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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


dauntilus 2010:
Type of Undergrad: BA in econ & math at top 10 econ dept
Undergrad GPA: 3.88
Type of Grad:
Grad GPA: 4
GRE: 800q, 660v, 5w
Math Courses: Linear algebra (A), Real Analysis (A), Abstract Algebra (A), Numerical Analysis (A), Complex Analysis (A-), Probability (A)
Econ Courses: Undergrad: Intermediate Micro, Macro (A, A), Game Theory (A), Financial Econ (A), Metrics (A)
Grad: Micro (A), Game Theory (A), Psych in Econ (A)
Letters of Recommendation: 3 great letters from good economics faculty with a record of putting students into top schools. 2 knew me very well, 1 not as well.
Research Experience: 2 years RA experience for 1 professor, no publications
Research Interests: Applied micro, Behavioral econ
SOP: More or less polished, minor changes for each school. I found 1 small typo in 1 school's SOP after submitting.
Attending: MIT
Acceptances: Berkeley, Yale, Chicago, MIT, Caltech, UCSD, Cornell (no funding), NYU Stern Waitlists: NYU
Rejections: HBS, UPenn, Columbia, NYU, MIT GSB, Harvard, Princeton, Northwestern, Stanford, Brown
What would you have done differently? I would have started taking grad classes my third year- I thought they would be harder than they are.
    Attending: MIT Acceptances: Berkeley, Yale, Chicago, MIT, Caltech, UCSD, Cornell (no funding), NYU Stern
  • Institution: Caltech Social Science Decision: Accepted Funding: 28k Notification date: 2/26 Notified through: email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: Yale Decision: Accepted Funding: 37k Notification date: 2/18 Notified through: email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Accepted Notification date: Mar 4 (afternoon) Notified through: Email Funding: 23k for 4 years
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Accepted Notification date: Mar 4 (afternoon) Notified through: Email Funding: 23k for 4 years
  • Institution: MIT Economics Decision:Accepted Funding: Waitlisted for funding Notification date: 3/15 Notified through: Email Comments: Should have applied for NSF
    Rejections: HBS, UPenn, Columbia, NYU, MIT GSB, Harvard, Princeton, Northwestern, Stanford, Brown
  • Institution: Harvard Business School Busec Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/24 Notified through: Phone + email, after I interviewed Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: Harvard Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: mail Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: MIT Sloan Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: mail Posted on GF: No Comments: Expected Implied rejections from Northwestern and Columbia
  • Institution: MIT Sloan Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: mail Posted on GF: No Comments: Expected Implied rejections from Northwestern and Columbia
    Waitlists: NYU


roadvirusss 2010:
Type of Undergrad: Top 10 Liberal Arts College.
Majors: BA Math, BA Economics
Undergrad GPA: 3.93/4 (3.93 math, 3.97 econ)
GRE: 800 Q, 610 V, 6 AW
Mathematical Courses: Linear Algebra (A-), Vector Calculus (A), Cryptography (A-), Combinatorics (A), Intro to Analysis (A), Differential Equations (A), Real Analysis I (A-), Real Analysis II (A), Probability Theory (A), Statistical Theory (A), Complex Analysis (A), Abstract Algebra I (A), Deterministic Ops Research (Spring), Topology (Spring)
Econ Courses: Intro Macro (A-), Intro Micro (A), Empirical Methods (A), Econ Stats (A), Intermediate Micro (A), Intermediate Macro (A), International Econ (A), Energy Economics (A), Econometrics (A), Game Theory (A), Advanced Micro (Spring)
Other Courses: Took five semesters of Chinese (didn't have time for the minor), though I doubt this will help.
Letters of Recommendation: One econ prof (did research with, took three classes with), chair of math department (took several classes with, academic advisor), math professor who was director at summer REU (worked with for two months). None are particularly reputable, but all three I know fairly well and will write solid recs.
Research Experience: Summer grant for econ research, math REU in graph theory (I'm continuing both projects for senior theses right now)
Teaching Experience: None aside from grading
Research Interests: Micro Theory
Concerns: No graduate level courses offered at my school, lack of big-name recs.
Work Experience: "Head Statistician" for the school's football and basketball teams, tutoring calculus, four semesters of grading (calc, multivariable, prob theory, real analysis), and those two research positions.
Acceptances: BU($$), UW($), Cornell(no$)
Rejections: Yale, Kellogg, Berkeley, Princeton, NYU-Stern, Stanford, Harvard, Penn, Caltech, UCSD
Waitlists: UCLA (rejected)
Attending: None. A tough decision, but for a number of reason's I'm going to take a year off. Has just as much to do with wanting to make certain of what I want to do with my life, as with increasing the number of options.
Done differently?: Perhaps I could have spent more time researching schools and individualizing my essays. Going way back, I should have been more active finding research opportunities, or maybe chosen to attend a more prestigious school
    Acceptances: BU($$), UW($), Cornell(no$)
  • Institution: Boston University Ph.D. Economics Decision: Admit Funding: Yearly stipend of $19,300 (requires TAing starting second year), summer funding Notification date: 1st March Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: A great birthday present
  • Institution: University of Washington Economics Decision: Admit Funding: $ Notification date: 3/9 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comment: In the running
  • Institution: Cornell Economics Decision: Admit Funding: No chance Notification date: 03/17/10 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments:
    Rejections: Yale, Kellogg, Berkeley, Princeton, NYU-Stern, Stanford, Harvard, Penn, Caltech, UCSD
  • Institution: Yale Econ Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 19 February 2010 Notified through: Email Posted on Gradcafe: (yes or no) No Comments: A day late, but expected.
  • Institution: Yale Ph.D. Economics Decision: Reject Notification date: 19th Feb February Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GF: No Comments: Definitely hurts less now
  • Institution: Kellogg MEcS PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: March 1st Notified through: Randomly checked website (letter dated 2/28) Posted on GF: No Comments: Figured I was out after not getting an interview
  • Institution: Berkeley Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: There goes that dream... just seems to be the way things are going though.
  • Institution: Yale Ph.D. Economics Decision: Reject Notification date: 19th Feb February Notified through: Email to check website Posted on GF: No Comments: Definitely hurts less now
  • Institution: Kellogg MEcS PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: March 1st Notified through: Randomly checked website (letter dated 2/28) Posted on GF: No Comments: Figured I was out after not getting an interview
  • Institution: Berkeley Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: There goes that dream... just seems to be the way things are going though.
  • Institution: Princeton Economics Decision: Reject Funding: Meh Notification date: 3/9 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comment: Not surprising after my other decisions. But ex ante I thought I had a chance at some of these top schools...
  • Institution: NYU Stern Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/10/2010 Notified through: email to check online Posted on GF: No Comments: pwned!
  • Institution: Stanford Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/11/2010 Notified through: Email, and letter. Posted on GC: no Comments: No surprises.
  • Institution: UCSD Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 3/22 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: And it's over
    Waitlists: UCLA (
  • Institution: UCLA Economics Decision: Waitlist Notification date: 3/17/2010 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Disappointing, but at least I'm still in the hunt

Fantiki 2010:
Type of undergrad:
1. B.Sc. Finance from the best business school in a mid-size European country. In terms of financial research output the school is usually ranked as Top 10 European/Top 100 worldwide
2. (concurrently) B.Sc. Systems Science from the best university in the same European country
Undergrad GPA: not obvious to translate, somewhere between 3.6 and 3.9, Top 5%
Type of Grad:
1. M.Sc. Finance, same business school as above
2. (concurrently) M.Sc. Computer Science, same university as above
Grad GPA: again hard to translate, I would say between 3.8-4.0, Top 5%
GRE: 800Q, 570V, 3.5AWA
Math Courses (undergrad): Introductory mathematics I (Calculus, Linear Algebra, Analytical Geometry) (B+/A-), Introductory mathematics II (Theory of continuity, Measures and Integrals) (A), Introductory mathematics III (Functional analysis, DE) (A), Introductory mathematics IV (PDE, IE), Introduction to optimization (A), Introduction to statistical inference (A), Time series analysis (B+/A-)
Math Courses (grad): stochastic processes (A), optimization theory (B), mathematical investment theory (B+/A-), game theory (A), decision making (A)
Econ Courses (undergrad): Introductory, Intermediate micro, Intermediate macro, International economics and finance, Money & Banking - A:s
Other Courses: Finance & Computer Science (theory courses may be relevant), LSE summer school (A)
Letters of Recommendation:
1. Finance full professor, thesis advisor, many A publications
2. Computer science full professor, thesis advisor, many A publications (in comp science)
3. Circulating weakly positive letters from semi-famous full professors in finance and economics
Research Experience:
1. B.Sc. thesis in finance
2. B.Sc. thesis in systems science
3. M.Sc. thesis in finance - on decision making under information asymmetries in finacial markets (game-theoretical model+empirical evidence)
4. M.Sc. thesis in computer science - empirical part (as a chapter in an article) accepted in a top general interest journal, but the publication is not related to economics/finance (biology), I am a coauthor, but there are many others
5. RA for the computer science professor
6. Research internship at an internationally well-known company, also 1 paper from there, but published in a professional journal
Teaching Experience: N/A
Research Interests: Information economics, financial economics (theory + empirical)
Statement of purpose:
Other: graduated in advance, some good awards (placed third nationwide in math competition, scholarship for publishing thesis etc.), strong technical skills (Assembler and similar hardcore stuff)
Acceptances: Columbia finance ($) -> accepted this offer, LBS finance ($), UNC-CH finance ($), UBC finance ($), LSE finance (external EU funding)
Rejections: Stanford finance, UCLA finance, Stern finance, Wharton finance, Haas finance, Kellogg finance, CMU finance, INSEAD finance, MIT economics, Penn economics (out of the waitlist)
What would you have done differently?
Probably not much, may be would establish better relationships with a couple of professors at my school. The application process to US universities is difficult for European applicants because information asymmetries are pretty large. I would recommend to establish good relationships with professors who have strong ties to schools you are applying (e.g. coauthoring, previous academic positions etc.). Also if you are coming from a less known educational system/school try to get short but informative course descriptions for the key courses as an attachment to your transcripts (e.g. course names like Math I-IV are not very helpful for admissions commiteas). I have received the feedback from some schools that these two things helped my case.
Overall I did much better than I expected.
    Acceptances: Columbia finance ($) -> accepted this offer, LBS finance ($), UNC-CH finance ($), UBC finance ($), LSE finance (external EU funding)
  • Institution: Columbia Business School Finance and Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Stipend + Research scholarship (26k) + optional TA (4.5k) Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Well, me in a top 10 finance program... I just was jumping around my flat for probably 2 hours this morning.
  • Institution: Columbia Business School Finance and Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Stipend + Research scholarship (26k) + optional TA (4.5k) Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Well, me in a top 10 finance program... I just was jumping around my flat for probably 2 hours this morning.
    Rejections: Stanford finance, UCLA finance, Stern finance, Wharton finance, Haas finance, Kellogg finance, CMU finance, INSEAD finance, MIT economics, Penn economics (out of the

thesparky 2010: PM me if you want it.
  • Institution: Wisconsin-Madison Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Tuition waiver + $12.5K TAship 1st year, something guaranteed for 3 more years Notification date: 2/27 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: No Comments: Said in email that it was sent to 26 people. I feel glad to get an admit, but disappointed that my top choices are out, and not terribly generous funding, but it gives me hope.
  • Institution: Queen's MA Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: $18K, part from TAship Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: They said the funding is only if I accept before March 19...
  • Institution: Wisconsin-Madison Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Tuition waiver + $12.5K TAship 1st year, something guaranteed for 3 more years Notification date: 2/27 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: No Comments: Said in email that it was sent to 26 people. I feel glad to get an admit, but disappointed that my top choices are out, and not terribly generous funding, but it gives me hope.
  • Institution: Queen's MA Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: $18K, part from TAship Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: They said the funding is only if I accept before March 19...
  • Institution: Cornell Economics Decision: Admit Funding: No Notification date: 03/18/10 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comments: :/
  • Institution: Yale Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: 2/18 Notified Through: Checked online status Posted on Grad Cafe: No Comment: i am screwed
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: email Comments: i didn't want to go to your crummy school anyways
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: email Comments: i didn't want to go to your crummy school anyways
  • Institution: Princeton Economics Decision: Rejection Funding: N/A Notification date: 03/09/10 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comment: Sigh.
  • Institution: NYU Stern Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/10/2010 Notified through: email to check online Posted on GF: No Comments: Another one bites the dust.
  • Institution: UCSD Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 3/23/2010 Notified through: email Posted on GC: No

Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 1 accepted out of 4 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.88, average GREQ was 800.0.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:57:55, Fri May 11, 2012