Index of Schools AnalysisAbout the Site 2012 20112010 20092008 2007all years
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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


cooper 2007:
Type of Undergrad: Small state school, no PhD program in Econ
Undergrad GPA: 3.2
Type of Grad Mid-size public uni, no PhD program in Econ
Grad GPA: 4.0
GRE: 770 Q, 370 V, 4.5 AWA
Math Courses: Calc 1-3, Diff Eqs, Linear Alg, Operations Research (Linear programming, Integer Programming, & Dynamic Porogramming), Math Stats 1, Adv Calc 1. (All A's) Taking final semester: Adv Calc 2, Topology, Stoch Calc.
Econ Courses: Micro and Macro up to masters level, Math Econ up to masters level, Econometrics up to masters level (including regular Econometrics, Time Series, and Financial Econometrics), and Game Theory. (Two B+'s in undergrad courses and rest A's)
Other Courses: Some programming courses.
Letters of Recommendation: Strong letters from not well known Profs (two econ and one math). One more letter from a well-connected econ Prof, not sure how strong it was.
Research Experience: Research asistant for Prof for two years in masters program. Research Assistant for another Prof for one year. Completed Research paper at AEA summer program. Completed a masters research paper. Did some Matlab programming with another professor for independent study on oil and monetary poicly.
Teaching Experience: Tutor for calc 1&2 in undergrad. Tutor for Principles of Micro in undergrad.
Research Interests: Macro: RBC theory, monetary policy, oil and empirical macro
SOP: Talked about my interests and experience, and a little about the particular school.
Other: AEA summer program
Acceptances: Iowa (full $$), Vandy (full $$), Indiana (full $$), Virginia ($$-?), Rutgers (no $$)
Waitlists: I guess Pitt since I emailed them and never got a decision
Rejections: Princeton, Duke, WUSTL, U Wash, Illinois, JHU
What would you have done differently? I think I found my range, but I probably should have tried some more top 30's and mayber one or two top 20's just in case.
    Acceptances: Iowa (full $$), Vandy (full $$), Indiana (full $$), Virginia ($$-?), Rutgers (no $$)
    Rejections: Princeton, Duke, WUSTL, U Wash, Illinois, JHU
    Waitlists: I guess Pitt since I emailed them and never got a decision

indyecon 2007:
I've been avoiding posting my profile because of slight paranoia (and the fact that I do not compete with most of these profiles), but I guess now that I know where I'll be next year what is there to lose?
Type of Undergrad: small liberal arts college no one has heard of (unless you're from Indiana - and even then it's a stretch). Majors: Economics, Math Education (I'm licensed to teach 5-12...basically a math degree plus student teaching)
Undergrad GPA: 3.85 (overall), 3.95 (Econ), 3.75 (Math Ed), summa cum laude, top 10%
GRE: 800Q/570V/4.5A
Math Courses: Calc I (high school), Calc II & III, Linear Algebra, Math Models, College Geometry, Discrete Math, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis
Econ Courses: Intro to Micro, Intro to Macro, International, Intermediate Micro, Money & Banking, Topics in Contemporary Econ (focused on corporate tax policy)
Letters of Recommendation: two from professors (one math and one econ) - I'm pretty sure they were good and spoke very highly of me - they're just from lesser-known profs, and one from my boss at my current job (consulting) - also good, and I know because he asked me to proof it
Research Experience: none to speak of, other than a research paper (junior year) on none other admissions
Teaching Experience: only tutoring at the college level (math and econ), but LOTS if you include middle and high school (math and history). I also taught linear algebra when I student taught (at an IB school in Australia).
Research Interests: mainly economics of education, lots of areas of public economics
SOP: I think it was good, but who knows? I tailored it for every school (for the most part)
Other: I'm a white female from the states, which I've heard is rare and might help, although I don't think it did. I was awarded the top econ student of my class and graduated with honors in math ed. I've been working for three years, but not in the field of econ.
Acceptances: Georgia State ($26K + tuition), Indiana (no money at first...then$13K...then it was $15K...then $17K)
Waitlists: well, I'm waiting on Purdue
Rejections: Iowa, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Stanford (School of Education - Economics of Education PhD)
I'll be attending Georgia State in the fall!
What would you have done differently? I probably would have branched out of the 'I want to go to a Big 10 school' mentality. It just so happens that the Big 10 is more competitive than I had considered, which I didn't realize until the rejections started rolling in. I think I got caught up in reading posts on this site and the idea of a 'safety' for many on here is just not realistic for those of us who went to no-name schools and have little research experience. I probably would apply to more schools, but I'm happy with my final result, so I guess the money I saved can go towards moving to Atlanta.
    Acceptances: Georgia State ($26K + tuition), Indiana (no money at first...then$13K...then it was $15K...then $17K)
    Rejections: Iowa, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Stanford (School of Education - Economics of Education PhD) I'll be
    Waitlists: well, I'm waiting on Purdue

pevdoki1 2008:
Type of undergrad: Mid-sized state university (SUNY Binghamton)
GPA: 3.99 (math/econ double major)
Type of Grad: none
GRE: Q800, V470, AWA 4.5
Math Courses: Calc I-III, Linear Algebra, Intro to Higher Math, Complex Analysis, Real Analysis I-II, Mathematical statistics I-II
Econ Courses: The usual. No graduate level courses.
Other Courses:
Letters of Recommendation: 1 really good one from an economics professor who knows me well, 2 from math professors
Research Experience: Virtually none. Started a thesis, never finished
Teaching Experience: TA intermediate macro for 1 semester. 1 year of tutoring experience.
Research Interests: Macro and monetary, but these can change
SOP: Pretty good, I think. Standard 1st page, customized second (mentioning professors and all)
University of Minnesota ($)
UT Austin ($)
U Toronto (MA, $)
UBC (MA, $)
Indiana ($)
Rutgers ($)
Purdue ($)
Virginia (no funding)
Cornell (no funding)
Waiting list: none
Rejections: University of Western Ontario
No word: Queen's
What I would have done differently:
Applied to less lower ranked schools. However, I'm quite happy with getting into Minnesota (and WUSTL, for that matter).s
    Acceptances: University of Minnesota ($) WUSTL ($) UT Austin ($) U Toronto (MA, $) UBC (MA, $) Indiana ($) Rutgers ($) Purdue ($) Virginia (no funding) Cornell (no funding)
    Rejections: University of Western Ontario
    Waiting list: none

desimba 2008:
Field you are applying to: Business Economics-type departments in business schools & conventional Economics departments as well
Type of Undergrad: Chemical Engineering (IIT)
Undergrad GPA: 3.88
Type of Grad: Business Adminstration
Grad GPA: 4.0
GMAT: 750
Math Courses: Vector Calculus; Linear Algebra with Applications (Graduate); Mathematics – I , II & III; Transform Calculus & PDE (Undergraduate: Topics covered include Complex Analysis, Multivariable Calculus, Numerical Methods, and Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations) (No real analysis)
Econ Courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Game Theory (Graduate-at the MBA level); Economics (Undergraduate)
Relevant Finance Courses: N/A
Other Courses: N/A
Letters of Recommendation: 3-4 from professors at my graduate institution
Research Experience: RA in Engineering during my graduate studies; some experience during my consulting job at our firm's economic think tank
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: Institutions; trade; development; transitional economies
SOP: 2-3 page SOP talking about why I am qualified; what got me interested in these topics; why interested in the school and briefly on future plans of joining academia. Provided citations to some academic papers which had kindled my interest on these topics
Other: GRE-800 Q; 580 V; 5.5 AWA; TOEFL:116
Acceptances: Economics @ Wisconsin-Madison (without funding for 1st year); University of Michigan Ross School's International Business & Business Economics; Global Economics & Management at UCLA Anderson; Economics @ U. of Iowa; Business Economics & Public Policy at Kelley (Indiana) (all with funding)
Waitlists: None
Rejections: Stanford GSB Economic Analysis & Policy; Chicago GSB Economics; Economics @ University of Maryland; Economics @ Arizona State University; Economics & Public Policy at Tepper & Heinz, CMU
What would I have done differently? Nothing during the application phase; from a long term stand-point though, I would have tried to get my senior year thesis published & also during my MBA studies, I would have probably tried to get involved in research with faculty members at my institute
    Acceptances: Economics @ Wisconsin-Madison (without funding for 1st year); University of Michigan Ross School's International Business & Business Economics; Global Economics & Management at UCLA Anderson; Economics @ U. of Iowa; Business Economics & Public Policy at Kelley (Indiana) (all with funding)
    Rejections: Stanford GSB Economic Analysis & Policy; Chicago GSB Economics; Economics @ University of Maryland; Economics @ Arizona State University; Economics & Public Policy at Tepper & Heinz, CMU
    Waitlists: None

eggman 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Top Public University (William & Mary)
Undergrad GPA: 3.87 Overall, 4.0 Econ, 3.9 Math
GRE: 760 Q, 550 V, 4.5 A
Math Courses: MultiVar. Calc (A), Linear Algebra (A), Intro Proofs Class (A), Real Analysis (B+), Ordinary Differential Equation (A), Probability (A), Mathematical Statistics (in progress)
Econ Courses: Econ of Information (A), World Trade Theory (A), Econometrics (A), Time-Series Econometrics (A), Cross Section Econometrics (A) (advanced econometric courses are part of my schools MPP program, but are cross-listed in Econ)
Letters of Recommendation:
-Assistant Professor I was a TA for
-Professor that is my Honors Thesis Advisor
-Professor I worked for on a theoretical paper, well known in his subfield.
Research Experience:
-RA for one summer doing grunt work data collection
-Empirical Honors Thesis on a topic in pubic economics (decentralization)
-Worked on a Theoretical Paper in social choice theory, attempted to prove a theorem the professor could not solve. Even though I couldnt finish the paper for him, I was able to make enough progress that he could see that I had some talent, greatly improving my letter of recommendation.
Teaching Experience:
TA for an Econ 101 class, graded assignments and held review sessions.
Research Interests: Public, Labor, Applied Micro
SOP: I think it was fine, matched up my interests with some professors, nothing noteworthy to say about it
Will be Attending: UVA
Acceptances: UVA($$), Indiana ($$)
Waitlists: UNC
Rejections: Princeton, Yale, UPenn, Rochester, Penn State, Maryland, JHU, Duke, Michigan, Minnesota, UCLA
What would you have done differently?
I wish I would have started math earlier and had been a Econ/Math double major instead of just a math minor. I believe I had enough Math to make me competitive, but a little bit more could have been nice. I also wish I had done better on the GRE, but I studied a lot and only got a 760Q, so I dont think taking it again would have improved my score, thus I dont regret not retaking the GRE.
Comments: Im surprised I got so many rejections, but ultimately I am very happy with the final outcome. I really like UVAs Program and they gave me good funding.
    Attending: UVA Acceptances: UVA($$), Indiana ($$)
    Rejections: Princeton, Yale, UPenn, Rochester, Penn State, Maryland, JHU, Duke, Michigan, Minnesota, UCLA
    Waitlists: UNC

Dr. Who 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Big state school
Undergrad GPA: 3.2 BES
Type of Grad: MBA (2008) and MA Economics (anticipated 2009)
Grad GPA: 3.98 MBA, 3.97 MA
GRE: 770Q, 680V, 5.0AWA
Math Courses: Recent math GPA (3.78) all taken in my spare time while in MBA and summer. Calc I, II, III, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Grad Math Stats, Grad Real Analysis
Econ Courses (MA level): Micro, Math Econ, IO, Econometrics I & II, Macro, Environmental, some other electives, and finance courses
Econ Courses (undergrad): Macro and mirco only (took as prereq’s for the MA)
Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ from masters and 1 math
Research Interests: Labor and HR, IO, Business economics
SOP: probably adequate
Research Experience: GA for economic forecasting shop
Concerns: MBA to Econ, older than your average student, less math than some
Attending: WUSTL
Accepted: Missouri ($), CU-Boulder ($WL), Indiana (no $), WUSTL ($)
Waitlisted: WUSTL (with $ if accepted), Vanderbilt
Rejections: Northwestern, UMich, MSU
Never heard so assumed rejection: OSU and UIUC
What I would have done differently: I should have spent more time on my SOP. I think for someone like me, who is older, it could have made all the difference in the world, especially on funding decisions. It was a lot harder than I anticipated talking about myself and articulating my goals. Also, I don’t think I did a very good job matching myself up to programs strengths.
If you are in school, take a lighter load in the spring semester. Dealing with school decisions has been a HUGE time waster and I haven’t been able to concentrate for months.
I didn’t appropriately account for the economic downturn…My reaches were unattainable and seeing the decline, I should have added in a couple more safeties. Also, I should have taken more care with the safety choices. Out of the top 50 it gets a lot harder to get good info on the programs. For my interests I think KY and WY would have been solid.
Advice: For older candidates…don’t let people intimidate you into thinking there is a “ceiling” on how old you can be when you go back to get your PhD. You might not get into the top 5, but top 50 is achievable.
Find advisors that are familiar with the PhD process and what it takes to get in to a good school TODAY. My school does not grant PhD’s in business/econ and I found my advisors to be out of touch with the process. Hunt down the newer faculty and hit them up for advice.
I think the recent math background was crucial in my outcomes. Take the math. It’s never wasted.
When I returned to school, I had no idea I would end up following this path. If you are planning on a terminal masters, choose your graduate institution carefully. It will make things easier just in case you decide to continue your education.
  • Institution: University of Missouri, Columbia Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: GA+ tuition+ health Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: University of Colorado, Boulder Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD later Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Notification date: 3/20 Notified through: E-mail Comments: I emailed to check on application status. They are still working on financial aid decisions.
  • Institution: Washington University, St. Louis Economics PhD Decision: Accepted off the waitlist Funding: min. 9K + tuition waiver with hope of increasing the stipend Notification date: 4/9/2009 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Whew! One waitlist down one to go.
  • Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Website Comments: Well at least it is one less thing to worry about...
  • Institution: Michigan State University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/25 Notified through: response to my inquiry email Comments: Finally knocking some of the unknows off the list
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics, PhD Decision: Waitlisted Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Totally shocked! So frackin' happy to still be in the game.

thursday 2009:
Here we go. At least, one more data point for this.
Type of Undergrad: B.A. in business administration. Top uni in the country, though not (well) known internationally.
Undergrad GPA: 5/5. (Highest distinction, unofficially. I wish it were in econ/math at a better undergrad university.)
Type of Grad: M.A. in economics (two-year program) at a solid economics school with a reputation of placing good students in good American/European PhD programs.
Grad GPA: 3.44/4. (After the 1st year.)
GRE: 790Q, 520V, 3.5AW. (Me knows writing good.)
TOEFL: first time: 106 (20S); second time (because of 20S): 107 (23S). (Basically, I wasted $. And, yeah, me does speaking good too.)
Math and Econ Courses, all in all: one-year sequence of grad micro, macro, metrics, and math for economics. Almost no (at least, not that relevant) econ/math as an undergrad. Plus on-going electives in misc economics (e.g. IO, and the like).
Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ professors: 1 quite well known prof. (Cornell PhD), 1 well published associate prof. (UPF PhD), 1 assistant prof./my thesis adviser (UMD PhD). Not sure about the strength of the letters.
Research Experience: on-going thesis, nothing else.
Teaching Experience: nil.
Research Interests: macro, growth, political economy of development.
SOP: nothing special, I think.
Concerns: I wish I had done some econ/math instead of business staff as an undergrad. Plus, too low grades (PhD-application-wise) in relevant grad courses.
Other: ~
Applying to: UMD, JHU, Penn State (reaches for me, I think), BC, IUB (targets?), UH (a real target, I guess?).
  • Institution: University of Houston Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: ~16K first year (part of it TA/RA). Notification date: 3/11 Notified through: E-mail Comments: My first acceptance. I almost cried.
  • Institution: Indiana University-Bloomington Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Nothing Notification date: 3/27 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Thankful, but cannot afford unfunded studies.
  • Institution: Johns Hopkins Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/11 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Expected, kind of.
  • Institution: Maryland Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: Website Comments: Expected...
  • Institution: Boston College Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Notification date: 02/28 Notified through: E-mail Comments: ~

takethemoneyandrun 2010:
Type of Undergrad: Mid-ranked liberal arts college
Undergrad GPA: 3.7/4.0
Type of Grad: N/A
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 770Q/700V/5.5AWA
Math Courses: Calc I-III (A/B/A-), Linear Algebra (A-), Probability Theory (B+), Mathematical Statistics (B+), ODEs (A-), PDEs (A), Advanced Calculus (A), Real Analysis (A), Topology (IP), Complex Analysis (IP)
Econ Courses : Intermediate Micro (B+), Intermediate Macro (A-), Intro to Econometrics (B), Labor Economics (A), Senior honors thesis (A)
Other courses: Nothing of value
Letters of Recommendation: Three econ professors (PhDs from top 30 programs) who advised me on research papers that turned out pretty well and one statistics professor with whom I did summer research. They are all very nice, helpful people and I get along well with them.
Research Experience: Two econ term papers and a senior honors thesis that I am proud of; one co-authored statistics publication based on summer research.
Teaching Experience: TA for 2 sections of introductory statistics and 2 sections of introductory economics.
Research Interests: Economics of labor, health, aging, and education.
Statement of purpose: I made it clear that I want to become an academic economist, discussing my math preparation and research interests.
Concerns: Low GRE Q and limited undergrad econ background with very shaky grades.
Acceptances: Virginia(wl-$), Texas(wl-$), Washington-Seattle($$), Indiana($$), UC-Davis($$), UC-Irvine($$), Rice($$), Colorado($0), Maryland AREC($$), Cornell AEM($0), Oregon($$)
Rejections: Brown, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, WUSTL
What would you have done differently? I would have applied to more schools in the 15-30 range. I didn't expect to be accepted to at least half of the programs that admitted me and was biased towards lower-ranked schools. I have heard this over and over, but it's worth repeating: The MC of sending out an additional application is extremely low; apply to any and every school that you think matches your research interests!
    Acceptances: Virginia(wl-$), Texas(wl-$), Washington-Seattle($$), Indiana($$), UC-Davis($$), UC-Irvine($$), Rice($$), Colorado($0), Maryland AREC($$), Cornell AEM($0), Oregon($$)
  • Institution:UC Davis Econ Decision: Accepted Funding: full tuition waiver + TAship Notification date: 8th Feb 2010 Notified through:email Posted on Gradcafe: Yes Date of Gradcafe post: 8th Feb 2010 Comments: I'm very grateful to have an offer from a school that I thought was out of my league.
  • Institution: Cornell Applied Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: None available :( Notification date: 18 February 2010 Notified through: Email Posted on Gradcafe: (yes or no) No Comments: I'm honored, but I can't attend without funding.
  • Institution: University of Maryland AREC Decision: Accepted Funding: "Graduate Assistanship" with tuition remission + health insurance + 21k Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No word yet Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No word yet Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: University of Colorado-Boulder Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: $0 Notification date: 3/10/10 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: I'm very surprised that I wasn't offered funding. It was probably due to my low GRE score.
  • Institution: UT-Austin Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: None "at this time" Notification date: 3/24/10 Notified through: Email Comments: I'm very happy, but shocked; I thought they were all done with offers.
    Rejections: Brown, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, WUSTL
  • Institution: Northwestern University Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Fully expected
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Also expected, but this one really stings.
  • Institution: Northwestern University Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Fully expected
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Also expected, but this one really stings.
  • Institution: Washington U. in St. Louis Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 4/6 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comment: My last one
  • Institution: Rice University Economics Decision: Waitlisted Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Comments:

papertherapy 2010:
Type of Undergrad: Small American liberal arts college
Undergrad GPA: 3.75/4.00
Type of grad: None
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 780Q/630V/4.5 AWA
Math Courses: Calculus I (A), Calculus II (B+), Calculus III (B+), Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (B), Statistics I (A-), Complex Variables (B+), Topology (IP), Linear Algebra (IP)
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intermediate Micro, Intermediate Macro, Advanced Micro, Advanced Macro, Econometrics, Game Theory, International Trade and Development, International Finance, Public Finance, Experimental Economics
Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ. professors, all undergrad
Research Experience: some data analysis and sorting, regression analysis project, Senior Thesis
Teaching Experience: Tutoringg
Research Interests: Game Theory, Econometrics, Trade and Development
Acceptances: UVA (No $), Indiana ($$), Pittsburgh ($$), West Virginia ($$), Lehigh ($)
Waitlists: None
Rejections: Penn State, Carnegie Mellon, Ohio State
Pending: None
What would you have done differently? Nothing,
Attending: Pittsburgh
    Acceptances: UVA (No $), Indiana ($$), Pittsburgh ($$), West Virginia ($$), Lehigh ($)
  • Institution: Lehigh University Economics PhD Decision: Accepted ($$ TA Ship) Notification date: 1/27/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: University of Pittsburgh Economics PhD Decision: Accepted (Short listed for funding) Notification date: 2/25/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Comments: really hoping for funding
  • Institution: West Virginia University Economics PhD Decision: Accepted ($$ TA ship) Notification date: 3/07/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: candidate for much Sweiger Fellowship
  • Institution: Indiana University-Bloomington Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Nothing yet Notification date: 03/22/10 Notified through: E-mail Comments: pretty excited, hope to hear about funding soon
  • Institution: Virginia Economics Decision: Accepted Notification date: 3/25 Notified through: email to check website Posted on GF: Yes Funding: no mention yet Comments: waiting on funding; becoming a common theme
    Rejections: Penn State, Carnegie Mellon, Ohio State
  • Institution: Penn State University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/10/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: Oh well
    Waitlists: None

bassmantin 2011:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Accounting/Finance at a Big 10 school
Undergrad GPA: 3.97
Type of Grad: M.B.A. Accounting/Finance
Grad GPA: 3.91
GRE: 800Q, 700V, 5.0AW
Math Courses: Calculus I, II, II, Linear Algebra, Intro to Advanced Math (all A) After submission of application: Differential Equations, Real Analysis (all A expected)
Econ Courses: Intermediate Micro, Intermediate Macro, Econometrics, lots of grad level business school classes that overlap somewhat: managerial econ, real options, valuation, corporate finance, international monetary systems and hedging (all A) after submission: History of Economic Thought, Monetary Theory (all A expected)
Other Courses: Lots of business
Letters of Recommendation: Accounting professor, math instructor, former employer
Research Experience: N/A
Teaching Experience: two semesters intro to managerial accounting
Research Interests: macro/monetary
SOP: addressed my somewhat unique situation
Concerns: no econ prof letter of recommendation, not too much math before submitting app
Acceptances: Vanderbilt, Indiana, Michigan State, Purdue, Iowa State, George Mason, Missouri
Waitlists: WUSTL (eventually accepted), Minnesota (withdrew)
Rejections: Chicago, Northwestern, Michigan, Wisconsin, Notre Dame
Attending: WUSTL
What would you have done differently? Take more math. Get letter of recommendation from economists. Get a mentor to guide me through the process.
    Acceptances: Vanderbilt, Indiana, Michigan State, Purdue, Iowa State, George Mason, Missouri
  • Institution: Missouri-Columbia Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Nominated for fellowship Notification date: Feb 8 (sorry for the delay) Notified through: Email (probably notified early because of the fellowship nomination) Posted on GC: no Comments: First response. Exciting!
  • Institution: Vanderbilt Economics (PhD) Decision: Accepted Funding: First-Year Fellowship Notification date: 2/22/2011 Notified through: Email from DGS Posted on GF: no Comments: Extremely excited! Good program and I love Nashville!
  • Institution: Purdue Economics (PhD) Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD Notification date: 2/24/2011 Notified through: Email from Assistant Director of Administration Posted on GC: No Comments: Very cool!
  • Institution: Michigan State Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Notification Date: 3/9/11 Funding: TAship Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Awesome
  • Institution: Indiana Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Fellowship Notification date: 3/10/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Very excited!
  • Institution: Iowa State Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TA-ship Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: excellent, good fit
  • Institution: George Mason Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No word Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: snail mail Posted on GF: no Comments: Very cool school. I might have to start a blog.
    Rejections: Chicago, Northwestern, Michigan, Wisconsin, Notre Dame
    Waitlists: WUSTL (eventually
  • Institution: Minnesota Economics (PhD) Decision: Wait List Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/23/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comments: Would love to go.
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics PhD Decision: Wait List Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GradCafe: no Comments: "We again had a record number of applicants, many of whom were highly qualified. Yet we are restricted to only a very small class of first-year students. We realize that this uncertainty is unpleasant, but we want to assure you that there is still a reasonable chance that you will be accepted into our program."

fj217 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BBA Applied Economics/Applied Mathematics (minor) from a mid-sized university in Hong Kong
Undergrad GPA: 3.76/4.00 (#1 in the program)
Type of Grad: -
Grad GPA: -
GRE: Q800 V530 AW4.0
Math Courses: Calculus & Linear Algebra (A); Mathematical Analysis I (A); Mathematical Analysis II (B+); Linear Algebra (A); Statistical Methods & Theory I (A-); Differential Equations (A-); Real Analysis (B); Numerical Methods I (A-); Mathematical & Statistical Modeling (A)
Econ Courses: Principles of Microeconomics (A); Principles of Macroeconomics (A); Intermediate Microeconomics (B+); Intermediate Macroeconomics (A); Mathematical Economics I (B+); Applied Econometrics (A); Money & Banking (A-); International Economics (A); Industrial Organization (A); Aisa-Pacific Economies (A-); Public Finance (A); Money & Finance in China (A)
Other Courses:
Letters of Recommendation: One professor from another local university (Stanford PhD); one regionally well-known professor (UW Madison PhD); one statistics professor with a PhD from Germany. At least the latter two letters are very strong.
Research Experience: Summer research at another local university; honors degree project
Teaching Experience:
Research Interests: Macroeconomics, International Economics
SOP: I put much effort into writing it; mainly explaining my interest in economics and my past learning experience
Acceptances: IUB PhD ($$, attending), Albany PhD ($$), Simon Fraser MA ($$)
Rejections: Cornell PhD, PSU PhD, UPitt PhD, USC PhD, Notre Dame PhD, etc.
Pending: CUHK MPhil
What would you have done differently?
I think Id have done better had I picked Mathematics as my major and Economics as minor. That way not only could I have taken more math courses, but I also could have taken them systematically. Now I often had to taken advanced math courses early on without the basic courses. If I could have taken them systematically I would have better math grades.
    Acceptances: IUB PhD ($$, attending), Albany PhD ($$), Simon Fraser MA ($$)
  • Institution: University of Hong Kong MEcon Decision: Admission Funding: None Notification date: 2/28/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: Don't know if institutions in HK are of any people's concern here. Just saw some non-US schools so I thought it doesn't hurt to post anyway...
  • Institution: Simon Fraser University MA Economics Decision: Acceptance Funding: Yes Notification date: 3/10/11 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: University at Albany Economics Decision: Acceptance Funding: Tuition Waiver + 13k Assistantship Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: Indiana University Bloomington Economics Decision: Acceptance Funding: Waiting list Notification date: 4/4 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No. Comments: Really hope I can get funding... Update: I was informed of funding for five years at around 2:30am (UTC+8) Apr. 16. Very happy and have already accepted their offer!
    Rejections: Cornell PhD, PSU PhD, UPitt PhD, USC PhD, Notre Dame PhD, etc.
  • Institution: University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) Applied Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/11/11 Notified through: Email directing to website Posted on GF: No. Comments: My first certain response. Still waiting for the rest.
  • Institution: Yale University Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/17/2011 Notified through: Email -> website Posted on GF: No. Comments: My reach school.
  • Institution: Duke University Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/25 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: Pennsylvania State University Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/7/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: Just another rejection.
  • Institution: Iowa State University MS in Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/9/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: Sad.
  • Institution: Cornell University Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/23 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: University of Iowa (Tippie) Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No. Comments:
  • Institution: University of Pittsburgh Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/24 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: Emory University Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: University of Notre Dame Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/30/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: -
  • Institution: University of Toronto MA Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 5/5/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: Not going even if admitted. Got better plans.

econtp 2012:
Institution: Vanderbilt
Program: Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $21,200
Notification date: 02/10
Notified through: Email
Comment: My first admit with quite generous funding!
Institution: WUSTL
Program: Economics PhD
Decision: Waitlisted
Funding: Waitlisted
Notification date: 02/16
Notified through: Email
Institution: UCSB
Program: Economics PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 02/23
Notified through: Email to check website
Comment: Quite surprised..
Institution: Stanford GSB
Program: EAP PhD
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 02/23
Notified through: Email to check website
Institution: UT Austin
Program: Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: If I want, I have to contact them ASAP.
Notification date: 02/23
Notified through: Email
Comment: Hm.. I prefer Vandy to UT since my interest is Macro
  • Institution: Vanderbilt Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: $21,200 Notification date: 02/10 Notified through: Email Comment: My first admit with quite generous funding!
  • Institution: UT Austin Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: If I want, I have to contact them ASAP. Notification date: 02/23 Notified through: Email Comment: Hm.. I prefer Vandy to UT since my interest is Macro
  • Institution: UC Santa Cruz Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: "I am unable to guarantee you financial support at this time. Should you have questions about future financial support, please contact your department." Notification: 2/24/12 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: It is a good place for Monetary Econ..
  • Institution: USC Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 23k stipend + health/dental insurance + health center Notification date: 2/28/12 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: I like the offer especially the health center part. Is 23k enough for living in LA with a wife and a baby?
  • Institution : Georgetown Econ PhD Decision : Accepted Funding : 22k Fellowship Notification Date: 2/29 Notified Through : E-mail Posted on GC : No Comments: Good!
  • Institution: Indiana University Bloomington Economics Decision : Accepted Funding : 1st yr 20,000 fellowship, 2-5 16000 TAship Notification Date: 3/19/2012 Notified Through : E-mail Posted on GC : No Comments: Good option for macro, metrics!
  • Institution: UCSB Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 02/23 Notified through: Email to check website Comment: Quite surprised..
  • Institution: Stanford GSB EAP PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 02/23 Notified through: Email to check website
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification Date: 2/29/12 Notified Through: Application website Posted on GC: No Comments: very very sad...
  • Institution: WUSTL Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: Waitlisted Notification date: 02/16 Notified through: Email


mtjsvc 2007:
Type of Undergrad: 3rd-tier liberal arts college
Undergrad GPA: 3.8
Type of Grad: straight from undergrad
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 800Q, 650V, 4.0AWA
Math Courses:
calc I-III (A-/A-/B), linear algebra (A), ordinary & partial diff eq (A), complex variables (A), topology (A-), real analysis I-II (A/IP), prob & stats (A), interest theory & financial math (IP)
Econ Courses:
micro/macro principles (A/A), intermediate micro/macro (B+/A), advanced micro/macro (A/A), econometrics (A), game theory (A), experimental econ (A), int. trade (A), int. finance (A)
Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ profs (thesis advisor, advanced micro/macro prof), 1 math prof (real analysis/topology prof)
Research Experience: senior thesis (experimental/labor), summer RA for experimental economist at a different university
Teaching Experience: tutor and grader for micro/macro principles, tutor for advanced macro
Research Interests: experimental econ, micro theory
SOP: I talked about my experience with experimental econ (course, thesis, RA)
Other: My undergrad school is small and not very good overall, but the econ training is focused on preparing us for PhD programs. About half of the econ majors here go for a PhD after graduating, with a good success rate in actually completing the degree.
Ohio State (fellowship) <attending>
Purdue (fellowship)
Arizona (TA-ship)
Penn State (TA-ship)
Texas A&M (RA-ship)
Virginia (TA-ship)
probably Carnegie Mellon, Indiana, and Pitt since they haven't admitted me yet
What would you have done differently?
I would have applied to a few higher ranked schools and not applied to a few lower ranked schools.
    Acceptances: Ohio State (fellowship) <attending> Purdue (fellowship) Arizona (TA-ship) Penn State (TA-ship) Texas A&M (RA-ship) Virginia (TA-ship)
    Rejections: probably Carnegie Mellon, Indiana, and Pitt since they haven't

EconDev137 2010:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Quantitative Economics. & B.A. Political Science
Undergrad GPA: 3.36
GRE: 770Q 570V 4.5 AWA
Math Courses: Calc I-III, (AP, AP, A) Linear Algebra (A), Real Analysis (D), Probability (B+)
Econ Courses: Intro Micro (C), Intro Macro (C), Elementary Econometrics (A), Econometrics (A), Advanced Econometrics (A), Intermediate Micro (A+), Intermediate Macro(A+), Economic Growth (A), Economic Development (B+), Environmental Economics (B+), International Monetary Policy (A)
Grad Courses: Advanced Micro (A), Advanced Macro (A-)
Letters of Recommendation: All very good, from top 10.
Research Experience: Work at a public policy think tank. Thesis in Political Science.
Research Interests: Applied micro, development
Statement of purpose: Way better than average
Other: LORs are the most vital part of your application. Do not overlook the importance of building quality relationships with a few profs. However don't use this as an excuse to be a kissa$$.
PhD Accepts: Arizona (tuition waiver and assistantship for years 2-5), Purdue (nothing official, but presumed tuition plus 18k), Colorado-Boulder (waitlisted for $),
PhD Waitlists: Boston College (Decent Chance of admit, but won't know until after deadlines for other schools), OSU (acceptance not probable)
PhD Rejections: Duke, Maryland, Penn State, Vanderbilt and Indiana,
Masters Accepts: Michigan, Boston University, Tornoto
Masters Rejections: Tufts (really?)
Masters Pending: UBC
What would you have done differently? The most glaring thing would be not to have gotten a D in real analysis, I think I could have pulled vanderbilt without that. Other than that I think I had a pretty solid plan. Take the most useful classes you can, do as well as you can and spend your free time having fun. I think people on TM get too worked up about not having an 800Q or a 4.0 at the expense of living life.
    Accepts: Arizona (tuition waiver and assistantship for years 2-5), Purdue (nothing official, but presumed tuition plus 18k), Colorado-Boulder (waitlisted for $), PhD
  • Institution: Boston University Masters Decision: Accepted Funding: Not available for Masters Students Notification date: 3/1 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Very happy. While my goal is still to go to a PhD program at least I have a backup plan now!! :D
  • Institution: Boston University Masters Decision: Accepted Funding: Not available for Masters Students Notification date: 3/1 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Very happy. While my goal is still to go to a PhD program at least I have a backup plan now!!
  • Institution: University of Colorado-Boulder Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Not now, but I am being considered Notification date: 3/10/2010 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: Not Yet
  • Institution: Purdue Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD Notification date: 3/10/2010 Notified through: Email and Postal Posted on GC:Not Yet
  • Institution: Arizona Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Details will come within the week Notification date: 03/19/10 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Now I have an excuse to fly to Arizona for a few days
  • Institution: Michigan Economics MAE Decision: Admitted Notification date: 4/1 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Funding: No Idea Comments: Baring some amazing funding package or unreal placements, I'm pretty sure I'm going to decline, but the email said to wait a week before responding because they are going to be so busy.
  • Institution: U of Toronto Masters Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Can apply for a TA in July Notification date: 4/6 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Yes Comment: Will decline
  • Institution: UBC Masters Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No Details at all, but I think I will get some Notification date: 4/13/10 Notified through: Email and Postal to follow within 24 hours Comments: Will Decline,
    Rejections: Duke, Maryland, Penn State, Vanderbilt and Indiana, Masters
  • Institution: Duke Econ Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 02/16/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on Gradcafe: (yes or no) yes
  • Institution: Duke Economics, PhD Decision: Rejection Notification date: 2-16-2010 Notified through: Email to Link Posted on GF: Yes Comments: So happy that TM is back
  • Institution: Duke Economics, PhD Decision: Rejection Notification date: 2-16-2010 Notified through: Email to Link Posted on GF: Yes Comments: So happy that TM is back
  • Institution: Penn State Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: No Notification date: 3/10/201 Notified through:Email Posted on GC:Not Yet
  • Institution: Tufts Masters Decision: Rejected Funding: No Notification date: 3/12/2010 Notified through:Personal e-mail Posted on GC:Not Yet Sorry I took so long to post these. I was out of the country with no internet all week.
  • Institution:Vanderbilt Phd Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/30 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Funding: ... Comments: Very Upset
  • Institution: Indiana Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/31 Notified through: Email Response to an inquiry Posted on GF: Yes Funding: - Comments: Looking more and more like Arizona
    Waitlists: Boston College (Decent Chance of
  • Institution: Boston College Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: Waitlisted Notification date: 2-28-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Said I will remain waitlisted until at least April 15th when more spots could become available. It was sent really late on sunday night as well.
  • Institution: Boston College Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: Waitlisted Notification date: 2-28-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Said I will remain waitlisted until at least April 15th when more spots could become available. It was sent really late on sunday night as well.

Le_Walrus 2010:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Engineering, top three university in a small, but well known Latin American country
Undergrad GPA: 5.2/7
Type of Grad: NA
Grad GPA: NA
GRE: 800Q, 570V, 3.5AWA
TOEFL: 109/120
Math Courses: Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Complex Analysis, Optimal Control Theory, Probability and Statistics, Operations Research I and II
Econ Courses: Micro and Macro Theory
Other Courses: Lots of Engineering courses.
Letters of Recommendation: 1 econ professors, 1 math professor, 1 computer programming professor
Research Experience: Research assistant in several economics projects, undergraduate thesis in macro involving dynamic programming
Teaching Experience: TA of computer programming, Micro theory and Dynamic Macroeconomics
Research Interests: Macro theory, growth
SOP: The usual, maybe a little different because of my engineering background
Other: My grades may seem low, but in fact they are really high, and my recommenders avail that.
Acceptances: Rochester ($)
Waitlists: JHU
Rejections: Princeton, Berkeley, Northwestern, Minnesota, Columbia, UPenn, Brown, Duke, UCSD, WUSTL, Maryland, Vanderbilt, Pittsburgh, Indiana
Pending: Texas, UWO
What would you have done differently?
It was an somewhat expected outcome, coming from an relatively unknown university with an engineering background. My advice to other people with similar background? Get a masters degree. And start talking to people who know people...
    Acceptances: Rochester ($)
  • Institution: Rochester Economics Decision: Accepted Notification date: 03/01/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: Nice!!!! What a relief!!!!
    Rejections: Princeton, Berkeley, Northwestern, Minnesota, Columbia, UPenn, Brown, Duke, UCSD, WUSTL, Maryland, Vanderbilt, Pittsburgh, Indiana
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 17 February, 2010 Notified through: email -> website Comments: was wondering why there were taking so much to reject me...
  • Institution: Vanderbilt Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 02/19/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: Safety reject... That hurted
  • Institution: Minnesota Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 02/26/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: I really liked Minnesota...
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: Big reach...
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: No Comments: Too cold :)
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: No Comments: Too cold
  • Institution: Columbia Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/4/2010 Notified through:E-mail -> Website Posted on GC:No
  • Institution: Pittsburgh Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/8/2010 Notified through:E-mail Posted on GC:No
  • Institution: Princeton Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/9/2010 Notified through:E-mail Posted on GC:No
  • Institution: U Penn Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/12/2010 Notified through:E-mail -> Website Posted on GC:No General Comment: Glad i'm in at Rochester
    Waitlists: JHU
  • Institution: Johns Hopkins Economics Decision: Waitlisted Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: Waitlisted at a very selective program... not bad at all

wajihc 2010:
Type of Undergrad: Top 20 National University
Undergrad GPA: Below 3.0 with double majors in ECON & PSCI
Type of Grad: Northeastern University
Grad GPA: 3.5
GRE: 770 Q, 520 V
Math Courses: Calc I, II (B+), III (B+); Math & Stats for Economists (A-), Differential Equations (audited)
Grad Econ Courses: Micro (B), Macro (A), IO (B-), Ph.D. level Econometrics (A-), US Economic History (A)
Ugrad Econ Courses: Intermediate Microeconomics (F then B), Intermediate Macroeconomics (B-), Intro to Stats (A), US Economic History Seminar (B), International Trade (C+)
Other Courses:
Letters: Ugrad Professor with Ph.D. from Iowa, Associate Professor in Ph.D.
econometrics with Ph.D. from Indiana, Grad Professor in econometrics with Ph.D.
from UC Berkeley
Research: Ph.D. econometrics course paper on sources of multifactor productivity
Teaching: None
Research Interests: Economic growth and development
SOP: Discussed my journey to get to economics, what I'm doing to augment
my math skills, and personal motivation from ethnic background
Acceptances: NC State (no $), GWU (no $), American (no $), CUNY (no $)
Rejections: Indiana, Iowa State, CO-Boulder, Syracuse, Notre Dame, FL Int'l, Brandeis
What would you have done differently?
If I were to do ugrad all over, I would have minored in math and accounting, and gotten better grades in undergrad. Assuming my ugrad mistakes, in grad school, I would have taken Real Analysis.
Final call: I deferred NC State, GWU, American, and CUNY. I got tired of being a broker in NYC, and will start at American this coming January.
    Acceptances: NC State (no $), GWU (no $), American (no $), CUNY (no $)
    Rejections: Indiana, Iowa State, CO-Boulder, Syracuse, Notre Dame, FL Int'l, Brandeis

narinka11 2010:
Institution: ASU
Program: Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word yet
Notification date: 2-26-2010
Notified through: Email
Posted on grad cafe: Yes
Comments: Excited though still worried about the funding. Without funding I won't be able to make it!
  • Institution: ASU Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No word yet Notification date: 2-26-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Excited though still worried about the funding. Without funding I won't be able to make it!
  • Institution: ASU Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No word yet Notification date: 2-26-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Excited though still worried about the funding. Without funding I won't be able to make it!
  • Institution: ASU Econ Decision: Accepted Funding: 19k + tuition fee waivered + 1,5k summer stipend; conditional on good standing funding for the next 4 years Notified through: e-mail Date: Accepted on Feb 26, funding info on March 5 Comment: Phew....Seems like I am moving to the US this summer!
  • Institution: Goethe University Frankfurt Economics Decision: Accept Funding: None Notification date: 3/15 Notified through: Email Comments: Don't really care, anyways I am not going there
  • Institution: Northwestern Kellogg Finance Decision: Rejected Funding: Aha Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: yes Comments: Oh well, was expecting that..
  • Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Finance Decision: Reject Notification date: 3/4/2010 Notified through: email Comments: "We received applications from many highly qualified individuals. However, financial and other constraints have resulted in our accepting only a small number of applicants. While your qualifications are excellent, we are not able to admit you to our program. I hope that with your fine record you will obtain admission to another university." I wonder whether they really meant it or not (regarding the excellent qualifications stuff). And if they are so excellent, why won't you give me admission? Oh man, this is not good...
  • Institution: Northwestern Kellogg Finance Decision: Rejected Funding: Aha Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: yes Comments: Oh well, was expecting that..
  • Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Finance Decision: Reject Notification date: 3/4/2010 Notified through: email Comments: "We received applications from many highly qualified individuals. However, financial and other constraints have resulted in our accepting only a small number of applicants. While your qualifications are excellent, we are not able to admit you to our program. I hope that with your fine record you will obtain admission to another university." I wonder whether they really meant it or not (regarding the excellent qualifications stuff). And if they are so excellent, why won't you give me admission? Oh man, this is not good...
  • Institution: Indiana University Finance Decision: Reject Funding: Not really Notified through: e-mail Date: March 5 Comment: Oh well
  • Institution: UVA Economics Decision: Reject Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Email to check Website Comments: I still wonder why it took them so long to reject me...
  • Institution: CMU Tepper Financial Economics Decision: Reject Notification date: 03/18/10 Notified through: Email Comments: They are certain that "I will find a productive setting in which to continue my studies among the many other good graduate schools"...
  • Institution: Wharton Applied Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/19/2010 Notified through: E-mail telling me to check the website Comments: Whatever...
  • Institution: CalTech Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/19 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: It took them a while....just like everybody else I am gonna say FINALLY!
  • Institution: NYU Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 03/24 - Marjorie replied to my email asking about an update. Official notification coming very soon Notified through: E-mail Comments: Great expectations didn't pay off...oh well, life goes on...
  • Institution: UCI Econ Decision: Rejection Notification date: 3/25/10 Notified through: Email Comments: Do not care for this one at all, I have much better offers...
  • Institution: Washington U. in St. Louis Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/6/10 Notified through: Mass e-mail Posted on GC: No Comment: Still 3 more to go...
  • Institution: Purdue University Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/19 Notified through: Email Comments: Don't care
  • Institution: UNC-CH Econ PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 05/10 Notified through: E-Mail Comments: I sent an e-mail asking to update my application status well after I have accepted another offer (just for the sake of fairness,eventually I have spent money on their application!), and guess what? they even answered me...on May 10...

kt253 2011:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Economics, B.A. Philosophy (two degrees) - 170s ranked National University, Top 100 Econ PhD program
Undergrad GPA: 3.97 Cumulative, 4.0 in both majors and all math courses (only 1 B, in irrelevant course)
Type of Grad: n/a
Grad GPA: n/a
GRE: 770Q, 550V, 5.0 AWA
Math Courses: Calc I, II, III (A, A+, A), Linear Algebra (A), currently in Differential Equations and calc-based stats.
Econ Courses: Intro Micro, Intro Macro, Econ Stats, Inter Micro, Inter Macro, Econometrics, Mathematical Economics (in progress), Moral Foundations of Capitalism, Development, Economic History, Economics of Entrepreneurship.
Letters of Recommendation: 2 Econ Professors, 1 relatively recent PhD from Emory (will be co-authoring a paper and starting RA job with him soon), 1 well known professor from Florida State, and a math prof (my prof for Linear Algebra, m.s. from harvard, phd from Wisc)
Research Experience: RA for a professor, research on philosophical debate regarding organ markets and economics behind it
Teaching Experience: Tutored students in various math, econ, accounting, philosophy, and social science courses, TA for an intro level philosophy course.
Research Interests: Public Economics, Political Economy, Development, Microeconomics, Health Economics
Concerns: GRE score, lack of advanced math preparation (Real Analysis, Probability Theory, etc), reputation of undergrad school
Applied to: Carnegie Mellon (Econ and PP), Maryland, U of Virginia, George Mason, Florida State, West Virginia, Vanderbilt, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan State, Indiana, Suffolk, UCSD
Acceptances: UIUC ($), MSU ($$), FSU ($$), Vanderbilt ($), WVU ($), GMU (?), Suffolk ($, already turned down), UKY (turned down before $ offered)
Waitlisted: none
Rejections: Maryland, Virginia, Indiana, UC San Diego, Carnegie Mellon
Still Waiting on: none
What would you have done differently? I would have started taking math way earlier and more often, studied more for the GRE and maybe retaken it, narrowed my research focus a little in my SOP. I would have also applied to better reach schools - better in terms of those that let in more students, and with funding, a couple more 15-25 schools, and less safeties. I underestimated myself since I came out of a less reputable state school, despite my great GPA and adequate GRE scores. Turns out my undergrad institution wasn't quite as damning as I thought it was going to be.
    Acceptances: UIUC ($), MSU ($$), FSU ($$), Vanderbilt ($), WVU ($), GMU (?), Suffolk ($, already turned down), UKY (turned down before $ offered)
  • Institution: Vanderbilt Economics (PhD) Decision: accepted Funding: yes (1st year fellowship, and insurance) Notification date: 2/22/2011 Notified through: email with formal acceptance from DGS Posted on GF: not yet Comments: SUPER PUMPED!!! First acceptance and notification for that matter!
  • Institution: michigan state Econ phd Decision: Accepted Funding: Yes, UEF fellowship Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: not yet Comment: very happy!
  • Institution: West Virginia University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Yes Notification date: 03/09/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: not yet Comment: Good to have options!
  • Institution: Suffolk University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Yes Notification date: 03/08/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: not yet Comment: Interesting new program, will check it out.
  • Institution: George Mason Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No word, whatsoever, kind of strange Notification date: 03/11/2011 (date on letter), received 3/17/2011 Notified through: snail mail Posted on GC: not yet Comments: would like to find out about funding, will be emailing them
  • Institution: Florida State University Ph.d. in Economics Decision: Acceptance Funding: Fellowship ($$$) Notification Date: March 22, 2011 Notified Through: Personal email Posted on GC: No Comments: Very nice offer at a program that lines up very well with my interests, will certainly be visiting
  • Institution: UIUC Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 1st year fellowship, TAship years 2-5 Notification Date: 03/23/2011 Notified through: E-mail with acceptance letter attached Posted on GC: Not yet Comments: Very exciting!! I think this may be my highest ranked acceptance yet. I have way too much to think about now.
    Rejections: Maryland, Virginia, Indiana, UC San Diego, Carnegie Mellon Still
  • Institution: Virginia Economics PhD Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/7/2011 Notified through: website, no email, just checked the online app Posted on GC : not yet Comments: first rejection had to come sooner or later
  • Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 3/21/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: Not yet Comments: Disappointed, thought I had a good shot after receiving the acceptances that I've gotten to date. Guess it was a fit issue, more than anything.
  • Institution: Carnegie Mellon Economics and Public Policy Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/29/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GradCafe: No Comments: Just confirming the already-known
  • Institution: UCSD Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 04/06 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Last school to hear from, kind of a bummer, would have made my decision extremely easy.
    Waitlisted: none

JG0626 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Private, Liberal Arts University (U.S. News Top 15 – Regional Universities South)
Undergrad GPA: Overall 3.93; Econ 3.92; Math 4.00
Type of Grad: N/A
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 780Q 630V 4.0AW
Math Courses: Calc I (A+), Calc II (A+), Linear Algebra (A+), Probability (A+), Intro to Math Reasoning (A+), Calc III (In-Progress), Math Stats (In-Progress), Ordinary Differential Equations (In-Progress)
Econ Courses (grad-level): N/A
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): International (A+), Money and Banking (A+), Investment Theory (A), Intermediate Micro (A), Intermediate Macro (A-), Econometrics (A+)
Other Courses: Business Administration second major
Letters of Recommendation: Two econ professors, 1 math professor
Research Experience: Nothing past a term research paper for my econometrics class
Teaching Experience: N/A
Research Interests: Two broad areas: Macro/Financial Economics and Austrian/New Institutional
SOP: I feel confident in the main body of my statement, but I put most of the customized effort into GMU, WUStL, IU, and FSU.
Concerns: The analytic writing score from my GRE is embarrassing. I’m also concerned about my hiatus from academia; I received my B.A. in economics in December 2006 and worked for a brokerage firm for a few years. I have, however, returned to school for what will amount to a math minor equivalent. Hopefully, this signals my commitment to PhD programs.
Applying to: George Mason, IU-Bloomington, Washington U – St. Louis, Vanderbilt, Georgetown, Pittsburgh, UVA, UChicago, Boston U, Florida State
  • Institution: Florida State Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No information Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Glad to have the option. I really like the program.
  • Institution: George Mason Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No information Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: Snail mail (Letter dated 3/11, postmarked 3/15) Posted on GC: No Comments: Really, really, really pumped. By far, this is my favorite program.
  • Institution: University of Chicago Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/7/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: No Comments: Even though it turned out to be a very expected rejection, I'm glad to finally hear something official from one of my ten schools.
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/8/11 Notified through: E-mail to check website for decision (sent at 1:11 AM EST) Posted on GF: No Comments: It's nice to know the official decision, but based on the dates of earlier decisions posted here, why does it take weeks to send someone an automated rejection notification? Oh well, eight more to go.
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: - Notification date: 3/8/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: No Comments: I can't say this is surprising, but it stings a little more than my other two rejections. I really like WUStL's program. Oh well, seven more to go.
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: Letter dated 3/7/11 Notified through: Snail mail Comments: Six to go.
  • Institution: University of Pittsburgh Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 3/24/2011 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Bleh.
  • Institution: Indiana University - Bloomington Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 03/30/2011 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Response prompted by my e-mail inquiring about status late yesterday.
  • Institution: Vanderbilt University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 03/30/2011 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Down to waiting for an inevitable BU rejection and GMU's funding decision.

kekecib 2011:
Institution: Rice
Program: PhD in Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: Feb 13
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Terrible news for me. 1st decision I got. It was one of my safeties. I do know what is wrong with my profile according to their ad. committee's view.
Institution: UIUC
Program: PhD in Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: Feb 17
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: I started to freak out. I am wondering what will happen to the rest of my applications. This one did hurt and made me pretty sad.
In: None Out: Rice, UIUC Waiting: 19 Econ PhD
  • Institution: Rutgers Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: None Notification date: 2/24/2011 Notified through: I personally looked at application status check web page after seeing a post here. Posted on GC: No idea. Comments: No funding = No PhD. I feel devastated.
  • Institution: MSU Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: None at this time but waitlisted for funding Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: E-mail with decision and accept/decline letters attached Posted on GC: No Comments: Wait 2-3 weeks to see if funding becomes available.
  • Institution: Rice Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: Feb 13 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Terrible news for me. 1st decision I got. It was one of my safeties. I do know what is wrong with my profile according to their ad. committee's view.
  • Institution: UIUC Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: Feb 17 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I started to freak out. I am wondering what will happen to the rest of my applications. This one did hurt and made me pretty sad. In: None Out: Rice, UIUC Waiting: 19 Econ PhD
  • Institution: Rochester Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 2/22/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: After I did send an e-mail to the graduate coordinator, they did send my rejection letter or they were anyway going to send it today. I wanted to get in this one. It was one of my reaches. I feel OK after unexpected rejections from Rice and UIUC. If I get another rejection from a low-tier school, I am gonna feel terrible then.
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/28/2011 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: No Comment: After getting very abnormal results, I find this very normal.
  • Institution: UW Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/11/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: The best rejection e-mail I have received so far.
  • Institution: UT Austin Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/10/11 Notified through: E-mail to check the application website Posted on GC: No Comments: No Comment
  • Institution: UVa Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/10/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: No Comment
  • Institution: Duke Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 02/28/11 Notified through: E-mail to check the application website Posted on GC: No Comments: I wanted so bad to gain admission to that program. I will give another shot in 2013 Fall application cycle.
  • Institution: Uni. of Iowa Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 3/15/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: No comment.
  • Institution: NYU Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: Unofficial e-mail from the secretary of the Economics Department upon my e-mail. Posted on GC: No Comments: This was my dream school. This time, it did not happen. See you on the application cycle of Fall 2013, NYU.
  • Institution: Iowa State University Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 3/21/11 Notified through: E-mail upon my e-mail asking if they have decided on my application. Posted on GC: No Comments: I have no idea about how ad-coms are deciding this cycle
  • Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 3/21/11 Notified through: E-mail upon my e-mail asking if they have decided on my application. Posted on GC: No Comments: What a shame.
  • Institution: NYU Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification Date: 3/22/11 Notified through: Official e-mail from the GSAS Posted on GC: No Comments: My dream university.
  • Institution: BU Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification Date: 03/23/2011 Notified through: E-mail upon my e-mail sent to the Ph.D. Program Administrator Posted on GC: No Comments: I do not understand why they are not bothering to send an e-mail saying "I got rejected."
  • Institution: UCSD Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 04/06 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I was expecting this.
  • Institution: Boston College Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 04/06 Notified through: Official rejection letter via postal mail. Posted on GC: No Comments: Am I a genius? I knew this.
  • Institution: UNC - CH Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: None Notification date: 04/14/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: No comment.
  • Institution: OsU Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: None Notification date: 04/14/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: No comment.
  • Institution: USC Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 04/18/2011 Notified through: E-mail after I e-mailed "Have you lost my application?" - Literally like this. Posted on GC: Of course, No. Comments: Waste of money. That school's application fee is one of the highest, and its application deadline is the earliest (together with OSU). Look at their treatment. They definitely make their life easy by making our application process harder.
  • Institution: University of Western Ontario Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Rejected from the waiting list. Funding: NA Notification date: 05/20/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: No comment.
  • Institution: UWO Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Waitlisted Funding: Certainly on the second offer round. Notification date: 3/21/11 Notified through: E-mail upon my e-mail asking if they have decided on my application. Posted on GC: No Comments: I will wait and see what will happen.
  • Institution: UNC-Chapel Hill Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Waitlisted Funding: NA Notification date: 04/07 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: They have not decided yet. Simply the e-mail says "wait a little more until after April 15."

ahall352 2011:
Institution: Indiana University
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Rejection
Funding: N/A
Notified on: 3/18
Notified Through: email
Posted on GC? No
Comments: Bummed. Short email.
  • Institution: George Mason Ph.D. Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: ??? Notified On: 3/17 Notified Through: mail Posted on GC: no Comments: Super pumped to get in! Really want to know about funding...
  • Institution: Indiana University Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notified on: 3/18 Notified Through: email Posted on GC? No Comments: Bummed. Short email.

econbon 2011:
Catching up...
Institution: Oklahoma State University
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: rejected
Notification date: 2/14-Valentine's Day
Notified through: Postal mail
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: Ouch! And on Valentine's Day! Particularly bad considering this was my safest of safe schools. Talk about making me want to lose all hope. Oh well, didn't want to go there anyway (grape sour much?)
Institution: University of Virginia
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 2/19
Notified through: Email to check website
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: I would've loved to go to UVA/C'ville, but I knew it was a bit of a reach
Institution: University of Kansas
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Rejection
Notification date: 3/4
Notified through: Email to check status
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: Getting very nervous at this point
Institution: University of Illinois-Chicago
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Rejection
Notification date: Letter dated 3/4
Notified through: Postal mail
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: At least they were gracious enough to spend paper on me. At this point virtually all of my safeties have responded "no."
Institution: Clemson
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: tuition remission+$15k
Notification date: I deferred from last cycle (so my admission date is irrelevant) and received notification of funding offer on 3/7
Notified through: email
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: I have visited Clemson, and the prospect of funding is ALWAYS welcome. Finally some good news
Institution: George Mason
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Rejection
Notification date: Letter mailed 3/12
Notified through: postal mail
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: I really, really, really wanted to go here. Applied here last year as well. C'est la vie
Institution: Indiana University
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: rejection
Notification date: 3/18
Notified through: Email from Econ secretary (?)
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: Applied here last year as well. 0-2
Institution: Arizona State
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Rejection
Notification date: 3/29
Notified through: Email
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: Subject line: ASU Rejection. No punch line!
Institution: Vanderbilt
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: rejection
Notification date: 3/30
Notified through: Email
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: Expected.
Institution: UNC
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: "Waitlisted"
Notification date: 4/5
Notified through: email
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: Wow. My number one choice. Please someone decide not to go here. I would be ecstatic.
Institution: University of Oklahoma
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Accepted?
Funding: ?
Notification date: ahem see comments
Notified through: see comments
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: Very unimpressed. Applied here last year. Was never contacted. Found out I was accepted into Master's instead of Ph.D. This year I had to call and was told I'd been accepted into Ph.D. Not very organized
Institution: Southern Methodist University
Program: PhD Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No :'(
Notification date: Called 4/6 and she told me over the phone
Notified through: phone
Posted on GF: ?
Comments: I would like to go, but no way without funding
  • Institution: Clemson Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: tuition remission+$15k Notification date: I deferred from last cycle (so my admission date is irrelevant) and received notification of funding offer on 3/7 Notified through: email Posted on GF: ? Comments: I have visited Clemson, and the prospect of funding is ALWAYS welcome. Finally some good news
  • Institution: University of Oklahoma Economics Decision: Accepted? Funding: ? Notification date: ahem see comments Notified through: see comments Posted on GF: ? Comments: Very unimpressed. Applied here last year. Was never contacted. Found out I was accepted into Master's instead of Ph.D. This year I had to call and was told I'd been accepted into Ph.D. Not very organized
  • Institution: Southern Methodist University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No :'( Notification date: Called 4/6 and she told me over the phone Notified through: phone Posted on GF: ? Comments: I would like to go, but no way without funding
  • Institution: Oklahoma State University Economics Decision: rejected Funding: Notification date: 2/14-Valentine's Day Notified through: Postal mail Posted on GF: ? Comments: Ouch! And on Valentine's Day! Particularly bad considering this was my safest of safe schools. Talk about making me want to lose all hope. Oh well, didn't want to go there anyway (grape sour much?)
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 2/19 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GF: ? Comments: I would've loved to go to UVA/C'ville, but I knew it was a bit of a reach
  • Institution: University of Kansas Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: Email to check status Posted on GF: ? Comments: Getting very nervous at this point
  • Institution: University of Illinois-Chicago Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: Notification date: Letter dated 3/4 Notified through: Postal mail Posted on GF: ? Comments: At least they were gracious enough to spend paper on me. At this point virtually all of my safeties have responded "no."
  • Institution: George Mason Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: Notification date: Letter mailed 3/12 Notified through: postal mail Posted on GF: ? Comments: I really, really, really wanted to go here. Applied here last year as well. C'est la vie
  • Institution: Indiana University Economics Decision: rejection Funding: Notification date: 3/18 Notified through: Email from Econ secretary (?) Posted on GF: ? Comments: Applied here last year as well. 0-2
  • Institution: Arizona State Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: Notification date: 3/29 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: ? Comments: Subject line: ASU Rejection. No punch line!
  • Institution: Vanderbilt Economics Decision: rejection Funding: Notification date: 3/30 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: ? Comments: Expected.

anibalem 2012:
Institution: University of Rochester
Program: PhD Finance
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -
Notification 2/23/12
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: University of Tennessee - Knoxville Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Tuition + 16K Notification 02/09/12 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Very happy! My first acceptance.
  • Institution: Texas A&M University Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: Tuition + 19K Notification Date: 3/19/2012 Notified Through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Very happy!!
  • Institution: UC Riverside Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Full Funding Notification date: 4/2/12 Notified through: I called them and asked for the status of my application Posted on GC: No Comments: -
  • Institution: University of Rochester Finance Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification 2/23/12 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: Rice University Finance Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification 02/24/12 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: This program was one of my first options
  • Institution: NCSU Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification 02/08/12 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: No Comments: -
  • Institution: USC Finance Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification 01/30/12 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: No Comments: - In: UTK Out: USC Fin, Rice Fin, Rochester Fin, NCSU Waiting:19.
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/5/2012 Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: Boston University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification Date: 3/19/2012 Notified Through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Expected
  • Institution: Michigan State University Economics Decision : Rejected Funding : Notification Date: 27th March Notified through: I called them asking my status Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: Indiana University Bloomington Economics Decision : Rejected Funding : Notification Date: 28th March Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments:
  • Institution: University of Washington Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 3/30/12 Notified through: email Posted on GC: No Comments: -
  • Institution: Indiana University Bloomington Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 3/30/12 Notified through: email Posted on GC: No Comments: -
  • Institution: UNC Chapel Hill Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 04/13/2012 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: - Attending University of California at Riverside.


LagrangeJames 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. econ, B.A. math, large state university, EconPhD top 60
Undergrad GPA: 3.9/4.0
GRE: 800Q, 650V, 4.5AWA
Math Courses: Calc III (A+), Linear algebra (A+), Differential equations I, II (A-, A), Introductory probability theory (A, fall), Math modeling (A, fall)
Econ Courses (PhD-level): Optimization theory (A-, fall), Econometrics II (spring)
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): All of them, including two econometrics courses and game theory; A- in intermediate microeconomics, A's otherwise
Other Courses: Spanish minor
Letters of Recommendation: Four economics professors -- nobody famous, but I had collaborated on research projects (that I had initiated) with three of them
Research Experience: Two working papers co-authored with faculty
Teaching Experience: Teaching assistant for introductory microeconomics, spring
Research Interests: Growth and development, specifically microeconomic development
SOP: Used a standard template for all statements but tailored last couple paragraphs to specific program, mentioning examples of faculty research I was interested in (but did not mention any faculty by name)
Concerns: No real analysis, but optimization theory provided a good crash course
Applying to: Maryland, Brown, MIT, Harvard, Yale, UCSD, Berkeley, Minnesota, Michigan, NYU, Boston, Columbia, LSE (M.Sc.)
Acceptances: Yale (with funding), Michigan (no first-year funding), Boston (with funding), UCSD (with funding)
Waitlists: Minnesota
Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Columbia, Maryland, Brown, NYU
Withdrawn: LSE
What would you have done differently?
If I had discovered this forum sooner, I probably would have taken more proof-based math courses, which most likely would have boosted my chances at top top schools. However, I think research experience, letters of recommendation from faculty involved in that research and a good "fit" (in terms of my research interests) -- factors that are often overlooked, including by myself -- helped my chances at several schools. Good luck, everyone.
    Acceptances: Yale (with funding), Michigan (no first-year funding), Boston (with funding), UCSD (with funding)
  • Institution: Yale Economics Ph.D. Decision: Accepted Funding: Full Notification date: 2/19 Notified through: E-mail, with Word document attached, detailing funding
  • Institution: UC-San Diego Economics Ph.D. Decision: Admitted (Provisionally) Funding: Not mentioned Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: E-mail Comments: E-mail says I have been admitted provisionally but must submit official transcript confirming receipt of undergraduate degree before I can be officially admitted. Good luck, everyone
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics Ph.D. Decision: Admitted Notification date: 3/18 Notified through: Website (U-M Friend) Comments: "We are happy to report that the Admissions Committee of the Department of Economics has enthusiastically recommended to Rackham Graduate School that you be admitted to our PhD program. A letter outlining the specific details of this offer is being sent to you shortly."
  • Institution: Boston University Economics Ph.D. Decision: Admitted Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: E-mail Funding: $18,700 + $5000 summer stipend Comments: Good luck, everyone
    Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Columbia, Maryland, Brown, NYU Withdrawn: LSE
  • Institution: Berkeley Economics Ph.D Decision: Rejected Funding: N/a Notification date: 3/2 Notified through: E-mail Comments:Good luck, everyone
  • Institution: MIT Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck, everyone
  • Institution: Harvard University Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/18 Notified through: U.S. Postal Service Comments: Good luck, everyone
  • Institution: Brown University Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/20 Notified through: E-mail Comments: If it's brown, flush it down. Good luck, everyone.
  • Institution: NYU Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/24 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck, everyone.
    Waitlists: Minnesota
  • Institution: Minnesota Ph.D. Economics Decision: Waitlisted Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/24/09, 11:58 Indiana time Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck, everyone

tmdruie 2009:
So I can get on the shiny charts!
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Physics and Economics from a top 10 liberal arts college
Undergrad GPA: 3.14/4.0
Type of Grad: One stats class
Grad GPA: 3.3
GRE: 790Q, 600V, 5.0AW
Math Courses: Calc I-III(I took them in high school, I really dont remember and nor do my transcripts), Linear Algebra (B), Mathematical Probability and Statistics (B-, B), Real Analyst(A, at a different school then my undergrad), Stochastic Processes (B+, grad course, at a different school then my undergrad)
Econ Courses: AP Micro and Macro (A, in high school), European Economic History (B+), Law and Economics (B), Intermediate Price Theory (B), Intermediate Macro Theory (B), Econometrics (B), Contemporary British Economy (B), Industrial Revolution-Britain (A-), Econ of Multinational Corps (A-), Thesis (labor econ)
Other Courses: Physics, which I put in my math lists. Quantum Mechanics I, Partial Differential Equations (B+), etc. I only did the bare minimum for a liberal arts major
Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ professors (my thesis advisor and the person who led my study abroad), 1 physics professor (thesis advisor), 1 economist who is my supervisor
Research Experience: RA for 2.5 years at a central bank
Teaching Experience: Tutored, graded and lab assisted for two years for physics in college
Research Interests: All over the place. Labor, policy, experimental, applied micro, development, etc.
SOP: Intro, I did physics I can do math!, I wrote a thesis in economic and liked doing research, Im working as an RA and like doing research, I took extra math and can write proofs, I was part of an econ paper reading group and like reading papers, interests (changed a bit depending on what the school had, and more policy oriented for ag econ schools). Also a few sentences about things I did that I removed or added depending on the school. The 500 word schools were hard, the 1000 word schools were easy. I also had a Personal History Statement about being a female doing math for the schools that wanted it.
Other: Applied for the NSF. I tried not to say anything to risky, and not say much about interest in policy to non policy/ ag econ schools. I like Aikido.
Acceptances: Boston University (waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA)
Waitlists: University of Minnesota
Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics)
Pending: Toronto MA, Queens MA
What would you have done differently?
Gotten better grades in undergrad. When I really started understanding what the things I need to do for a PhD I think I did the best I could, took real analysis, applied for the NSF (if only to write a SoP for them), read papers etc. I probably could have gotten more research experience at my job (co-author), and I defiantly could have gotten better grades and taken more math as an undergrad. But over all Im happy.
Boston University
    Acceptances: Boston University (
    Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics)
    waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA) Waitlists: University of Minnesota

MarineEconGuy 2012:
Institution: UC-Denver, UIUC, American University
Program: Masters in Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TAship
Notification: 2/6/12 (first 2), 2/22/12 (last one)
Notified through: E-mail from a professor
Posted on GC: NO
Comments: Definitely a sigh of relief knowing I have some choices after I get out of the Marine Corps.
Still waiting on Masters results from: UIC, Duke and Tufts (both a stretch, I have a weak profile, you can see in link below), Ohio University, George Washington, SDSU
Still waiting on PhD results from: Northwestern (dream school but totally unrealistic), UVA, Indiana, Notre Dame, Georgetown
Profile: (read first post) (Marine transitioning to Masters Program to pursue a Phd in Economics)
  • Institution: UC-Denver, UIUC, American University Masters in Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TAship Notification: 2/6/12 (first 2), 2/22/12 (last one) Notified through: E-mail from a professor Posted on GC: NO Comments: Definitely a sigh of relief knowing I have some choices after I get out of the Marine Corps. Still waiting on Masters results from: UIC, Duke and Tufts (both a stretch, I have a weak profile, you can see in link below), Ohio University, George Washington, SDSU Still waiting on PhD results from: Northwestern (dream school but totally unrealistic), UVA, Indiana, Notre Dame, Georgetown Profile: (read first post) (Marine transitioning to Masters Program to pursue a Phd in Economics)
    waiting on PhD results from: Northwestern (dream school but totally unrealistic), UVA, Indiana, Notre Dame, Georgetown Profile: (read first post) (Marine transitioning to Masters Program to pursue a Phd in Economics)
Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 12 accepted out of 26 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.85, average GREQ was 785.5.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:58:27, Fri May 11, 2012