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Most Recently Selected profile:
The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.
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99luftballoons 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Large Private University, Top 10 Econ/Top 5 Math Undergrad GPA: 3.82 (4.0 Econ, 3.9 Math) Type of Grad: Grad GPA: GRE: 790Q, 640V, 6.0AWA Math Courses: Calc Sequence, Linear Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis I, Real Analysis II, Algebra I, Combinatorics, Topology, Math Stats, Grad. Linear Econ Courses: Intros, Micro Theory, Macro Theory, Econometrics, Senior Seminar, International Econ (1 yr), Organizational Analysis, Finance, Math Econ Other Courses: Ind. study in Game Theory and Math Econ, Intro Operations Research Letters of Recommendation: 2 really good ones, 1 fairly good one Research Experience: Spent a summer RAing and trying to write a paper Teaching Experience: Grading Research Interests: Micro theory, decision theory, game theory, mech. design, experimental... list keeps growing actually SOP: Wrote about what I liked, what I'd done, I got comments on being "very specific" in my SOP from schools that I've gotten in to RESULTS: Acceptances: Harvard, Caltech, Rochester, Cornell, PSU, Northwestern, UMinn Waitlists: UPenn Rejections: Princeton, Stanford GSB, Stanford Econ, Berkeley Pending: NYU, BU What would you have done differently? I would have applied to less safeties, but that's really an ex-post judgment. I think I had a good year, though Stanford GSB was my dream school, but oh well, life goes on. Comments: I think italos is right, letter of recommendation is everything!
Accepts: Acceptances: Harvard, Caltech, Rochester, Cornell, PSU, Northwestern, UMinn
- Institution: CalTech Ph.D. Social Science
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 28k + tuition + fees
Notification date: Feb. 5
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: Go Beavers! (No seriously... come on...)
- Institution: Northwestern University Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 20K
Notification date: 2/24/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Hooray!
- Institution: Harvard Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 2/26/09
Notified through: Phone
Comments: Jeez, my letter of recommendation writers must have REALLY liked me.
- Institution: Rochester Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/5,
Funding: $26,000
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: Really attractive offer, hopefully they pass it on to someone else
Rejects: Rejections: Princeton, Stanford GSB, Stanford Econ, Berkeley
- Institution: Stanford Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Guess I'm not going to Palo Alto
elcapitano 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: BSc Economics, University of Sussex Undergrad GPA: ~3.9+ Type of Grad: MA Economics, UBC Grad GPA: ~3.8+ GRE: 800Q, 720V, 4.5 AWA. Second time. Math Courses: Not many, all (A's) Econ Courses: A bunch, mostly (A's) Letters of Recommendation: Will have been enthusiastic, although might not have the highest profile in the US. Research Experience: fairly little, two years working in government, undergrad thesis. Teaching Experience: TA for introductory courses. Research Interests: Political Economy, Development (macro/institutions/policy), Trade, Economic History SOP: Short, dull. Concerns: Not much real math. RESULTS: Attending: LSE (MRes/PhD) ($$$) Acceptances: LSE (MRes/PhD) Withdrawals: Cambridge, Oxford, Cornell Rejections: Columbia, Brown. What would you have done differently? Not too much, LSE was one of my two target schools. Could possibly applied to more of the top ten, however given the funding and location offered there are only perhaps 5-6 schools that I might have taken ahead, and my chances at these were probably infintessimal. I think British undergrad certainly helped applications to British schools and probably hinders in the US.
Accepts: Attending: LSE (MRes/PhD) ($$$)
Acceptances: LSE (MRes/PhD)
Withdrawals: Cambridge, Oxford, Cornell
- Institution: LSE Economics, PhD MRes (Track 1)
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 4 year fellowship ($$$)
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: Likely to attend
Rejects: Rejections: Columbia, Brown.- Institution: Brown Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/23
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: I should've e-mailed to dump them before they got the chance to dump me.
Lurker_ 2009:
Type of Undergrad: McGill University (B.A. Math and Econ) Undergrad GPA: 3.89/4.00 overall Type of Grad: Cornell, 1st Year in the Econ PhD (2007-2008) Grad GPA: 3.84/4.30 GRE: 800Q, 590V, 5.5AWA Math Courses: Multivariable Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Analysis 1, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, ODE, Differential Geometry, Numerical Analysis, Theory of Interest (All A's), Analysis 2 (B+), Analysis 3 (B+), Analysis 4 (B), Complex Analysis (A-) Econ Courses: Undergrad: Intermediate Micro, Statistics, Intermediate Macro, Econometrics, Advanced Theory (All A's). Grad: Micro I, Micro II, Metrics I, Mathematical Econ (All A+'s), Macro I (A), Metrics II (A), Macro II (C-). Letters of Recommendation: Two junior and one well-known. Research Experience: Part-time RA for one year at Cornell and Full-time RA this year at the NBER. Research Interests: Theory, Behavioral Economics SOP: Awkward. Concerns: The lack of tractability of current behavioral models. RESULTS: Attending: Going back to Cornell. Admitted, Declined: Northwestern Waitlists: Princeton (Ultimately Rejected)
Accepts: Attending: Going back to Cornell.
Admitted, Declined: Northwestern
Waitlists: Waitlists: Princeton (Ultimately
rvalchev 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Small private school. First tier according to US News but dead last in that tier Undergrad GPA: 4.0 - I have another 2 weeks till graduation but hopefully it'll stay this way Type of Grad: n/a Grad GPA: n/a GRE: 800Q, 530V, 5.0 AWA Math Courses: Calc I-III, Linear Algebra, Optimization, Real Analysis, Topology, Probability Theory, Computational Statistics, Differential Equations Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intermediate Micro and Macro, Econometrics and Forecasting, Game Theory, Money and Banking, Public Economics Other Courses: Assortment of Business core classes. Letters of Recommendation: 2 Letters from Econ Profs and 1 from a math prof. I think letters will be good to great, math professor has taught me for 2 years and I've conducted research for an year together with one of my econ profs. Research Experience: Honors Thesis, RA for two summers but I wasted those summers so nothing really came out of it. Research Interests: Metrics, applied metrics ... i am open to anything SOP: It was weak, unfocused and not customized for schools RESULTS: Attending: Duke ($$$) Acceptances, declined: Wisconsin ($$$), Cornell ($$$), Ohio State( $$$), UNC -Chapel Hill ($$$), Michigan State ($$$), Pitt ($$$), Tinbergen Institute ($$$), LSE EME (Research), Oxford MPhil, Michigan (no $), Texas(no $), USC ($$$), Waitlists: Duke funding waitlist, BU funding waitlist, Princeton Waitlist, Texas Waitlist, Michigan waitlist Rejections: MIT, Princeton (rejected from waitlist), Berkeley, Yale, Harvard, UPenn, Chicago, UCSD, Penn State, Boston College, Cambridge What would you have done differently? First, read jeeve's thread about suggestions for people from less known undergrads (it was impossible since it was not written until a couple of days ago, but that's what future people should do). Second, apply to NYU, Columbia and Northwestern (but most probably I would have only taken Northwestern over Duke. But still, my portfolio of schools was a little unbalanced). Third, write a much, much better SOPs that would be much better tailored to different schools. You'll be surprised how much SOPs matter (heard it directly from admissions directors at TOP10 and TOP20 schools).Fourth, don't get RA positions that are in the network of your schools and professors because you are already part of this network, so it doesn't add much to your profile. Go out and work for somebody different.
Accepts: Attending: Duke ($$$)
Acceptances, declined: Wisconsin ($$$), Cornell ($$$), Ohio State( $$$), UNC -Chapel Hill ($$$), Michigan State ($$$), Pitt ($$$), Tinbergen Institute ($$$), LSE EME (Research), Oxford MPhil, Michigan (no $), Texas(no $), USC ($$$),
- Institution: Purdue University Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word
Notification date: Feb 18
Notified through: Email
- Institution: U of Pittsburgh Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Fellowship
Notification date: Feb 18
Notified through: Email and mail
Comments: It's been a really good day
- Institution: Wisconsin-Madison economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Fellowship
Notification date: 2/21/09
Notified through: Email
Comments: I still can't believe it ...
- Institution: Duke Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Tuition waiver and on the waitlist for a stipend
Notification date: 02/27
Notified through: Mail
Weird, they rejected me via the online application earlier this week. Very quick turn around.
- Institution: Michigan State Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TAship
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Hey at least I am on 1-1 for the day.
- Institution: Cornell University Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 21,400 fellowship + 4,400 in summers ...crazy
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Sweet deal
- Institution: Tinbergen Economics MPhil
Decision: Admitted
Notification date: 3/9
Funding: 975 Euros/month + Tuition
Notified through: email
- Institution: Boston U Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: E-mail
Funding: -"alternative funding applicant"
Comments: hey i got one Boston School, even if unfunded
Rejects: Rejections: MIT, Princeton (rejected from - Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Email to check website
Comments: Who would have known ... rejection stinks
- Institution: PSU Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/24/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Good luck to everybody else !
- Institution: Duke Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: I was kinda hoping I was out of the woods but oh well.
- Institution: Berkeley Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-Mail
Comments:Another one bites the dust. 0-2 on TOP10 programs.
- Institution: MIT Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: MIT and Berkeley at least notify all at the same time.
- Institution: UCSD Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/19 (Official letter)
Notified through: E-mail
Funding: -Nada
Comments: what can you do
Waitlists: Waitlists: Duke funding waitlist, BU funding waitlist, Princeton Waitlist, Texas Waitlist, Michigan waitlist
- Institution: Princeton University Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: 25,750 on the off chance I get in
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: At least one TOP10 school thinks I am somewhat worth it
- Institution: U of Michigan Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Notification date: 3/19 (Official letter)
Notified through: Mail
Funding: -Not mentioned
Comments: Interesting
- Institution: UT-Austin Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Waitlisted
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Really rocking those waitlsts this year
mathy backpack 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Large Public University, BA Economics Undergrad GPA: 3.75 Overall, 3.9 Econ, 4.0 Math Type of Grad: MA Economics (1/2 of credits were math though) Grad GPA: 4.0 GRE: 800Q, 690V, 5.0AWA Math Courses: Calc I, Calc II, Vector Calc, Linear Algebra, Logic, Probability/Statistics (multivar calc), Real Analysis, Linear Algebra(grad), Probability Theory(grad)...All A's Taking: Statistical Theory(grad) Econ Courses (grad): Micro(MA), Macro(MA), Econometrics(MA), Labor(MA), Public Finance(MA), GameTheory(MA), Optimization I(PhD)...All A's Taking: Adv Macro(PhD), Optimization II(PhD) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intermed. Micro & Macro, plus 12 other Junior/Senior semester courses for the major...All A's in these, but with a spicy little B and a C in intro Micro and Macro(101 and 102) as a Freshman Other: English Minor, Drum & Bass show on student radio Letters of Recommendation: Different combos of 5 Econ profs from master's program Research Interests: Micro Theory, Game Theory, Behavioral, Micro-ish Development SOP: Spent way too much time, 1 1/2 pages, standard I'm sure Concerns: Picked a great year to apply!?! Other: Despite the random attacks of anxiety, I am pretty excited. Trying to prepare myself to not take the rejections too personally. I have faith that I will end up exactly where I am supposed to be. Applying to: The usual suspects...Princeton, Yale, Berkeley, Chicago, Northwestern, NYU, Columbia, Cornell, Brown, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Penn, WUSTL, Duke, Carnegie Mellon.... hopefully enough! Fingers: crossed Good Luck to everyone.
Accepts: - Institution: University of Virginia Economics PhD
Decision: Admit
Funding: TBA?
Notification date: 2/18/2009
Notified through: Website
Comments: Anyone know of their funding schedule?
- Institution: Washington University, St. Louis Economics
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: email.
By coincidence, I am actually in STL this week and I was studying in their library yesterday. The campus and facilities are top notch!
- Institution: Duke University Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: details in the mail
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: Long enough in limbo???
- Institution: UW-Madison Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No first year funding
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Email
- Institution: Cornell Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Sage Fellowship
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: Email
Comments: jeepers, I'm happy!
- Institution: University of Illinois - UC Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Fellowship
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Snail Mail
- Institution: University of Michigan Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: website
Funding: details in the mail.
Rejects: - Institution: UC Snerkeley Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: My grandpa will be happy...he's an old school nuclear engineer, and every time I mentioned Berkeley on my list he would say something about those damn hippies!
Waitlists: - Institution: Northwestern
Decision: Waitlisted
Notification date: 3/9
Notified through: email
Comments: joining the club!
- Institution: Brown Economics, PhD
Decision: Waitlist
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: Said they fund everyone and sort of implied they are expecting some people to turn them down, so I plan to to check them out while I am up visiting Cornell.
bean14 2009:
Institution: Duke Program: Ph.D. Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: funding in mail Notification date: 2/26/09 Notified through: email
Accepts: - Institution: Duke Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: funding in mail
Notification date: 2/26/09
Notified through: email
- Institution: Cornell Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: , 25.8k/yr (Sage Fellowship)
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: This is a really good labor school, no?
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Canuckonomist 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A (Hons.) Economics, Math Minor with Distinction, Queen's University Undergrad GPA: Overall: 3.75/4.0, Econ: 4.0/4.0, Math: 3.65/4.0 Type of Grad: M.A Economics, Queen's University Grad GPA: 3.9/4.0 GRE: 790Q 530V 5.5AWA Math Courses: Calculus I-III (A+/A+/B), Linear Algebra (B), Differential Equations (B), Probability (C), Abstract Algebra (B), Statistics (A+), Analysis I & II (B+/B), Stochastic Models in Operations Research (A+) Econ Courses (MA/PhD-level): Micro (A-), Metrics (A), Money and the Macroeconomy (A), Mathematical Economics (A+), Finance Theory (A+) Continuous-Time Finance (A+), Risk Management (Audit), Cost-Benefit Analysis (A) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Micro (A), Macro (A+), Metrics I & II (A/B+), Finance (A+), History (B+), Corporate Finance (A), Letters of Recommendation: 1 ANU, 1 JHU, 1 Harvard, 1 BU Research Experience: R.A for three semesters. Co-authoured paper published in REE, 2008. Working paper with same author Teaching Experience: UG Finance (fall), Tutor for department in mathematics for economists, Micro and stats. Research Interests: Financial Economics, Micro, Credit SOP: Working on it all summer RESULTS: Attending: University of Toronto ($$$) Acceptances: Queen's University ($$), BU (no $) Rejections: Chicago, NWU, Yale, Columbia, NYU, Rochester, Michigan, Minnesota Pending: Cornell (will withdraw) What would you have done differently? The only things I could have done differently would have been to start liking math before second year, and to know economics was the thing for me before second year. So really, outside of changing the fabric of my very being earlier in life, all the decisions on the equilibrium path were correct. Very happy to be attending UToronto. Would I be a true Canuckonomist if I didn't do a Ph.D in Canada? I like to think not.
Accepts: Attending: University of Toronto ($$$)
Acceptances: Queen's University ($$), BU (no $)
- Institution: Queen's University Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $25K first year, minimum $20K every year after.
Notification date: Feb 18 9:24 AM EST
Notified through: Email
Comments: First offer. It's nice to have some kind of future.
NB: One of the early offers. I imagine they will likely make more.
- Institution: University of Toronto Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $27K first year, $23K years 2-4 pending satisfactory progress.
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Email with an attached letter
Comments: Now that's an offer. Bickety-Bam.
- Institution: Boston University Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: E-mail
Funding: None
Comments: It's kind of nice to be in somewhere in the US. The no funding offer makes this one kind of a no-brainer-declining.
Rejects: Rejections: Chicago, NWU, Yale, Columbia, NYU, Rochester, Michigan, Minnesota
- Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Website
Comments: Onwards, upwards.
- Institution: Minnesota Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/a
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: 9 Left, not looking good for NWU.
- Institution: Northwestern Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: Website
Comments: Still needing that one.
- Institution: Rochester Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: This does not seem like my year at all.
- Institution: Columbia Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail directing me to website.
Comments: Same letter. Count 'em up.
- Institution: U Chicago Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: If admitted, funding.
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Post
Comments: No worries.
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
Comment: This is becoming habitual.
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/23
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: was just waitin' on that one, really.
- Institution: Cornell University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/6/2009
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Ditto, Wind up.
Waitlists: Pending: Cornell (will withdraw)
wind up bird 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Large Public University, Top 50 Econ Undergrad GPA: 3.82 Type of Grad: Masters in Statistics at same school Grad GPA: 3.75 GRE: 800Q, 700V, 5.5AWA Math Courses: Calc Sequence, Linear Algebra, Intro to Abstract Math (Baby proofs), Cryptology (Baby Number Theory), Real Analysis I & II, Algebra I, Lots of probability and stats. Econ Courses: Intro, Intermediate sequences, Econometrics, Public econ, Game Theory, Asymmetric Info, Economic Anthropology, Economic History (graduate), Empirical Methods (graduate), Math camp Other Courses: Sociology of Sexuality Letters of Recommendation: 1 Berkeley, 1 UCSD, 1 Stanford. All apparently pretty strong. Research Experience: 2+ Years of RAing, summer research internship at Fed, crappy honors thesis and undergrad presentations Teaching Experience: Tutoring for intermdiate micror, TA-ing for stats (only made it to my Cornell application) Research Interests: Micro theory, decision theory, game theory, mech. design, experimental, economic history, social choice, public economics, etc etc. Short answer is "not macro" SOP: It was kind of bad, I'm not going to lie. Mostly I tried to demonstrate how I have been gearing myself up for research. Then the last paragraph was tailored for each school; I dropped names at all of them. RESULTS: Acceptances: Caltech($$$), Northwestern(WL$), UCSD(No$), BU($$$), University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign($$), UNC-Chapel Hill (?$), Boston College($$), UW-Seatte(WL$) Waitlists: None! Awesome. Rejections: Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Chicago, UCLA, Cornell What would you have done differently? Besides working harder in school? Probably nothing. I have an acceptance with funding at my dream school and have some other ego-boosting admits as well. Comments: Italos is right, letter of recommendation is everything Might as well document some of my weird admissions cycle happenings as well: - Boston College sends me an email saying I am not being offered admission because I will get into "superior" schools. - UW-Seattle pulls the same thing - Northwestern rejects me, then admits me a week and a half later. Looks like my one top 10 admit really did involve a clerical error. Attending: Caltech!
Accepts: Acceptances: Caltech($$$), Northwestern(WL$), UCSD(No$), BU($$$), University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign($$), UNC-Chapel Hill (?$), Boston College($$), UW-Seatte(WL$)
- Institution: Caltech Social Sciences PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 28k fellowship first year, TA/RA next four years
Notification date: Feb 5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Still stunned and ecstatic.
- Institution: UNC Chapel Hill Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Will be decided in March, apparently.
Notification date: 2/26/09 11:14 am
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Surprised again. It'll take the edge off Athey not calling me too
- Institution: University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Tuition waiver + fellowship
Notification date: 3/09/2009
Notified through: Post
- Institution: UC San Diego Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Admitted (Provisionally)
Funding: Not mentioned
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Yay!
- Institution: BU Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: e-mail
Funding:$18700+tution waiver+summer stipend($5000)
Rejects: Rejections: Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Chicago, UCLA, Cornell- Institution: Northwestern Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/a
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: website
Comments: Not surprising, hehe
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Well at least they were snappy about it.
- Institution: MIT Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: email
- Institution: UCLA Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: Heh.
Notification date: Today (5 minutes ago)
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Man, UCLA really hates me. Second time I've been rejected. Luckily I MUCH prefer Caltech.
- Institution: Chicago Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/9/09
Notified through: Mail
- Institution: Harvard Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Postal Service
Comments: Letter dated March 13
- Institution: Cornell University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/6/2009
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Wasn't gonna go here anyway!
Waitlists: Waitlists: None! Awesome.
FierceEconDR 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Math & Econ from the Poor's people Harvard aka CUNY Undergrad GPA: 3.92/4, Summa Cum Laude Type of Grad: M.S. Economics courses Grad GPA: ? GRE: 790Q, 540V, 5 AWA Math Courses: All required courses for math degree, Calc I-III + Real Analysis I (B), Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra 1 and 2, Probability Theory(B+), Statistics (Theory) (A+) All others A's Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Micro and Macro Theory, Labor, International Finance(Macro), Development theory- All A's Advanced econ stats (A+) Grad courses: Took the Macro, Micro, Econometrics, and some other stuff at a masters in europe. Not in my applications. Letters of Recommendation: 4 econ professors=1 Berkeley ('semi-known') + 1 Harvard + 1 Kansas/NBER +1 Queen's ('Known'), I am confident they were solid and very enthusiastic. Research Experience: AEA Summer Training Program, some development research in Paris IX Teaching Experience: Macro & Micro, Math Tutor Research Interests: Labor, Development, Applied Micro-econometrics SOP: I think it was ok, I did it alla S. Athey: Why I want it (duh research!) what research have I done, what papers did i like, some questions I would like to answer, why U X is good. Name dropped in all of them (2 names). RESULTS: Acceptances: Maryland ($),Texas ($) Withdrawn: UC Davis Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Yale, Chicago, UPenn, Berkeley, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Northwestern, UCSD, Brown, Penn State ATTENDING: Maryland What could I have done differently? In terms of the application process: not apply to PSU and apply to Columbia for my NY Bias (not that I would've gotten into!). I have to second: stayed away from TM/Gradcafe during admissions season! I am extremely happy with UMD so in the end it payed off.
Accepts: Acceptances: Maryland ($),Texas ($)
Withdrawn: UC Davis
- Institution: UT- Austin Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBD
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: Email
Comments: Relieved!
- Institution: Maryland - College Park Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $18+(5K first year)+tuition waiver+health insurance
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Some wiggle room for me!!!
Rejects: Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Yale, Chicago, UPenn, Berkeley, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Northwestern, UCSD, Brown, Penn State
- Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Email directing me to status on website.
Comments: My first rejection.
- Institution: PSU Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/24/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Good luck!
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: MIT Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Good luck, everyone
- Institution: Princeton Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Don't really care at this point...
- Institution: UPenn Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail to check website
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100$
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Email to Marjorie
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
Comment: It is becoming clearer where I am going to be.
- Institution: Harvard Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: postal
Comment: Guess I will not be naming my dog Elle Woods!
- Institution: Chicago Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: Postal dated
Comments: Would not have gone even if I gotten in, whatever....
- Institution: UCSD Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: No surprise at this point
- Institution: Brown University Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution
nstitution: Cornell Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/14/2009
Notified through: E-Mail
Comments: As if I care...JA
baconos 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. Econ/Math from good liberal arts college (~50) Undergrad GPA: 3.71, 3.90 math, 3.80 econ Type of Grad: - Grad GPA: - GRE: 800Q, 600V, 5.0AWA Math Courses: Calculus I-II (A-), Discrete(A), Probability and Statistics I-II (A,A), Lin Alg (A), Diff Eq (A), Abstract Algebra (A-), Real Analysis (A-), Real Functions and Measures(B), Complex Functions (A), Financial Mathematics (A), etc. Econ Courses (PhD-level): - Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intermediate Macro (A), Micro (A-), Statistics, Econometrics(A), American Economic History (B+), Ind. Study on Criticisms of Economic Thought (A) Other Courses: some philosophy, history and religion Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ professors, all full professors - 2 from Chicago, 1 PSU - solid but nothing too spectacular Research Experience: Best econometrics paper of the semester, some research on financial mathematics published in undergrad math journal Teaching Experience: TA for Calculus I-II, Principles of Micro, Macro for a couple semesters Research Interests: Anything and everything, Applied Micro, Development, International trade, and some political economy SOP: it's an SOP, not looked into too much Concerns: Lack of research, undergrad reputation/connections Other: RESULTS: Attending: UColorado!!! Acceptances: UWisc (no$ first year), UWashington (no$), UColorado ($$) Waitlists: Rejections: UMich, Cornell, OSU, PSU Pending: None What would you have done differently? Not really sure. I definitely did not make a huge effort to get to know professors (skipped classes a lot, no participation or visiting office hours too much) but I did well in their classes and they liked me, so that could've been better. Recommendations matter! I also applied when I was in a different country away from my home institution so I don't really recommend that - it's hard to get things done. Maybe applied a year earlier? hah.
Accepts: Attending: UColorado!!!
Acceptances: UWisc (no$ first year), UWashington (no$), UColorado ($$)
Rejects: Rejections: UMich, Cornell, OSU, PSU
Zmoney 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Large U.S. Public University ranked 40-55 (best in state) typically known for Football not Economics Undergrad GPA: 3.93 overall 4.0 in Econ 3.69 in Math Graduating Summa GRE: 800 Q 540 V 5.0 AWA Math Courses: Calc 1-3 1,2 tested out 3(B+), Differential Equations(B), Stat 1(A), Probability(A) Lin Alg (A) Math Stats 2 in Spring Econ Courses: Intros, Intermediates, Public Econ, Sports Econ, Empirical Research, Independent Study (for research) Labor, Empirical Public Econ I (PhD field) All A's Other Courses: Minors in Food and Resource Economics, and History Letters of Recommendation: 3 LORS 2 excellent letters from pretty well known Econ faculty in their concentrations (one Phd Chicago the other Wisconsin) and 1 very good letter from a senior member of the Ag Econ Department (Purdue well known in Ag econ) Research Experience: 2 written empirical papers one for the class in research and the other (to be my thesis) I want to get published. Database work and research at Fed Teaching Experience: N/A Research Interests: Public Econ, Public Choice, Taxation Policy, Political Economy SOP: Solid i think, had multiple profs say they wouldn't change a thing Other: Internship at the Federal Reserve, Strong Undergraduate leadership positions Concerns: My B in Diffy Q, Coming from a big public school, No Real Analysis. RESULTS: Attending: Virginia Admitted, Declined: Michigan State, Boston College, Florida Waitlists: none Rejections: Northwestern, NYU, Penn, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maryland, Texas-Austin, Cornell, Duke What would you have done differently? Started taking math freshman year as opposed to junior year. Double majored in Stats
Accepts: Attending: Virginia
Admitted, Declined: Michigan State, Boston College, Florida
- Institution: University of Virginia Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word on funding should be last week of march though
Notification date: 2/13/2009
Notified through: WEBSITE
Comments: ITS MY FIRST ADMIT!!!!!!!
Tears in my eyes
- Institution: University of Florida Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word but historically fund all candidates
Notification date: Feb 18
Notified through: Mail
2 for 3 so far.
Admitted student day March 27th
- Institution: Boston College Economics Ph.D
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $$$ 15.6K RAship
Notification date: 02/28
Notified through: Email. with a formal letter in the mail
- Institution: Michigan State Economics Ph.D
Decision: Accepted
Funding: tuition+health insurance+13.4Kmin TAship
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: email from dept.
Rejects: Rejections: Northwestern, NYU, Penn, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maryland, Texas-Austin, Cornell, Duke
- Institution: Duke Econ PhD
Decision: Rejection
Funding: I funded their loss endowment
Notification date: 2/17/09
Notified through: Email to check website
Comments: sigh... Had connections there too...
- Institution: Northwestern Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/01
Notified through: checked apply yourself
Comments: sigh there goes my number one choice
- Institution: UPenn Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail to check website
Comments: sigh.... another rejection
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: Website
soul crushing....
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: E-mail, personalized though
eh figured as much
- Institution: Texas Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/19
Notified through: Website
Comments: glad I didnt pick them in my march madness bracket
- Institution: Cornell Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/15/2009
Notified through: E-Mail
UVA thats all sorry Cornell
boiboi1986 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top 10 liberal arts college Undergrad GPA: Overall 3.91; Math 4.0; Econ 3.92 Type of Grad: - Grad GPA: - GRE: 800Q, 690V, 6.0AWA Math Courses(undergrad): Multi, Diff Eq, Probability, Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Real Analysis I (Taking while applying in the fall), Taking in the spring: Measure Theory + Abstract algebra Math Courses(PhD): - Econ Courses: Standard sequence, Public Finance, Experimental Econ, History Econ Thought, Honors Thesis Other Courses: Liberal artsy stuff Letters of Recommendation: 2 Econ (MIT, Yale, both young assistant profs), 1 Math (Stanford fairly senior profs). The math one didn't know me much (took 2 classes with him). The other two I'd done research for, so should've been fairly good. Research Experience: 2 summers Teaching Experience: 2 semesters at homework tutoring sessions. Research Interests: broad SOP: terrible, i picked a bad topic to write about. Other: RESULTS: Attending: UMich (Ann arbor) Accepted: UMich ($$ on apr 15th!), Wisconsin (TA$ on apr 15th too!), UC Davis (TA$+Fellow$, but with only a approx 1/2-tuition reduction) [not sure what one $ =?] Wait List: Upenn, presumably rejected in the end. Rejections: "Almost everywhere" (top 10 + a few other top 11-20's) What would you have done differently? a lot. i messed up my applications cuz i did it very last minute, i pretty much did it all over 3 very intense nights before the collective deadline (dec 15). so my SOP was a disaster, apparently i picked the completely wrong topic to write about. and also my letter of recommendation writers didn't have too much time to write it. In any case, while i was initially quite disappointed, im now very happy to be going to michigan!
Accepts: Attending: UMich (Ann arbor)
Accepted: UMich ($$ on apr 15th!), Wisconsin (TA$ on apr 15th too!), UC Davis (TA$+Fellow$, but with only a approx 1/2-tuition reduction) [not sure what one $ =?]
- Institution: UC Davis Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: funding decisions will apparently be made "before the end of march"
Notification date: 2/4/09, 4:47pm ET
Notified through: Email first, later on website too
Comments: also invited me to an open house w/ up to $300 reimbursement.
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No idea! from the looks of it i doubt im getting much funding.
all it says is
"We are happy to report that the Admissions Committee of the Department of Economics has enthusiastically recommended to Rackham Graduate School that you be admitted to our PhD program.
A letter outlining the specific details of this offer is being sent to you shortly.
Notification date: Just checked it this morning (3/17)
Notified through: Website
Rejects: rejected in the end.
Rejections: "Almost everywhere" (top 10 + a few other top 11-20's)
- Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09, 12:28pm ET
Notified through: Email directing me to status on website
- Institution: Cornell Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 1/26/09, 11:45am ET
Notified through: Email
Comments: was pretty shocked to be rejected just 11 days after the deadline
- Institution: Northwestern Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: Morning 2/25 Checked on website myself, no emails, nada.
- Institution: Minnesota Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 2/25 4:58pm email
Waitlists: Wait List: Upenn, presumably - Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/4 15:13 ET
Notified through: Email
funkychinamen 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top 10 Econ program, transfer from top 40 Econ program, Econ major Undergrad GPA: 3.892 /4.000 Type of Grad: None Grad GPA: N/A GRE: 780Q 480V 4.5AWA Math Courses: Calc I, Calc II, Calc III, Vector Calc, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Probability Theory, Linear Algebra - proof-based, Intro to Proofs, Real Analysis, Math Stats (Spring) Econ Courses: Intermed Micro, Intermed Macro, Topics in Macro, Analysis of Econ Data, I.O., International Micro, International Macro, Labor, Intro to Mathematical Econ, Game Theory, Econometrics, Grad Micro I, Applied Econometrics (Spring) Letters of Recommendation: One from an associate professor in the Ag Econ department who I researched with, one from an assistant professor at Business School who I researched with, one from professor who taught grad course Research Experience: One year with an associate professor in the Ag Econ department, One semester with assistant professor in Business school, senior thesis in progress Teaching Experience: None Research Interests: I.O., Micro Theory, Labor SOP: Looked back at it the other day. I HOPE they didn’t read it. RESULTS: Acceptances: USC Marshall ($), Duke ($), Northwestern ($), UCSD (No $), Texas (No $), Boston U (No $) Waitlists: UPenn (rejected), Caltech (rejected) Rejections: Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, MIT, Minnesota, Maryland, UCLA Anderson, Harvard, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Brown What would you have done differently? I would have studied harder for the GRE, finished a major in applied math, and applied to UCLA econ. (Not-so) Fun Facts: -Not accepted to any Ivy League school (UPenn waitlist) -Not accepted to any school that used the Embark system (Caltech waitlist) Attending: Northwestern!
Accepts: Acceptances:
USC Marshall ($), Duke ($), Northwestern ($), UCSD (No $), Texas (No $), Boston U (No $)
- Institution: Duke University Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: In the mail
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: email to website
Comments: Hoo- and -ray!
- Institution: Northwestern University Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Doesn't say
Notification date: 2/26/09 9:00PM PST
Notified through: Checked applyyourself
Comments: Take that, Minnesota!
- Institution: UC San Diego Economics Ph.D.
Decision: Admitted (Provisionally)
Funding: Not mentioned
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: YAY! One of my top choices! Feels good after a whole week of Top 10 rejections
- Institution: UT Austin Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Dunno... still confused.
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Website
Comments: No e-mail...just checked the website. It says:
"We're pleased to inform you that you've been accepted to The University of Texas
at Austin. We recommend that you contact your graduate adviser as soon as possible.
It's a pleasure to welcome you as a graduate student."
Although, I did receive an e-mail from Eugenio J. Miravete making a correction to an e-mail he sent earlier regarding the date of the flyout...I never received the first e-mail...
- Institution: Boston University Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: "Financial Aid Alternate"
Notification date: 3/17
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: I think getting accepted without aid to schools that are lower on your list than ones you've already been accepted to is absolutely great. You don't feel bad about being rejected, but it doesn't really change the set of schools you have to make a decision on. Will probably decline soon.
Rejects: rejected), Caltech (rejected)
Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, MIT, Minnesota, Maryland, UCLA Anderson, Harvard, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Brown
- Institution: Stanford University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail AND Postal
Comments: What a better way to end a week of 5 rejections and 1 wait-list (not to mention 2 problem sets, and a Stat lab report), except with, not only another rejection from my dream school, but the official rejection letter in my mailbox when I come home? YAY!
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
Comments: Kind of feeling like Northwestern was a fluke...granted, the most AMAZING fluke of my life.
- Institution: Cornell University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/6/2009
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Not an Ivy-Leaguer
Waitlists: Waitlists:
UPenn (- Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Email
Nebuchadrezzar 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: european, gpa scale Undergrad GPA: 3.8/4.0 Type of Grad: european masters Grad GPA: n/a GRE: 800 q, 440 verbal, 4.0 awa Math Courses: calculus 1, 2, 3, diff eq, real analysis 1 2, topology, lin alg Econ Courses: int mic, int mac, labor, game theory, io, phd micro 1 2, phd macro 1,2 , phd metrics 1, 2, optimization Other Courses: - Letters of Recommendation: 3 from home inst, at least 2 of them should be good Research Experience: term paper, honors thesis Teaching Experience: ta in several courses Research Interests: micro-macro theory, game theory SOP: standard sop summarizing my profle Other: - RESULTS: Acceptances: rochester($), wisconsin(no $), michigan($) Waitlists: wustl Rejections: harvard, mit, chicago, nw, upenn, nyu, columbia, stanford, berkeley, caltech, cornell, yale, princeton...!! Pending: - going to: university of michigan What would you have done differently? i could study more in masters and send my transcript and get a letter of recommendation from there maybe. i don't know if that would help with the top 10. but i am happy to go to michigan!
Accepts: Acceptances: rochester($), wisconsin(no $), michigan($)
Rejects: Rejections: harvard, mit, chicago, nw, upenn, nyu, columbia, stanford, berkeley, caltech, cornell, yale, princeton...!!
EconJames 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: International students. Good university in my home country but not well known. Undergrad GPA: Major in Econ, minor in Math, GPA 3.8 Type of Grad: N/A Grad GPA: N/A GRE: 800Q 570V 4.0A Math Courses: Mathematical analysis, Advanced algebra, Numerical analysis, Analytical Geometry, ODE, Real analysis, Complex analysis, Functional analysis, Probability theroy, Mathematical statistic, Dynamic optimization, Stochastic process Econ Courses: many, all basic courses including intermediate marco,micro,metrics. Grad Econ Courses: Advanced macro, Game theory, Advanced finance Letters of Recommendation: Not famous professors, but know me well Research Experience: Two papers published in domestic journals Teaching Experience: No Research Interests: Macro RESULTS: Acceptances: UMN, JHU, OSU, UBC, IOWA, IUB, ASU Waitlists: Princeton UPenn (rejected on April 15) Rejections: UCLA, UCSD, Michigan, Cornell, WUSTL, Rochester, Duke, CMU What would you have done differently? Perhaps attend a MA first. Or maybe should prepare a paper with a DSGE model. Comments: The undergraduate school's reputation matters a lot. If you cannot change this, try to get strong letter of recommendation then.
Accepts: Acceptances: UMN, JHU, OSU, UBC, IOWA, IUB, ASU
Rejects: rejected on April 15)
Rejections: UCLA, UCSD, Michigan, Cornell, WUSTL, Rochester, Duke, CMU
Waitlists: Waitlists: Princeton UPenn (
tmdruie 2009:
So I can get on the shiny charts! PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. Physics and Economics from a top 10 liberal arts college Undergrad GPA: 3.14/4.0 Type of Grad: One stats class Grad GPA: 3.3 GRE: 790Q, 600V, 5.0AW Math Courses: Calc I-III(I took them in high school, I really dont remember and nor do my transcripts), Linear Algebra (B), Mathematical Probability and Statistics (B-, B), Real Analyst(A, at a different school then my undergrad), Stochastic Processes (B+, grad course, at a different school then my undergrad) Econ Courses: AP Micro and Macro (A, in high school), European Economic History (B+), Law and Economics (B), Intermediate Price Theory (B), Intermediate Macro Theory (B), Econometrics (B), Contemporary British Economy (B), Industrial Revolution-Britain (A-), Econ of Multinational Corps (A-), Thesis (labor econ) Other Courses: Physics, which I put in my math lists. Quantum Mechanics I, Partial Differential Equations (B+), etc. I only did the bare minimum for a liberal arts major Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ professors (my thesis advisor and the person who led my study abroad), 1 physics professor (thesis advisor), 1 economist who is my supervisor Research Experience: RA for 2.5 years at a central bank Teaching Experience: Tutored, graded and lab assisted for two years for physics in college Research Interests: All over the place. Labor, policy, experimental, applied micro, development, etc. SOP: Intro, I did physics I can do math!, I wrote a thesis in economic and liked doing research, Im working as an RA and like doing research, I took extra math and can write proofs, I was part of an econ paper reading group and like reading papers, interests (changed a bit depending on what the school had, and more policy oriented for ag econ schools). Also a few sentences about things I did that I removed or added depending on the school. The 500 word schools were hard, the 1000 word schools were easy. I also had a Personal History Statement about being a female doing math for the schools that wanted it. Other: Applied for the NSF. I tried not to say anything to risky, and not say much about interest in policy to non policy/ ag econ schools. I like Aikido. RESULTS: Acceptances: Boston University (waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA) Waitlists: University of Minnesota Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics) Pending: Toronto MA, Queens MA What would you have done differently? Gotten better grades in undergrad. When I really started understanding what the things I need to do for a PhD I think I did the best I could, took real analysis, applied for the NSF (if only to write a SoP for them), read papers etc. I probably could have gotten more research experience at my job (co-author), and I defiantly could have gotten better grades and taken more math as an undergrad. But over all Im happy. Attending: Boston University
Accepts: Acceptances: Boston University (
Rejects: Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics)
Waitlists: waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA)
Waitlists: University of Minnesota
jito32 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Finance from Univ Florida
Undergrad GPA: 3.89/4
Type of Grad: n/a
Grad GPA: n/a
GRE: 800Q, 650V, 4.5AWA
Math Courses: Calc Sequence (A), Sets & Logic (A) Diff. Eq, Linear Algebra, Mathematical Statistics next semester
Econ Courses: Principles (As) Intermediate Micro (A) Urban next semester
Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ professors, one great one good, 1 from finance lecturer
Research Experience: RA for a year
Teaching Experience: TA for a year
Research Interests: Macro, public, interational
SOP: Boiler plate
Concerns: Just decided to pursue the degree this summer, so lacking in math/econ classes.
Pending: Stanford, Princeton, Cornell, Brown, Rochester, Boston U, Texas, Virginia, WUSTL, Iowa, George Mason
What you would have done differently: Started applying sooner. I knew all semester what I was doing but somehow everything got pushed back with my late GRE date of November 1st. Wish I would have read this forum earlier.
Accepts: Acceptances:
- Institution: George Mason Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/26
Notified through: Mail
Comments: 1st admit, kinda neat...just not sure I'm going to attend.
- Institution: University of Texas Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 4/7/2009
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: No funding... probably going to stay at UF and take math classes.
Rejects: Rejections:
- Institution: Cornell Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 2/26/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Pretty much expected. Now I miss not having any notifications in my inbox...
- Institution: Rochester Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Was unsure about this one. Too bad
- Institution: Princeton Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Expected.
- Institution: Stanford Econ
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6
Notified through: Email
Comments: Oh-fer-four. Time for a plan B?
- Institution: Brown Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Virginia Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/26
Notified through: Checked website
Comments: -
- Institution: Boston University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/27
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Yyyyep.
Waitlists: Waitlists:
- Institution: UT-Austin Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Notification date: 3/20
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: It didn't say rejected!
DesperateEconomist 2009:
It's time to do this: PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Bachelor in Business Administration, prestigious institution in Latin America. Undergrad GPA: 7.6/10 Type of Grad: Master in Economics, same institution than undergrad. Grad GPA: 8/10 GRE: 800Q, 490V, 4.0AWA TOEFL: 104 (30R, 30L, 20S, 24W) Math Courses: Mathematics I, II, Linear Algebra, Metric Spaces, Statistics I, II, III, Mathematical Economics (grad). Econ Courses (Masters): Macro I, II, Micro I, II, Metrics, Time Series and others not so relevant. Econ Courses (undergrad): Macro, Micro, no Metrics. Other Courses: Several other courses, but with small or no relevance for admission purposes. Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ professors (1 Chicago PhD, 1 UCLA PhD, 1 Cornell PhD), and I believe that all of them are solid. Research Experience: RA for two econ professors and currently working on my master's thesis. I also presented a paper in an economics meeting in my country. Teaching Experience: TA for two graduate courses (Macro and Time Series) and 1 undergrad course (Statistics). Research Interests: Macro and IO. SOP: The usual stuff: I put a brief description of my profile and talked about my preferences and why I think I would succeed in their program. Concerns: Low score on the speaking section of the TOEFL. Maybe my math background is not as strong as desired by some schools. At least a few low grades that could hurt me. Applying to: Berkeley, Boston College, BU, Cornell, Columbia, Maryland, MSU, Minnesota, Northwestern, NYU, UT Austin, UCLA, UPenn, Washington St. Louis, Yale.
Accepts: - Institution: Boston College Economics, PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Full tuition + 15.6K RAship
Notification date: 03/01
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Michigan State Economics Ph.D
Decision: Accepted
Funding: tuition+health insurance+13.4Kmin TAship
Notification date: 3/3
Notified through: E-mail with an acceptance letter attached
Comments: Very happy, it's good to have options!
- Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Full tuition plus 9K fellowship
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Rejects: - Institution: Cornell Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: n/a
Notification date: Feb 5th
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Expected because they were rejecting a lot of internationals, but it was disappointing nonetheless.
- Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: Feb 20th
Notified through: Email and website.
Comments: T-13 and counting...
- Institution: Minnesota Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: 0-3 so far...
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 03/02
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Northwestern Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Website
Comments: At least I don't have to wait anymore...
- Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Email with an attached letter
- Institution: UCLA Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail/attachment
Comments: Completely expected by now....
- Institution: Columbia Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail directing me to website.
Comments: No surprise here...
- Institution: UPenn Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected again
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: I had already received an email with an attached letter, now I get an email asking me to check the website!
- Institution: Maryland Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: Website
Comments: By now, it was completely expected...
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Boston University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/27
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Finally!
canadaaplly 2009:
Institution: Duke Program: Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: Feb 18 Notified through: Email Comments: Who do they think they are?
Accepts: - Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Very High on the waitlist.
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Email with an attached letter
Comments: I'm flying right now.... To the guys who are sure that they wouldn't attend Upenn (The MIT, Harvard people): Please decline your fellowship offers from Upenn.
Rejects: - Institution: Duke Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: Feb 18
Notified through: Email
Comments: Who do they think they are?
- Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Email directing me to status on website.
Comments: It wasn't a good match anyway...
- Institution: Cornell
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: Email
- Institution: Columbia
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: Email to check website
Comments: Was eagerly waiting to receive it.
- Institution: Northwestern
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/11
Notified through: website
Comments: I contacted them last week, and they told me that I was on a waitlist, but now I saw the rejection. Anyway, there is not much difference between rejection and waitlist.
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: I e-mailed and asked
Comments:If you haven't heard I would recommend e-mailing Marjorie, she replied in short time and said to take one of my other offers (which I didn't say I had any)
- Institution: NYU-Stern Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: e-mail to check the website
Comments: I guess I am the first one to be rejected...
Waitlists: - Institution: U Chicago Economics, PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: If admitted, funding.
Notification date: 3/13
Notified through: Letter dated 3/06
Comments: Same text as for other wailisted people. It's literally my dream school. I really hope to get in....
sappy 2009:
Institution: Yale University Program: PhD Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/20/09 Notified through: Website Comments: first rejection...
Rejects: - Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Website
Comments: first rejection...
- Institution: Northwestern Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 03/01
Notified through: checked through apply yourself
Comments: D'oh
- Institution: University of Chicago
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: Today, Letter dated March 6 2009
Notified through: postal service
- Institution: Cornell University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 7/4/2009
Notified through: E-mail
- Institution: Boston University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 7/4/2009
Notified through: E-mail
crime_dog 2009:
Institution: Yale University Program: PhD Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/20/09 Notified through: Email to check website Comments: I love the smell of burnt ego in the morning.
Accepts: - Institution: UT Austin Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: looks like yes - more formal details to come
Notification date: 3/3/09
Notified through: email
Comments: incredibly stoked
- Institution: Univ. of Rochester Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/6
Funding: Yes ($)
Notified through: email
Comments: Very happy - great program
Rejects: - Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Email to check website
Comments: I love the smell of burnt ego in the morning.
- Institution: Northwestern Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: n/a
Notification date: 2/24/09
Notified through: phone call to Mercedes Thomas
Comments: meh
- Institution: Cornell Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: n/a
Notification date: 2/26/09
Notified through: email
Comments: first American to be rejected - bad omen
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: n/a
Notification date: 3/2/09
Notified through: email
Comments: expected
- Institution: MIT Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: n/a
Notification date: 3/3/09
Notified through: email
Comments: knew this as soon as i clicked 'submit' on the application
Waitlists: - Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted for admission
Notification date: 3/6
Funding: Full funding if accepted
Notified through: email
| |
Canuckonomist 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A (Hons.) Economics, Math Minor with Distinction, Queen's University Undergrad GPA: Overall: 3.75/4.0, Econ: 4.0/4.0, Math: 3.65/4.0 Type of Grad: M.A Economics, Queen's University Grad GPA: 3.9/4.0 GRE: 790Q 530V 5.5AWA Math Courses: Calculus I-III (A+/A+/B), Linear Algebra (B), Differential Equations (B), Probability (C), Abstract Algebra (B), Statistics (A+), Analysis I & II (B+/B), Stochastic Models in Operations Research (A+) Econ Courses (MA/PhD-level): Micro (A-), Metrics (A), Money and the Macroeconomy (A), Mathematical Economics (A+), Finance Theory (A+) Continuous-Time Finance (A+), Risk Management (Audit), Cost-Benefit Analysis (A) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Micro (A), Macro (A+), Metrics I & II (A/B+), Finance (A+), History (B+), Corporate Finance (A), Letters of Recommendation: 1 ANU, 1 JHU, 1 Harvard, 1 BU Research Experience: R.A for three semesters. Co-authoured paper published in REE, 2008. Working paper with same author Teaching Experience: UG Finance (fall), Tutor for department in mathematics for economists, Micro and stats. Research Interests: Financial Economics, Micro, Credit SOP: Working on it all summer RESULTS: Attending: University of Toronto ($$$) Acceptances: Queen's University ($$), BU (no $) Rejections: Chicago, NWU, Yale, Columbia, NYU, Rochester, Michigan, Minnesota Pending: Cornell (will withdraw) What would you have done differently? The only things I could have done differently would have been to start liking math before second year, and to know economics was the thing for me before second year. So really, outside of changing the fabric of my very being earlier in life, all the decisions on the equilibrium path were correct. Very happy to be attending UToronto. Would I be a true Canuckonomist if I didn't do a Ph.D in Canada? I like to think not.
Accepts: Attending: University of Toronto ($$$)
Acceptances: Queen's University ($$), BU (no $)
- Institution: Queen's University Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $25K first year, minimum $20K every year after.
Notification date: Feb 18 9:24 AM EST
Notified through: Email
Comments: First offer. It's nice to have some kind of future.
NB: One of the early offers. I imagine they will likely make more.
- Institution: University of Toronto Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $27K first year, $23K years 2-4 pending satisfactory progress.
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Email with an attached letter
Comments: Now that's an offer. Bickety-Bam.
- Institution: Boston University Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: E-mail
Funding: None
Comments: It's kind of nice to be in somewhere in the US. The no funding offer makes this one kind of a no-brainer-declining.
Rejects: Rejections: Chicago, NWU, Yale, Columbia, NYU, Rochester, Michigan, Minnesota
- Institution: Yale University Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/20/09
Notified through: Website
Comments: Onwards, upwards.
- Institution: Minnesota Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/a
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: 9 Left, not looking good for NWU.
- Institution: Northwestern Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -100
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: Website
Comments: Still needing that one.
- Institution: Rochester Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: This does not seem like my year at all.
- Institution: Columbia Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/5
Notified through: E-mail directing me to website.
Comments: Same letter. Count 'em up.
- Institution: U Chicago Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Funding: If admitted, funding.
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Post
Comments: No worries.
- Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/16
Notified through: Website
Comment: This is becoming habitual.
- Institution: NYU Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/23
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: was just waitin' on that one, really.
- Institution: Cornell University Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/6/2009
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: Ditto, Wind up.
Waitlists: Pending: Cornell (will withdraw)
mjsmith1986 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. Econ from small but respectable liberal arts college with well known Econ researchers; they don't do minors but I have taken enough math to qualify for a "minor" at other schools Undergrad GPA: 3.67 cumulative, 3.83 econ GRE: 800Q, 590V, 5.5 AWA Math Courses: Calc I (A-), Calc II (A), Calc III (A), Linear Algebra (A), Proofs and Fundamentals (B), Stats (A), Real Analysis I (A), Topology (A), Real Analysis II (Spring '09), Dynamical Systems (Spring '09) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): The relevant ones: Intermediate Micro (B+), Intermediate Macro (A), Advanced Micro (A), Econometrics (A), Senior Thesis (A) Other Courses: Some political studies/physics Letters of Recommendation: Two from Econ Profs (UT-Austin and Yale), one from Math Prof (head of Math dept.) Research Experience: RA for Econometrics professor; Awarded summer research grant (co-authored a paper with a professor, in publishing stages); senior thesis Teaching Experience: TA for intro micro Research Interests: Labor Economics (specifically Economics of Education), Behavioral Economics, basically Applied Micro and Econometrics stuff. SOP: Just talked about my research experience and interests. Other: Applied for an NSF grant to build on some conclusions from my undergraduate thesis. Concerns: That my Verbal score might be a little low. I was easily testing in the high 600s but I basically rushed through it on the GRE to get to the Quant. I also declared a late major in Econ (in my junior year) and have spent the last year and a half rushing to make up the appropriate math/econ courses for grad school, so I don't know whether that sends a good or bad signal to the adcomms. Also, high volume of apps this year with rather homegenous profiles. What I would have done different: Majored in math from the start. Curse my fickle interests! Applying to: Princeton (Woodrow Wilson School), Cornell, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Maryland, George Mason, Carnegie Mellon, Boston U, Boston College, Virginia, Duke RESULTS: Acceptances: Boston College ($$), Johns Hopkins ($), UVA ($?) Rejections: Princeton, Brown, Maryland, George Mason, Boston U, Duke, CMU Pending: Cornell (Probably rejected) ATTENDING: Boston College What could I have done differently? As I said before, I would have majored in math from the start rather than rushing in my last semesters to make up the appropriate coursework. Aside from that, not much; I am pleased to have the offer that I do and am looking forward to graduate school!
Accepts: Acceptances: Boston College ($$), Johns Hopkins ($), UVA ($?)
Rejects: Rejections: Princeton, Brown, Maryland, George Mason, Boston U, Duke, CMU
Waitlists: Pending: Cornell (Probably
Admit summary statistics:
| As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic: | There were 6 accepted out of 23 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.87, average GREQ was 798.0.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them. |
Links: Test Magic Econ Forums |