JBDonges 2010:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: German Diplom in Economics from a University that is a Top5 in Germany but 200-300 worldwide. Undergrad GPA: exp. 1.9 on a scale from 1.0-5.0 where 1.0 is best Type of Grad: NA Grad GPA: NA GRE: 750Q, 420V, 4.5AWA (second take), 740Q, 400V, 4.0AWA (first take) Math Courses: Mathematics for Economists I and II (passed), Statistics I, II and III (2.0) Econ Courses (PhD-level): Advanced Macro I (2.3), Adv. Macro II (1.3), Monetary Theory (1.3) Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Economic Policy, International Economics, Environmental Economics, Energy Economics, Public Economics, Growth, Labour, and many more, all between 1.0-3.3 (average about 2.0) Other Courses: pre-degree in business Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ professors (1 Northwestern PhD, 1 former Harvard fellow, 1 unknown) Research Experience: 3 years RA for an unknown prof. Teaching Experience: Introductory micro Research Interests: Macro statement of purpose: Standard - template taken from Italos. Concerns: GRE scores. Other: MA application only Applying to: NYU MA, Yale IDE, UBC MA, UofT MA, UMich MAE, McGill MA, U Illinois Chicago MA RESULTS: Acceptances: UIC MA (no $) Waitlists: none Rejections: UBC MA, Toronto MA Doctoral/Regular Stream, McGill MA, UMich MAE, Yale IDE Pending: NYU MA (expect nothing) What would you have done differently? Mmmh... my GRE was horrible... not well prepared for the first time, nervous for the second... so I guess taking more time to learn for GRE would be quite useful... In the end I think that most adcoms were not able to evaluate my degree... What to do now? Maye I take UIC or I'm looking for a Master's in Germany... suggestions welcome...
Accepts: Acceptances: UIC MA (no $)
- Institution: University of Illinois at Chicago M.A.
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Decision in March
Notification date: 2/22
Notified through: Mail
Posted on GF: Yes
Comments: Good start anyway...
- Institution: University of Illinois at Chicago M.A.
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Decision in March
Notification date: 2/22
Notified through: Mail
Posted on GF: Yes
Comments: Good start anyway...
- Institution: NYU Master in Economics
Decision: Accepted
Funding: None
Notification date: 05/11
Notified through: E-Mail
Posted on GF: Yes
Comments: This is so sick! Rejected by UBC, UofT, McGill and accepted by NYU? I don't get that...
Rejects: Rejections: UBC MA, Toronto MA Doctoral/Regular Stream, McGill MA, UMich MAE, Yale IDE
- Institution: Yale MA IDE
Decision: Rejection
Funding: N/A
Notification date: 3/10
Notified through: Email to check website
Posted on GC: Yes
Comment: I don't care... didn't get a fellowship from Germany, so was no real option anymore.
- Institution: McGill MA Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: 3/24/10
Notified through: e-mail
Comments: I considered this to be one of my safeties... now I lost hope for the remaining decisions
Posted on GC: Yes.
- Institution: UBC MA Economics
Decision: Rejected
Funding: NA
Notification date: 3/24/10
Notified through: I sent an e-mail to the department asking for my status and got the reply...
Comments: This really depresses me... I really wanted to go there
Posted on GC: Yes.
winnie_econ 2010:
PROFILE: Type of Undergrad 1: Economics and Natural Sciences (G13 School in Canada) Undergrad 1 GPA (2 years): 1.9 , (Kicked out after 2 years for bad grades; too much partying) Type of Undergrad 2: Economics (Small Undergrad Uni in Canada with a good econ dept) Undergrad 2 GPA (2 years): 3.88 (had to get my sh** together) GRE: Will do before PhD admission Math Courses: Cal I, II (B, C,), Lin Alg I (F, then A+) Lin II (A-), Diff Eq (B+), Interm Cal (A-) Econ Courses: Inter Mic (B+), Inter Mac (D), Adv Mic I, II (A, A), Adv Mac (A), Metric I and II (A-, A) Letters of Recommendation: 3 from my Profs, who knew me well and about my amazing past ha ha Research Experience: None Teaching Experience: None SOP: Pretty usual Concerns: I was kicked out for bad grades ha ha! Will take Alberta 2 years and get top grades. I hope life will give me a second chance. I would love to hear from you guys about how I should proceed from here to get into Top 30 phd. RESULTS: Acceptances: Calgary MA ($$), Alberta MA (2 year Econ and Fin) Waitlists: None Rejections: UBC, Queens, SFU, McGill (all masters)
Accepts: Acceptances: Calgary MA ($$), Alberta MA (2 year Econ and Fin)
Rejects: Rejections: UBC, Queens, SFU, McGill (all masters)