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Most Recently Selected profile:
The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.
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Zoethor2 2007:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Large public state university, no reputation in economics or mathematics. I will be the 3rd graduate ever from the economics department to pursue a PhD in Economics. Undergrad GPA: 3.93 overall, 4.0 economics, 3.85 math Type of Grad: N/A Grad GPA: N/A GRE: 780Q, 660V, 4.5A Math Courses: Intro Calc, Intro and Theoretical Linear Algebra, Intro Proofs sequence, 2 semester Theoretical Stats sequence, 2 semester Real Analysis sequence, Theoretical Complex Variables, Intro to DiffE Econ Courses: Intro and Advanced Econometrics, Intro and Intermediate Macro and Micro, Managerial, Monetary, International Trade, Experimental (Game Theory), 6 Independent Studies doing my own research (fun!) Other Courses: Majored in Psych, also, so a whole slew of those, but I doubt they hugely impacted my application. Letters of Recommendation: Very strong, but by relatively unknown professors. Two econ, one math. Research Experience: Did about 6 independent (though overseen by faculty) pieces of research, each culminating in a paper. 2 in experimental economics, several in economics of education, and one in game theory and conflict situations. Each paper was presented at a professional conference, mostly in non-student sessions. Teaching Experience: Was a TA for Johns Hopkins CTY for 2 summers for the Probability and Game Theory course. Research Interests: applied microeconomics/econometrics, experimental economics, economics of education SOP: I think it was reasonably strong. My advisors and I revised it quite a bit. Other: Triple-majored in economics, mathematics, and psychology. This meant a lot of semesters with 6 courses, as well as taking me 5 years to graduate. RESULTS: Acceptances: U of Maryland (no funding), UCLA (no funding), U Michigan (no funding), Georgetown (funded), Boston College (funded), CMU's Decision Science PhD (funded) Waitlists: Rejections: MIT, UPenn, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Caltech, Princeton, NYU (presumably), UPitt (presumably), GMU (presumably) (Presumably = I still haven't heard either way from these schools as of 4/12.) What would you have done differently? I would have applied to more schools in the top 20. When all my results were in, I was choosing between unfunded offers from top 20 schools and funded offers from schools ranked below 40. I wish I had looked into and applied to more schools in the 10-30 range, where it seems I could've performed well. As I said, pretty much no one from my school has applied to graduate programs before, so I had very little information to go on as far as my chances at top programs. Overall, though, I'm ecstatic about my results. I was expecting to get into GMU, UPitt, BC and maybe one other school. Getting into UMD, UCLA, UMich was a fantastic surprise.
Accepts: Acceptances: U of Maryland (no funding), UCLA (no funding), U Michigan (no funding), Georgetown (funded), Boston College (funded), CMU's Decision Science PhD (funded)
Rejects: Rejections: MIT, UPenn, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Caltech, Princeton, NYU (presumably), UPitt (presumably), GMU (presumably)
(Presumably = I still haven't heard either way from these schools as of 4/12.)
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mtjsvc 2007:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: 3rd-tier liberal arts college Undergrad GPA: 3.8 Type of Grad: straight from undergrad Grad GPA: N/A GRE: 800Q, 650V, 4.0AWA Math Courses: calc I-III (A-/A-/B), linear algebra (A), ordinary & partial diff eq (A), complex variables (A), topology (A-), real analysis I-II (A/IP), prob & stats (A), interest theory & financial math (IP) Econ Courses: micro/macro principles (A/A), intermediate micro/macro (B+/A), advanced micro/macro (A/A), econometrics (A), game theory (A), experimental econ (A), int. trade (A), int. finance (A) Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ profs (thesis advisor, advanced micro/macro prof), 1 math prof (real analysis/topology prof) Research Experience: senior thesis (experimental/labor), summer RA for experimental economist at a different university Teaching Experience: tutor and grader for micro/macro principles, tutor for advanced macro Research Interests: experimental econ, micro theory SOP: I talked about my experience with experimental econ (course, thesis, RA) Other: My undergrad school is small and not very good overall, but the econ training is focused on preparing us for PhD programs. About half of the econ majors here go for a PhD after graduating, with a good success rate in actually completing the degree. RESULTS: Acceptances: Ohio State (fellowship) <attending> Purdue (fellowship) Arizona (TA-ship) Penn State (TA-ship) Texas A&M (RA-ship) Virginia (TA-ship) Rejections: probably Carnegie Mellon, Indiana, and Pitt since they haven't admitted me yet What would you have done differently? I would have applied to a few higher ranked schools and not applied to a few lower ranked schools.
Accepts: Acceptances:
Ohio State (fellowship) <attending>
Purdue (fellowship)
Arizona (TA-ship)
Penn State (TA-ship)
Texas A&M (RA-ship)
Virginia (TA-ship)
Rejects: Rejections:
probably Carnegie Mellon, Indiana, and Pitt since they haven't
Dannyb19 2007:
Sorry, I thought I already posted this, hope its helpful to someone! Background: After undergrad I worked for18 months for a boutique investment consulting firm doing financial analysis, decided I was unfulfilled, spent 11 months beefing up my math, and applied for Fall 2007 admission. GRE: 760Q, 510V, 6.0AWA (hurt me I’m sure). GPA (undergrad): 3.72 (cum laude), 3.87(Econ), 3.92(Math) GPA (grad): 3.90 (math & econ) Undergrad Insitution: Lewis and Clark College (small liberal arts college in Pacific NW) Graduate/Post-Bac Institution: Portland State University Honors/Awards (all undergraduate): Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Mu Delta (equivalent to departmental honors in Business-Economics major), 2003 Northwest Conference Scholar Athlete Award. Econ Courses (All at L&C): Intermediate Micro (A), Intermediate Macro (A), International Econ (A), Money and Banking (A), Management and Organization (A-), Econ History (B+), Corporate Finance (A), Competitive Strategies (A), Radical Economic Systems (B), Micro Computer Applications in Business (A), Intro to Statistics (A-), Econometrics (A-), Financial Analysis (A), Managerial Analysis (A), Financial Decision Making (A). Math Courses (All at PSU other than Calc I): Calc I (B+), Calc II-Calc IV (A/A/A-), Intro to Linear Algebra (A), Applied Linear Algebra (A), Applied Diff. Equations (A), Advanced Calculus (A), Mathematical Statistics (A-). Graduate Level Courses (All at PSU): Real Analysis (A), Set Theory/Topology (A-), Public Economics (A). Letters of Recommendation: Two from undergraduate econ professors (PhD’s from Michigan State and Chicago) and one from graduate level Real Analysis Professor (PhD Rutgers). All letters should be strong since I worked closely with each of them and performed well in their classes. Research Experience: None. Did not write a senior thesis, did not work as a research assistant. Wrote a few term papers building on the work of my professors, but I doubt it would count as any significant field work. Results Admitted: Johns Hopkins ($), Virginia (no-$), U. Washington (no-$) Rejected: Chicago, Yale, LSE, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon, Wisconsin, and Cornell Waitlisted: N/A What I would have done differently: I wish I had applied to more schools, namely: Michigan, Minnesota, Maryland, Duke, and Rochester. I am certainly not assuming I would have been admitted to any of these, since all are very strong programs, but based on the randomness I’ve observed on TM alone, I think I may have had at least a shot at these schools. I also should have studied harder for my GRE’s, who knows how different my outcomes would have been had I scored 600V and 800Q or something like that. Anyway, hope this helps others!
Accepts: Admitted: Johns Hopkins ($), Virginia (no-$), U. Washington (no-$)
Rejects: Rejected: Chicago, Yale, LSE, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon, Wisconsin, and Cornell
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Waitlists: |
Admit summary statistics:
| As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic: | There were 1 accepted out of 3 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.93, average GREQ was 780.0.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them. |
Links: Test Magic Econ Forums |