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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


Cartman84 2010:
I made some slight changes in my profile (that is I tried to convert my grades to GPA used by the US universities and explained in further detail my Maths - I was kind of freshman-to-the-forum when posting my profile)
Type of Undergrad: MA (top grade/summa cum laude) in Econometrics from the top Polish business schol, BA (expected June 2010) in Maths, Warsaw University
Undergrad GPA: 4.7/5.5 (this is extremely hard to get on Econometrics, like 3,9 - 3,95/4 GPA) at my MA program, excellent grade on my thesis, rather poor grades at Maths (I study and work part-time as a freelancer so it's hard to be the top student now, GPA like 3,0/4 but I got very good grades on courses that are most closely related to economics)
Grad GPA: I did a 5 year program, consider it equivalent to Undergrad and some Grad courses too
GRE: V-530, Q-790, A-4.0(I think I was too nervous and solved some problems too fast, better use time they give you in 100%)
TOEFL: 112
Math Courses: Linear algebra, Calculus I-IV, Topology, ODE, Probability Theory I-II, Abstract Algebra, Control Theory, Time Series, Measure Theory, Functional Analysis, Computational Maths I-II, Complex Analysis, Statistics I-II, - mostly C and B but I consider the program very demanding as for a BA level, due to the reform of Polish university education system some of them is on the grad level
Econ Courses: Macro (4 semesters), Micro (3 semesters), Econometrics (lots of small lectures, let's say Theory and Applied with good understanding), Growth Theory, Game Theory I-II, Public Finance Theory, Monetary Policy, Mechanism Design
Other Courses: C++,
Letters of Recommendation: One from Economics Professor affiliated at one of the top10 US universities (get to know him during his lectures in Poland), one from my MA thesis supervisor (that's a really great letter, he recommended succesfuly some students to the top US and Europe programs), one from Maths Professor (PhD NYU, currently at Warsaw University, published in top Maths journals)
Research Experience: worked 2 years as a research economist, did some policy analyses for various Polish government agencies, also one paper for OECD/World Bank on pension funds performance; now working for a financial risk consultancy - mostly forecasting and programming
Teaching Experience: 4 years of TA - macro and micro for undergrads (started during my MA program)
Research Interests: Macroeconomics, focus on pension systems, DSGE models, exchange rates
statement of purpose: I aimed at presenting how professional and educational experience made me prepared well for the program, focus on strong mathematical background and teaching experience
Other: 26yr old male, Polish nationality
Concerns: late application to UMN, late reference letters
Applying to: UMN, Tinbergen, Tilburg, Stockholm Uni, Stockholm Sch. of Econ., Goethe, Universidad Carlos 3 Madrid, EUI Florence
Acceptances: UMN, TI, Tilburg, SU, SSE, Goethe, EUI
Rejections: UC3M (withdrawn application after being admitted to UMN, never really wanted to go there)
What would you have done differently? Nothing, I guess. Maybe if I had different preferences I would have speeded up my TOEFL/GRE and applied to some more US programs
    Acceptances: UMN, TI, Tilburg, SU, SSE, Goethe, EUI
  • Institution: University of Minnesota Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Nomination for Graduate School Fellowship, if not granted with the fellowship I will receive a standard financial aid package Notification date: January 26th Notified through: Email Posted on Gradcafe: (yes or no) No Comments: Very late application (January 10th) so it's a nice surprise
  • Institution: Tinbergen Institute MPhil/PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Yes (12k EUR/year + healthcare insurance) Notified through: E-mail Date: 03/05 Comment: The salary for years 3-5 is tempting
  • Institution: Stockholm School of Economics Economics Decision: Admit Funding: 15000SEK per month (after tax); for further years - contingent on performance Notification date: 03/10/10 Notified through: Email Posted on GF: No Comment: Totally surprised
  • Institution: Goethe Economics Decision: Admitted Funding: 12k EUR 1st year Notification date: 3/11/2010 Notified through: phone call from the program director Posted on GC: no Comments: They want me despite the fact a few days before I informed them I withdraw my application
  • Institution: Tilburg University ResearchMaster/intro for PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: peanuts for the first two years Notification date: 3/12/2010 Notified through: e-mail Posted on GC: no Comments: I thought there will be no cash at all, my referee was late with the letter of recommendation
  • Institution: Stockholm University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 11k SEK/month Notification date: 03/22/10 Notified through: E-mail Comments: oops, did not expect that ... however, I've already rejected SSE which is basically the sam program, with better financial conditions ... gonna decline it quickly
  • Institution: European University Institute Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: standard grant paid by my country authority with respect to the agreement with the Institute Notification date: 03/23/10 Notified through: Email Comments: I forgot to post it here as I have already rejected the offer, sorry about that
    Rejections: UC3M (withdrawn application after being

mariuszoican 2010:
Type of Undergrad: BSc Finance and Banking
Undergrad GPA: 9,85 /10
Type of Grad: None
Grad GPA: -
GRE: 800 Quant, 590 Verbal, 5.5 AWA
Math Courses: Linear Algebra, Basic Analysis, Econometrics and Statistics
Econ Courses: Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing, International Finance, Money and Banking
Other Courses: none relevant
Letters of Recommendation: professor Bogdan Negrea, Paris 1-Sorbonne,ASE Bucharest. prof. Alessandra Ferrari - University of Reading
Research Experience: 1 paper on Macro published with my professor, BSc Thesis on Empirical testing of the CAPM
Teaching Experience: none formal, TA sessions (informal) for my colleagues
Research Interests: Finance, Asset Pricing
Acceptances: Tinbergen Institute-MPhil Finance ($), MSQuant Finance Frankfurt, MSQuant Finance Vienna, MSc Advanced Economics Copenhagen
What would you have done differently?
Given the circumstances (no real option of choosing courses), I couldn't have improved my record really much. I could have taken a Financial Markets Statistics course to improve my background rather than a Game Theory one...
I also could have written more research papers.
    Acceptances: Tinbergen Institute-MPhil Finance ($), MSQuant Finance Frankfurt, MSQuant Finance Vienna, MSc Advanced Economics Copenhagen

narinka11 2010:
Institution: ASU
Program: Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: No word yet
Notification date: 2-26-2010
Notified through: Email
Posted on grad cafe: Yes
Comments: Excited though still worried about the funding. Without funding I won't be able to make it!
  • Institution: ASU Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No word yet Notification date: 2-26-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Excited though still worried about the funding. Without funding I won't be able to make it!
  • Institution: ASU Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No word yet Notification date: 2-26-2010 Notified through: Email Posted on grad cafe: Yes Comments: Excited though still worried about the funding. Without funding I won't be able to make it!
  • Institution: ASU Econ Decision: Accepted Funding: 19k + tuition fee waivered + 1,5k summer stipend; conditional on good standing funding for the next 4 years Notified through: e-mail Date: Accepted on Feb 26, funding info on March 5 Comment: Phew....Seems like I am moving to the US this summer!
  • Institution: Goethe University Frankfurt Economics Decision: Accept Funding: None Notification date: 3/15 Notified through: Email Comments: Don't really care, anyways I am not going there
  • Institution: Northwestern Kellogg Finance Decision: Rejected Funding: Aha Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: yes Comments: Oh well, was expecting that..
  • Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Finance Decision: Reject Notification date: 3/4/2010 Notified through: email Comments: "We received applications from many highly qualified individuals. However, financial and other constraints have resulted in our accepting only a small number of applicants. While your qualifications are excellent, we are not able to admit you to our program. I hope that with your fine record you will obtain admission to another university." I wonder whether they really meant it or not (regarding the excellent qualifications stuff). And if they are so excellent, why won't you give me admission? Oh man, this is not good...
  • Institution: Northwestern Kellogg Finance Decision: Rejected Funding: Aha Notification date: 03/03/2010 Notified through: Website Posted on GF: yes Comments: Oh well, was expecting that..
  • Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Finance Decision: Reject Notification date: 3/4/2010 Notified through: email Comments: "We received applications from many highly qualified individuals. However, financial and other constraints have resulted in our accepting only a small number of applicants. While your qualifications are excellent, we are not able to admit you to our program. I hope that with your fine record you will obtain admission to another university." I wonder whether they really meant it or not (regarding the excellent qualifications stuff). And if they are so excellent, why won't you give me admission? Oh man, this is not good...
  • Institution: Indiana University Finance Decision: Reject Funding: Not really Notified through: e-mail Date: March 5 Comment: Oh well
  • Institution: UVA Economics Decision: Reject Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Email to check Website Comments: I still wonder why it took them so long to reject me...
  • Institution: CMU Tepper Financial Economics Decision: Reject Notification date: 03/18/10 Notified through: Email Comments: They are certain that "I will find a productive setting in which to continue my studies among the many other good graduate schools"...
  • Institution: Wharton Applied Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/19/2010 Notified through: E-mail telling me to check the website Comments: Whatever...
  • Institution: CalTech Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/19 Notified through: Email Posted on GC: No Comments: It took them a while....just like everybody else I am gonna say FINALLY!
  • Institution: NYU Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: NA Notification date: 03/24 - Marjorie replied to my email asking about an update. Official notification coming very soon Notified through: E-mail Comments: Great expectations didn't pay off...oh well, life goes on...
  • Institution: UCI Econ Decision: Rejection Notification date: 3/25/10 Notified through: Email Comments: Do not care for this one at all, I have much better offers...
  • Institution: Washington U. in St. Louis Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/6/10 Notified through: Mass e-mail Posted on GC: No Comment: Still 3 more to go...
  • Institution: Purdue University Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/19 Notified through: Email Comments: Don't care
  • Institution: UNC-CH Econ PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 05/10 Notified through: E-Mail Comments: I sent an e-mail asking to update my application status well after I have accepted another offer (just for the sake of fairness,eventually I have spent money on their application!), and guess what? they even answered me...on May 10...


Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 3 accepted out of 3 applicants.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:57:55, Fri May 11, 2012