Index of Schools AnalysisAbout the Site 2012 20112010 20092008 2007all years
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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


corolla09 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Math/Econ Good Eastern liberal arts college
Undergrad GPA: 3.28 (3.45ish for Econ & Math)
GRE: 720Q, 470V, 5.5AWA
Math Courses: Calculus Sequence, Vector Calculus, Intro to Proofs, Linear Algebra, Ring Theory, Real Analysis, Applied Stats, Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes
Econ Courses: Intermediate Micro & Macro, Labor, IO, Econometrics, Environmental, Experimental, Behavioral, Econ of Conflict
Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ, 1 math all senior faculty whom I knew very well
Research Experience: Senior thesis in Probability Theory/Stochastic Processes
Teaching Experience: none
Research Interests: Public, Labor, Experimental/Behavioral
SOP: I think this was a 'good' deciding factor for some schools showing a fit/common research interest with their program and I believe it matters a lot more for smaller non top-30 programs.
Concerns: A lot, low GRE/GPA low grade in Analysis
Other: had to wait a year to apply for good senior grades, take GRE
Attending: Florida State Univ ($$)
Admitted, Declined: Binghamton ($), Kentucky (WL$), Oregon (WL$), NC State (no$), Mississippi ($), UNH-masters
Waitlists: Va Tech
Rejections: Vanderbilt, Virginia, Syracuse (never heard back)
No Word: Louisiana State
What would you have done differently? A lot, actually study in undergrad for one. Had difficulty figuring out where to apply with my profiles and increase in apps, should've applied to places like Purdue, Pitt, Riverside and research schools with experimental more. Results almost identical to what I thought they would be. Had random safety's. Originally started with math major then added econ very glad I did both. Very happy with results considering my profile and for those similar to mine it is possible to get a decent funded offer without perfect transcript especially if you're looking for a LACish placement like me.
    Attending: Florida State Univ ($$) Admitted, Declined: Binghamton ($), Kentucky (WL$), Oregon (WL$), NC State (no$), Mississippi ($), UNH-masters
  • Institution: Oregon Decision: Accepted Notification date: 3/5/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Very glad...details TBA
  • Institution nstitution: Florida State Economics, PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: TAship + Fellow! Notification date: 3/13 Comments: Stunned!! not top 50 but with my profile it'll be of serious consideration
  • Institution: NC State Econ (pure side), PhD Decision: Admit Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: website Comments: details yet
    Rejections: Vanderbilt, Virginia, Syracuse (
    Waitlists: Va Tech
  • Institution: Virginia Tech Economics, PhD Decision: wait-listed Notification date: 3/23 Notified through: e-mail (I e-mailed the grad secretary) Comments: ehhh, very very small program


Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 1 accepted out of 1 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.28, average GREQ was 720.0.
No link to department posted statistics has been added, please let me know if these exist and I will add them.

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:57:51, Fri May 11, 2012