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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.



EconForeThought 2011:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. in Managerial Economics and an Ag/Bio subject from a UC school
Undergrad GPA: 3.35, 3.65 in econ
Type of Grad: M.S. Agricultural and Resource Economics from a UC School
Grad GPA: 3.8
GRE: 780Q, 560V, 4.5AWA
Math Courses: Calculus I-III, Linear Algebra, Adv Calc (RA I), RAII, 3 Stats courses
Econ Courses (PhD-level): Probability Theory, Metrics I (IP at application)
Econ Courses (masters-level): Micro Theory I, Micro II (IP at application)
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intro to Micro/Macro, Inter Macro/Micro, Marketing, Metrics, Optimization, Production Management, Real Estate Econ, Econ Sustainability, Finance I,II, Accounting I,II
Other Courses: Many agricultural, biosci, chem, etc. classes
Letters of Recommendation: 1UC Davis ARE, 1 U Minn, 1 NCSU
Research Experience: Geology research, Wine sensory RA, ARE GSR for two qtrs now
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: Ag econ, Resource/energy Econ, Sustainability, IO, Micro ...
SOP: Rewriting from last year
Concerns: Not as much math as many, low overall UG GPA, applying with only a quarter's of M.S. grades in
Other: Applied to and got into 3 PhD programs and 1 M.S. program last cycle. One year M.S. and reapplying this cycle.
Attending: UC Berkeley ARE
Acceptances: UC Berkeley ARE, U Colorado Econ, U Minn Applied Econ
Rejections: U Wash Econ, U Maryland AREc, Cornell AEM, UCSD (implied)
Withdrawn: UC Davis ARE
What would you have done differently? Not be pre-med starting college and know I wanted to do econ from the beginning, but hindsight is 20/20. I got into my dream school (this year with funding) so that regret isn't really a big deal for me in terms of acceptances, more in terms of that I wish I had more math and statistics in my core curriculum. I believe getting my masters really helped me this cycle in terms of securing funding and getting a better math foundation.
    Attending: UC Berkeley ARE Acceptances: UC Berkeley ARE, U Colorado Econ, U Minn Applied Econ
  • Institution: University of Minnesota Applied Economics Decision:Accepted Funding: No word Notification date: 2/4/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GC: Y Comments: My first acceptance this round. Good to know someone wants me. Might go if I get funded.
  • Institution: CU Boulder Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: None at this time, maybe later Notification date: 3/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: no Comments: They fund after the first year no matter what if you make good progress. Will have to consider...
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Agricultural & Resource Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: GSR Notification date: 3/16/11 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: DREAM SCHOOL!
    Rejections: U Wash Econ, U Maryland AREc, Cornell AEM, UCSD (implied) Withdrawn: UC Davis ARE
  • Institution: Cornell Applied Economics Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/28/2011 Notified through: Email w/ attachment Posted on GC: Comment:
  • Institution: U Washington Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/11/2011 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No COmments: Kind of a bummer. Now 2 for 4..

valelee 2011:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Economics, minor history and arts from Peking University, No.1 in China
Undergrad GPA: 86%
Type of Grad: M.S. Agricultural and Resource Economics from a flagship state university
Grad GPA: 4.0
GRE: 780Q, 530V, 3.5AWA
Math Courses: Calculus and intro statistics were taught in high school; in college, adv mathematical analysis 1 2, topo, linear algebra, prob theory, adv stats, dynamic programming, things like that (a total of about 30 hours); in grad school, adv stat, topo, real analysis
Econ Courses: In college: pretty much standard as in U.S. schools, and mostly taught by profs with U.S. PhDs (econ 101/102 was taught by a UC Berkeley prof when he was on sabbatical). In grad school: adv micro, two adv metrics, adv environmental field classes
Other Courses: My history and western arts minor classes. Some environmental science classes in grad school.
Letters of Recommendation: four very solid letters
Research Experience: A lot. Undergrad RA since sophomore year, post-undergrad full time RA (10 months), RA in grad school, etc. Have several papers published/accepted in U.S. and in China.
Teaching Experience: In undergrad, TA for intro environmental econ and micro. In grad, econ 101 sort of things for one semester.
Research Interests: Environmental economics and policies, but had also been involved in health, energy and public policies.
SOP: Nothing special, but emphasized my consistent interests and experiences in environmental economics and policies.
Concerns: GRE not so great. Not really solid GPA.
Other: It's my second application cycle. Oh, and I am sort of a writer while in China (I published about 50 articles, prose, short novels, etc., and was editor in chief of a student publication for three years )
Attending: North Carolina State University
Acceptances: UC Davis ARE (waitlist $), UNC Econ (waitlist $), NCSU Econ ($$$), Wisconsin AAE ($$), Purdue ARE ($$), UMN Applied Econ ($$, declined), Oregon State Applied Econ ($$, declined), Texas A&M AgEcon ($$, declined), VT ARE ($$, declined), Iowa State Econ (waitlist $, declined), Oklahoma State AgEcon ($$$, declined), Washington State Econ ($$, declined)
Rejections: Berkeley ARE, Cornell AEM, UCSD Econ, UCSB Econ
Withdrawn: MSU ARE, Ohio State ARE
No news so far: UFL Econ
    Attending: North Carolina State University Acceptances: UC Davis ARE (
  • Institution: Texas A&M University Ag Economics Decision:Accepted Funding: Will notify me in Feb Notification date: 12/22/2010 Notified through: Postal mail Posted on GC: Yes Comments: This one is really fast...
  • Institution: Washington State University Economics Decision:Accepted Funding: Will notify whether it's fellow- or assistantship in Feb Notification date: 1/7 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: Virginia Tech Ag Economics Decision:Accepted Funding: Pending... Will let me know in March. Notification date: 1/9 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Yes Comments:
  • Institution: University of Minnesota Applied Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Pending Notification date: Feb 03 Notified through: Was told to check website Posted on GF:Yes Comments: As expected
  • Institution: North Carolina State University Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: "Your Major Department Will Contact You" Notification date: Feb 07 Notified through: Website Comments: I thought I should get in...
  • Institution: University of Wisconsin Madison Agricultural and Applied Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: "At this time, we are still taking stock of our funding situation for next year. We will keep your application under review for funding, and if an opportunity becomes available we will notify you immediately." Notification date: Feb 24 Notified through: Randomly checked online Posted on GC: No way... I will ignore GC... Comments: Yes, I like cheese, beer and ginseng.
  • Institution: Oregon State University Applied Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Pending Notification date: Mar 3 Notified through: Email with attachment Posted on GF: Said I will stay away from GC.. XDDD Comments: Glad. I know they have pretty good env&resource people.
  • Institution: Oregon State University Applied Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Roughly 19.5K/ 12 months Notification date: March 08 Notified through: Phone call Posted on GC: No Comments: My second funded admit (I forgot VT)
  • Institution: Oklahoma State University Agricultural Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 24.5K for three years, plus 4.05K fellow for the first year Notification date: March 13 Notified through: Email and phone Posted on GC: No Comments: This funding is amazing and crazy. But...
  • Institution: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Agricultural Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 17K Notification date: Feb?? Notified through: Phone. Mail received last week Posted on GC: No Comments: Will decline
  • Institution: Iowa State Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Waitlist Notification date: 3/18/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: However, I do not think I am not going to wait for them...
  • Institution: Purdue Agricultural Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Pending. Notification date: 3/16/11 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: Probably waitlisted for funding.
  • Institution: North Carolina State University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Updated today. 16k for 9 months and 4k fellowship. TA...?? Notification date: 03/23/2011 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: Finally. Would be perfect if it is not TA...
  • Institution: U Wisconsin Agricultural and Applied Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 16K for 9 months Notification date: 4/5 Notified through: email Posted on GC: No Comments: A very late offer, I would say. Basically ruled by the UC Davis admit, but a tough choice against NC State.
  • Institution: Purdue Ph.D. Ag Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: RA Notification date: April 8 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No
    Rejections: Berkeley ARE, Cornell AEM, UCSD Econ, UCSB Econ Withdrawn: MSU ARE, Ohio State ARE No news so far: UFL Econ
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Agricultural & Resource Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: e-mail to check status Posted on GC: no
    waitlist $), UNC Econ (waitlist $), NCSU Econ ($$$), Wisconsin AAE ($$), Purdue ARE ($$), UMN Applied Econ ($$, declined), Oregon State Applied Econ ($$, declined), Texas A&M AgEcon ($$, declined), VT ARE ($$, declined), Iowa State Econ (waitlist $, declined), Oklahoma State AgEcon ($$$, declined), Washington State Econ ($$, declined)
  • Institution: UNC Chapel Hill Ph.D. in Economics Decision: Waitlist Funding: Notification date: April 7 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Interesting... If I go to NCSU, I still can meet UNC folks, I presume.

spaceship earth 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Double major in Business Economics & Environmental Studies; Top 10 public, top 40 econ
Undergrad GPA: 3.88
Type of Grad: N/A
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 780Q 640V 4.5AW
Math Courses: calc series (A+/A), diff equations (A)
Econ Courses: intro micro (A+), intro macro (A-), Micro I (A), Micro II (A), Macro (A+), Nat Resource Econ (A), Env Econ (A+), Data Analysis (A)
Other Courses: lots of ecology & environ science for my environ studies major; relevant because of my research interests, but no substitute for more math/stats/econ
Letters of Recommendation: 1 tenured prof known for resource econ, 1 tenured prof who i performed research under (also known in env/resource econ), 1 recent phd in env econ who was probably unknown but was close to me (TA'd several of my econ classes & guided me through admissions process, now teaches at another unranked school)
Research Experience: employed about 9 months doing econ research part time; also got course credit another time for doing not very technical research related to role of competitive social pressures in mitigating climate change
Teaching Experience: nothing formal; just tutoring on & off for a while
Research Interests: Resource Econ, Environmental Econ, Sustainable Development, Energy Econ/Policy, etc
SOP: Talked about why I wanted to be a economist studying environmental issues. Emphasized extra-curriculars & research.
Other: Was president of an undergrad campus org. Also, I've been working at a global financial services firm since undergrad and I got a CPA license. It probably would have been relevant if I wanted an MBA, but I'm thinking it was no use in this PhD application
Acceptances: UC Davis ARE ($), UC Santa Barbara (wl$), U Maryland AREc ($)
Waitlists: None.
Rejections: Stanford, UC Berkeley ARE, Columbia, NYU, Yale, Cornell AEM, UC San Diego
Pending: None.
What would you have done differently? No regrets; I was appropriately placed given my research interests. I reached high and the results were similar to my expectations. Also, you only need 1 good admit. That said, if I knew I was going to get a PhD earlier on here's what I would change (in no order):
1) Take the GRE earlier, so I could retake for an 800Q (I took it in Nov, just weeks before the app deadlines; I'm confident i could have gotten an 800Q since I did on several practice exams)
2) Get a straight "econ" major instead of a "business econ" major (this would mean more math/econ/stats/econometrics instead of more finance/accounting)
3) Get a job post-undergrad that is a better stepping stone to PhD (ie: research job, econ thinktank, econ analyst, certain consulting positions) instead of a job that is a stepping stone to an MBA (ie: finance, accounting, certain banking positions)
4) Realize the importance of LORs earlier and connect with more professors who have connections at top institutions (& do more research under them)
5) Regarding top straight econ depts, I also think I was out competed by alot of people w/ masters degrees. It might have served me well to get a masters to bulk up on econ/math/stats/etc.
    Acceptances: UC Davis ARE ($), UC Santa Barbara (wl$), U Maryland AREc ($)
  • Institution: UC Davis , Agricultural and Resource Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: TA/RA, but details will come later. Notification date: 1/30/2011 Notified through: Phone Comments: very happy with this one.
  • Institution: UC Santa Barbara Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No mention yet... hopefully that will come later..... Notification date: Feb 14 Notified through: website Comments: I was expecting this, but I am still very excited to see it :-)
  • Institution: University of Maryland Agricultural and Resource Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: graduate research assistantship, tuition waiver, health insurance. Notification date: 03/29/2011 Notified through: Letter attached to Email Comments: This came out of nowhere... I had heard they do "semi-rolling admits" but this was so late I thought it was over.
    Rejections: Stanford, UC Berkeley ARE, Columbia, NYU, Yale, Cornell AEM, UC San Diego
  • Institution: Yale Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/16 Notified through: Email to check status on website Comments: Kinda like flirting with a supermodel out of my league. Expected rejection, but I had to know for sure so I never thought "what if..." 10yrs from now.
  • Institution: Cornell , Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 02/28/2011 Notified through: Email w/ attached reject letter Posted on GC: no Comment: I hold offers that better fit my research interests so its no big deal. Still, since I originally expected to get in here, the rejection is a dismal sign of more results to come...
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/5/2011 Notified through: Mailed letter Posted on GC: no Comments: Expected this unfortunate rejection. Also, my mailing address is close to the school, so if they sent them all on then same day then most people should get them in 1-2 days. Good luck.
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Agricultural & Resource Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/15 Notified through: e-mail to check status Posted on GC: no Comments: Obviously disappointed since this was my dream school, even though a rejection was expected.
    Waitlists: None.

econm 2011:
PROFILE: econm
Type of Undergrad: Double major math (top 20) economics (top 30)
Undergrad GPA: 3
GRE: 800, 590, 4.5
Math Courses: all of them
Econ Courses: intermediates + urban, international, game theory, policy, development
Other Courses: year of bio & chem, 2 CS courses (matlab, java, C++, some unix), Thermal Physics & Statistical Mechanics
Letters of Recommendation: 1 semi-famous, 1 young rising star, 1 visiting, 1 emeritus
Research Experience: None
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: Varied
SOP: Bad, just really not good
Other: Rejected by Oregon, accepted by MSU for a difference in ranking of about 30
Acceptances: MSU ($$), Illinois (MS)
Waitlists: OSU (rejected on 14th after emailing), Purdue (withdrew)
Rejections: Virginia, Washington, Penn St, Oregon, BC, Cornell AEM, Iowa St
Attending: Michigan State University
What would you have done differently?
1) Taken less math
2) Taken math in the right order
3) Drank more milk
4) Not applied to Iowa St, Cornell AEM, Penn State, BC
5) Applied to UC Davis, UBC, Toronto, Texas, UNC
    Acceptances: MSU ($$), Illinois (MS)
  • Institution: Michigan State University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: confusing, sounds like none for the first year Comments: brain happy, tummy happy, my feet are rap dancin'
    rejected on 14th after emailing), Purdue (withdrew) Rejections: Virginia, Washington, Penn St, Oregon, BC, Cornell AEM, Iowa St
  • Institution: Oregon Decision: rejected Comments: Perhaps it was the egregious typo that I just found located conveniently in the second sentence of my SOP: "I culminate economics, PhD."
  • Institution institution: penn state program: phd economics decision: rejected comments: last name start with r
    Waitlists: OSU (

EnvEcon 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Economics and Business in a top economics university in Europe
Undergrad GPA: We have a different grading system, I would say "good" but not "excellent"
Type of Grad: Economics in the same university
Grad GPA: Again, comparison is difficult; I went way better than my undergrad (especially for math and stat classes) but still not at the top.
GRE: 770Q, 630V, 3.5AW
Math Courses: Basic math&stat + dynamic optimization and inferential statistics
Econ Courses: Basic undergrad courses + lot of grad courses, mainly applied econ (labour, development, energy, international econ, applied macro, behavioural economics) and solid econometric background
Other Courses: Some history and law classes, especially during undergrad
Research Experience: About one year RA in a well known European energy research center within an economics faculty.
Letters of Recommendation: All during my RA period: one from my supervisor, one from the head of the research group (very well known in the energy field), one from a Phd now in the US. As far as I know, all of them are very good and detailed.
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: Applied micro in general, environmental, development, behavioural
SOP: I put a lot of weight on my RA job and my graduate studies. I specified my research interests and career goals but I didn't mentioned any professor in particular with which I wanted to work.
Acceptances: Maryland Econ (waitlist for $), Maryland AgEcon ($), Purdue AgEcon ($), Wyoming Econ ($), Madrid Carlos III ($)
Rejections: UCB AgEcon, UCSB, UBC, Tinbergen, Cornell AEM
Pending: Stockholm School of Economics
Attending: Maryland AgEcon
What would you have done differently?
1) I feel that I have been ruled out from some programs due to my GRE quant score, just a bit below 90%.
2) Applied to more places, perhaps some more Econ programs.
3) Did an undergraduate in economics. It would have been way more painful, but I would have been much more prepared for the graduate program (and got better grades).
4) For the econ programs only, doing some more theoretical macro/micro stuff could help, but who knows.
5) Prepare applications carefully from the beginning! Actually, for me it was a learning-by-doing process: for UCSB application (the first I sent), for instance, I didn't include syllabus of econ and math classes.
Other considerations
1) I feel that here people overestimate GRE and grades and underestimate the weight AdComs give to how much overall a candidate fit into the program. Maryland AgEcon was an excellent fit for me (given my interests and research experience) and that put me above other candidates with better grades/GRE.
2) LORs are incredibly useful, one of the few things of an application which can show what is your research potential. Being a RA opened many doors, too.
3) Networking with faculty researchers is fundamental, especially if you are lucky enough to be a RA; in the application process, many people see Professors only as LORs writers, but first of all they are experienced people from which you can learn how to properly do research even after your admission. Starting a Phd with a network of young and senior researchers is a tremendous advantage.
    Acceptances: Maryland Econ (
    Rejections: UCB AgEcon, UCSB, UBC, Tinbergen, Cornell AEM
    waitlist for $), Maryland AgEcon ($), Purdue AgEcon ($), Wyoming Econ ($), Madrid Carlos III ($) Waitlists:

nat_resource 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BS environmental science with chemistry minor from a public master's granting university
Undergrad GPA: 3.55
Type of Grad: master's in an environmental field from a well recognized program
Grad GPA: 3.8
GRE: 780Q 590V 4.0W
Math Courses: Calculus I & II, Vector Calculus I, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations I (B+ average)
Econ Courses (undergrad): intermediate micro (A)
Econ Courses (master's level): Micro I & II (B+, A), Intro Econometrics (A), Econometrics (A-), Environmental Economics (A-), Natural Resources Economics (A)
Other Courses: a lot of chemistry and environmental science, some biology
Letters of Recommendation: Two very strong letters from economists, one from an ecologist. All three are well known in their fields.
Research Experience: EPA graduate research fellowship, master's thesis
Research Interests: Natural resources and environmental, interdisciplinary environmental economics.
Acceptances: UC Davis ARE ($$$), Maryland AREc ($$), Wisconsin AAE ($$), UCSB (none), U Washington (none), NCSU (none)
Rejections: Yale School of Forestry, Cornell AEM, UCB ARE
What would you have done differently? Not applied to NCSU. Should have thrown an application to UCSD and Michigan as reaches. Overall I did okay for someone with a limited economics background.
    Acceptances: UC Davis ARE ($$$), Maryland AREc ($$), Wisconsin AAE ($$), UCSB (none), U Washington (none), NCSU (none)
  • Institution: North Carolina State University , Economics/Agricultural Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: Pending Notification date: 1/28/2011 Notified through: Online status Posted on GF: No Comments: I was admitted last year, but declined the offer when no funding was extended.
  • Institution: UC Davis , Agricultural and Resource Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: Yes, but details to follow Notification date: 1/29/2011 Notified through: Phone Posted on GF: No Comments: Very excited.
  • Institution: UC Santa Barbara Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Pending Notification date: Feb 14 Notified through: website (I checked after seeing an acceptance up at GC) Posted on GC: no Comments: Tough decision between here and Davis ARE.
  • Institution: University of Maryland Agricultural and Resource Economics (PhD) Decision: Accepted Funding: RAship Notification date: 2/23/2011 Notified through: Detailed letter in email Posted on GF: no
  • Institution: Wisconsin Agricultural & Applied Economics PhD Decision: admitted Funding: not decided yet Notification date: 2/23/2011 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: no
    Rejections: Yale School of Forestry, Cornell AEM, UCB ARE
  • Institution: Cornell Applied Economics & Management Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 02/25/2011 Notified through: letter through email Posted on GC: no Comments: hold offers that I consider far superior anyways
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Agricultural & Resource Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: e-mail to check status Posted on GC: no

Cognazor 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BA Economics
Undergrad GPA: 3.5
Type of Grad: Geography
Grad GPA: 3.92
GRE: Q-760 V-640 A-4.0
Math Courses: Calc 1-3, Linear Algebra
Econ Courses (grad-level): 0
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Tons
Other Courses: Lots of GIS/spatial analysis stuff
Letters of Recommendation: 2 from Geography MS (including thesis advisor), 1 from Econ BA. Pretty good I hope
Research Experience: RA during master's, RA for Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), graduate thesis
Teaching Experience: TA during MS
Research Interests: Applied Research in Development/Environmental/Regional Economics
SOP: Yes
Concerns: Low undergrad GPA, Low GRE analytical.
Other: I have been out of school for a few years, am probably a little older than most applicants. Hoping my work experience will be beneficial.
Applying to: Berkeley ARE, Davis ARE, Maryland ARE, Oregon St applied, Cornell Applied, Wisconsin Applied, Michigan St AFR, Ohio State AED, Minnesota Applied (MS), George Washington University, Clark
  • Institution: Ohio State AED Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: ? Notification date: 1/19 Notified through: App status sebsite Posted on GF: ??? Comments: Very relieved to get first admission! Feeling maybe the early decision is a good sign for funding. Has a very strong emphasis is regional/spatial economics, which I really like.
  • Institution: University of Minnesota Applied Economics Masters Decision: Accepted Funding: N/A Notification date: Feb 03 Notified through: Admission Website Posted on GF:Yes Comments: The only MS program I applied to, all the rest were PhD. Very good news
  • Institution: Oregon State Applied Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: waiting Notification date: 3/3/2011 Notified through: email with attachment Posted on GF: yes Comments: Said they emailed proffs in various departments trying to secure me funding.
  • Institution: Clark Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Tuition + $12,000 Notification date: 3/7/11 Notified through: postal Posted on GF: yes Comments: Small program well suited to my interests. Nice to get first funding offer
  • Institution: UC Davis MS ARE Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: "Can't guarantee anything" Notification date: 3/6/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GF: yes Comments: I applied to the PhD. The 1 year MS would essentially be "tryouts" for transferring into the PhD
  • Institution: University of Wisconsin , Agricultural and Applied Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 2/21/2011 Notified through: email Posted on GF: Yes Comments: I knew it was sort of a longshot, but still very dissapointing. I was really intererested in their development research
  • Institution: Cornell Applied Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 2/28/2011 Notified through: email from grad school Posted on GF: yes Comments: water off a ducks back
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Agricultural & Resource Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: e-mail to check status Posted on GC: Yes


EconOldGuy 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Top 75 U.S. Public
Undergrad GPA: 3.68
Type of Grad: Top 50 U.S. Public
Grad GPA: 3.9
GRE: 780(Q)/610(V)/4.5(AW)
Math Courses: Calculus I-II
Econ Courses: Undergrad -- Micro (2), Macro (1), Environmental (2), Development(1)
Grad -- Micro, Macro, Metrics, Game Theory, Environmental, Int'l Trade
Other Courses: SAS, Logistic Regression
Letters of Recommendation: 2 solid Env. Economists and 1 Trade Prof.
Research Experience: 2 years RA, 3 co-authored papers to be submitted soon
Teaching Experience: 1 semester undergrad Env. Econ. Solid review from students
Research Interests: Environmental: land use policies, climate, energy
SOP: Laid out future research/career plans, summarized research experience
Other: 6 yrs work experience btw undergrad and grad.
Acceptances: NC State Econ ($$), Oregon St. Applied Econ ($ pending), Colorado Econ (No $)
Waitlists: Cornell AEM ($$ and acceptance could happen this week)
Rejections: Harvard, Duke, UC Santa Barbara, Arizona State(implicit), Berkeley ARE
Pending: None
What would you have done differently? Since my MS is in applied econ, maybe work my comparative advantage by applying to more applied programs. Take more MATH period -- don't even bother applying top 20 Econ with as little math as I have. Overall, first funding came today so very relieved. Good Luck to all.
    Acceptances: NC State Econ ($$), Oregon St. Applied Econ ($
    Rejections: Harvard, Duke, UC Santa Barbara, Arizona State(implicit), Berkeley ARE
    Waitlists: Cornell AEM ($$ and
Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 0 accepted out of 8 applicants.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:58:1, Fri May 11, 2012