Index of Schools AnalysisAbout the Site 2012 20112010 20092008 2007all years
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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


LoS 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Best school of business in Poland (but an American citizen)
Undergrad GPA: 3.37/4.0 in conversion, though it's not that simple
Type of Grad: Master's at the same school, exchange semester in Tilburg
Grad GPA: 3.30/4.0 at home school, 7.8/10 at UvT
GRE: 800Q, 610V, 4.5AW
Math Courses: Multiple courses in calculus, mathematical analysis, linear algebra, probability, statistics - though some dispersion in grades
Econ Courses (grad-level): advanced macroeconomics (comparable to US grad courses), bayesian econometrics, field econ classes (labor, public sector, development, institutional)
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): multiple intermediate courses in micro and macro, mathematical economics, game theory.
Other Courses: lots of econometrics (did major both in grad and undergrad), retirement and life cycle economics at Tilburg
Letters of Recommendation: 2 Polish profs, 2 phds, one phd from Tilburg
Research Experience: bachelor's thesis, RAed for over 1 year at a large Embassy
Teaching Experience: none
Research Interests: empirical work, econometrics both at micro and macro level, also development and environment
SOP: standard I think, maybe a little chaotic but revealing passion and interests
Concerns: no outstanding or internationally renowned LORs, dispersion in grades, maybe too wide research interests
Acceptances: Tinbergen ($$), EUI Florence ($$), Minnesota (TA, from waitlist), Tilburg, QEM
Waitlists: Minnesota (admitted April 11th)
Rejections: Columbia, NYU, Northwestern, Maryland, RA positions at FRB and JPAL
What would you have done differently?
As you can easily notice, I cracked practically everything in Europe, but I was pretty unsuccessful in the US. I think what I lacked was one strong letter of recommendation from somebody in a good standing on the other side of the ocean.
    Acceptances: Tinbergen ($$), EUI Florence ($$), Minnesota (TA, from
  • Institution: Tinbergen M.Phil. Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: Yes Notification date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: My first admit. Happy!
  • Institution: University of Minnesota Ph.D. Economics Decision: Admitted from the waitlist Funding: TA Notification date: April 11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No
  • Institution: EUI Florence Ph.D. Economics Decision: Admitted (after interview) Funding: Full fellowship Notification date: April 11 Notified through: E-mail
    Rejections: Columbia, NYU, Northwestern, Maryland, RA positions at FRB and JPAL
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/4/2011 Notified through: Website Posted on GC: no Comments:
  • Institution: NYU Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification Date: March 22, 2011 Notified through: Official e-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: happens
  • Institution: Columbia Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/24/2011 Notified through: e-mail to check the decision Comments: as expected
    waitlist), Tilburg, QEM Waitlists: Minnesota (
  • Institution: U of Minnesota Economics (PhD) Decision: Waiting List Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/23/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: no Comments: Some hope remains


philecon 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BS Business Economics, relatively unknown university in Southeast Asia
Undergrad GPA: no idea how to convert it, but I graduated magna cum laude (Rank: 7/150)
GRE: 800Q, 590V, 5.0AW
Math Courses: Calc I-III, Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis and Math Stats
Econ Courses: the standard Econ courses, nothing special
Letters of Recommendation: 1 Northwestern PhD, 1 Ohio State PhD, 1 PhD from my uni
Research Experience: undergrad thesis (won an award, forthcoming in local journal), RA for six months
Research Interests: Health Economics, Industrial Organization
SOP: Pretty standard
Concerns: I shifted from Accounting to Economics, and I took a leave for a year to take a break; first to apply as an undergrad from my school (never been done ever)
Acceptances: Georgetown, LSE EME, BGSE MS Economics, CEMFI MSc Economics and Finance, PSU (from waitlist)
Waitlists: PSU (eventually admitted, but without funding), Michigan (rejected off the WL though)
Rejections: Northwestern, Columbia, Brown, Penn, Virginia, Stanford, Duke, Singapore Management
I wasn't an economics major when I entered college, and I left school for a year after sophomore year (since something happened to me) to evaluate myself, and the direction I was going. I accidentally stumbled upon economics, and I found out that I loved it. Like the previous poster, however, I decided to do a PhD only around my junior year, so I had to cram a lot of math during my last two years, plus take the economics classes. I knew it was a huge risk, applying with only an undergrad degree, as most students from my university had at least a year of graduate coursework before applying to even European masters. I am very pleased with my results, though, and I look forward to attending the program that I chose. The only things that I probably would've done differently are: (1) I would've probably majored in math when I first thought about it (since my Math average is significantly higher than my Business average), or that I would've done my undergrad in the US when I had the chance and (2) I would've probably applied to mainly masters programs.
I guess I'll be back again for Fall 2013 PhD admissions.
    Acceptances: Georgetown, LSE EME, BGSE MS Economics, CEMFI MSc Economics and Finance, PSU (from
  • Institution: UPF MSc Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: None Notification Date: 2/25/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I wish I had funding. Haha.
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: None Notification Date: 3/2/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I don't think I will attend Georgetown, even if I can sweet talk my parents into funding me.
  • Institution: CEMFI Master in Economics and Finance Decision: Accepted Funding: tuition waiver, plus 10,000 euros per academic year Notification Date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: first admit with funding! Yay! And I think I'd love to go to CEMFI.
  • Institution: LSE MSc Econometrics and Mathematical Economics Decision: Admitted Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: Happy, but I didn't get funding though. Have to talk it out with the parents.
  • Institution: Penn State Economics Decision: Accepted Notification date: 03/15/11 Notified through: E-mail Comments: WTF. No funding for the first year though.
    rejected off the WL though) Rejections: Northwestern, Columbia, Brown, Penn, Virginia, Stanford, Duke, Singapore Management COMMENTS: I wasn't an economics major when I entered college, and I left school for a year after sophomore year (since something happened to me) to evaluate myself, and the direction I was going. I accidentally stumbled upon economics, and I found out that I loved it. Like the previous poster, however, I decided to do a PhD only around my junior year, so I had to cram a lot of math during my last two years, plus take the economics classes. I knew it was a huge risk, applying with only an undergrad degree, as most students from my university had at least a year of graduate coursework before applying to even European masters. I am very pleased with my results, though, and I look forward to
  • Institution: Duke Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification Date: 2/26/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: I knew I was a long shot.
  • Institution: Penn Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification Date: 2/25/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: One of the schools I was hoping to get into, but okay.
  • Institution: Columbia Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: as expected.
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: This broke my heart.
  • Institution: University of Virginia Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: last minute application
  • Institution: Stanford Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: as expected.
  • Institution: Brown Economics Decision: Rejected Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: as expected.
  • Institution: Singapore Management University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 05/03/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: If the thread on highest ranked admit vs. lowest ranked rejection is still around, I'll probably win the award. Hahaha. But no worries, I think I'm all set for September. All I have to do is post my profile.
    waitlist) Waitlists: PSU (eventually
  • Institution: Michigan Economics and Public Policy Decision: Waitlisted Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: Should I even try to wait and see if I'll eventually get an admit?

Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 1 accepted out of 2 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.37, average GREQ was 800.0.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:58:1, Fri May 11, 2012