Index of Schools AnalysisAbout the Site 2012 20112010 20092008 2007all years
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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.



dauntilus 2010:
Type of Undergrad: BA in econ & math at top 10 econ dept
Undergrad GPA: 3.88
Type of Grad:
Grad GPA: 4
GRE: 800q, 660v, 5w
Math Courses: Linear algebra (A), Real Analysis (A), Abstract Algebra (A), Numerical Analysis (A), Complex Analysis (A-), Probability (A)
Econ Courses: Undergrad: Intermediate Micro, Macro (A, A), Game Theory (A), Financial Econ (A), Metrics (A)
Grad: Micro (A), Game Theory (A), Psych in Econ (A)
Letters of Recommendation: 3 great letters from good economics faculty with a record of putting students into top schools. 2 knew me very well, 1 not as well.
Research Experience: 2 years RA experience for 1 professor, no publications
Research Interests: Applied micro, Behavioral econ
SOP: More or less polished, minor changes for each school. I found 1 small typo in 1 school's SOP after submitting.
Attending: MIT
Acceptances: Berkeley, Yale, Chicago, MIT, Caltech, UCSD, Cornell (no funding), NYU Stern Waitlists: NYU
Rejections: HBS, UPenn, Columbia, NYU, MIT GSB, Harvard, Princeton, Northwestern, Stanford, Brown
What would you have done differently? I would have started taking grad classes my third year- I thought they would be harder than they are.
    Attending: MIT Acceptances: Berkeley, Yale, Chicago, MIT, Caltech, UCSD, Cornell (no funding), NYU Stern
  • Institution: Caltech Social Science Decision: Accepted Funding: 28k Notification date: 2/26 Notified through: email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: Yale Decision: Accepted Funding: 37k Notification date: 2/18 Notified through: email Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Accepted Notification date: Mar 4 (afternoon) Notified through: Email Funding: 23k for 4 years
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics Decision: Accepted Notification date: Mar 4 (afternoon) Notified through: Email Funding: 23k for 4 years
  • Institution: MIT Economics Decision:Accepted Funding: Waitlisted for funding Notification date: 3/15 Notified through: Email Comments: Should have applied for NSF
    Rejections: HBS, UPenn, Columbia, NYU, MIT GSB, Harvard, Princeton, Northwestern, Stanford, Brown
  • Institution: Harvard Business School Busec Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/24 Notified through: Phone + email, after I interviewed Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: Harvard Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: mail Posted on GF: No Comments:
  • Institution: MIT Sloan Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: mail Posted on GF: No Comments: Expected Implied rejections from Northwestern and Columbia
  • Institution: MIT Sloan Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: mail Posted on GF: No Comments: Expected Implied rejections from Northwestern and Columbia
    Waitlists: NYU

Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 0 accepted out of 1 applicants.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:57:55, Fri May 11, 2012