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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


EconDev137 2010:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Quantitative Economics. & B.A. Political Science
Undergrad GPA: 3.36
GRE: 770Q 570V 4.5 AWA
Math Courses: Calc I-III, (AP, AP, A) Linear Algebra (A), Real Analysis (D), Probability (B+)
Econ Courses: Intro Micro (C), Intro Macro (C), Elementary Econometrics (A), Econometrics (A), Advanced Econometrics (A), Intermediate Micro (A+), Intermediate Macro(A+), Economic Growth (A), Economic Development (B+), Environmental Economics (B+), International Monetary Policy (A)
Grad Courses: Advanced Micro (A), Advanced Macro (A-)
Letters of Recommendation: All very good, from top 10.
Research Experience: Work at a public policy think tank. Thesis in Political Science.
Research Interests: Applied micro, development
Statement of purpose: Way better than average
Other: LORs are the most vital part of your application. Do not overlook the importance of building quality relationships with a few profs. However don't use this as an excuse to be a kissa$$.
PhD Accepts: Arizona (tuition waiver and assistantship for years 2-5), Purdue (nothing official, but presumed tuition plus 18k), Colorado-Boulder (waitlisted for $),
PhD Waitlists: Boston College (Decent Chance of admit, but won't know until after deadlines for other schools), OSU (acceptance not probable)
PhD Rejections: Duke, Maryland, Penn State, Vanderbilt and Indiana,
Masters Accepts: Michigan, Boston University, Tornoto
Masters Rejections: Tufts (really?)
Masters Pending: UBC
What would you have done differently? The most glaring thing would be not to have gotten a D in real analysis, I think I could have pulled vanderbilt without that. Other than that I think I had a pretty solid plan. Take the most useful classes you can, do as well as you can and spend your free time having fun. I think people on TM get too worked up about not having an 800Q or a 4.0 at the expense of living life.
    Accepts: Arizona (tuition waiver and assistantship for years 2-5), Purdue (nothing official, but presumed tuition plus 18k), Colorado-Boulder (waitlisted for $), PhD
  • Institution: Boston University Masters Decision: Accepted Funding: Not available for Masters Students Notification date: 3/1 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Very happy. While my goal is still to go to a PhD program at least I have a backup plan now!! :D
  • Institution: Boston University Masters Decision: Accepted Funding: Not available for Masters Students Notification date: 3/1 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GF: Yes Comments: Very happy. While my goal is still to go to a PhD program at least I have a backup plan now!!
  • Institution: University of Colorado-Boulder Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Not now, but I am being considered Notification date: 3/10/2010 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: Not Yet
  • Institution: Purdue Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD Notification date: 3/10/2010 Notified through: Email and Postal Posted on GC:Not Yet
  • Institution: Arizona Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Details will come within the week Notification date: 03/19/10 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comments: Now I have an excuse to fly to Arizona for a few days
  • Institution: Michigan Economics MAE Decision: Admitted Notification date: 4/1 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Funding: No Idea Comments: Baring some amazing funding package or unreal placements, I'm pretty sure I'm going to decline, but the email said to wait a week before responding because they are going to be so busy.
  • Institution: U of Toronto Masters Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Can apply for a TA in July Notification date: 4/6 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: Yes Comment: Will decline
  • Institution: UBC Masters Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: No Details at all, but I think I will get some Notification date: 4/13/10 Notified through: Email and Postal to follow within 24 hours Comments: Will Decline,
    Rejections: Duke, Maryland, Penn State, Vanderbilt and Indiana, Masters
  • Institution: Duke Econ Decision: Rejected Funding: - Notification date: 02/16/2010 Notified through: Email Posted on Gradcafe: (yes or no) yes
  • Institution: Duke Economics, PhD Decision: Rejection Notification date: 2-16-2010 Notified through: Email to Link Posted on GF: Yes Comments: So happy that TM is back
  • Institution: Duke Economics, PhD Decision: Rejection Notification date: 2-16-2010 Notified through: Email to Link Posted on GF: Yes Comments: So happy that TM is back
  • Institution: Penn State Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: No Notification date: 3/10/201 Notified through:Email Posted on GC:Not Yet
  • Institution: Tufts Masters Decision: Rejected Funding: No Notification date: 3/12/2010 Notified through:Personal e-mail Posted on GC:Not Yet Sorry I took so long to post these. I was out of the country with no internet all week.
  • Institution:Vanderbilt Phd Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/30 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: Yes Funding: ... Comments: Very Upset
  • Institution: Indiana Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/31 Notified through: Email Response to an inquiry Posted on GF: Yes Funding: - Comments: Looking more and more like Arizona
    Waitlists: Boston College (Decent Chance of
  • Institution: Boston College Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: Waitlisted Notification date: 2-28-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Said I will remain waitlisted until at least April 15th when more spots could become available. It was sent really late on sunday night as well.
  • Institution: Boston College Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: Waitlisted Notification date: 2-28-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Said I will remain waitlisted until at least April 15th when more spots could become available. It was sent really late on sunday night as well.

unc_jesse 2010:
Institution: Oregon State
Program: Applied Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: TBD
Notification date: 2/22
Notified through: E-mail & Post
Posted on grad cafe: Unfortunately yes - Had to let you guys know somehow, right?
Comments: Good program, hoping for money.
Institution: Wisconsin Madison
Program: ARE Economics PhD
Decision: Reject
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 2/24
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on grad cafe: Yes
Comments: kind of sad because it's a good program, but seriously wisconsin is cold.
Institution: Texas A&M
Program: ARE Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 1700 per month = 20,400
Notification date: 2/25
Notified through: Phone
Posted on grad cafe: Yes
Comments: Safety, but still a relatively good program. Up in the air about this one.
Institution: Purdue
Program: ARE Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: $21,000 RA
Notification date: 12/16
Notified through: E-mail
Posted on grad cafe: Yes
Comments: Also a safety, we have a lot of Purdue people in my department. visited, and loved the people there though, but resource is not their strong point.
  • Institution: Oregon State Applied Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD Notification date: 2/22 Notified through: E-mail & Post Posted on grad cafe: Unfortunately yes - Had to let you guys know somehow, right? Comments: Good program, hoping for money.
  • Institution: Texas A&M ARE Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Have funding, don't know dollar figure yet Notification date: 2/25 Notified through: Phone Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Safety, but still a relatively good program. Up in the air about this one.
  • Institution: Purdue ARE Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: $21,000 RA Notification date: 12/16 Notified through: E-mail Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Also a safety, we have a lot of Purdue people in my department. visited, and loved the people there though, but resource is not their strong point.
  • Institution: Texas A&M ARE Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 1700 per month = 20,400 Notification date: 2/25 Notified through: Phone Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Safety, but still a relatively good program. Up in the air about this one.
  • Institution: Purdue ARE Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: $21,000 RA Notification date: 12/16 Notified through: E-mail Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Also a safety, we have a lot of Purdue people in my department. visited, and loved the people there though, but resource is not their strong point.
  • Institution:University of Wyoming Economics PhD Decision:Accepted Notification date: 3/9/2010 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GF: no Funding: full funding, tuition, health insurance Comments:
  • Institution: Ohio State AEDE Econ Phd Decision: Accepted Funding: Not sure yet - will post here when I know Notification date: 03/12/2010 Notified through: Website Comments: I just randomly decided to look at the application status page.
  • Institution: UC Davis ARE PhD Decision: Reject Funding: Notification date: 2/12 Notified through: website Posted on Gradcafe: yes Date of Gradcafe post: 2/12
  • Institution: Wisconsin Madison ARE Economics PhD Decision: Reject Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/24 Notified through: E-mail Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: kind of sad because it's a good program, but seriously wisconsin is cold.


narinka11 2010:
Institution: ASU
Program: Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word yet
Notification date: 2-26-2010
Notified through: Email
Posted on grad cafe: Yes
Comments: Excited though still worried about the funding. Without funding I won't be able to make it!
  • Institution: ASU Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No word yet Notification date: 2-26-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Excited though still worried about the funding. Without funding I won't be able to make it!
  • Institution: ASU Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No word yet Notification date: 2-26-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Excited though still worried about the funding. Without funding I won't be able to make it!
  • Institution: ASU Econ Decision: Accepted Funding: 19k + tuition fee waivered + 1,5k summer stipend; conditional on good standing funding for the next 4 years Notified through: e-mail Date: Accepted on Feb 26, funding info on March 5 Comment: Phew....Seems like I am moving to the US this summer!
  • Institution: Goethe University Frankfurt Economics Decision: Accept Funding: None Notification date: 3/15 Notified through: Email Comments: Don't really care, anyways I am not going there
  • Institution: Northwestern Kellogg Finance Decision: Rejected Funding: Aha Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: yes Comments: Oh well, was expecting that..
  • Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Finance Decision: Reject Notification date: 3/4/2010 Notified through: email Comments: "We received applications from many highly qualified individuals. However, financial and other constraints have resulted in our accepting only a small number of applicants. While your qualifications are excellent, we are not able to admit you to our program. I hope that with your fine record you will obtain admission to another university." I wonder whether they really meant it or not (regarding the excellent qualifications stuff). And if they are so excellent, why won't you give me admission? Oh man, this is not good...
  • Institution: Northwestern Kellogg Finance Decision: Rejected Funding: Aha Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: yes Comments: Oh well, was expecting that..
  • Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Finance Decision: Reject Notification date: 3/4/2010 Notified through: email Comments: "We received applications from many highly qualified individuals. However, financial and other constraints have resulted in our accepting only a small number of applicants. While your qualifications are excellent, we are not able to admit you to our program. I hope that with your fine record you will obtain admission to another university." I wonder whether they really meant it or not (regarding the excellent qualifications stuff). And if they are so excellent, why won't you give me admission? Oh man, this is not good...
  • Institution: Indiana University Finance Decision: Reject Funding: Not really Notified through: e-mail Date: March 5 Comment: Oh well
  • Institution: UVA Economics Decision: Reject Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Email to check Website Comments: I still wonder why it took them so long to reject me...
  • Institution: CMU Tepper Financial Economics Decision: Reject Notification date: 03/18/10 Notified through: Email Comments: They are certain that "I will find a productive setting in which to continue my studies among the many other good graduate schools"...
  • Institution: Wharton Applied Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/19/2010 Notified through: E-mail telling me to check the website Comments: Whatever...
  • Institution: CalTech Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/19 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: It took them a while....just like everybody else I am gonna say FINALLY!
  • Institution: NYU Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 03/24 - Marjorie replied to my email asking about an update. Official notification coming very soon Notified through: E-mail Comments: Great expectations didn't pay off...oh well, life goes on...
  • Institution: UCI Econ Decision: Rejection Notification date: 3/25/10 Notified through: Email Comments: Do not care for this one at all, I have much better offers...
  • Institution: Washington U. in St. Louis Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/6/10 Notified through: Mass e-mail Posted on GC: No Comment: Still 3 more to go...
  • Institution: Purdue University Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/19 Notified through: Email Comments: Don't care
  • Institution: UNC-CH Econ PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 05/10 Notified through: E-Mail Comments: I sent an e-mail asking to update my application status well after I have accepted another offer (just for the sake of fairness,eventually I have spent money on their application!), and guess what? they even answered me...on May 10...


nnweconphd 2010:
Type of Undergrad: BS in Mathematics and Economics, Top 80ish public university
Undergrad GPA: 3.5-3.6
Type of Grad: None
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 800Q, 350V, 4.0AWA
Math Courses: Calculus Sequence(A/A+), Linear Algebra(A), Discrete Math(A), Abstract Algebra(B), Geometry(A), Real Analysis(A), Graph Theory(A), Intro to Statistics(A-), Probability Theory(B), Differential Equations(In progress), Optimization(In progress)
Econ Courses (Undergraduate): Intro Micro(A-), Intro Macro(B), Intermediate Micro(A-), Intermediate Macro(A), Econometrics(A-), some others, grades vary, two A+, one B+, and one C+(sigh), three in progress
Econ Courses (Graduate): None
Letters of Recommendation: I don't think any of them is really well known and I actually have no idea how the letters are.
Research Experience: None
Teaching Experience: Tutor math and hold review sessions
Research Interests: Micro theory, econometrics, international
1.Bad GRE Verbal and writing grade. I am international and graduating in three years with double major so I didn't have time preparing for the test. I might have been better off taking a TOFEL test at least to show that I don't have trouble with English.
2.Bad Econ grades. My econ gpa should be around 3.5, very bad. I even got a C+ in one course. I was too aggressive and took too many courses each semester which resulted in bad grade.
3.LORs. I had a hard time finding professors that can write me good letters. I rarely talked with econ professors but spent more time in the math department. So I don't think the letters were good.
4.No research experience, not even senior thesis
Rejections: Cornell, Brown, UW-Madison, UPitt, BU,UW-Seattle, UCI(they said my GRE Verbal was too low and it's not likely that I be accepted)
Pending: Purdue
What would you have done differently?
Except for the listings above under Concern, I would have done some more research before choosing schools, say, at least wouldn't have put UCI on the list since they are strict with students' verbal and TOFEL grades. I would also have applied to a larger number of schools and put some more safeties.
It's a very disappointing result but I am not despair. I am not waiting for Purdue and I've decided to stay at school for one more year to take some graduate level econ courses to convince adcoms that I can do well in economics. Hopefully with the grades of current semester and next fall, my GPA can go up a little bit. And my summer might mostly be contributed to GRE Verbal and AWA.
    Rejections: Cornell, Brown, UW-Madison, UPitt, BU,UW-Seattle, UCI(they said my GRE Verbal was too low and it's not likely that I be
  • Institution: Cornell University Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 02/26/2010 Notified through: email Comments: eventually, very disappointing, no acceptance so far
  • Institution: Cornell University Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 02/26/2010 Notified through: email Comments: eventually, very disappointing, no acceptance so far
  • Institution: University of Pittsburgh Econ Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notified through: E-mail Date: 3/8 Comment: still no acceptance so far...
  • Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/9 Notified through: E-mail Posted on GC: No Comment: expected, no acceptance so far
  • Institution: Brown Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Email (check website) Comments: only 3 more to go, still no acceptance
    Pending: Purdue
Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 2 accepted out of 4 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.36, average GREQ was 770.0.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:57:55, Fri May 11, 2012