Index of Schools AnalysisAbout the Site 2012 20112010 20092008 2007all years
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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


singmeat 2009:
Drumroll for the non top 50 club please.........
Type of Undergrad: BS in Business Administration with a concentration in Economics from small state non-flagship non-PhD granting university.
Undergrad GPA: Overall: 3.1/4.0, Econ: 3.7/4.0, Math: 3.4/4.0
Grad GPA: n/a
GRE: 740Q 610V 4.5AWA
Math Courses: Concepts of Calculus (A), Calculus 1 (B), Calculus II (B), Linear Algebra (B), Statistics (A), Econ Statistics (A), College Algebra (D!)
Econ Courses: Intro Micro (A), Intro Macro (B), Intermediate Micro (A), Intermediate Macro (A), Growth and Development (B), Managerial Econ (A), Labor Econ (A), Econometrics (A)
Other Courses: Linear Programming (B), Intro Finance (D), Multinational Finance (A), lots of Decision Science, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Strategy, etc courses (As and Bs)
Letters of Recommendation: 2 Econ profs and a math prof
Research Experience: n/a.
Teaching Experience: n/a
Research Interests: Micro and Applied Micro
SOP: I personally think it was very good. I told my academic story concisely with elegance.
Wyoming (Attending): Assistantship + Tuition + Fees + Insurance
MTSU: Assistantship + Tuition + 50% Fees + Summer Research Grant
Missouri: Assistantship + Tuition + Fees
Clemson: Assistantship + Tuition + Fees
UT Dallas: Was told I’d be funded, told them I was going to Wyo.
Florida FRED: Wanted to fund me, but is having a budget crisis or something
UNC Greensboro: Admitted to MA, Assistantship
Arizona AREC MA: Half-Time Research Assistantship + Tuition + Fees
Michigan State AREC: Offered funding in email without details (RA presumably), told them I was going to Wyo.
Oregon: No funding
Kentucky: WL for funding, didn’t hear back
New Mexico: Never heard about funding despite emailing
U of Utah: No funding
UC-Davis AREC: Rejected, Scholarship below that of admitted applicants
Maryland AREC: Rejected
Florida Econ: Didn’t finish the app, rejected anyway
NC State: One of my LORs never made it, didn’t care enough to pester prof.
Kansas: Admitted, but no idea about funding, paperwork problems with Grad School and I declined before I got any update. Assuming no.
Not too shabby considering my profile. I must have some rockin’ LORs or my SOP was magical. I really hated to decline MTSU, I’m hoping they do well in the future. I should have studied more for the GRE: I kept putting it off because Calc 2 was actually pretty fun. Looking back, I should have applied to more flagship state unis and a few more reaches, and actually finished my NC state and Florida apps.
My GPA is low because of a few stupid unrelated courses: Geography (F/D), Algebra (D), lots of Cs my first semester (tough year for me, PM for details on that), etc. Econ, business, math were As and Bs.
    Attending): Assistantship + Tuition + Fees + Insurance MTSU: Assistantship + Tuition + 50% Fees + Summer Research Grant Missouri: Assistantship + Tuition + Fees Clemson: Assistantship + Tuition + Fees UT Dallas: Was told I’d be funded, told them I was
  • Institution: University of Texas - Dallas Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TBA Notification date: 2/17/09 Notified through: Snail Mail Comments: yet another TBA funding.
    Rejected, Scholarship below that of

Dr. Who 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Big state school
Undergrad GPA: 3.2 BES
Type of Grad: MBA (2008) and MA Economics (anticipated 2009)
Grad GPA: 3.98 MBA, 3.97 MA
GRE: 770Q, 680V, 5.0AWA
Math Courses: Recent math GPA (3.78) all taken in my spare time while in MBA and summer. Calc I, II, III, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Grad Math Stats, Grad Real Analysis
Econ Courses (MA level): Micro, Math Econ, IO, Econometrics I & II, Macro, Environmental, some other electives, and finance courses
Econ Courses (undergrad): Macro and mirco only (took as prereq’s for the MA)
Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ from masters and 1 math
Research Interests: Labor and HR, IO, Business economics
SOP: probably adequate
Research Experience: GA for economic forecasting shop
Concerns: MBA to Econ, older than your average student, less math than some
Attending: WUSTL
Accepted: Missouri ($), CU-Boulder ($WL), Indiana (no $), WUSTL ($)
Waitlisted: WUSTL (with $ if accepted), Vanderbilt
Rejections: Northwestern, UMich, MSU
Never heard so assumed rejection: OSU and UIUC
What I would have done differently: I should have spent more time on my SOP. I think for someone like me, who is older, it could have made all the difference in the world, especially on funding decisions. It was a lot harder than I anticipated talking about myself and articulating my goals. Also, I don’t think I did a very good job matching myself up to programs strengths.
If you are in school, take a lighter load in the spring semester. Dealing with school decisions has been a HUGE time waster and I haven’t been able to concentrate for months.
I didn’t appropriately account for the economic downturn…My reaches were unattainable and seeing the decline, I should have added in a couple more safeties. Also, I should have taken more care with the safety choices. Out of the top 50 it gets a lot harder to get good info on the programs. For my interests I think KY and WY would have been solid.
Advice: For older candidates…don’t let people intimidate you into thinking there is a “ceiling” on how old you can be when you go back to get your PhD. You might not get into the top 5, but top 50 is achievable.
Find advisors that are familiar with the PhD process and what it takes to get in to a good school TODAY. My school does not grant PhD’s in business/econ and I found my advisors to be out of touch with the process. Hunt down the newer faculty and hit them up for advice.
I think the recent math background was crucial in my outcomes. Take the math. It’s never wasted.
When I returned to school, I had no idea I would end up following this path. If you are planning on a terminal masters, choose your graduate institution carefully. It will make things easier just in case you decide to continue your education.
  • Institution: University of Missouri, Columbia Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: GA+ tuition+ health Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: University of Colorado, Boulder Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD later Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Notification date: 3/20 Notified through: E-mail Comments: I emailed to check on application status. They are still working on financial aid decisions.
  • Institution: Washington University, St. Louis Economics PhD Decision: Accepted off the waitlist Funding: min. 9K + tuition waiver with hope of increasing the stipend Notification date: 4/9/2009 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Whew! One waitlist down one to go.
  • Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Website Comments: Well at least it is one less thing to worry about...
  • Institution: Michigan State University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/25 Notified through: response to my inquiry email Comments: Finally knocking some of the unknows off the list
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics, PhD Decision: Waitlisted Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Totally shocked! So frackin' happy to still be in the game.

econominee 2009:
Institution: Columbia
Program:Economics PhD
Decision:Extreme unwillingness to accept
Funding:-Application Fee
Notification date:March 5
Notified through:E-Mail
Comments: I have no idea why I applied to Columbia. I wish I had used the application fee to apply to somewhere else. This is the second rejection which further brought me down. I also contacted Rice and they told me that they already made the first rounds and they would wait till April 15th for the second round. In short, two official and one unofficial rejections so far!
  • Institution: UW-Madison Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No 1st Year Funding Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: Email Comments: This is my first acceptance and I am very delighted about that. At least I understood that my credentials are worth being accepted to such a good school like UW-Madison.
  • Institution: Iowa State Masters (Applied to PhD) Decision:Acceptance Funding: if you have the resources to attend Iowa State on your own funding, we hope that you will enroll Notification date:04/01/2009 Notified through:E-Mail Comments: Iowa State hurt my feelings and more than that my professors counting on Iowa State hurt me further. The e-mail regarding "if you have the resources part" is not kind at all. It sounds indifferent and exploitative.
  • Institution:West Virginia University Economics PhD Decision:Acceptance Funding:Tuition wavers + waitlisted for assistanship Notification date:03/18/2008 Notified through:E-mail Comments:My first half-funded admit....unable to accept if not offered assistanship
  • Institution: Missouri University Science and Technology Master of Applied Mathematics Decision: Accepted Funding: Graduate Assistantship 1,850$ a month Notification date: April 23 Notified through: E-mail Comments: I have a place to go! I am so happy.....
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Totally shocked!
  • Institution: Boston College Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Funding:..... Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Mail Comments: I had told my key referee that I needed safer places, but I could not convince him. Meanwhile, I got the UW-Madison acceptance letter and Boston College at the same time. What a strange thing!
  • Institution: NYU Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Funding:............ Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Test Magic Comments:I know I am not admitted for sure.
  • Institution:Rice University Economics PhD Decision:Rejected Funding:--*-- Notification date:04/03/2009 Notified through:E-mail Comments: I e-mailed the grad director and he wrote back to me on the same day. The earlier you know the less painful it becomes......

rob59404 2010:
Type of Undergrad: State University with unheard of econ department
Undergrad GPA: 3.99
Type of Grad: NA
Grad GPA:
GRE: 760 Q 640 V 5.5 AWA
Math Courses: Cal I-III(A,A,A), Linear Algebra(A),Probabilty/stat(A), ODE(A), Probability theory(A), math stats, intro analysis/proofs
Econ Courses: Intro micro/macro, intermediate micro/macro, development, adv. development, trade, history of thought, econometrics, graduate econometrics, graduate micro and macro. All A's
Other Courses:
Letters of Recommendation: thesis advisor, department chair, other econ professor
Research Experience: Senior thesis
Teaching Experience: Some math and econ tutoring
Research Interests: Growth, political economy, applied micro
SOP: Standard
Acceptances: Missouri($$), kentucky($$), Oregon($$), Colorado(no $), UW(no $), Virginia, GMU, Notre Dame ($$$ Attending)
Rejections: NYU, BC, UIUC, Rochester
Pending: OSU (implicit rejection at this point)
What would you have done differently?
1) More math earlier
2) Should have got a math professor to write letter of recommendation
3) Get an 800Q
    Acceptances: Missouri($$), kentucky($$), Oregon($$), Colorado(no $), UW(no $), Virginia, GMU, Notre Dame ($$$ Attending)
  • Institution: Oregon Decision: Accepted Funding: Decided in March Notification date: 2/2/10 Notified through: Online Status Posted on Gradcafe: no
  • Institution: Kentucky Economics Decision: accepted Funding: $$ Notification date: 11 February Notified through: phone call Posted on Gradcafe: no Comments:
  • Institution: University of Missouri Economics Decision: accepted Funding: no word Notification date: 11 February Notified through: email Posted on Gradcafe: no Comments:
  • Institution: Notre Dame Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: 17K+tuition for 5 years Notification date: February 13th Notified through: Email from Director of Program Posted on Gradcafe: No Comments: Happy to have a funded offer.
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics PHD Decision: Accepted Funding: ??? Notificationn date: 02/17 Notified through: Website Posted on Gradcafe: No Comments: This was one of my reaches. I'm honored, hopefully aid is coming.
  • Institution: Colorado Boulder Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: "can't offer funding at the present time" Notification date: 3/10/2010 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I need funding to consider it as an option
  • Institution: George Mason Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TBA Notification date: 3/10/2010 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Really want to go here, but I really really need funding
  • Institution: Notre Dame Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Fellowship: Tution + 25K and health insurance/5 years Notification date: 2/15/2010 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: They increased their offer today and are paying for a flyout next week, but new program = big risk
  • Institution: University of Washington Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: None Notification date: 03/19/10 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: The email asked if I was seriously considering the program and will not formally extend an offer until I say I am. Right now its unfunded.
    Rejections: NYU, BC, UIUC, Rochester
  • Institution: Rochester Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03-01-2010 Notified through: email Posted on GF: no Comments: Darn
  • Institution: Rochester Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03-01-2010 Notified through: email Posted on GF: no Comments: Darn
  • Institution: NYU Decision: Reject Funding: ... Notification date: 03/18/10 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Guillotine finally lowered
  • Institution: UIUC Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/25/10 Notified through: email Comments: darn
  • Institution: Boston College Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/25/10 Notified through: snail mail Comments: rough day

Policy_Enter 2010:
Institution: University of Rochester
Program: Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/1
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GF: No
Comments: Well, zero application fee. The feeling is not good though!
Institution: Vanderbilt University
Program: Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/23
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GF: No
Comments: No application fee. Thought I was going to make it.
Institution: Notre Dame
Program: Ph.D. Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 2/24
Notified through: I called the grad program director
Posted on GF: No
Comments: They pursued me to apply! The even offered me application fee waiver. Why did they have to do that?
  • Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia Economics Decision: Accepted (Fast Track) Funding: None Available for me at this time Notification date: 3/2 Notified through: Email Posted on GF:Nope! Comments:One of my safeties. I am unhappy they don't have $$ for me.
  • Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia Economics Decision: Accepted (Fast Track) Funding: None Available for me at this time Notification date: 3/2 Notified through: Email Posted on GF:Nope! Comments:One of my safeties. I am unhappy they don't have $$ for me.
  • Institution: University of Rochester Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/1 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: No Comments: Well, zero application fee. The feeling is not good though!:D
  • Institution: Vanderbilt University Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/23 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: No Comments: No application fee. Thought I was going to make it.
  • Institution: Notre Dame Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 2/24 Notified through: I called the grad program director Posted on GF: No Comments: They pursued me to apply! The even offered me application fee waiver. Why did they have to do that?
  • Institution:University of Virginia Economics Decision: Rejected Funding:N/A Notification date:3/2 Notified through: Just randomly checked Website Posted on GF:Never Comments: My heart leapt! Sad!
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics Decision: Rejected Funding:N/A Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Nope! Comments:One of the reaches. So I am not surprised
  • Institution: Columbia Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/04 Notified through: Website Comments: Expected...Second time rejected!
  • Institution: University of Rochester Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/1 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: No Comments: Well, zero application fee. The feeling is not good though!
  • Institution: Notre Dame Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 2/24 Notified through: I called the grad program director Posted on GF: No Comments: They pursued me to apply! The even offered me application fee waiver. Why did they have to do that?
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics Decision: Rejected Funding:N/A Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Nope! Comments:One of the reaches. So I am not surprised
  • Institution: Columbia Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/04 Notified through: Website Comments: Expected...Second time rejected!

bassmantin 2011:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Accounting/Finance at a Big 10 school
Undergrad GPA: 3.97
Type of Grad: M.B.A. Accounting/Finance
Grad GPA: 3.91
GRE: 800Q, 700V, 5.0AW
Math Courses: Calculus I, II, II, Linear Algebra, Intro to Advanced Math (all A) After submission of application: Differential Equations, Real Analysis (all A expected)
Econ Courses: Intermediate Micro, Intermediate Macro, Econometrics, lots of grad level business school classes that overlap somewhat: managerial econ, real options, valuation, corporate finance, international monetary systems and hedging (all A) after submission: History of Economic Thought, Monetary Theory (all A expected)
Other Courses: Lots of business
Letters of Recommendation: Accounting professor, math instructor, former employer
Research Experience: N/A
Teaching Experience: two semesters intro to managerial accounting
Research Interests: macro/monetary
SOP: addressed my somewhat unique situation
Concerns: no econ prof letter of recommendation, not too much math before submitting app
Acceptances: Vanderbilt, Indiana, Michigan State, Purdue, Iowa State, George Mason, Missouri
Waitlists: WUSTL (eventually accepted), Minnesota (withdrew)
Rejections: Chicago, Northwestern, Michigan, Wisconsin, Notre Dame
Attending: WUSTL
What would you have done differently? Take more math. Get letter of recommendation from economists. Get a mentor to guide me through the process.
    Acceptances: Vanderbilt, Indiana, Michigan State, Purdue, Iowa State, George Mason, Missouri
  • Institution: Missouri-Columbia Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Nominated for fellowship Notification date: Feb 8 (sorry for the delay) Notified through: Email (probably notified early because of the fellowship nomination) Posted on GC: no Comments: First response. Exciting!
  • Institution: Vanderbilt Economics (PhD) Decision: Accepted Funding: First-Year Fellowship Notification date: 2/22/2011 Notified through: Email from DGS Posted on GF: no Comments: Extremely excited! Good program and I love Nashville!
  • Institution: Purdue Economics (PhD) Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD Notification date: 2/24/2011 Notified through: Email from Assistant Director of Administration Posted on GC: No Comments: Very cool!
  • Institution: Michigan State Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Notification Date: 3/9/11 Funding: TAship Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Awesome
  • Institution: Indiana Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Fellowship Notification date: 3/10/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Very excited!
  • Institution: Iowa State Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TA-ship Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: excellent, good fit
  • Institution: George Mason Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No word Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: snail mail Posted on GF: no Comments: Very cool school. I might have to start a blog.
    Rejections: Chicago, Northwestern, Michigan, Wisconsin, Notre Dame
    Waitlists: WUSTL (eventually
  • Institution: Minnesota Economics (PhD) Decision: Wait List Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/23/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comments: Would love to go.
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics PhD Decision: Wait List Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GradCafe: no Comments: "We again had a record number of applicants, many of whom were highly qualified. Yet we are restricted to only a very small class of first-year students. We realize that this uncertainty is unpleasant, but we want to assure you that there is still a reasonable chance that you will be accepted into our program."

acoustickel 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BA Business Administration & Public Accounting (tiny liberal arts college in South Dakota)
Undergrad GPA: 3.92
Type of Grad: MS Economics from private Texas school
Grad GPA: 3.96
GRE: Q 750 / V 590 / AW 4.5
Math Courses: Er...Cal I-III, Prob & Stats, Linear Algebra (currently taking)
Econ Courses (grad-level): Econometrics, Micro, Health Econ, Development, Intl Policy, Econ of Information, Macro Analysis, Urban, Thesis
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intermediate Micro, Econ of Religion, Intl Trade
Other Courses:
Letters of Recommendation: None well known. Two are pretty enthusiastic about helping me get in somewhere and the other is supportive but probably didn't write a glowing letter.
Research Experience: RA for 3 semesters, Master's thesis
Teaching Experience: TA for 2 semesters and tutored for 2 semesters
Research Interests: IO, education, labor, maybe behavioral
SOP: I tried to make myself sound interesting even if I may not be all that qualified
Concerns: Obviously math...and my GRE score...
Other: I think I win the least math award
Applying to: Minnesota (Applied), Oregon, Nebraska, Kansas State, Missouri, Wisconsin, Kansas, Michigan State, Colorado, U of Illinois - Chicago, Vanderbilt, Purdue
In: Minnesota (Applied), Oregon, Nebraska, Kansas State ($), Missouri
  • Institution: Minnesota Applied Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Funding decisions made later Notification date: 2/3 Notified through: Email to check decision in application system Posted on GF: No Comments: One of my top choices, so I'm pretty happy.
  • Institution: Missouri Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Nominated for school wide are many others, so I'm not holding my breathe. Notification date: 2/8 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: It's nice to be wanted.
  • Institution: Kansas State Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Decisions made later Notification date: 2/19 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: This school was the safety of my safeties...but a yes is always nice!
  • Institution: Oregon Phd in Economics Decision: Accepted "pending grad school approval" Funding: ??? Notification date: ??? Notified through: Just happened to check the website after the post earlier in this thread--Ditto! Posted on GC: No Comment: I'm pretty happy, but I'm starting to feel like I should have aimed higher.
  • Institution: Nebraska Phd in Economics Decision: Recommended for Admission Funding: Received a phone call from gd saying he'd like to arrange a campus visit and they have a little funding Notification date: 2/24/2011 Notified through: email and phone call Posted on GC: No Comment: Meh.
  • Institution: Kansas State Phd in Economics Decision: Recommended for Admission Funding: Pending Notification date: 2/19 Notified through: Email from grad director Posted on GC: No Comment: Another meh.
  • Institution: Michigan State Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Econ of Education Fellowship years 2-5 but I have to wait to hear about funding for year 1 Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC : no Comments: My first I'm beyond thrilled! I just hope funding comes through for the first year
  • Institution: Purdue Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Nothing official yet--making decisions in the next couple weeks Notification Date: 3/10/2011 Notified through: phone call Posted on GC: No Comments: Yay!!!!!!
  • Institution: UC-Boulder Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: None first semester--can apply spring semester and depending on grades will receive funding in later years Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC : no Comments: Meh.
  • Institution: UI-Chicago Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TA + Fellowship Notification date: 3/16/2011 Notified through: mail Posted on GC : no Comments: Update:
  • Institution: Michigan State Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Did NOT receive the econ of education fellowship--my folder was put in the wrong pile. DGS applied for university fellowship...have to wait to hear about that. Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC : no Comments: Bummer.
  • Institution: Kansas Economics PhD Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/4/2011 Notified through: email to check website Posted on GC : not yet Comments: first rejection had to come sooner or later and it surely won't the be last
  • Institution: Wisconsin Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/15/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GC : no Comments: Even though this was the best program I applied to, it was a horrible fit so I can live this rejection.

econsd 2012:
Type of Undergrad: BSc in Economics with a Business Minor
Undergrad GPA: 3.731
Type of Grad: MSc in Economics from same school
Grad GPA: 4.00
GRE: First try: 740Q,410V,4.5AWA Second try: 158Q,152V,4.0AWA
Math Courses: Intro to Prob and Stats (Calc Based) (A), Cal 1-3 (B,B,A), Differential Equations (B), Elementary Logic and Sets (Intro to Proofs) (A), Matrix Algebra (A), Linear Algebra (B), Real Analysis (A), Statistics 2 (A)
Grad Econ Courses: Marketing Research (A), International Econ (A), Industrial Organization (A), History of Econ Thought (A), Labor Econ (A), Advanced Micro (A), Research Methods (A), Time Series Econometrics(A), Advanced Macro (A), Econometrics (A)
Econ Courses: Principles of Micro (A), Principles of Macro (A), Marketing (A), Money and Banking (B), Inter Micro (A), Inter Macro (A), Public Finance (A), Math Econ (A), Stats II (Econ Department) (B)
Other Courses:
Letters of Recommendation: Grad advisor and 2 from Grad professors. All are from top 50 schools or very close but are not well known in researching or publications. I believe all were very strong.
Research Experience: Graduate Thesis, Co-Author with a professor ( Published ), class: Research Methodology in Applied Econ, Conference Presentation w/ thesis advisor
Teaching Experience:
Research Interests: Health Economics/Applied Micro
SOP: I spent a lot of time on this because of setbacks in my profile and modified it for each school
Acceptances: UK($), UGA($), FL St. ($), CO(-), NCSU(?), OR(?), Kansas($), WA St($), IUPUI($), OR St.(?), MO(-)
Rejections: WI-Madison, Duke, VA, Vandy, MSU, AZ, UNC Chapel Hill, Purdue
Pending: 1
Attending: Emory ($)
What would you have done differently? The weaknesses, in my opinion, in my application were my GRE score and my undergraduate/MSc university. I wouldn't have transferred based on friends, relationships, and a co-authorship. The only thing I would have done differently is study more for the GRE instead of taking its impact so lightly. If you would have told me I had a choice between 12 acceptances at the beginning of the cycle I wouldn't have believed it. I'm thrilled with my results and very excited to attend Emory. Thanks for everyone who was there to talk it out in tiny chat for the past few months and good luck with your programs.
    Acceptances: UK($), UGA($), FL St. ($), CO(-), NCSU(?), OR(?), Kansas($), WA St($), IUPUI($), OR St.(?), MO(-)
  • Institution:North Carolina State University Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: ? Notification date: 2/9/2012 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Comments: This is a good start and helps calm the nerves.
  • Institution: Washington State Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Assistantship Notification Date: 2/10/2012 Notified through: Admission: Mail, Funding:E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: University of Kentucky Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TA + Fellowship Notification Date: 2/14/2012 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: Comment: Happy Valentines Day
  • Institution: University of Missouri - Columbia Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: None available at the moment, will notify after April 15th if funding becomes available. Notification 2/24/12 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Down to 16 pending..
  • Institution:Emory Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Assistantship Notification date: 2/27/12 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I had a blast at the fly-out and I'm very excited I have this as an option.
  • Institution: IUPUI Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Assistantship Notification date: 2/28/12 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: This program began in fall 2010. It matches my health research interests perfectly. However, it is new so I can not research placement/ranking/etc.. If anyone has opinions or comments about this program please message me.
  • Institution: Oregon State Applied Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Will notify me if funding becomes available Notification date: 3/6/12 Notified through: Email Comments:
  • Institution: University of Oregon Economics Ph.D. Decision: Accepted Funding: Still reviewing for funding decisions Notification date: 3/6/2012 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Looking forward to hearing about funding.
  • Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No first year funding, 2nd year+ funding if proper grades Notification Date: 3/8/2012 Notified Through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Would have been another good option if there was first year funding
  • Institution: University of Kansas Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: First year fellowship, the following four years either TA/RA Notification Date: 3/8/2012 Notified Through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: University of Georgia Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: $16,667 Assistantship + 3k scholarship (but $1,095 in fees each semester and no health insurance) Notification Date: 3/16/2012 Notified Through: E-mail Posted to GC: No Comments: I'm glad to have this as an option but the fees and health insurance issue brings this offer less then most of my other offers.
  • Institution: Florida State University Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 19k per year (4 years) + 3k scholarship first year. Notification Date: 3/18/2012 Notified Through: email Posted to GC: No Comments: Time to start making some big decisions
    Rejections: WI-Madison, Duke, VA, Vandy, MSU, AZ, UNC Chapel Hill, Purdue
  • Institution: Vanderbilt Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification Date: 2/10/2012 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: Comments:
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/2/12 Notified through: Checked Website (no email) Posted on GC: No Comments: I figured but I had to try
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/5/2012 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: Wisconsin Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/7/2012 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: Michigan State University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: March 26 Notified through: I emailed them asking about my status. The official letters will come out in 2-4 weeks. Posted on GC: No Comments: 4 schools left...
  • Institution: University of Arizona Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: March 26 Notified through: I emailed them asking about my status. The official letters will come out in 2 weeks. Posted on GC: No Comments: 3 schools left...
  • Institution: Purdue University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 4/18/12 Notified through: email Comments:
  • Institution: UNC - Chapel Hill Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 4/15/12 at 11:30 pm Notified through: email Comments:
  • Institution: Michigan State Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: --- Notification date: 4/26/12 Notified through: email Comments: well... the only use for this post is +1 in post count

EconBeach 2012:
  • Institution: North Carolina State University Economics-PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Don’t know yet, but feeling confident. Notification date: 2/2/2012 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Not sure. Comments: First notification of the season! Excited.
  • Institution: University of Missouri, Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No funding at this time. Decisions regarding funding will be made after Apr 15th. Notification date: 2/27 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Dont know Comments: Would be nice if offered funding.
  • Institution: SUNY Buffalo Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD Notification Date: 3/7/2012 Notified Through: Email Posted on GC: Not sure Comments: Did anyone say wings?
  • Institution: UCSB Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Nope Notification Date: 2/6/2012 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Don’t know Comments: Sucks! Oh well…
  • Institution: Rutgers Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 2/23 Notified through: Checked website Posted on GC: Don’t know Comments: Whatever…On to the next.
  • Institution: Penn State Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 3/7/2012 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Not sure Comments: Bummer!
  • Institution: UT Austin Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification Date: 3/8/2012 Notified Through: Email Posted on GC: Not sure Comments: Long shot. Disappointing but expected! Would've loved living in Austin.
  • Institution: WUSTL -Economics Decision: Waitlisted Funding: NA Notification date: 2/15 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Not sure Comments: Fingers Crossed!
  • Institution: UC Irvine Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: NA Notification Date: Feb 22 Notified Through: Email Posted on GC: ?? Comments: Invited to their meet and greet day!


Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 9 accepted out of 9 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.90, average GREQ was 764.0.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:58:27, Fri May 11, 2012