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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


backtotheUS 2010:
Type of Undergrad: B.Sc. Economics and Mathematics, non-Oxbridge/LSE UK university; exchange year at top-20 US university
Undergrad GPA: 18.2/20.0 (top 1%), GPA 3.87 during exchange year
GRE: 800Q, 490V, 5.5AWA
Math Courses: Mathematical Methods & Calculus (20.0, 19.0), Statistics (18.0, 16.6), Algebra (19.0, 19.0, A+), Real Analysis (16.9, A at graduate level), Game Theory (A), Elementary School Teaching (P), Linear Algebra (A), Topology (B+), ODEs & PDEs (16.3), Number Theory (17.2), FORTRAN Programming (17.5), Dissertation (?)
Econ Courses: Microeconomics (16.9, 18.8, 19.0), Macroeconomics (19.6, 16.7, ?), Mathematical Finance (A), Probabilistic Models (A+), Rationality (A+), Game Theory (B+ at graduate level), Econometrics (A+), Econometrics Seminar (A+)
Other Courses: 2 Management, 1 Political Science
Letters of Recommendation: 1x junior UK professor and co-author, 1x senior UK RA-supervisor, 1x junior US professor and independent research supervisor, 1x senior US professor
Research Experience: 1.5 years RA at the LSE, independent research project, co-authoring journal article (work in progress), mathematics dissertation
Teaching Experience: 1 year (Mathematical Methods for Economists)
Research Interests: Contract theory, auctions, rationality
SOP: focused on research experience
Other: assisted in editing an article for the Royal Economic Society, co-founded and organized national economic forum
Acceptances: Princeton ($), LSE MRes/PhD ($), Oxford ($?), Munich University ($)
Rejections: NYU, Northwestern, Berkeley, Chicago, Yale, Stanford, Harvard, MIT
What would you have done differently?
Ex-post: not much, since I am extremely happy with this outcome. I was warmly welcome at Europe's top places. Princeton appears to be a lucky outlier. I am not sure if I would trade the amazing experience I have had as an undergraduate for the more rigorous education offered at Oxbridge/LSE.
I should have placed more emphasis on grad coursework during my exchange year and secured a stellar reference from that.
    Acceptances: Princeton ($), LSE MRes/PhD ($), Oxford ($?), Munich University ($)
  • Institution: LSE MRes/PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: likely ESRC Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Very nice, partly personalized email. Posted on GF: Yes. Date posted on Gradcafe: 03/02/2010 Comment: Soooo happy! Now everything else does not matter to me anymore. I am very happy and proud of my achievement. :)
  • Institution: LSE MRes/PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: likely ESRC Notification date: 03/02/2010 Notified through: Very nice, partly personalized email. Posted on GF: Yes. Date posted on Gradcafe: 03/02/2010 Comment: Soooo happy! Now everything else does not matter to me anymore. I am very happy and proud of my achievement.
    Rejections: NYU, Northwestern, Berkeley, Chicago, Yale, Stanford, Harvard, MIT


Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 1 accepted out of 1 applicants.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:57:55, Fri May 11, 2012