The MAN 2009:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Bachelors at an unranked non-PhD state school Undergrad GPA: 3.4 Type of Grad: none Grad GPA: n/a GRE: 800 Q, 560 V, 4.0 AWA Math Courses: Calc 1 and 2 Econ Courses: All the prerequisites, Environ. Econ, Econometrics 1 and 2, Law and Econ, Telecom Econ, and a bunch of others Other Courses: Computer Programming in C++, Physics Letters of Recommendation: Three letters from instructors at unranked state school Research Experience: None Teaching Experience: Some tutoring experience Research Interests: Public econ, environ. econ, tech. econ SOP: Pretty standard SOP talking about why I want to pursue econ grad school, details on why I am a good candidate, and details on why I like the particular school. Other: RESULTS: Acceptances: NIU, U. of Delaware, UNM, Colorado State, Nevada-Reno, IUPUI, and Illinois State Waitlists: none Rejections: USF and Oregon Pending: none What would you have done differently? I would have taken more math classes as an undergrad. I'm planning on going for a masters and picking up some missing math classes before applying to PhD programs.
Accepts: Acceptances: NIU, U. of Delaware, UNM, Colorado State, Nevada-Reno, IUPUI, and Illinois State
- Institution: University of New Mexico - MA
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBA March 1
Notification date: Feb. 17
Notified through: E-Mail
- Institution: University of Delaware Economics, MA
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBA
Notification date: 3/9/2009
Notified through: Postal Service
Rejects: Rejections: USF and Oregon
- Institution: University of Oregon Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/24/09
Notified through: E-mail
Comments: This was my stretch school, so I'm not too shocked (and yes, I know everyone on this board is looking down on me for having Oregon as a stretch school). My lack of math background killed my application.
AREStudentHopeful 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Econ from medium public university in Southeast US Undergrad GPA: 3.4/4 and 3.7 in Econ GRE: 740Q, 510V, 5.0AWA Math Courses: Calc I & II, Intro Stats, before I graduate I'm taking Axiomatic Systems, Linear Algebra and Multivariate Calc (but it won't be on my transcript yet) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intro to Micro and Macro, Intermediate Micro and Macro, Advanced Macro, Managerial, Natural Resource, Environmental, Comparative Economic Systems, Econometrics, Developmental, Money and Capital Markets Other Courses: many env sci courses Letters of Recommendation: 5 econ professors (1 Berkeley PhD, 1 Wake Forest PhD, 1 U of Chicago PhD, 2 NC State PhD) all should be very positive and all have connections at the universities I'm applying to Research Experience: thesis paper for econometrics in gas pricing Teaching Experience: tutoring for Capital Market econ and micro Research Interests: environmental and natural resource econ Concerns: My math background is not complete as I am still taking some important courses and my scores are not as high as they could be (every available GRE date seems to coincide with 3 other undergrad exams) SOP: Done with all the basics covered Other: ODE Honor Society Member Applying to: Berkeley ARE, Maryland ARE, UC Davis ARE, UMass RE, UofC Boulder Econ-environmental concentration
Accepts: - Institution: UNLV Economics masters
Decision: Accepted
Notification Date: 04/03/2009
Funding: Will find out later, hopefully
Comments: My first admit!
Not my first choice, but I'm still excited
- Institution: Colorado State ARE, masters
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 4/15/2009
Notified through: E-Mail from grad secretary
Comments: now I just need funding...
- Institution: UNM MA
Decision: Accepted
Notification date: 5/6/2009
Notified through: email
Comments: no funding
Rejects: - Institution: UC Davis ARE program
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/a
Notification date: 2/25/09
Notified through: website
Comments: First decision is a rejection
- Institution: Berkeley ARE ARE PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/6/09
Notified through: E-mail
Saw this one coming...
- Institution: Oregon State ARE ARE PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/7/09
Notified through: Postal
Comments: This was one of my safety schools...I'm starting applications to masters programs this week.
- Institution: University of Colorado, Boulder Economics, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/12
Notified through: Email
Comments: Saw this one coming after I got rejected from Davis ARE...
- Institution: Maryland AREc
Decision: Rejected
Funding: nada
Notification date: 3/23
Notified through: Testudo
Comments: At least it's official now.
- Institution: UMass RE, PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 4/29/2009
Notified through: postal
Comments: not surprising, just LATE
Waitlists: - Institution:
University of Massachussetts Resource Economics PhD
Funding: -
Notified through: email
Comments: The department said they had sent out the 1st round of decisions and that my app was in the 2nd round pile if there ends up being a second round