified through: Email from Fahad Khalil, Graduate Program Director.
1.5/5 so far.
- Institution: University of Maryland - College Park Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/5
Funding: Fellowship $18,000 + Tuition Remission + Health Insurance 1st year, TA years 2-4.
Notified through: email
Comments: Leverage, maybe?
- Institution: University of Wisconsin - Madison Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/5
Funding: First-year TAship, continued support for 3 more years with progress.
Notified through: email, unofficial
Comments: Awesome. I cried a little. Got this today, so Madison can't be totally finished with admits.I am gonna rock the
out of this place.
- Institution: Michigan Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Rackham Merit Fellowship: $2100/month + tuition waiver + health insurance + $4000 summer stipend. Years 2&3 TA, Years 4&5 fellowship.
Notification date: 3/11
Notified through: Email
Comments: This is it. I finally have at least one offer that I will definitely be happy taking. Also, this is leverage to use against Wisconsin. Now I'm definitely going to be an economist. Wow.
EDIT: Removed extraneous text.
- Institution: UCSD Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word. According to my friend who went to UCSD, this likely means no guaranteed funding. However, the funding decision normally comes from the department and this email was from the Graduate School.
Notification date: 3/11
Notified through: Email
Comments: Holy
this is awesome.
Rejects: - Institution: Duke University Economics Ph.D
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 02/18
Notified through: Email
- Institution: Yale University Economics Ph.D
Decision: Rejected
Funding: Surprisingly, I was offered a $35l/year fellowship to use at a different institution. No, not really.
Notification date: 02/20
Notified through: Email.
- Institution: Northwestern University Economics Ph.D
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 02/25
Notified through: Website - checked my status and it was updated. I did not get an email.
- Institution: Tons of Great Schools (Princeton, UCLA, Columbia, MIT, Berkeley, etc.) Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5, 3/4 or thereabouts
Funding: Haha yeah right.
Notified through: email
Comments: I'm not helping anybody by posting these but I wanted to be transparent - I've done a lot of failing.
Comments: Currently 3.5 for 11, 4 to go, plus 6 places that have admitted everyone they want and will reject me when they get around to it.
Edit: Formatting
up, Wisconsin & Maryland ran together.
- Institution: UCLA Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: Email
- Institution: UCLA Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/9
Notified through: Email
- Institution: UCLA Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/11
Notified through: Postal Service
Comments: I get it. You don't want me. Quit sending me
. I already got into your superior sister school down in La Jolla, where the weather is warmer, the girls are hotter and the metrics is way better. Eat me.
Waitlists: - Institution: University of Minnesota Economics Ph.D
Decision: Waitlisted - on the "weak" waitlist.
Notification date: 02/24
Notified through: Email.
dodora 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.S. Physics (HK) Undergrad GPA: 3.95/4 Type of Grad: Physics (TOP 20 US) Grad GPA: 3.97/4 GRE: 800Q, 640V, 4W Math Courses (undergrad): math required for physics major undergrad Math (grad): advanced mathematics for physics (A+) Econ Courses (grad): Macro I (A+), Econometrics (A+), Computational Macro (didn't take for grade) Econ Courses (undergrad): None Other Courses: a lot physics courses and a few biology courses...they're irrelevant, i guess Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ professors and one physics professor and one math professor Research Experience: RA for a condense matter physics lab; doing research in biophysics/computational bio labs...again, irrelevant Teaching Experience: TA for two years Research Interests: Macroeconometrics Concerns: obvisously, tooooo few econ courses. And I should apply to more places... Applied to: Stanford, UPenn, Cornell, UCSD, UMD, JHU, Georgetown, UBC, UToronto
Accepts: - Institution: Georgetown Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Fellow
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Maryland Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: fellow
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: UBC Economics M.A
Decision: Admitted
Notification date: 03/9
Notified through: email
- Institution: UCSD Economics, PhD
Decision: Admitted
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: Email
Rejects: - Institution: Stanford Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: more or less expected...
- Institution: Stanford Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: more or less expected..but it still hurts...i'm not going to the gym today...i need to eat something really really sweet~~~
- Institution: Johns Hopkins University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/11
Notified through: email
Comments: the rejection email is so short and unfriendly(?)~~~
Waitlists: - Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Email
italos 2009:
In this thread please post only your results.For further comments please refer to other threads in the forum Institution: Program: Decision: Funding: Notification date: Notified through: Comments:
Accepts: - Institution: UC Santa Cruze In International Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBA
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through:Email
Comments: European Union citizen, Security school where I also have a personal connection
- Institution: UW-Madison Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
unable to offer financial support for the first year of study.They can provide support in the three years of study following the first year,conditional to satisfactory progress
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Email
Comments: I need funding also for the first year!!!!
- Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 0
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: E-mail
Comments:WTF I need funding!!!!!
- Institution: University Of Maryland, College Park Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 0
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: I emailed Vickie
Comments:WTF once again! I need funding!!!!
- Institution: European University Institute(EUI) Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted for Interview
Funding: full if admitted
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: I called
Comments:Going to Florence!
- Institution: JHU Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding None
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: I emailed
Comments: WTF once again no funding.I think I deserve the Antichorn award for the most unfunded applicant!!!
Rejects: - Institution: UC Berkeley Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100+DHL
Notification date: Today(10 minutes ago)
Notified through: Email
Comments: A kinda of expected. It seems to be a mass email
- Institution: Princeton Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100 +DHL cost
Notification date: Today (10 minutes ago)
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: that was something I was expecting since December as they were already in posses of last years LORs..
- Institution: Columbia Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5,
Funding -51 Euro paid to DHL
Notified through: I emailed Jody
Comments: At least I saved my money on the application fee as I preferred to sent later a check.I was told that they were going to read my file anyway and if admitted I could pay it later
- Institution:Stanford Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6
Cost: Application fee+GRE and TOEFL score reports +DHL
Notified through: email
Comments :I I was expecting that.....
- Institution: University of Chicago
Decision: Rejected
application fee+TOEFL+GRE reports+ DHL
Notification date: Today, Letter dated March 6 2009
Notified through: postal service
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Cost: usual application fee +TOEFL and GRE reports +DHL
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: I emailed Marjorie Lesser(very nice lady)
Comments:I was hoping something more from NYU as I had a stellar letter of recommendation from an NYU alumni who happens to be also my coauthor.But just let me say that I know what is the real reason not only for NYU but for all the other outcomes
- Institution: Harvard Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through:
postal service
Comment : Not much to say
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: Website
Comments: I had an alumni as a letter of recommendation writer who has strongly supported me but I think it has more to do with another issue on my profile which is also confirmed by the other results
- Institution: University of Minnesota
Programme: Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected (e-mail)
Notification Date: 04/01/2009
Comments: I was on the waiting list and just got the email form Kara that I am out.I am disappointed but my options now seem to be clear!Let's say that the only thing that makes me laugh is that I will not have to spend
the next 5 years under -40 °C!
confusedgrad 2009:
Institution: Duke University Program: Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Notification date: 03/02 Notified through: E-mail Funding: Will be informed by the department Comments: Will decline soon. _ _ _ _ SIG _ _ _ _ In: Minnesota (fellowship), UCLA (no 1st year funding), Boston College (TA), Duke($?), CEMFI (10K) Out: Yale Pending: Many many....
Accepts: - Institution: Duke University Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
Funding: Will be informed by the department
Comments: Will decline soon.
_ _ _ _ SIG _ _ _ _
In: Minnesota (fellowship), UCLA (no 1st year funding), Boston College (TA), Duke($?), CEMFI (10K)
Out: Yale
Pending: Many many....
- Institution: University of Maryland Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 18K fellowship
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
_ _ _ _ SIG _ _ _ _
In: Minnesota, UCLA, Duke, Maryland, Boston College, CEMFI
Out: Yale, Northwestern
Pending: A lot more
- Institution: Tinbergen Institute Economics, MPhil
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Full scholarship
Notification date: 3/9/2009
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Even though amsterdam is an appealing city, I have to decline the offer...
- Institution: Goethe University, Frankfurt Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Tuition+stipend
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Email
Comments: I do not even know why I ever applied...
Rejects: - Institution: Northwestern Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Website
Comments: i knew it from the very beginning...
_ _ _ _ SIG _ _ _ _
In: Minnesota, UCLA, Boston College, Duke, CEMFI
Out: Yale, Northwestern
Pending: many more...
- Institution: Princeton Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comment: Totally expected...
_ _ _ _ SIG _ _ _ _
In: Minnesota, UCLA, Duke, Maryland, Boston College, CEMFI
Out: Yale, Northwestern, Princeton
Pending: A lot more
- Institution: Columbia Economics PhD
Notification date:March 6
Notified through:E-Mail
Comments: My dream school and my dream city has gone. It hurt for the first time...
_ _ _ _ SIG _ _ _ _
In: Minnesota, UCLA, Duke, Maryland, BC, CEMFI
Out: Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Northwestern
Pending: A lot more...
- Institution: UPENN Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: I am really not sad. The only thing to upset me is the fact that I could not receive even a single acceptance from the top of my list.
- Institution: Johns Hopkins University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: March 11
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: Now this one was really suprising for me...
- Institution: London Business School Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: March 11
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: Two surprising rejections at one night... God, I was at least expecting an interview....
- Institution: University College London Economics, MPhil/Phd
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: Postal service
Comment : seems like i am not type of london...
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: Website
Comments: i never wanted this school indeed...
- Institution: UCSD Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/19
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: already expected...
- Institution: London School of Economics Economics, Mres/Phd (Track 1)
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/30 (?)
Notified through: Website...
Comments: No e-mail. Just checked the website. This is how far you can go with a pretty weak research proposal. No London for me...
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/15/2009
Notified through: E-Mail
Comments: Finally good to know...
ellenc 2009:
Institution: Penn State U Program: Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Assistantship of $18k+tuition waiver+health insurance Notification date: 2/25 Notified through: E-mail Institution: Maryland - College Park Program: Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Assistantship of $18k+tuition waiver+health insurance Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail Comments: first admit after a worrying week's wait after Penn State's rejection, finally relieved!
Accepts: - Institution: Maryland - College Park Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Assistantship of $18k+tuition waiver+health insurance
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: first admit after a worrying week's wait after Penn State's rejection, finally relieved!
Rejects: - Institution: Penn State U Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: Assistantship of $18k+tuition waiver+health insurance
Notification date: 2/25
Notified through: E-mail
| |
ilikefreefood 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Econ major from a top 5-10 liberal arts college. Undergrad GPA: 3.73/4, magna cum laude with distinction in major for senior thesis research. Type of Grad: none Grad GPA: n/a GRE: 800Q 640V 5.5AWA Math Courses: Calc II-III (A,B+), Linear Algebra (Pass), Statistics (A), Mathematical Structures (A-), Real Analysis (B, taken as a non-degree student at a local school this Fall) Econ Courses: Principles Micro/Macro (A-,A), Intermediate Micro (A) Intermediate Macro (B), Econometrics (B+), pre-thesis seminar (A-), Ag. & Food Econ. (A), Development Econ. (B+), Econ. of Inequality (A), Econ. of Water Policy (B+), British Econ. history (B+) Other Courses: A pass/fail seminar on game theory, a Poli. Sci. course on agent-based computer modeling (A) Letters of Recommendation: 3 ECON professors (liberal arts college profs but with Chicago/Stanford Ph.Ds), including my thesis adviser who has previously stated that my thesis was one of the best he's ever advised. Where possible, 1 VP at my Econ. consulting firm with whom I've worked extensively on econometric analyses. Research Experience: ~3 years as an RA in a major Econ. consulting firm; I specialize in statistical and econometric analysis within my office. Awards: Thesis award from state Economics association, thesis presentation award from state science association, college fellowship for (non-research) work in development related to microfinance. Research Interests: Development, environmental/resource economics, urban economics, general applied micro. SOP: Well-written but fairly standard; mentioned specifically my interest in development and applied micro fields. Other Concerns: Didn't anticipate the B in analysis and received it after I had submitted applications; I don't think I have enough additional math coursework to make up for exercising a pass/fail option in linear algebra way back when. RESULTS: Acceptances: Minnesota ARE ($$) Waitlists: none Rejections: Berkeley, Columbia, Harvard, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, MIT, NWU, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, Yale Pending: Chicago, Cornell What would you have done differently? Applied to Berkeley ARE and not Berkeley ECON when they made me pick just one; applied to more schools in the 20-30 range and not limited myself by the fact that I applied to 15 programs; discounted the advice of my former professors w.r.t. how far my school's reputation would get me; learned of and read the TestMagic forum earlier in the process.
Accepts: Acceptances: Minnesota ARE ($$)
Rejects: Rejections: Berkeley, Columbia, Harvard, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, MIT, NWU, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, Yale
LagrangeJames 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. econ, B.A. math, large state university, EconPhD top 60 Undergrad GPA: 3.9/4.0 GRE: 800Q, 650V, 4.5AWA Math Courses: Calc III (A+), Linear algebra (A+), Differential equations I, II (A-, A), Introductory probability theory (A, fall), Math modeling (A, fall) Econ Courses (PhD-level): Optimization theory (A-, fall), Econometrics II (spring) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): All of them, including two econometrics courses and game theory; A- in intermediate microeconomics, A's otherwise Other Courses: Spanish minor Letters of Recommendation: Four economics professors -- nobody famous, but I had collaborated on research projects (that I had initiated) with three of them Research Experience: Two working papers co-authored with faculty Teaching Experience: Teaching assistant for introductory microeconomics, spring Research Interests: Growth and development, specifically microeconomic development SOP: Used a standard template for all statements but tailored last couple paragraphs to specific program, mentioning examples of faculty research I was interested in (but did not mention any faculty by name) Concerns: No real analysis, but optimization theory provided a good crash course Applying to: Maryland, Brown, MIT, Harvard, Yale, UCSD, Berkeley, Minnesota, Michigan, NYU, Boston, Columbia, LSE (M.Sc.) RESULTS: Acceptances: Yale (with funding), Michigan (no first-year funding), Boston (with funding), UCSD (with funding) Waitlists: Minnesota Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Columbia, Maryland, Brown, NYU Withdrawn: LSE What would you have done differently? If I had discovered this forum sooner, I probably would have taken more proof-based math courses, which most likely would have boosted my chances at top top schools. However, I think research experience, letters of recommendation from faculty involved in that research and a good "fit" (in terms of my research interests) -- factors that are often overlooked, including by myself -- helped my chances at several schools. Good luck, everyone.
Accepts: Acceptances: Yale (with funding), Michigan (no first-year funding), Boston (with funding), UCSD (with funding)
- Institution: Yale Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Full
Notification date: 2/19
Notified through: E-mail, with Word document attached, detailing funding
- Institution: UC-San Diego Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Admitted (Provisionally)
Funding: Not mentioned
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: E-mail says I have been admitted provisionally but must submit official transcript confirming receipt of undergraduate degree before I can be officially admitted.
Good luck, everyone
- Institution: University of Michigan Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Admitted
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: Website (U-M Friend)
Comments: "We are happy to report that the Admissions Committee of the Department of Economics has enthusiastically recommended to Rackham Graduate School that you be admitted to our PhD program.
A letter outlining the specific details of this offer is being sent to you shortly."
- Institution: Boston University Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Admitted
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: E-mail
Funding: $18,700 + $5000 summer stipend
Comments: Good luck, everyone
Rejects: Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Columbia, Maryland, Brown, NYU
Withdrawn: LSE- Institution: Berkeley Economics Ph.D
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/a
Notification date: 3/2
Notified through: E-mail
Comments:Good luck, everyone
- Institution: MIT Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Good luck, everyone
- Institution: Harvard University Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: U.S. Postal Service
Comments: Good luck, everyone
- Institution: Brown University Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: If it's brown, flush it down. Good luck, everyone.
- Institution: NYU Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/24
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Good luck, everyone.
Waitlists: Waitlists: Minnesota
- Institution: Minnesota Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/24/09, 11:58 Indiana time
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Good luck, everyone
mjsmith1986 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. Econ from small but respectable liberal arts college with well known Econ researchers; they don't do minors but I have taken enough math to qualify for a "minor" at other schools Undergrad GPA: 3.67 cumulative, 3.83 econ GRE: 800Q, 590V, 5.5 AWA Math Courses: Calc I (A-), Calc II (A), Calc III (A), Linear Algebra (A), Proofs and Fundamentals (B), Stats (A), Real Analysis I (A), Topology (A), Real Analysis II (Spring '09), Dynamical Systems (Spring '09) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): The relevant ones: Intermediate Micro (B+), Intermediate Macro (A), Advanced Micro (A), Econometrics (A), Senior Thesis (A) Other Courses: Some political studies/physics Letters of Recommendation: Two from Econ Profs (UT-Austin and Yale), one from Math Prof (head of Math dept.) Research Experience: RA for Econometrics professor; Awarded summer research grant (co-authored a paper with a professor, in publishing stages); senior thesis Teaching Experience: TA for intro micro Research Interests: Labor Economics (specifically Economics of Education), Behavioral Economics, basically Applied Micro and Econometrics stuff. SOP: Just talked about my research experience and interests. Other: Applied for an NSF grant to build on some conclusions from my undergraduate thesis. Concerns: That my Verbal score might be a little low. I was easily testing in the high 600s but I basically rushed through it on the GRE to get to the Quant. I also declared a late major in Econ (in my junior year) and have spent the last year and a half rushing to make up the appropriate math/econ courses for grad school, so I don't know whether that sends a good or bad signal to the adcomms. Also, high volume of apps this year with rather homegenous profiles. What I would have done different: Majored in math from the start. Curse my fickle interests! Applying to: Princeton (Woodrow Wilson School), Cornell, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Maryland, George Mason, Carnegie Mellon, Boston U, Boston College, Virginia, Duke RESULTS: Acceptances: Boston College ($$), Johns Hopkins ($), UVA ($?) Rejections: Princeton, Brown, Maryland, George Mason, Boston U, Duke, CMU Pending: Cornell (Probably rejected) ATTENDING: Boston College What could I have done differently? As I said before, I would have majored in math from the start rather than rushing in my last semesters to make up the appropriate coursework. Aside from that, not much; I am pleased to have the offer that I do and am looking forward to graduate school!
Accepts: Acceptances: Boston College ($$), Johns Hopkins ($), UVA ($?)
Rejects: Rejections: Princeton, Brown, Maryland, George Mason, Boston U, Duke, CMU
Waitlists: Pending: Cornell (Probably
JasonEcon 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.S. Industrial Engineering with honors; U.S. top 5 engineering program Undergrad GPA: Overall: 3.2/4.0, Econ: almost none, Math: 3.1/4.0 Type of Grad/Post-Bac: M.S. Economics at large state non-Ph D granting university Grad/Post-Bac GPA: 3.9/4.0 GRE: 800Q 630V 5.0AWA Undergrad Courses: Calculus II-III (A/B), Linear Algebra (B) Grad & Post-Bac Courses: Grad Micro (A), Grad Macro (A), Grad Metrics (A), 3 grad field courses (As); Diff Eq (A), Adv Calc (A), Grad Analysis (B) Letters of Recommendation: 3 Econ, 1 Math, good professors but not well known. Research Experience: Only a directed study on growth at the time of application. Teaching Experience: none Research Interests: International/Development SOP: discussed my very late interest in Economics and thus my five year hiatus between undergrad and returning to school, other than that boilerplate. RESULTS: Attending: Vanderbilt (Fellowship year 1, TA years 2 - 5) Acceptances: Vanderbilt ($), NC St ($), Virginia Rejections: Duke, Maryland, UNC-CH, Arizona St, Georgetown (never heard) What would you have done differently? I would of done more research with professors as part of my grad program. I think my professors were able to write solid but not exceptional recommendations because they just did not know me well enough to elaborate extensively. That said, Vanderbilt is the best fit for me in terms of fields and as a personal fit, so I am thrilled with going there!
Accepts: Attending: Vanderbilt (Fellowship year 1, TA years 2 - 5)
Acceptances: Vanderbilt ($), NC St ($), Virginia
- Institution: NC St Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBD in March
Notification date: 2/1/09
Notified through: Grad coordinator
Comments: Notified at open house
- Institution: Vanderbilt Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $15.9 fellowship 1st year/assistantship next 4
Notification date: 2/9/09
Notified through: Email
- Institution: UVA Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: Website
Comments: Just randomly checked the website. I expect there will not be funding, but don't actually know that.
Rejects: Rejections: Duke, Maryland, UNC-CH, Arizona St, Georgetown (- Institution: Duke Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: 2/17/09
Notified through: Email
- Institution: Arizona St Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: 2/23/09
Notified through: Website
- Institution: University of Maryland Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: ~
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Website
- Institution: UNC Chapel Hill Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/9/2009
Notified through: E-mail
Zmoney 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Large U.S. Public University ranked 40-55 (best in state) typically known for Football not Economics Undergrad GPA: 3.93 overall 4.0 in Econ 3.69 in Math Graduating Summa GRE: 800 Q 540 V 5.0 AWA Math Courses: Calc 1-3 1,2 tested out 3(B+), Differential Equations(B), Stat 1(A), Probability(A) Lin Alg (A) Math Stats 2 in Spring Econ Courses: Intros, Intermediates, Public Econ, Sports Econ, Empirical Research, Independent Study (for research) Labor, Empirical Public Econ I (PhD field) All A's Other Courses: Minors in Food and Resource Economics, and History Letters of Recommendation: 3 LORS 2 excellent letters from pretty well known Econ faculty in their concentrations (one Phd Chicago the other Wisconsin) and 1 very good letter from a senior member of the Ag Econ Department (Purdue well known in Ag econ) Research Experience: 2 written empirical papers one for the class in research and the other (to be my thesis) I want to get published. Database work and research at Fed Teaching Experience: N/A Research Interests: Public Econ, Public Choice, Taxation Policy, Political Economy SOP: Solid i think, had multiple profs say they wouldn't change a thing Other: Internship at the Federal Reserve, Strong Undergraduate leadership positions Concerns: My B in Diffy Q, Coming from a big public school, No Real Analysis. RESULTS: Attending: Virginia Admitted, Declined: Michigan State, Boston College, Florida Waitlists: none Rejections: Northwestern, NYU, Penn, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maryland, Texas-Austin, Cornell, Duke What would you have done differently? Started taking math freshman year as opposed to junior year. Double majored in Stats
Accepts: Attending: Virginia
Admitted, Declined: Michigan State, Boston College, Florida
- Institution: University of Virginia Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word on funding should be last week of march though
Notification date: 2/13/2009
Notified through: WEBSITE
Comments: ITS MY FIRST ADMIT!!!!!!!
Tears in my eyes
- Institution: University of Florida Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word but historically fund all candidates
Notification date: Feb 18
Notified through: Mail
2 for 3 so far.
Admitted student day March 27th
- Institution: Boston College Economics Ph.D
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $$$ 15.6K RAship
Notification date: 02/28
Notified through: Email. with a formal letter in the mail
- Institution: Michigan State Economics Ph.D
Decision: Accepted
Funding: tuition+health insurance+13.4Kmin TAship
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: email from dept.
Rejects: Rejections: Northwestern, NYU, Penn, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maryland, Texas-Austin, Cornell, Duke
- Institution: Duke Econ PhD
Decision: Rejection
Funding: I funded their loss endowment
Notification date: 2/17/09
Notified through: Email to check website
Comments: sigh... Had connections there too...
- Institution: Northwestern Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/01
Notified through: checked apply yourself
Comments: sigh there goes my number one choice
- Institution: UPenn Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail to check website
Comments: sigh.... another rejection
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: Website
soul crushing....
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: E-mail, personalized though
eh figured as much
- Institution: Texas Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/19
Notified through: Website
Comments: glad I didnt pick them in my march madness bracket
- Institution: Cornell Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/15/2009
Notified through: E-Mail
UVA thats all sorry Cornell
3ohto4oh 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Economics, large top 25 U.S. Public research university Undergrad GPA: 3.0 (rounding up LOL) Type of Grad: M.A. Economics, terminal degree within department Grad GPA: 4.0 GRE: 790Q, 570V, 5.0AWA Math Courses: Calc I-II (AP credits), Math Stats (A), Discrete Math (A), Math for econ (undergrad and grad, A, A) Econ Courses: Tons. Sloppy undergrad grades, All A's in MA. Other Courses: Random stuff like Japanese Letters of Recommendation: 3 professors of econ Research Experience: MA thesis, submitted for publication (fingers crossed!) Teaching Experience: Tutoring Research Interests: Macro, applied macro, forecasting. SOP: Suggested a couple of potential research topics. Concerns: No serious math courses hurt me in applications, could make things more difficult in my studies. RESULTS: Attending: City University of New York, Graduate Center. $18k "Enhanced Chancellor's Fellowship," guaranteed for 5 years. Admitted, Declined: American U ($-WL), Northeastern U ($$), Suffolk U ($), and the New School () Waitlists: Boston C, U Washington, U North Carolina, Georgetown U Rejections: Johns Hopkins U, U Maryland, Boston U, George Washington U, Michigan U What would you have done differently? Very happy with this outcome. I spread my applications far and wide, so I am sure that I got into the best program that I could have - and then I fell in love with CUNY on a campus visit. As for advice to others, I have a huge hole in my transcript where there should have been upper-level math courses, and I should have corrected that.
Accepts: Attending: City University of New York, Graduate Center. $18k "Enhanced Chancellor's Fellowship," guaranteed for 5 years.
Admitted, Declined: American U ($-WL), Northeastern U ($$), Suffolk U ($), and the New School ()
Rejects: Rejections: Johns Hopkins U, U Maryland, Boston U, George Washington U, Michigan U
Waitlists: Waitlists: Boston C, U Washington, U North Carolina, Georgetown U
funkychinamen 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top 10 Econ program, transfer from top 40 Econ program, Econ major Undergrad GPA: 3.892 /4.000 Type of Grad: None Grad GPA: N/A GRE: 780Q 480V 4.5AWA Math Courses: Calc I, Calc II, Calc III, Vector Calc, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Probability Theory, Linear Algebra - proof-based, Intro to Proofs, Real Analysis, Math Stats (Spring) Econ Courses: Intermed Micro, Intermed Macro, Topics in Macro, Analysis of Econ Data, I.O., International Micro, International Macro, Labor, Intro to Mathematical Econ, Game Theory, Econometrics, Grad Micro I, Applied Econometrics (Spring) Letters of Recommendation: One from an associate professor in the Ag Econ department who I researched with, one from an assistant professor at Business School who I researched with, one from professor who taught grad course Research Experience: One year with an associate professor in the Ag Econ department, One semester with assistant professor in Business school, senior thesis in progress Teaching Experience: None Research Interests: I.O., Micro Theory, Labor SOP: Looked back at it the other day. I HOPE they didn’t read it. RESULTS: Acceptances: USC Marshall ($), Duke ($), Northwestern ($), UCSD (No $), Texas (No $), Boston U (No $) Waitlists: UPenn (rejected), Caltech (rejected) Rejections: Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, MIT, Minnesota, Maryland, UCLA Anderson, Harvard, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Brown What would you have done differently? I would have studied harder for the GRE, finished a major in applied math, and applied to UCLA econ. (Not-so) Fun Facts: -Not accepted to any Ivy League school (UPenn waitlist) -Not accepted to any school that used the Embark system (Caltech waitlist) Attending: Northwestern!
Accepts: Acceptances:
USC Marshall ($), Duke ($), Northwestern ($), UCSD (No $), Texas (No $), Boston U (No $)
- Institution: Duke University Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: In the mail
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: email to website
Comments: Hoo- and -ray!
- Institution: Northwestern University Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Doesn't say
Notification date: 2/26/09 9:00PM PST
Notified through: Checked applyyourself
Comments: Take that, Minnesota!
- Institution: UC San Diego Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Admitted (Provisionally)
Funding: Not mentioned
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: YAY! One of my top choices! Feels good after a whole week of Top 10 rejections
- Institution: UT Austin Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Dunno... still confused.
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Website
Comments: No e-mail...just checked the website. It says:
"We're pleased to inform you that you've been accepted to The University of Texas
at Austin. We recommend that you contact your graduate adviser as soon as possible.
It's a pleasure to welcome you as a graduate student."
Although, I did receive an e-mail from Eugenio J. Miravete making a correction to an e-mail he sent earlier regarding the date of the flyout...I never received the first e-mail...
- Institution: Boston University Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: "Financial Aid Alternate"
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: I think getting accepted without aid to schools that are lower on your list than ones you've already been accepted to is absolutely great. You don't feel bad about being rejected, but it doesn't really change the set of schools you have to make a decision on. Will probably decline soon.
Rejects: rejected), Caltech (rejected)
Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, MIT, Minnesota, Maryland, UCLA Anderson, Harvard, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Brown
- Institution: Stanford University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail AND Postal
Comments: What a better way to end a week of 5 rejections and 1 wait-list (not to mention 2 problem sets, and a Stat lab report), except with, not only another rejection from my dream school, but the official rejection letter in my mailbox when I come home? YAY!
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
Comments: Kind of feeling like Northwestern was a fluke...granted, the most AMAZING fluke of my life.
- Institution: Cornell University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/6/2009
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Not an Ivy-Leaguer
Waitlists: Waitlists:
UPenn (- Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Email
eggman 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top Public University (William & Mary) Undergrad GPA: 3.87 Overall, 4.0 Econ, 3.9 Math GRE: 760 Q, 550 V, 4.5 A Math Courses: MultiVar. Calc (A), Linear Algebra (A), Intro Proofs Class (A), Real Analysis (B+), Ordinary Differential Equation (A), Probability (A), Mathematical Statistics (in progress) Econ Courses: Econ of Information (A), World Trade Theory (A), Econometrics (A), Time-Series Econometrics (A), Cross Section Econometrics (A) (advanced econometric courses are part of my schools MPP program, but are cross-listed in Econ) Letters of Recommendation: -Assistant Professor I was a TA for -Professor that is my Honors Thesis Advisor -Professor I worked for on a theoretical paper, well known in his subfield. Research Experience: -RA for one summer doing grunt work data collection -Empirical Honors Thesis on a topic in pubic economics (decentralization) -Worked on a Theoretical Paper in social choice theory, attempted to prove a theorem the professor could not solve. Even though I couldnt finish the paper for him, I was able to make enough progress that he could see that I had some talent, greatly improving my letter of recommendation. Teaching Experience: TA for an Econ 101 class, graded assignments and held review sessions. Research Interests: Public, Labor, Applied Micro SOP: I think it was fine, matched up my interests with some professors, nothing noteworthy to say about it RESULTS: Will be Attending: UVA Acceptances: UVA($$), Indiana ($$) Waitlists: UNC Rejections: Princeton, Yale, UPenn, Rochester, Penn State, Maryland, JHU, Duke, Michigan, Minnesota, UCLA What would you have done differently? I wish I would have started math earlier and had been a Econ/Math double major instead of just a math minor. I believe I had enough Math to make me competitive, but a little bit more could have been nice. I also wish I had done better on the GRE, but I studied a lot and only got a 760Q, so I dont think taking it again would have improved my score, thus I dont regret not retaking the GRE. Comments: Im surprised I got so many rejections, but ultimately I am very happy with the final outcome. I really like UVAs Program and they gave me good funding.
Accepts: Attending: UVA
Acceptances: UVA($$), Indiana ($$)
Rejects: Rejections: Princeton, Yale, UPenn, Rochester, Penn State, Maryland, JHU, Duke, Michigan, Minnesota, UCLA
Texcards 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Minor Economics and Math at very large state school (top 15 engineering, top 50 economics) Undergrad GPA: 3.35/4.0 (3.65 Math, 4.0 Econ) Type of Grad: None Grad GPA: N/A GRE: 800Q, 550V, 4.0AW Math Courses: Calc I-III(A,B,A), Differential Equations (B), Linear Algebra (A), Mathematical Probability and Statistics (A), Fund Discrete Math (Spring 09) Econ Courses: Principles of Micro and Macro (A, CR by exam), Intermediate Micro and Macro theory, Econometrics (A,A,A) Other Courses: Lots of engineering Letters of Recommendation: 2 not well known assistant econ professors (UT-Austin, Rice) but excelled in their classes, 1 associate engr professor (Berkeley) that I went on a study abroad trip with Research Experience: none Teaching Experience: none Research Interests: International and Development SOP: Paragraph about why I wanted to do econ even though I did engineering as an undergrad, another on my interests, and another on why I wanted to be an academic. Slightly altered my interests paragraph depending on the school, but for the most part the same for each one. Other: Didnt start considering this until fall of last year. RESULTS: Acceptances: UC Riverside (Fellowship), University of San Francisco MA in International and Development Economics (1/2 tuition remission + TA), UC Davis, University of Washington, UC Santa Cruz, Colorado, Oregon, UI-Chicago Waitlists: Oregon fellowship, eventually notified of no funding Rejections: Maryland, Boston University, Boston College, UT Austin, Michigan State, Georgetown, UBC MA Pending: Toronto MA, Queens MA What would you have done differently? I wouldnt have applied to the Canadian MAs (1 year wouldnt have been enough to help me), Michigan State, UCSC, or UI-Chicago and maybe applied to a couple more reaches instead, but I really didn't think I would get into as many as I did. I dont know if it would have changed anything though, after really thinking about it I think an MA is a very good choice for me. Ive realized that my 3 economics courses hasnt given me enough of a background in general economics knowledge. Yes I could learn it in the course of a PhD but I think strengthening my economics background will allow me to have more focus on what field I want to go into and give me more ideas when I eventually start to write my dissertation. An MA will also allow me to improve 3 big weaknesses in my profile: (1) Do some research which will allow me to have (2) stronger letter of recommendations and (3) a more focused SOP. I think I learned a lot in this application process and feel like I will be able to put together a much better application in 2 years after an MA. Attending: University of San Francisco MA in International and Development Economics
Accepts: Acceptances: UC Riverside (Fellowship), University of San Francisco MA in International and Development Economics (1/2 tuition remission + TA), UC Davis, University of Washington, UC Santa Cruz, Colorado, Oregon, UI-Chicago
- Institution: UC-Riverside Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Fellowship: 13.5K stipend first year, 16.6K TA/RA next 4 + Health Insurance
Notification date: 1/22/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: My super safety
- Institution: UC-Davis Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: End of March
Notification date: 2/4/09
Notified through: e-mail
Very Excited! Especially if I get funded!
- Institution: UC Santa Cruz International Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: "I regret that I am unable to offer you any financial support at this time"
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through:Email
Comments: Surprised again... too bad there is no funding
- Institution: Oregon Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: "Currently being evaluated for a graduate teaching fellowship"
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Kind of expected after the UCSC and Davis admits. I'm hoping it will replace Riverside as my best funded offer. Even if I am funded, will likely decline in favor of Davis
- Institution: UI-Chicago Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Mid-March
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: USPS letter dated 2/26, postmarked 3/3
Comments: I applied to far too many safeties.
- Institution: University of Colorado, Boulder Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: None
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Email
Comments: I was hoping I would get funded...
- Institution: Washington-Seattle Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: "Cannot offer you funds right now"
Notification date: 3/24
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: I e-mailed the grad director and got a response saying I was "very appealing" and if I wanted an unfunded offer they would send me a letter of admission "right away."
- Institution: University of San Francisco International and Development Economics (IDEC), Master's
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Didn't say anything about it
Notification date: 4/11/2009
Notified through: Postal Mail
Comments: Would actually consider this if they fund me...but will definitely decline if not (EDIT: No funding, will decline)
Rejects: Rejections: Maryland, Boston University, Boston College, UT Austin, Michigan State, Georgetown, UBC MA
- Institution: UT-Austin Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Website
Comments: Oh well...
- Institution: Maryland Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: Website
Comments: Expected...
- Institution: UBC Economics, MA
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Wasn't ever really sure I would want to go this route and go through this whole process again anyways...
- Institution: Boston College Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Agora
Comments: Grad A+S Decision Letter mailed, I am assuming this is a rejection but I'm on spring break so I can't check my mail!
Edit: officially a rejection!
- Institution: Michigan State University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/25
Notified through: response to my inquiry email
Comments: I don't think I would have liked living in East Lansing anyways
- Institution: Boston University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/27
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Continuing the trend of no East Coast love
- Institution: Georgetown Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/13/2009
Notified through: E-Mail
Comments: Finally after sending 2 e-mails.
Waitlists: Waitlists: Oregon fellowship, eventually notified of no funding
tmdruie 2009:
So I can get on the shiny charts! PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. Physics and Economics from a top 10 liberal arts college Undergrad GPA: 3.14/4.0 Type of Grad: One stats class Grad GPA: 3.3 GRE: 790Q, 600V, 5.0AW Math Courses: Calc I-III(I took them in high school, I really dont remember and nor do my transcripts), Linear Algebra (B), Mathematical Probability and Statistics (B-, B), Real Analyst(A, at a different school then my undergrad), Stochastic Processes (B+, grad course, at a different school then my undergrad) Econ Courses: AP Micro and Macro (A, in high school), European Economic History (B+), Law and Economics (B), Intermediate Price Theory (B), Intermediate Macro Theory (B), Econometrics (B), Contemporary British Economy (B), Industrial Revolution-Britain (A-), Econ of Multinational Corps (A-), Thesis (labor econ) Other Courses: Physics, which I put in my math lists. Quantum Mechanics I, Partial Differential Equations (B+), etc. I only did the bare minimum for a liberal arts major Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ professors (my thesis advisor and the person who led my study abroad), 1 physics professor (thesis advisor), 1 economist who is my supervisor Research Experience: RA for 2.5 years at a central bank Teaching Experience: Tutored, graded and lab assisted for two years for physics in college Research Interests: All over the place. Labor, policy, experimental, applied micro, development, etc. SOP: Intro, I did physics I can do math!, I wrote a thesis in economic and liked doing research, Im working as an RA and like doing research, I took extra math and can write proofs, I was part of an econ paper reading group and like reading papers, interests (changed a bit depending on what the school had, and more policy oriented for ag econ schools). Also a few sentences about things I did that I removed or added depending on the school. The 500 word schools were hard, the 1000 word schools were easy. I also had a Personal History Statement about being a female doing math for the schools that wanted it. Other: Applied for the NSF. I tried not to say anything to risky, and not say much about interest in policy to non policy/ ag econ schools. I like Aikido. RESULTS: Acceptances: Boston University (waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA) Waitlists: University of Minnesota Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics) Pending: Toronto MA, Queens MA What would you have done differently? Gotten better grades in undergrad. When I really started understanding what the things I need to do for a PhD I think I did the best I could, took real analysis, applied for the NSF (if only to write a SoP for them), read papers etc. I probably could have gotten more research experience at my job (co-author), and I defiantly could have gotten better grades and taken more math as an undergrad. But over all Im happy. Attending: Boston University
Accepts: Acceptances: Boston University (
Rejects: Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics)
Waitlists: waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA)
Waitlists: University of Minnesota
ecuaecon 2009:
Type of Undergrad: international student with a a degree from a local university Type of Grad: MS econ from a mid-size private american university Undergrad GPA: 3.6/4 Graduate GPA: econ 3.6, econ + math 3.4 GRE: 770Q, 470V, 4.0 AW Math Courses: Calculus I, II, III. Statistisc I, II. Linear Algebra. Math for econ (undergrad and grad). Advanced Calculus (Analysis). Not so great grades Econ Courses (grad-level): Micro (A-) and econometrics (A) Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ profs (graduated at UT, Brown, Cornell), I think these will be good recommendations. Research Experience: RA for a professor, RA local central bank, master's thesis Teaching Experience: instructor (econometrics) Research Interests: Institituions, Econ history, behavioral econ Concerns: I don't have a 800-gre, not so great grades for math courses Applying to: Caltech, Michigan, Maryland, WUSTL, Barcelona School of Econ, Warwick, Oxford, European University Institute, Queen's, British Columbia, Toronto.
Accepts: - Institution: BGSE-UPF MSc Economic
Decision: Accepted
Funding: no
Notification date: 2/3/2009
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Warwick Economics MSc
Decision: Accepted
Funding: no word (most likely nothing)
Notification date: 2/17
Notified through: e-mail (official letter will come through regular mail)
In: BGSE-UPF (MSc), Warwick (MSc)
Rejects: - Institution: Caltech Social Sciences
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 2/28/09
Notified through: email
Comments: Saw it coming, but still hurts
In: BGSE-UPF, Warwick, both MS
- Institution: Maryland Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: checked website
In: BGSE-UPF, Warwick, both MSc
Out: Caltech, Maryland
- Institution: WUSTL Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: starting to worry if I'm going anywhere next fall
In: BGSE-UPF, Warwic, both MSc
Out: Catlech, Maryland
- Institution: European University Institute Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/19
Notified through: e-mail.
Comments: sad.
In: BGSE-UPF, Warwick, both MSc
Out: WUSTL, Maryland, Michigan (not official yet)
- Institution: Oxford Economics, MPhil
Decision: rejected
Notification date: 3/23
Notified through: e-mail
In: BGSE-UPF, Warwick, both MSc
Out: Caltech, Maryland, WUSTL, EUI, Oxford
- Institution: Michigan Economics, PhD
Decision: rejected
Notification date: 3/23
Notified through: e-mail (I e-mailed the grad secretary because I couldn't log-in the university webpage)
Comments: Admission Gods: I would like a funded offer
In: BGSE-UPF, Warwick, both MSc
Out: Caltech, Maryland, WUSTL, EUI, Oxford
- Institution: University of British Columbia
Programme: Economics MA
Decision: Rejected (e-mail)
Notification Date: 04/01/2009
Funding: None
Comments: am I going anywhere?
In: BGSE-UPF, Warwick, both MSc
Out: Caltech, Maryland, WUSTL, Michigan, EUI, Oxford
SeabrookSpecial 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. in Econ and Math (Double Major), Top 40 Undergrad and Econ (U.S. News) Undergrad GPA: 3.9/4 CGPA, 3.8 Econ, 3.9 Math Type of Grad: n/a Grad GPA: n/a GRE: 800Q, 710V, 4.5AWA Math Courses: Calc II &III, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra at UG & Grad levels, Probability, ODE (A's), Real Analysis (A-), Complex Analysis(B) Econ Courses: MicroTheory (A-), MacroTheory(A), Stats and Econometrics (B+), Advanced Econometrics (A-) Bunch of upper level electives (A's) Letters of Recommendation: 2 Econ, 1 Math, all senior faculty Research Experience: 2 semesters as an RA, random term papers. Teaching Experience: n/a Research Interests: Micro Theory and IO SOP: A yawner Concerns: B+'s in Stats and Econometrics, no math stats (taking this semester), B in Complex, unsure how good my letter of recommendation's will be. Somewhat low AWA score. Other: I got really good grades in history, philosophy, and english Applying to: BC, CalTech, Chicago, Columbia, Duke, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, NWU, Penn, WUSTL, Yale... Some MA's: LSE, Queen's, Toronto, UBC
Accepts: - Institution: Penn St. University Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 24K
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Email
- Institution: Duke University Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Unknown (sent via snail mail)
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: email to website
Rejects: - Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: Feb 20th
Notified through: Email to website.
- Institution: Maryland Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Website
Waitlists: - Institution: WUSTL Economics, PhD
Decision: Waitlist
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Email
Comments: Somewhat discouraging that the schools I was hoping were safeties don't want me. Makes me think my personal rankings are off, but still very happy with my current admits.
DesperateEconomist 2009:
It's time to do this: PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Bachelor in Business Administration, prestigious institution in Latin America. Undergrad GPA: 7.6/10 Type of Grad: Master in Economics, same institution than undergrad. Grad GPA: 8/10 GRE: 800Q, 490V, 4.0AWA TOEFL: 104 (30R, 30L, 20S, 24W) Math Courses: Mathematics I, II, Linear Algebra, Metric Spaces, Statistics I, II, III, Mathematical Economics (grad). Econ Courses (Masters): Macro I, II, Micro I, II, Metrics, Time Series and others not so relevant. Econ Courses (undergrad): Macro, Micro, no Metrics. Other Courses: Several other courses, but with small or no relevance for admission purposes. Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ professors (1 Chicago PhD, 1 UCLA PhD, 1 Cornell PhD), and I believe that all of them are solid. Research Experience: RA for two econ professors and currently working on my master's thesis. I also presented a paper in an economics meeting in my country. Teaching Experience: TA for two graduate courses (Macro and Time Series) and 1 undergrad course (Statistics). Research Interests: Macro and IO. SOP: The usual stuff: I put a brief description of my profile and talked about my preferences and why I think I would succeed in their program. Concerns: Low score on the speaking section of the TOEFL. Maybe my math background is not as strong as desired by some schools. At least a few low grades that could hurt me. Applying to: Berkeley, Boston College, BU, Cornell, Columbia, Maryland, MSU, Minnesota, Northwestern, NYU, UT Austin, UCLA, UPenn, Washington St. Louis, Yale.
Accepts: - Institution: Boston College Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Full tuition + 15.6K RAship
Notification date: 03/01
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Michigan State Economics Ph.D
Decision: Accepted
Funding: tuition+health insurance+13.4Kmin TAship
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: E-mail with an acceptance letter attached
Comments: Very happy, it's good to have options!
- Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Full tuition plus 9K fellowship
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Rejects: - Institution: Cornell Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: n/a
Notification date: Feb 5th
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Expected because they were rejecting a lot of internationals, but it was disappointing nonetheless.
- Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: Feb 20th
Notified through: Email and website.
Comments: T-13 and counting...
- Institution: Minnesota Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: 0-3 so far...
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Northwestern Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Website
Comments: At least I don't have to wait anymore...
- Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Email with an attached letter
- Institution: UCLA Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail/attachment
Comments: Completely expected by now....
- Institution: Columbia Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail directing me to website.
Comments: No surprise here...
- Institution: UPenn Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected again
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: I had already received an email with an attached letter, now I get an email asking me to check the website!
- Institution: Maryland Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: Website
Comments: By now, it was completely expected...
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Boston University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/27
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Finally!
bellman 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: top uni in my country in south asia, unknown outside. BSc Economics Undergrad GPA: 3.87 Overall, 3.97 Econ, 3.82 Math Type of Grad: MA Economics (on-going, top prog in Canada) Grad GPA: Average 85% GRE: 790Q, 730V, 5.5AWA Math Courses: Calc I (A-), Calc II (A), Vector Calc (A-), Linear Algebra (A), Probability (A), Statistics (A), Adv Stats (A) , Real Analysis (B+), Functional Analysis (B+), Set Theory (A-), ODEs (A), Number Theory (A-), OR-I (A) Econ Courses (grad institute): Micro(MA) (B+) (this is gonna hurt me alotttt), Macro(MA) (A+), Econometrics(MA) (A+), Math for Econ(MA) (A), Econ Courses (undergrad institute): Micro-I, II, grad (A+, A, A), Macro I, II, grad (A+,A, A), Econometrics I,II,grad (A+,A, A+), Adv Game Theory (A), Adv Math Econ (A) and various other courses of undergrad level. Letters of Recommendation: diff combo of profs 2 from masters and 2 from undergrad prog. Research Interests: Applied Econometrics, Labor, IO SOP: Was told to not exceed one page by my referee. standard I'm sure Teaching Experience: TA for econometrics for an entire year at my undergrad institute. currently TAing at my grad school but wasnt able to include this in my app file. Concerns: My B+s in real and functional plus esp my B+ in grad Micro are gonna hurt me big time. its strange how one bad day can jeopardize things so badly. Applying to: Yale, Michigan, Austin, Cornell, Wisconsin, Duke, Virginia, WUSTL, Rochester, Vanderbilt, Queens, UWO, Maryland, Minnesota Rejections: Cornell, Duke, Yale
Accepts: - Institution: UT Austin Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: ??
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: unofficial E-mail
Comments: I am over the moon, this is my first offer, absolutely thrilled!!
- Institution: Univ. of Rochester Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/6
Funding: fellowship with TAship requirements starting from year 3.
Notified through: email
Comments: simply ecstatic, my first funded offer and it feels great. i slept last night looking at a rejection from wisconsin and woke up to this great news...
Rejects: - Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Website
Comments: 2nd year in a row...
- Institution: Minnesota Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -
Notification date: 2/26/09
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: another one...
- Institution: Wisconsin Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: thats strange, getting a rejection at this time, 9 PM PST. Alas, we are not safe at any time of the day!
- Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: a bit strange!
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
- Institution: Maryland Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: Website
- Institution: UWO Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/27
Notified through: postal mail
Comments: i am happy with the admits i have secured!
- Institution: UVA
Programme: PhD
Decision: Rejected (Website)
Notification Date: 04/03/2009
Comments: they took so long!
Waitlists: - Institution: Vanderbilt Economics, PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: -
Notification date: 02/27
Notified through: Email
thursday 2009:
Here we go. At least, one more data point for this. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. in business administration. Top uni in the country, though not (well) known internationally. Undergrad GPA: 5/5. (Highest distinction, unofficially. I wish it were in econ/math at a better undergrad university.) Type of Grad: M.A. in economics (two-year program) at a solid economics school with a reputation of placing good students in good American/European PhD programs. Grad GPA: 3.44/4. (After the 1st year.) GRE: 790Q, 520V, 3.5AW. (Me knows writing good.) TOEFL: first time: 106 (20S); second time (because of 20S): 107 (23S). (Basically, I wasted $. And, yeah, me does speaking good too.) Math and Econ Courses, all in all: one-year sequence of grad micro, macro, metrics, and math for economics. Almost no (at least, not that relevant) econ/math as an undergrad. Plus on-going electives in misc economics (e.g. IO, and the like). Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ professors: 1 quite well known prof. (Cornell PhD), 1 well published associate prof. (UPF PhD), 1 assistant prof./my thesis adviser (UMD PhD). Not sure about the strength of the letters. Research Experience: on-going thesis, nothing else. Teaching Experience: nil. Research Interests: macro, growth, political economy of development. SOP: nothing special, I think. Concerns: I wish I had done some econ/math instead of business staff as an undergrad. Plus, too low grades (PhD-application-wise) in relevant grad courses. Other: ~ Applying to: UMD, JHU, Penn State (reaches for me, I think), BC, IUB (targets?), UH (a real target, I guess?).
Accepts: - Institution: University of Houston Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: ~16K first year (part of it TA/RA).
Notification date: 3/11
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: My first acceptance. I almost cried.
- Institution: Indiana University-Bloomington Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Nothing
Notification date: 3/27
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Thankful, but cannot afford unfunded studies.
Rejects: - Institution: Johns Hopkins Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/11
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Expected, kind of.
- Institution: Maryland Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Website
Comments: Expected...
Waitlists: - Institution: Boston College Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Notification date: 02/28
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: ~
Jaktu 2009:
Institution: Caltech Program: Social Science, Ph.D Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 02/27 Notified through: Email Institution: Penn State Program: Economics, Ph.D Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 02/25 Notified through: Email Institution: Minnesota Program: Economics, Ph.D Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 02/25 Notified through: Email I miss the days when I was applying to engineering schools. I felt like a king with all the funded offers and flyouts.
Rejects: - Institution: Caltech Social Science, Ph.D
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 02/27
Notified through: Email
- Institution: Penn State Economics, Ph.D
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 02/25
Notified through: Email
- Institution: Minnesota Economics, Ph.D
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 02/25
Notified through: Email
I miss the days when I was applying to engineering schools. I felt like a king with all the funded offers and flyouts.
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: MIT Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: email
- Institution: Northwestern Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/4/09
Notified through: Website
- Institution: Rochester Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Not looking good
- Institution: Stanford Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Would be sad if I don't get in anywhere. It's not looking good at all .
- Institution: Chicago Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/9
Notified through: Mail
- Institution: Maryland Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Website
- Institution: University of Michigan Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: phone
- Institution: UCSD Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/19
Notified through: E-mail
Waitlists: - Institution: UT-Austin Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: First non-rejection. Really hoping I will be able to study economics in the fall.
| |
Waitlists: |
Admit summary statistics:
| As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic: | There were 11 accepted out of 27 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.81, average GREQ was 795.7.
From the Department webpage in 2010 (please send me a link if this is wrong!) |
The median GRE test scores of our admitted students were: Quantitative=800; Verbal=620; Analytical Writing=4.5... We expect to receive about 700 applications. We anticipate sending acceptance letters to approximately 120 applicants and we expect to have an entering class of 30 to 35 students.Approximately 2/3 of our entering class will receive funding of some kind (assistantship or fellowship) in the first year of our Ph.D. program. The ultimate number of acceptance letters we send and the ultimate number of students who receive funding is subject to budgetary considerations. (Source) |
Links: Test Magic Econ Forums |