Rehan 2011:
Type of Undergrad: BS Mathematics, top Asian university Undergrad GPA: 4.0/5 Type of Grad: MA Economics, European university. Not well-known. Grad GPA: 3.65/4 GRE: 800Q, 640V, 4.5 AWA Math Courses (UG): Real Analysis (B+), Complex Variables (A-), Operations Research (A-), Game Theory (A), tons of others not relevant to Econ (Grad): Statistics, Real Analysis, Optimization (A/A+), Econometrics (C+) Econ Courses (Grad): usual 1st year Macro, Micro (all A/A+ except for first-sem Macro, got C+.) LORs: 2 Math, 2 Econ/Finance. None particularly well known. Teaching Experience: None. Research Experience: wrote undergrad independent research paper and honors thesis, both in abstract algebra. Now working on MA thesis, which is really more math than it is econ. Research Interests: Public econ, game theory, micro theory. But still learning, so everything but Metrics (hate it!) is fair game. SOP: Not strong content-wise, but I like the way I write . Concerns: bad grades in certain subjects, letter of recommendation writers don’t know me well. RESULTS: Accepted: Michigan($), UWO($, declined), UAB($$, declined). Waitlists: None Rejected: Maryland, UIUC. What would you have done differently? I definitely should have applied to more places. Applying to just 5 was a big risk, and an unnecessary one in retrospect. I also really should have thought more about where I was applying. At the time I my only considerations were: schools that had late deadlines, accepted GRE >2yrs, and was willing to waive my TOEFL (I’m not from a country where TOEFL is normally waived). I ended up with a very short list of schools. Also did not take into consideration the strengths of the universities, so my letter of recommendation writers all think that I applied to random places. (One told me bluntly that it was obvious from where I was applying that I had no idea what I wanted to do, and recommended that I take a year off to think about it instead of accepting any offers.) Overall, I’m pretty happy with what I got. Now choosing between going to Michigan or staying back a year to soul-search.
Accepts: Accepted: Michigan($), UWO($, declined), UAB($$, declined).
- Institution: U Autonoma Barcelona Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: fellowship
Notification date: 3/1/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: nuh-uh
Comments: my safety. still very relieved to get the email after the UIUC reject.
- Institution: U Michigan Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: tuition waiver
Notification date: 3/2/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: nope
Comments: YAY!!!
- Institution: U Western Ontario Ph.D. in Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $ + int'l tuition
Notification Date: 03/24/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Rejects: Rejected: Maryland, UIUC.
- Institution: UIUC Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 2/17/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: probably not.
Comments: very surprised, though they only want to get 10 students this year, and i guess i just didn't make the cut.
- Institution: U Maryland Economics
Decision: Rejected
Notification date: 3/8/2011
Notified through: Website. Thanks to everyone who pointed it out!
GC: no
Comment: Well okay. Two more to go.
killpueino 2011:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: BSc. Economics in a Economics and Business Scholl of the University of Chile (n 1 -2 depends on ranking of country) Undergrad GPA: 3.1 (Equivalent) (Historically, the max of each cohort isn't over 3,5) Type of Grad: N/A Grad GPA: N/A GRE: Q780 V510 E3 (In E I made a mistake and didn't sent one essay even when I have finished like 15 min before the deadline ) Math Courses: Calculus (B), Algebra (A), Analysis (Grad level) (B+), Optimization (A), Analysis (Undergrad level) (A+). Econ Courses: Macroeconomics I (A+), Macroeconomics II (A), Introd. Macroeconomics Economics (A), Intro. Economics (B+), Intro Microeconomics (B+), Microeconomics I(C), Microeconomics II (B+), Industrial Organization (B), Labor Economics (B), International Finance (B+), Economic Policy (B+), International Economics (C+), Econometrics I (B), Econometrics II (B), Finance I (B+), Finance II (A), Applied Macroeconomics with Matlab (B+), Mathematics for Economics (A+), Economic Development (A), Economic History (C+), Public Finance (B+), Welfare Economics (B), Research Topics (B+) Other Courses: Bussiness courses, average (B) Letters of Recommendation: Two great LoRs (one a very known professor in the Economic Theory Field, and another one of a MIT PhD.) Research Experience: R.A. in Macroeconomic Consultant Agency, with one of my letter of recommendation, R.A. twice as intern in the Central Bank of my country, one of them at the Financial Research Area. Teaching Experience: I was Teaching Assistant and Head Teaching Asssitant of all Macroeconomics lectures of the School. Research Interests: Macroeconomics, Financial Macroeconomics, Finance and Bubbles. SOP: I talked lots of my experience and how I get into this field, Why I'm Applying, what do I expect and things I had to do to learn more about of economics (Like I travelled more than 130km for a 2 hours seminar from my city to the Central Bank each friday) Other: I was encouraged to apply sooner than I was planning to, but I really wanted to start the PhD path before 26 (I have 25) to finish my PhD before 32). RESULTS: Acceptances: Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (MSc), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (MPhill) (60% reduction of tuition, attending to) Waitlists: N/A Rejections: Bonn (MSc) Pending: N/A What would you have done differently? I would started my path in Economics before (I was in Engineering first). I would put some extra effort on the lectures I didn't liked and I would try to improve more my statistical basis, I also would liked to realize more Teaching Assistanships in different areas (like micro) also.
Accepts: Acceptances: Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (MSc), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (MPhill) (60% reduction of tuition, attending to)
- Institution: Barcelona Graduate School of Economics MSc. in Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No
Notification date: May, 9th
Notified through: e-mail
Posted on GF: No
Comments: Have almost 1 month to decide, which implies 1 month to make a deposit of 3k euros in their account to save the place.
- Institution: Universidade Nova de Lisboa Research Master in Economics (MPhill)
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 60% reduction fee =D.
Notification date: May 9th
Notified through: e-mail
Posted on GF: no
Comments: Attending.
Rejects: Rejections: Bonn (MSc)
- Institution: Bonn University (Not Bonn GSE) Master of Science
Decision: Rejected
Funding: -
Notification date: May 31st
Notified through: e-mail
Posted on GF: no
Comments: I really thought that I got in, but nevertheless I already had decided to attend to Nova's Research Master and also had paid the fee.
2011applicant 2011:
Type of Undergrad: Top 5 US liberal arts college (Economics and Political Science double major). Graduated more than 2 years ago.
Undergrad GPA: 3.87 (3.9 in majors)
Type of Grad: Math Certificate Program
Grad GPA: 3.6
GRE: 790 Quant. 800 Ver. 5.5 Writing
Math Courses: Linear Algebra (Pass), Multi-Var (Pass), Real Analysis I (A-), Real Analysis II (A-), ODE (A-), Masters Level Math Stat I (B+), taking Masters Level Math Stat II
Econ Courses (grad-level):n/a
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): all the basics, except only intro to econometrics. Took advanced IO seminar (A) and advanced Micro theory seminar (B+/A-)
Other Courses: Lots of Political Science, History, and Philosophy courses.
Letters of Recommendation: Professors: One MIT graduate and UMD graduate, who both know me well, but only from classes. One Penn State professor who doesn't know me well. Supervisor at work (economic consulting firm) who has a PhD in Econ from UVA.
Research Experience: research position at think tank, analyst/associate position doing antitrust work at economic consulting firm, 1.5 years doing non-quant research for political science professor.
Teaching Experience: TAed three economics classes.
Research Interests: Industrial organization and Public Finance. Plan to do joint JD/PhD.
Concerns: Letters of Recommendation, Lack of academic research experience, inadequate econometrics background.
Decided to apply to no safeties for PhD programs (all schools I would definitely want to go) and Masters programs as my backups. I also may consider taking econometrics and doing research over the summer and going to a law program next year (since I want to get the law degree too), and then reapply next year from law school.
Applying to: Berkeley, Stanford GSB (Political Economics), Harvard Political Economy, Yale, Michigan, Maryland, Duke, Minnesota, Northwestern, Chicago; Cambridge MPhil, Oxford Mphil, LSE Msc EME, U Toronto Mphil (Doctoral track), UPF/Barcelona GSE + many associated law schools.
Accepts: - Institution: Stanford GSB Political Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Not discussed yet
Notification date: Feb 15
Notified through: Phone
Posted on GC: no
Comments: Ecstatic!
I think they let me know today because the JD program just admitted me this morning, and the two programs most likely wanted to coordinate their responses.
- Institution: Minnesota Economics (PhD)
Decision: accepted
Funding: yes (TAship + insurance)
Notification date: 2/22/2011
Notified through: email with formal acceptance (pdf)
Posted on GF: no
Comments: very excited!
I was expecting to just get into MA programs.
- Institution: U Michigan Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: nominated for diversity funding, as of right now, tuition waiver + insurance first year and TAship after that
Notification date: 3/2/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Very excited! Definitely will visit.
- Institution: U Maryland College Park Economics
Decision: Admitted
Funding: First year fellowship, TAship after
Notification date: 3/3/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: no
Comments: Admitted Students Day is Wednesday, March 30th.
- Institution: Oxford MPhil Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Not decided; haven't even been put through college selection yet.
Notification date: 3/4/2011
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: not optimistic about funding.
- Institution: Barcelona GSE (UPF) Masters in Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No tuition waiver or TA offer (even though I speak Spanish)
Notification date: 2/25/2011
Notified through: Email
Posted on GC: Disappointed about no funding (loved the idea of being in Barcelona for a year), but since the PhD apps have been going better than expected, I'm not about to cry.
In: Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Stanford GSB (PE)
Out: Berkeley, Duke, Harvard PEG, Yale, Cambridge MPhil
Waiting: Chicago, Northwestern, LSC EME, Toronto MA
- Institution : Chicago
Program : Economics PhD
Decision : Acceptance
Funding : Only for 3rd year forward
Notification date : 3/8/2011
Notified through : E-mail
Posted on GC : no
Comments : Surprised I got in.
Not surprised about the lack of funding.
- Institution: LSE MSc EME (Res)
Decision: Acceptance
Funding: None mentioned.
Notification Date: March 22, 2011
Notified through: Official e-mail
Posted on GC: No
Great program, but since it was only a backup in case I was rejected by PhDs, I will be declining.
Rejects: - Institution: Cambridge MPhil Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 1/31
Notified through: email
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Emailed asking why (saying I was considering reapplying) and was told that they were worried about my "insufficient background in theory, maths/econometrics"
- Institution: Yale Economics (PhD)
Decision: rejected
Notification date: 2/16/2011
Notified through: email to check website
Posted on GF: no
- Institution: Duke Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: 2/25/2011
Notified through: E-mail to check website
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Not surprised.
- Institution: UC Berkeley Economics
Decision: Rejected.
Funding: NA
Notification date: 3/2/2011
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on GC: No
Comments: "If you are looking for feedback on the admissions decision, please send your inquiry after June 1, 2011."
Waitlists: - Institution: Northwestern Economics
Decision: Waitlist
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/14
Notified through: response to email requiring about status
Posted on GC: No
Comments: Was told to email a professor in the department as April 15th gets closer.
This is still probably my top choice school, but I like my other options so I am not stressing.