Prometheus_Econ 2007:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top 50 public university Undergrad GPA: 4.0 GRE: 800Q, 610V, 5.0AWA Math Courses (all As): Undergrad Math: 3 semesters Calculus, two semesters proof-based Linear Algebra, Intro to Statistics, Probability Theory, Differential Equations, Intro to Topology, Analysis 1, Game Theory and Math. Programming, Proof Writing, Stochastic Processes (IP), Analysis 2 (IP) Econ Courses (all As): Undergrad Econ: Intermediate Micro, Intermediate Macro, Intro Econometrics, Game Theory, Experimental Economics Grad Econ: Quantitative Methods, Micro 1, 2nd year seminar in behavioral economics Letters of Recommendation: 1 math professor, 2 econ professors, from 3 different universities, all advised me on research, only one I took classes with Research Experience: Summer REU program, independent research in mathematical finance, honors thesis, gave 2 seminar presentations and 1 poster presentation Teaching Experience: Calculus 1 (undergraduate TA), lots of tutoring Research Interests: Microeconomic Theory, Financial Economics SOP: emphasized research experience, and explained how I became interested in economics, customized last paragraph Other: Applied for NSF (got honorable mention), got several departmental scholarships and awards in mathematics RESULTS: Acceptances: (with fellowship) NYU Caltech UPenn (after being waitlisted for funding about 2 weeks) Carnegie Mellon Tepper Johns Hopkins University of Michigan (external funding) Boston University (with TAship) Penn State UT Austin (without funding first year) Wisconsin UCSD Rejections: Princeton Stanford GSB Harvard Harvard Business School Northwestern Berkeley Waitlisted: MIT Stanford What would you have done differently? I would have applied to Yale as well, and perhaps applied to less safety schools.
Accepts: Acceptances:
(with fellowship)
UPenn (after being waitlisted for funding about 2 weeks)
Carnegie Mellon Tepper
Johns Hopkins
University of Michigan (external funding)
Boston University
(with TAship)
Penn State
UT Austin
(without funding first year)
Rejects: Rejections:
Stanford GSB
Harvard Business School