Index of Schools AnalysisAbout the Site 2012 20112010 20092008 2007all years
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Most Recently Selected profile:

The data below comes from testmagic forums and shows accepted, waitlisted, and rejected applicants for 2010 for economics graduate school. Clicking on points in the graph above will make the most recent profile appear in the space below the graph.


99luftballoons 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Large Private University, Top 10 Econ/Top 5 Math
Undergrad GPA: 3.82 (4.0 Econ, 3.9 Math)
Type of Grad:
Grad GPA:
GRE: 790Q, 640V, 6.0AWA
Math Courses: Calc Sequence, Linear Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis I, Real Analysis II, Algebra I, Combinatorics, Topology, Math Stats, Grad. Linear
Econ Courses: Intros, Micro Theory, Macro Theory, Econometrics, Senior Seminar, International Econ (1 yr), Organizational Analysis, Finance, Math Econ
Other Courses: Ind. study in Game Theory and Math Econ, Intro Operations Research
Letters of Recommendation: 2 really good ones, 1 fairly good one
Research Experience: Spent a summer RAing and trying to write a paper
Teaching Experience: Grading
Research Interests: Micro theory, decision theory, game theory, mech. design, experimental... list keeps growing actually
SOP: Wrote about what I liked, what I'd done, I got comments on being "very specific" in my SOP from schools that I've gotten in to
Acceptances: Harvard, Caltech, Rochester, Cornell, PSU, Northwestern, UMinn
Waitlists: UPenn
Rejections: Princeton, Stanford GSB, Stanford Econ, Berkeley
Pending: NYU, BU
What would you have done differently? I would have applied to less safeties, but that's really an ex-post judgment. I think I had a good year, though Stanford GSB was my dream school, but oh well, life goes on.
Comments: I think italos is right, letter of recommendation is everything!
    Acceptances: Harvard, Caltech, Rochester, Cornell, PSU, Northwestern, UMinn
  • Institution: CalTech Ph.D. Social Science Decision: Accepted Funding: 28k + tuition + fees Notification date: Feb. 5 Notified through: e-mail Comments: Go Beavers! (No seriously... come on...)
  • Institution: Northwestern University Ph.D. Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 20K Notification date: 2/24/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Hooray!
  • Institution: Harvard Ph.D. Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Notification date: 2/26/09 Notified through: Phone Comments: Jeez, my letter of recommendation writers must have REALLY liked me.
  • Institution: Rochester Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Notification date: 3/5, Funding: $26,000 Notified through: e-mail Comments: Really attractive offer, hopefully they pass it on to someone else
    Rejections: Princeton, Stanford GSB, Stanford Econ, Berkeley
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/6/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Guess I'm not going to Palo Alto
    Waitlists: UPenn

scrobles 2009:
Type of Undergrad: BA Econ and Math, MIT
Undergrad GPA: 4.7/5.0 (equivalent to 3.7)
Type of Grad: none
GRE: 800Q/740V/5.5W
Math Courses: Calc 1&2, Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics, Real Analysis, Intro to Discrete Math, Modern Algebra, Intro to Stochastic Modeling (Grad course). About half As and half Bs, with more As in the later years.
Econ Courses: Intro and Intermediate Micro and Macro, Econometrics, Education, Development, Behavioral, Public Policy, Environmental, Econ research class. Mostly As.
Other Courses: Chinese
Letters of Recommendation: 3 profs with PhDs from MIT. The first was my development teacher and I RA'd for her a couple of semesters. I worked for the second two doing field research for 2 years after graduating.
Research Experience: Working at a econ research NGO for 2 years after college. RA for a bit in college.
Teaching Experience: Tutoring probability course in university, and general tutoring stuff.
Research Interests: Development, Behavioral, applied micro
SOP: My experiences and my interests. Why I like econ.
Acceptances: UCSD, UCLA, UC Davis ARE, Northwestern, Chicago, Duke, USC, Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford
Waitlists: nope
Rejections: MIT, Columbia, Brown
What would you have done differently?
My results were great, I think mostly because of my LORs so I think my after-college job really saved me. If I had to do it again, I would get As in key courses (mostly math) and do an economics thesis, but this is just theoretical since it wasn't necessary.
    Acceptances: UCSD, UCLA, UC Davis ARE, Northwestern, Chicago, Duke, USC, Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford
  • Institution: Duke University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: will be sent via USPS Notification date: 2/25/09 Notified through: email with link to applyyourself website
  • Institution: Harvard Ph.D. Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: I don't know and I'm not thinking straight enough to care Notification date: 2/26/09 Notified through: E-mail from susan athey(I was away from the phone) Comments: I am so happy.
  • Institution: Northwestern University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Don't know Notification date: 2/27/09 8 AM Notified through: Looked on applyyourself no email yet Comments: I can't believe it
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: funded, but details in the mail Notification date: 03/02 Notified through: E-mail Comments: woohoo!
  • Institution: USC Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: fellowship and stuff Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: I meant to withdraw my application today, but oh well. At least it tempers the MIT rejection...a little
  • Institution: U Chicago Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: USPS Comments: I am out of town so my mother checked the mail late at night.
    Rejections: MIT, Columbia, Brown
  • Institution: MIT Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: bummed.
  • Institution: Columbia Economics PhD Decision:Rejected Funding:bah humbug Notification date:March 5 Notified through:E-Mail Comments: I emailed them last week asking them to please withdraw my application from consideration, but I guess they wanted to say "You're not dumping me, I'm dumping you"
  • Institution: Stanford University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected, then Accepted Notification date: 3/6/09 2:50pm for the reject, then 6:15 pm for the admit Funding: details in the mail Notified through: E-mail Comments: WTF
  • Institution: Brown Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/20 Notified through: e-mail Comments: This is the final school I had pending since I withdrew my app from NYU. Final count: 3 rejections, 10 acceptances.
    Waitlists: nope


ImProcrastinating 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Top 25 with a top 40ish econ program. BA in econ.
Undergrad GPA: Overall: 3.74, Econ: 3.8ish, Math: bad.
Type of Grad: Not highly ranked, top 100ish. MS in applied math.
Grad GPA (at application time...): 3.9
GRE: 790Q / 740V / 5.0 AWA.
Math Courses:
Undergrad: Calc III (B+), ODE (C- (Ouch...)), Real Analysis (A-), Linear Algebra (A).
Grad: Analysis (A-) (taken at the summer school of a top 10), Measure Theory (A-), Math Stats (A), ODE (A), Functional Analysis (A), General Topology (In progress at application time...)
Econ Courses:
Undergrad: Intro. Micro (A), Intro. Macro (A), Money and Banking (A), Economy of China (A-), Intro to Econ Stats (B+), Mathematical Micro (A), Intermediate Macro (B+), Econometrics (A), International Trade (A), Distinguished Majors Seminar (A), Independent Study (A)
Grad: PhD Micro I (A-), PhD Micro II (A), PhD Micro III (IP)
Letters of Recommendation:
1 from an undergraduate econ professor, not well known.
1 from a graduate math prof, very well known among mathematicians but I don't know if that counts...
1 from a graduate econ prof, very well known.
Research Experience: Summer at the Fed, senior thesis, 1 year + 1 summer as an RA for a professor, RAing at the IMF while applying.
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: Micro Theory, I/O, International Finance
Acceptances: NYU ($$$)
Waitlists: None
Rejections: A lot, Harvard, MIT, Chicago, Yale, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, and UPenn.
Pending: None.
What would you have done differently? If I could do it ALL over again, I'd probably go to an undergrad that was stronger in econ, take more math courses earlier on, and work as hard my first couple years in college as I did my last couple. But I was expecting to get rejected everywhere I applied this time around, so I'm ecstatic to be going to a dream school like NYU.
    Acceptances: NYU ($$$)
    Rejections: A lot, Harvard, MIT, Chicago, Yale, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, and UPenn.
    Waitlists: None

MorgieLilly 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A in Econ-Phil and Math. Ivy League, top 10ish in economics Uni.
Undergrad GPA: 3.85, summa cum laude.
GRE: 780Q, 510V, 3.0W
Math Courses (undergrad):
Cal I, Calc III, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Analysis and Optimization, Probability and Induction (P/F), Probability and Statistics, Advanced Logic, Independent Reading Course, (all As)
Econ Courses (PhD-level): Micro-econometrics (A-)
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Intermediate Micro/Macro(A-,B+), Advanced Econometrics (B+), Advanced Macro (A), Economic History (A-), International (C, took abroad in Ghana.)
Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ, both well known. 1 math, well known in math. 1 philosophy, well known in the philosophy of science.
Research Experience: REU Intern in geophysics at Lamont Earth Observatory, summer 2007 (My paper was accepted to the 2008 ASLO Conference). Full-time economics RA this year.
Research Interests: Development, Economic History, Alternative Theories in Economics, Econometrics.
SOP: Talked about why I chose interdisciplinary study, my work abroad in Ghana and my experience this year as a research assistant. I stated that I expected to change my mind about my specialization anyway, so I didn't want to state a particular one.
Applied to: LSE, MIT, NYU, Harvard, UCSD, UC Berkeley, Chicago, Stanford, Columbia, UMich, Princeton, Yale
Rejected: Everywhere
Waitlisted/Accepted: Nada
What would you have done differently? I dunno. Feedback from my home institutions admissions committee (where I was also rejected) says that I should have taken more econ (at the expense of my philosophy and science courses) but I would not give that knowledge and my resulting world outlook up for an admit to this discipline, because I feel that this will inform my research abilities more so than having taken much more economics. I have to do a lot of thinking now about whether I belong in this discipline, seeing as the adcoms don't seem to think so. Today is sad.
    admit to this discipline, because I feel that this will inform my research abilities more so than having taken much more economics. I have to do a lot of thinking now about whether I belong in this discipline, seeing as the adcoms don't seem to think so. Today is sad.
  • Institution: Yale Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 02/20 Notified through: e-mail directing me to website.
  • Institution: Columbia Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/2 Notified through: I asked Jody.
  • Institution: Berkeley Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/2 Notified through: e-mail
  • Institution: MIT Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: e-mail
  • Institution: LSE Economics Phd. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4th March Notified through: E-mail. They said to forward my app to the masters program.
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/6/09, 11:25AM California Time Notified through: E-mail Comments: I am currently 0-11. I only have two schools left. What did I do wrong????
  • Institution: Chicago Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/9 Notified through: Post.
  • Institution: LSE Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/06 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Deferred me to masters applicant pile.
  • Institution: NYU Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/09 Notified through: E-mail, from Marjorie after prodding.
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: A while ago, I forgot to post it. Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: Harvard Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: postal service
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: I called. That was my last chance. No phd. for me!

myrrh 2009:
Type of Undergrad: University of Maryland - Environmental Economics w/ Math minor
Undergrad GPA: 3.77, magna cum laude
Type of Grad: none
Grad GPA: n/a
GRE: 770Q 540V 4.0AWA
Math Courses: Calc I-III (A-,B,A), Linear Algebra (A-), Differential Equations (A-), Number Theory (B), Advanced Calculus I (B), Probability Theory (B), Mathematical Statistics (TBD)
Econ Courses: Intro Micro and Macro (A,B+), Intermediate Micro (B+), Economic Statistics (A+), Intro Econ & Environment (A), Econ of Nat'l Resources (A), Econ of Land Use (A), Public Finance (A+), Game Theory (A+), Econometrics I (A), Intermediate Macro (TBD), Econ of Climate Change (TBD)
Other Courses: Environmental Policy and Philosophy courses, all A's
Letters of Recommendation: 2 AREC and 1 ECON professor, well known and respected in their fields, should have been solid
Research Experience: ~2-3 years as an undergrad RA in the AREC department. Currently and at time of application, working on honors thesis that has been described as "ambitious," hope to have a publishable version this summer.
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: Environmental/resource economics, computational economics, applied micro
SOP: Tried to make it engaging, explained why I wanted to be an econimist (environmental research!), talked about my own research and what I wanted to in the future, etc.
Other: n/a
Acceptances: UC Davis ARE Ph.D. ($), UW Madison AAE MS (no$), Cornell AEM (no$)
Waitlists: none
Rejections: Harvard, Yale, Michigan, UT Austin, UC Berkeley ARE, UW Madison AAE Ph.D., Cornell AEM Ph.D.
Pending: none
What would you have done differently? On hand I would have done nothing differently: you really only need one good admit and I am more than satisfied with UC Davis. On the other hand, if I had to do it all over again I would have made sure to have a 4.0 Econ GPA (because I'm sure those 2 B+'s set off red flags), got at least ONE A in my upper level math and found the time/energy to take the graduate micro series. My QGRE was also at the lower bound of what I would have liked it to have been, but I do not think taking the GRE again would have been worth it. I also would have applied to more mid-range top 20-25 ECON schools instead of Harvard and Yale.
All in all, I feel pretty good about how the whole thing went. I'll be attending UC Davis ARE in the fall!
    Acceptances: UC Davis ARE Ph.D. ($), UW Madison AAE MS (no$), Cornell AEM (no$)
  • Institution: UW Madison AAE Phd. Decision: Accepted Funding: Don't know Notification date: February 19th Notified through: Checked web site Comments: Ha this makes me feel better about my impending Yale rejection
  • Institution: Cornell AEM Phd Decision: Accepted to MS Funding: None Notification date: 3/6 Notified through: Mail
    Rejections: Harvard, Yale, Michigan, UT Austin, UC Berkeley ARE, UW Madison AAE Ph.D., Cornell AEM Ph.D.
  • Institution: Berkeley ARE Phd Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/6 Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: Harvard Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Postal Service Comments: THERE'S BEEN A HUGE MISTAKE [/sarc]
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: Called Mary Braun when I had no link in my application status Comments: No regrets
  • Institution: University of Texas, Austin Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: Website Comments: I really would have liked to have received just one pure ECON acceptance just for pride's sake. Oh well, I'm done!
    Waitlists: none

ilikefreefood 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Econ major from a top 5-10 liberal arts college.
Undergrad GPA: 3.73/4, magna cum laude with distinction in major for senior thesis research.
Type of Grad: none
Grad GPA: n/a
GRE: 800Q 640V 5.5AWA
Math Courses: Calc II-III (A,B+), Linear Algebra (Pass), Statistics (A), Mathematical Structures (A-), Real Analysis (B, taken as a non-degree student at a local school this Fall)
Econ Courses: Principles Micro/Macro (A-,A), Intermediate Micro (A) Intermediate Macro (B), Econometrics (B+), pre-thesis seminar (A-), Ag. & Food Econ. (A), Development Econ. (B+), Econ. of Inequality (A), Econ. of Water Policy (B+), British Econ. history (B+)
Other Courses: A pass/fail seminar on game theory, a Poli. Sci. course on agent-based computer modeling (A)
Letters of Recommendation: 3 ECON professors (liberal arts college profs but with Chicago/Stanford Ph.Ds), including my thesis adviser who has previously stated that my thesis was one of the best he's ever advised. Where possible, 1 VP at my Econ. consulting firm with whom I've worked extensively on econometric analyses.
Research Experience: ~3 years as an RA in a major Econ. consulting firm; I specialize in statistical and econometric analysis within my office.
Awards: Thesis award from state Economics association, thesis presentation award from state science association, college fellowship for (non-research) work in development related to microfinance.
Research Interests: Development, environmental/resource economics, urban economics, general applied micro.
SOP: Well-written but fairly standard; mentioned specifically my interest in development and applied micro fields.
Other Concerns: Didn't anticipate the B in analysis and received it after I had submitted applications; I don't think I have enough additional math coursework to make up for exercising a pass/fail option in linear algebra way back when.
Acceptances: Minnesota ARE ($$)
Waitlists: none
Rejections: Berkeley, Columbia, Harvard, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, MIT, NWU, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, Yale
Pending: Chicago, Cornell
What would you have done differently? Applied to Berkeley ARE and not Berkeley ECON when they made me pick just one; applied to more schools in the 20-30 range and not limited myself by the fact that I applied to 15 programs; discounted the advice of my former professors w.r.t. how far my school's reputation would get me; learned of and read the TestMagic forum earlier in the process.
    Acceptances: Minnesota ARE ($$)
    Rejections: Berkeley, Columbia, Harvard, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, MIT, NWU, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, Yale
    Waitlists: none

LagrangeJames 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. econ, B.A. math, large state university, EconPhD top 60
Undergrad GPA: 3.9/4.0
GRE: 800Q, 650V, 4.5AWA
Math Courses: Calc III (A+), Linear algebra (A+), Differential equations I, II (A-, A), Introductory probability theory (A, fall), Math modeling (A, fall)
Econ Courses (PhD-level): Optimization theory (A-, fall), Econometrics II (spring)
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): All of them, including two econometrics courses and game theory; A- in intermediate microeconomics, A's otherwise
Other Courses: Spanish minor
Letters of Recommendation: Four economics professors -- nobody famous, but I had collaborated on research projects (that I had initiated) with three of them
Research Experience: Two working papers co-authored with faculty
Teaching Experience: Teaching assistant for introductory microeconomics, spring
Research Interests: Growth and development, specifically microeconomic development
SOP: Used a standard template for all statements but tailored last couple paragraphs to specific program, mentioning examples of faculty research I was interested in (but did not mention any faculty by name)
Concerns: No real analysis, but optimization theory provided a good crash course
Applying to: Maryland, Brown, MIT, Harvard, Yale, UCSD, Berkeley, Minnesota, Michigan, NYU, Boston, Columbia, LSE (M.Sc.)
Acceptances: Yale (with funding), Michigan (no first-year funding), Boston (with funding), UCSD (with funding)
Waitlists: Minnesota
Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Columbia, Maryland, Brown, NYU
Withdrawn: LSE
What would you have done differently?
If I had discovered this forum sooner, I probably would have taken more proof-based math courses, which most likely would have boosted my chances at top top schools. However, I think research experience, letters of recommendation from faculty involved in that research and a good "fit" (in terms of my research interests) -- factors that are often overlooked, including by myself -- helped my chances at several schools. Good luck, everyone.
    Acceptances: Yale (with funding), Michigan (no first-year funding), Boston (with funding), UCSD (with funding)
  • Institution: Yale Economics Ph.D. Decision: Accepted Funding: Full Notification date: 2/19 Notified through: E-mail, with Word document attached, detailing funding
  • Institution: UC-San Diego Economics Ph.D. Decision: Admitted (Provisionally) Funding: Not mentioned Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: E-mail Comments: E-mail says I have been admitted provisionally but must submit official transcript confirming receipt of undergraduate degree before I can be officially admitted. Good luck, everyone
  • Institution: University of Michigan Economics Ph.D. Decision: Admitted Notification date: 3/18 Notified through: Website (U-M Friend) Comments: "We are happy to report that the Admissions Committee of the Department of Economics has enthusiastically recommended to Rackham Graduate School that you be admitted to our PhD program. A letter outlining the specific details of this offer is being sent to you shortly."
  • Institution: Boston University Economics Ph.D. Decision: Admitted Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: E-mail Funding: $18,700 + $5000 summer stipend Comments: Good luck, everyone
    Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Columbia, Maryland, Brown, NYU Withdrawn: LSE
  • Institution: Berkeley Economics Ph.D Decision: Rejected Funding: N/a Notification date: 3/2 Notified through: E-mail Comments:Good luck, everyone
  • Institution: MIT Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck, everyone
  • Institution: Harvard University Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/18 Notified through: U.S. Postal Service Comments: Good luck, everyone
  • Institution: Brown University Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/20 Notified through: E-mail Comments: If it's brown, flush it down. Good luck, everyone.
  • Institution: NYU Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/24 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck, everyone.
    Waitlists: Minnesota
  • Institution: Minnesota Ph.D. Economics Decision: Waitlisted Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/24/09, 11:58 Indiana time Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck, everyone

Internationalstudent08 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Top-5
Undergrad GPA: 3.7
Type of Grad: N/A
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: Q800, V670, A4.5
Math Courses: Real Analysis, Optimization (As)
Econ Courses: Typical undergrad courses, intro+field courses
Letters of Recommendation: 3 good ones
Research Experience: 1 year RA (+2 summers as an undergrad)
Teaching Experience: Some tutoring
Research Interests: Mostly applied micro
SOP: Must have been good
Acceptances: UChicago (waiting to hear about funding), UMaryland (18k), Penn State (25k)
Waitlists: Wharton AE
Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, Yale, Northwestern, Columbia, NYU, Brown
Total Score: 10-1-3
Pending: None
What would you have done differently?
I really didn't take advantage of my undergrad school as I should have. I should have started RAing earlier, and I should have taken graduate-level courses as an undergrad, instead of being a chicken. Also, I made some bad thesis-related choices hehe
However, since last year's admission cycle, I did everything that I could to improve my profile, and ended up working with some great people. I learned a lot- perhaps more than what I'm going to learn in grad school.
The only significant econ-phd-related mistake I made was to apply to all top-10 schools and almost none of the schools between 10 and 20 (except for UMaryland). I rejected most of the schools in that range based on location preferences. Since my profile was not clear-cut top10, I should have been more careful.
Anyway, I'm glad I made it!!!!!
    Acceptances: UChicago (waiting to hear about funding), UMaryland (18k), Penn State (25k)
  • Institution: Penn State Decision: Accepted Funding: 25k Notification date: Today Notified through: Email Comments: Very happy
  • Institution: UMaryland Economics PhD Decision: Accepted, 18k Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Third admit!
    Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, Yale, Northwestern, Columbia, NYU, Brown Total Score: 10-1-3
  • Institution: Northwestern Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: -100 Notification date: 2/25/09 Notified through: Website Comments:The battle rages on
  • Institution: Yale Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: -100 Notification date: a few days ago Notified through: E-mail to check website. (Kinda worried that not only top-5 is impossible, but top-10 is a stretch too)
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/02 Notified through: E-mail Comments: They should never complain that I didn't give them a second chance . These days I celebrate the anniversary of the last rejection they sent me!!!
  • Institution: MIT Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: e-mail Comments: Another donation to support the top 10 schools
  • Institution: Princeton University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail directing me to website. Comments: Same sweet letter
  • Institution: Harvard Business School Business Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: -100 Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: Letter Comments: Not a surprise...
    Waitlists: Wharton AE

icebear 2009:
Type of Undergrad: BA Econ (2006), large state university, poorly ranked economics department
Undergrad GPA: 3.89
Type of Grad: A few courses during my BA
Grad GPA: 4.0
GRE: 750/570/4.5 (2006)
Math Courses: Calc 1 (A), Calc 2 (B+), Matrices and Linear Equations (A), Statistical Methods (A), Foundations of Quant Econ Analysis (graduate level math/econ course intended as a refresher for incoming PhD students) (A+)
Econ Courses: Micro Prin & Inter, Macro Prin & Inter, Econometrics, Independent Study x 2, Comparative Economic Systems, Recent Economic Thought (i.e. History of Academic Economics), Transformation of Central and Eastern European Countries, Privatization and Foreign Capital (B), Globalization - Social and Economic Aspects (B), Games and Decisions (B), Senior Seminar on Globalization and Trade, Political Economy I (graduate level) [Note: all A's except where noted, the 3 B's were received while studying abroad if that's worth anything].
Other Courses: Java Programming, Electrical Engineering courses for one year (A's, if these helpfully display math/computer competency...?)
Letters of Recommendation: PhDs from MIT, Cambridge, and Harvard. The first was my advisor in University, the latter two colleagues on a research project during 2007/2008 (see below).
Research Experience: Working at a European consultancy (China office) for about 18 months in 2007/2008, as a project manager for government funded economic development/trade research projects dealing with China. The job had me doing about 500usiness related tasks, 50% working with our PhD economists who did the modeling/analysis in a RA type of capacity.
Teaching Experience: ~1 year teaching English in China between my BA and the research listed above.
Research Interests: International trade, economic development in Asia (China/ASEAN), political economy in China
SOP: Talked about my strong interest in being involved in trade policy, emphasized my research experience and particular interest in each respective department (faculty, papers, topics, etc), and provided a few interesting research questions which I had brushed upon with previously and would like to continue working on as examples. Maybe a bit weak, should have sought more advice here.
Other: I decided to apply late last fall as my job was expressing an interest in fast tracking me along a management path and I knew research was more my goal. I knew my math was deficient and sought the advice of my LORs, whom all strongly encouraged me to apply to fewer, higher ranked schools with the explanation that my research experience should outweigh my deficiency in math and hiatus from formal education. This cut my plans of applying to 6-10 schools with a range of competitiveness to only 4 reach schools. Knew my GRE Q score was very low but was unable to retake once I had decided to "go for it" as China only has several mass-test dates per year and the next one wouldn't be available in time for that round of applications (definitely was not interested in the $1500+ option of flying home for a weekend to take the GRE )
Acceptances: -
Waitlists: -
Rejections: Harvard, NYU, Columbia, Princeton
Pending: -
What would you have done differently?
I knew my math was deficient (both coursework and GRE) and a likely sticking point, but went for it due to encouragement from LORs. In the next 8-9 months I guess my goal is to rectify that situation as best as possible, although my circumstances make that a bit more complicated (will cover that and ask some questions in another thread).
Also, I should have included a few 'safer' options, as only top 10/20 doesn't seem realistic given my profile now that I've read a bit on TM over the past few weeks. More broadly, should have taken more math as an undergrad and perhaps considered transferring schools once I switched majors (my school was pretty good for engineering) - although my scholarship there would have made any transfer unlikely.
    Acceptances: -
    Rejections: Harvard, NYU, Columbia, Princeton
    Waitlists: -

Swingkid 2009:
Type of Undergrad: University of California, BA Econ & Applied Math, French Minor
Undergrad GPA: 3.85
Type of Grad: micro
Grad GPA: 4.0
GRE: 800/700/6.0
Math Courses: Multi-var Calc, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Probability
Econ Courses: Grad Micro, Intermediate Micro and Macro, Metrics, Applied Metrics, Corporate Finance, Game Theory, Contract Theory, Development
Other Courses: a lot of French
Letters of Recommendation: 3 letters, one of which was from a fecund researcher that I've worked with for two years. The other two are from my grad micro professor and my undergrad development professor; the former barely knows me, the latter I've spoken to about my research ideas.
Research Experience: Two years undergrad RA. Thesis (?)
Teaching Experience: Does dance count? =P
Research Interests: Development, Applied Micro
SOP: I don't think it was that special. In any case, it probably didn't carry much weight.
Acceptances: UCLA, Yale, Berkeley, Brown
Waitlists: U Penn
Rejections: MIT, Columbia, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, Northwestern, NYU
What would you have done differently?
I would have definitely submitted a better-prepared application for the NSF, since funding is kind of an issue for me. I found out about the fellowship a week before the deadline and decided to apply anyway. That said, I wouldn't have done much else differently, since I'm really ecstatic about my acceptances! :-)
    Acceptances: UCLA, Yale, Berkeley, Brown
  • Institution: UCLA Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: nominated for Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship Notification date: Feb 13, 2009 Notified through: Website, email
  • Institution: Yale University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 36.5K altogether Notification date: 2/19/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: I am still in shock...
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: no first year funding, then TA Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: I almost cried from happiness!
  • Institution: Brown Economics, PhD Decision: Admitted Funding: 19k + summer stipend Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: e-mail (personal) Comments: I will probably decline soon though.
    Rejections: MIT, Columbia, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, Northwestern, NYU
  • Institution: MIT Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: HA! Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: 20-22 spots, 700 or so applicants
    Waitlists: U Penn

veryshuai 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Nicely ranked midwest LA
Undergrad GPA: 3.62
Type of Grad:Econ
Grad GPA: ~85/100
GRE: 800/700/4.5
Math Courses: Calc 1-3 (A,A,A-), Stats (A), Real Analysis (A)
Econ Courses: Grad series Macro, Micro, and Econometrics and some other stuff...A's except Micro 1 (B) and Time Series (B) (no pluses or minuses in our program)
Other Courses: Nothing that should matter
Letters of Recommendation: UCLA (thesis advisor), Brown, U Mich
Research Experience: RA for a semester, Master's Thesis
Teaching Experience: Nope
Research Interests: Development, Applied Macro Theory, not sure...goal to work in the research dept. of international organization
SOP: Spent a lot of time on it, but who knows...
Other: Fulbright fellowship and some other money awards...
Acceptances:Penn State ($$),BU (no$), UW Madison(no$)
Waitlists: none
Rejections:Michigan, Minnesota, Brown, Harvard, U Chicago, NYU, Columbia, UPenn, Berkeley, UCLA,
What would you have done differently? Applied to a few more mid-ranked would be nice to have another funded option or two. Having said that, I am glad that I got firm rejections from all the top 20's, so that I don't have to wonder "What if?"
    Acceptances:Penn State ($$),BU (no$), UW Madison(no$)
    Rejections:Michigan, Minnesota, Brown, Harvard, U Chicago, NYU, Columbia, UPenn, Berkeley, UCLA,
    Waitlists: none

Ecolocomex 2009:
Type of Undergrad: BA Economics top LATAM university
Undergrad GPA: 3.78
Type of Grad: None
Grad GPA: None
GRE: 740Q, 410V 3.5 AWA
Math Courses: Throughout then whole BA studies, never knew about real analysis. Lots of Statistics.
Econ Courses: Advanced Micro, Advanced Micro, Monetary Policy, Industrial Organization, International Trade, Public Sector Economics, Econometrics
Other Courses: Environmental economics, financial markets, etc.
Letters of Recommendation: Professors of economics who also happen to be directors of the graduate school I attended.
Research Experience: Issues in international trade and industrial organization at the construction sector firm.
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: International Economics, Monetary Policy, Financial markets
SOP: Application of economics in public policy issues.
Acceptances: UBC MA (no$), McGill MA ($)
Waitlists: None
Rejections: Yale Phd, LSE MA, Columbia Phd, Harvard Phd, UT Austin Phd.
Pending: UofT
What would you have done differently?
I’d have improved my GRE, and done more research. Perhaps that’s the way the cookie crumbles, and I’m rather into applied economics than a PhD. Perhaps I needed to improve my knowledge of economics through a MA program first, and then decide over MBA or PhD.
    Acceptances: UBC MA (no$), McGill MA ($)
    Rejections: Yale Phd, LSE MA, Columbia Phd, Harvard Phd, UT Austin Phd.
    Waitlists: None

wind up bird 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Large Public University, Top 50 Econ
Undergrad GPA: 3.82
Type of Grad: Masters in Statistics at same school
Grad GPA: 3.75
GRE: 800Q, 700V, 5.5AWA
Math Courses: Calc Sequence, Linear Algebra, Intro to Abstract Math (Baby proofs), Cryptology (Baby Number Theory), Real Analysis I & II, Algebra I, Lots of probability and stats.
Econ Courses: Intro, Intermediate sequences, Econometrics, Public econ, Game Theory, Asymmetric Info, Economic Anthropology, Economic History (graduate), Empirical Methods (graduate), Math camp
Other Courses: Sociology of Sexuality
Letters of Recommendation: 1 Berkeley, 1 UCSD, 1 Stanford. All apparently pretty strong.
Research Experience: 2+ Years of RAing, summer research internship at Fed, crappy honors thesis and undergrad presentations
Teaching Experience: Tutoring for intermdiate micror, TA-ing for stats (only made it to my Cornell application)
Research Interests: Micro theory, decision theory, game theory, mech. design, experimental, economic history, social choice, public economics, etc etc. Short answer is "not macro"
SOP: It was kind of bad, I'm not going to lie. Mostly I tried to demonstrate how I have been gearing myself up for research. Then the last paragraph was tailored for each school; I dropped names at all of them.
Acceptances: Caltech($$$), Northwestern(WL$), UCSD(No$), BU($$$), University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign($$), UNC-Chapel Hill (?$), Boston College($$), UW-Seatte(WL$)
Waitlists: None! Awesome.
Rejections: Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Chicago, UCLA, Cornell
What would you have done differently? Besides working harder in school? Probably nothing. I have an acceptance with funding at my dream school and have some other ego-boosting admits as well.
Comments: Italos is right, letter of recommendation is everything
Might as well document some of my weird admissions cycle happenings as well:
- Boston College sends me an email saying I am not being offered admission because I will get into "superior" schools.
- UW-Seattle pulls the same thing
- Northwestern rejects me, then admits me a week and a half later. Looks like my one top 10 admit really did involve a clerical error.
Attending: Caltech!
    Acceptances: Caltech($$$), Northwestern(WL$), UCSD(No$), BU($$$), University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign($$), UNC-Chapel Hill (?$), Boston College($$), UW-Seatte(WL$)
  • Institution: Caltech Social Sciences PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 28k fellowship first year, TA/RA next four years Notification date: Feb 5 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Still stunned and ecstatic.
  • Institution: UNC Chapel Hill Ph.D. Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Will be decided in March, apparently. Notification date: 2/26/09 11:14 am Notified through: E-mail Comments: Surprised again. It'll take the edge off Athey not calling me too
  • Institution: University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Tuition waiver + fellowship Notification date: 3/09/2009 Notified through: Post
  • Institution: UC San Diego Economics Ph.D. Decision: Admitted (Provisionally) Funding: Not mentioned Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Yay!
  • Institution: BU Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: e-mail Funding:$18700+tution waiver+summer stipend($5000)
    Rejections: Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Chicago, UCLA, Cornell
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/a Notification date: 2/25/09 Notified through: website Comments: Not surprising, hehe
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/02 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Well at least they were snappy about it.
  • Institution: MIT Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: email
  • Institution: UCLA Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Heh. Notification date: Today (5 minutes ago) Notified through: E-mail Comments: Man, UCLA really hates me. Second time I've been rejected. Luckily I MUCH prefer Caltech.
  • Institution: Chicago Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/9/09 Notified through: Mail
  • Institution: Harvard Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Postal Service Comments: Letter dated March 13
  • Institution: Cornell University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/6/2009 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Wasn't gonna go here anyway!
    Waitlists: None! Awesome.

anx1ous 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Econ & Int'l Affairs from top 10 U.S. public (with an 'unranked' econ dept.)
Undergrad GPA: 4.0
GRE: 800Q, 680V, 5.5 AWA
Math Courses: Calc I-III, Linear Algebra, Diff Eqs, Stats I, grad Prob & Stats
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): the usual suspects
Other Courses: lots of poli sci/int'l affairs
Letters of Recommendation: all econ, 2 'unknown' (Berkeley ARE & Michigan State) and 1 'known' (MIT)...probably 2/3 were 'really' strong
Research Experience: in my 4th semester as an RA, worked on 2 projects that led (or rather, are leading) to a working paper & a senior thesis
Teaching Experience: none
Research Interests: applied micro--labor (specifically education) & development
SOP: standard?
Other: did a summer research program at a top 20 dept. (which I think was incredibly instrumental in my outcomes); tried to show that despite my weak math background I at least had some programming skills
Concerns: LACK OF MATH...everything else was ok, I think
What I would have done different: TAKEN MORE MATH, but I didn't know I wanted to do an econ PhD until 2nd semester junior year and was always drawn more to the social sciences than math (and had no idea they could be one and the same!)
Acceptances: Columbia ($), Maryland ($), Berkeley ARE ($), Texas ($), Vanderbilt ($), Georgetown (waitlisted w/ $), GW (no $)
Rejections: Harvard, Yale, NYU, Brown
What could I have done differently?
In terms of the application process: applied to 2-3 fewer lower ranked depts. and put that money/time/effort towards applying to a few more top 10 schools (probably just to cover my bases, as I have no reason to believe that I would've done any 'better'). Also: stayed away from TM/Gradcafe during admissions season!
In terms of preparation: again, done a math minor/double major (for admissions as much as self-preparation--I'm pretty worried now!), but you can only take this 'should've/would've/could've' question so far, since I simply didn't know until later that I wanted to pursue this path or what was required of me.
All in all, however, I am extremely happy with my outcomes. I obviously had zero expectations or I wouldn't have applied to such a wide-ranging group of schools.
    Acceptances: Columbia ($), Maryland ($), Berkeley ARE ($), Texas ($), Vanderbilt ($), Georgetown (
  • Institution: Vanderbilt Econ PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: $15.9K Notification date: 2/9 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: UC-Berkeley ARE PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: fellowship nomination Notification date: 2/5 Notified through: Email Anxiously waiting on: lots
  • Institution: U Texas-Austin Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Notification date: 02/25 Funding: ?? Notified through: E-mail, but via a grad school flyout invitation Comments: Been hearing some negative things about the department recently...
  • Institution: Columbia Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Tuition + $22K Notification date: 02/27 Notified through: E-mail Comments:
  • Institution: Maryland Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: $18K + $5K first summer Notification date: 3/5/09 Notified through: Email
    Rejections: Harvard, Yale, NYU, Brown
  • Institution: Yale Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 02/20 Notified through: E-mail link Comments: No surprise, but still sad (first rejection)
    waitlisted w/ $), GW (no $)
  • Institution: Georgetown Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted for admission w/ funding Funding: $18.5K if accepted Notification date: 3/6/09 Notified through: Email Comments: Oh well?

FierceEconDR 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Math & Econ from the Poor's people Harvard aka CUNY
Undergrad GPA: 3.92/4, Summa Cum Laude
Type of Grad: M.S. Economics courses
Grad GPA: ?
GRE: 790Q, 540V, 5 AWA
Math Courses: All required courses for math degree, Calc I-III + Real Analysis I (B), Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra 1 and 2, Probability Theory(B+), Statistics (Theory) (A+) All others A's
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): Micro and Macro Theory, Labor, International Finance(Macro), Development theory- All A's Advanced econ stats (A+)
Grad courses: Took the Macro, Micro, Econometrics, and some other stuff at a masters in europe. Not in my applications.
Letters of Recommendation: 4 econ professors=1 Berkeley ('semi-known') + 1 Harvard + 1 Kansas/NBER +1 Queen's ('Known'), I am confident they were solid and very enthusiastic.
Research Experience: AEA Summer Training Program, some development research in Paris IX
Teaching Experience: Macro & Micro, Math Tutor
Research Interests: Labor, Development, Applied Micro-econometrics
SOP: I think it was ok, I did it alla S. Athey: Why I want it (duh research!) what research have I done, what papers did i like, some questions I would like to answer, why U X is good. Name dropped in all of them (2 names).
Acceptances: Maryland ($),Texas ($)
Withdrawn: UC Davis
Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Yale, Chicago, UPenn, Berkeley, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Northwestern, UCSD, Brown, Penn State
What could I have done differently?
In terms of the application process: not apply to PSU and apply to Columbia for my NY Bias (not that I would've gotten into!). I have to second: stayed away from TM/Gradcafe during admissions season!
I am extremely happy with UMD so in the end it payed off.
    Acceptances: Maryland ($),Texas ($) Withdrawn: UC Davis
  • Institution: UT- Austin Ph.D. Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TBD Notification date: 2/25/09 Notified through: Email Comments: Relieved!
  • Institution: Maryland - College Park Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: $18+(5K first year)+tuition waiver+health insurance Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Some wiggle room for me!!!
    Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Yale, Chicago, UPenn, Berkeley, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Northwestern, UCSD, Brown, Penn State
  • Institution: Yale University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/20/09 Notified through: Email directing me to status on website. Comments: My first rejection.
  • Institution: PSU Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/24/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck!
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/02 Notified through: E-mail Commentsevastated...
  • Institution: MIT Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck, everyone
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Don't really care at this point...
  • Institution: UPenn Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/6/09 Notified through: E-mail to check website
  • Institution: NYU Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: -100$ Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Email to Marjorie
  • Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Website Comment: It is becoming clearer where I am going to be.
  • Institution: Harvard Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: postal Comment: Guess I will not be naming my dog Elle Woods!
  • Institution: Chicago Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: Postal dated Comments: Would not have gone even if I gotten in, whatever....
  • Institution: UCSD Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/18 Notified through: E-mail Comments: No surprise at this point
  • Institution: Brown University Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/20 Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution nstitution: Cornell Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/14/2009 Notified through: E-Mail Comments: As if I care...JA

mermel 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Math, B.S. Econ honors from top 40 public school, Math semester abroad at strong Russian math program
Undergrad GPA: 3.94, Econ 4.0, Math 3.93
GRE: 800Q, 600V, 5.5AWA
Math Courses: Multivar Calc, DiffEq, Number Theory, Matrices (Linear Algebra), Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Probability, Topology, Complex Analysis, Computability and Complexity (all A's), Combinatorics (B), Integer Partitions (B+)
Econ Courses: All those required for undergrad econ, was in Honors Economics program my senior year
Letters of Recommendation: 3 from econ professors, one from Econ PhD partner at the firm where I work, PhD's from Chicago, Princeton, Harvard, and Berkeley, 2 I am sure are very strong, and others are probably strong as well
Research Experience: Not any good research experience undergrad. Have been working in econ consulting since, so that sort of counts.
Teaching Experience: just tutoring
Research Interests: Micro theory, game theory, decision theory
SOP: I'm not really sure how to judge my SOP, I think it told a good story of why I want to get econ PhD.
Concerns: Lack of research experience, I had a withdrawal passing from graduate level analysis when I decided to do a second major in econ rather than doing a masters in math. I stated this in many of my essays, so hopefully that's ok.
Other: Working for past 2.5 years in economics litigation consulting
Attending: Northwestern
Admitted, Declined: UPenn
Waitlists: Princeton(eventually rejected), Chicago(Admitted without funding for first 2 years)
Rejections: Harvard, MIT, NYU, Berkeley, Stanford, NSF
What would you have done differently?
I think some RA'ing as an undergraduate would have helped, but I am very happy with Northwestern and don't really have any regrets.
    Attending: Northwestern Admitted, Declined: UPenn
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: ? Application site doesnt say, maybe waitlisted like others? Notification date: 2/26/09 Notified through: Checked the application website Comments: First one, woohoo
  • Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 25k a year or so, they make it confusing Notification date: March 2 Notified through: e-mail
  • Institution: Chicago Econ PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: No funding first 2 years Notification date: April 15, 5:07 pm Notified through: e-mail Comments: I emailed them last week saying they could take me off the waitlist. I figured if I got anything after that it would be a spiteful rejection.
    rejected), Chicago(
  • Institution: Berkeley Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: n/a Notification date: March 2 Notified through: email Comments: Gotta give them kudos for getting rejects out so fast after accepts, but I still gotta say .... damn hippies.
  • Institution: MIT Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: e-mail
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/6/09 Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: NYU Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: I e-mailed and asked Comments:If you haven't heard I would recommend e-mailing Marjorie, she replied in short time and said to take one of my other offers (which I didn't say I had any)
  • Institution: Harvard Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Postal Service Comments:
    Waitlists: Princeton(eventually
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: 25,750 if admitted Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail Comments: They said they are targeting admitting 22-23 people, 15 people are on waitlist and number that get offers varies by year
  • Institution: Chicago Decision: Waitlist Funding: some sort of funding if admitted, but it's unclear Notification date: 3/10 Notified through: snail mail Comment: "In a normal year, I would be offering you admission and financial aid at this time."

jeeves0923 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Math, B.A. Economics (Both Honors), Virginia Tech
Undergrad GPA: 3.90
Type of Grad: M.S. Math, Virginia Tech
Grad GPA: 3.90
GRE: 800Q, 610V, 4.5AWA
Math Courses(undergrad): through Real Analysis I & II.
Math Courses(PhD): Abstract Algebra, Stochastic Processes, Measure Theory, Matrix Theory
Econ Courses: Lots of electives + PhD Micro, Metrics, Labor.
Other Courses: Half an engineering degree, history minor.
Letters of Recommendation: 3 Econ Profs (didn't end up using the math prof). All extremely good (at least that's what a couple adcoms told me)
Research Experience: A couple of papers, 4 semesters of econ research, one math theory paper, a bunch of presentations
Teaching Experience:Quite a lot- Calculus, Vector Geometry, Writing Coach, Micro Econ Theory, and some tutoring
Research Interests: Micro Theory, Political Economy, IO... maybe some other applied micro
SOP: I think it was too long, and I would have done a bit differently (see the link below)
Other: I fly airplanes and cook, but not at the same time
Attending: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Accepted: NSF, MIT($$), Kellogg (MEcS) ($$), UChicago ($$), Minnesota($$), Duke ($$), Michigan(no $), Berkeley Law School
Wait List: Princeton, not eventually admitted
Rejections: Stanford GSB, Yale, NYU, Columbia, Penn, Harvard, Berkeley
What would you have done differently? (And What A Strange Ride It's Been- Advice if you Come from an Unknown State School) I did better than I expected
Nothing too drastic. I'm so happy!
    Attending: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Accepted: NSF, MIT($$), Kellogg (MEcS) ($$), UChicago ($$), Minnesota($$), Duke ($$), Michigan(no $), Berkeley Law School
  • Institution: Northwestern Kellogg Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 30K for 5 years Notification date: 2/23/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Life couldn't get much better right now.
  • Institution: Duke University Ph.D. Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Fully Funded - specifics in the mail Notification date: 2/26/09 Notified through: e-mail Comments: Withdrawing once I get official Kellogg offer
  • Institution: University of Michigan Programme: Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Notification Date: 31/03/2009 Funding: None Comments: Same as Fille. I will be declining.
  • Institution: University of Minnesota Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Complicated with NSF Notification date: 4/9/2009 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Said they were going to accept me anyway
  • Institution: MIT Econ PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Yes Notification date: April 15, 11:59 AM Notified through: Phone Call Comments: I will be attending!
    Rejections: Stanford GSB, Yale, NYU, Columbia, Penn, Harvard, Berkeley
  • Institution: Yale University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/20/09 Notified through: Email to check website Comments: Even though it wasn't a good match for me, it stings bigtime.
  • Institution: Stanford GSB EA&P Decision: Rejected Notification date: 2/23/09 Notified through: Email/website Comments: Psh... Still too happy about Kellogg to let this get me down
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 03/02 Notified through: E-mail Comments: This one hurts a lot, actually... but it will probably end up making my final decision easier...
  • Institution: MIT Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Came home after a 16.5 hour drive today to this...I guess they liked me better last year without graduate math classes... one step closer to Evanston...
  • Institution: Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail directing me to website. Comments: Shazam! Bam! Out at Columbia!
  • Institution: UPenn Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/6/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: That makes 0-4 on target schools! 1-3-1 on reaches. 1-1-1 on safeties. What a strange year! 1 safety, 2 targets left...
  • Institution: Harvard Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: Postal dated 3/13 Comments: I compared it to last year's rejection. There are only two differences: 1. The date in the top left. 2. We regret to inform you that you have not been admitted for 2009 (last year it said 2008). Nice.
    Wait List: Princeton, not eventually
  • Institution: Minnesota Ph.D. Economics Decision: Waitlisted Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/24/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: What a random process! I'm surprised, but not upset. Nothing can upset me after yesterday
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: 25,750 if admitted Notification date: 3/5 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Ecstatic! This is fantastic news!
  • Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics, PhD Decision: Waitlisted Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: Phone Comments: Joining Fille. 4 waitlists. 2 from reaches and 2 from safeties. What an odd year.

funkychinamen 2009:
Type of Undergrad: Top 10 Econ program, transfer from top 40 Econ program, Econ major
Undergrad GPA: 3.892 /4.000
Type of Grad: None
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: 780Q 480V 4.5AWA
Math Courses: Calc I, Calc II, Calc III, Vector Calc, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Probability Theory, Linear Algebra - proof-based, Intro to Proofs, Real Analysis, Math Stats (Spring)
Econ Courses: Intermed Micro, Intermed Macro, Topics in Macro, Analysis of Econ Data, I.O., International Micro, International Macro, Labor, Intro to Mathematical Econ, Game Theory, Econometrics, Grad Micro I, Applied Econometrics (Spring)
Letters of Recommendation: One from an associate professor in the Ag Econ department who I researched with, one from an assistant professor at Business School who I researched with, one from professor who taught grad course
Research Experience: One year with an associate professor in the Ag Econ department, One semester with assistant professor in Business school, senior thesis in progress
Teaching Experience: None
Research Interests: I.O., Micro Theory, Labor
SOP: Looked back at it the other day. I HOPE they didn’t read it.
USC Marshall ($), Duke ($), Northwestern ($), UCSD (No $), Texas (No $), Boston U (No $)
UPenn (rejected), Caltech (rejected)
Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, MIT, Minnesota, Maryland, UCLA Anderson, Harvard, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Brown
What would you have done differently?
I would have studied harder for the GRE, finished a major in applied math, and applied to UCLA econ.
(Not-so) Fun Facts:
-Not accepted to any Ivy League school (UPenn waitlist)
-Not accepted to any school that used the Embark system (Caltech waitlist)
Attending: Northwestern!
    Acceptances: USC Marshall ($), Duke ($), Northwestern ($), UCSD (No $), Texas (No $), Boston U (No $)
  • Institution: Duke University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: In the mail Notification date: 2/25/09 Notified through: email to website Comments: Hoo- and -ray!
  • Institution: Northwestern University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Doesn't say Notification date: 2/26/09 9:00PM PST Notified through: Checked applyyourself Comments: Take that, Minnesota!
  • Institution: UC San Diego Economics Ph.D. Decision: Admitted (Provisionally) Funding: Not mentioned Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: E-mail Comments: YAY! One of my top choices! Feels good after a whole week of Top 10 rejections
  • Institution: UT Austin Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Dunno... still confused. Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: Website Comments: No e-mail...just checked the website. It says: "We're pleased to inform you that you've been accepted to The University of Texas at Austin. We recommend that you contact your graduate adviser as soon as possible. It's a pleasure to welcome you as a graduate student." Although, I did receive an e-mail from Eugenio J. Miravete making a correction to an e-mail he sent earlier regarding the date of the flyout...I never received the first e-mail...
  • Institution: Boston University Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: "Financial Aid Alternate" Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: E-mail Comments: I think getting accepted without aid to schools that are lower on your list than ones you've already been accepted to is absolutely great. You don't feel bad about being rejected, but it doesn't really change the set of schools you have to make a decision on. Will probably decline soon.
    rejected), Caltech (rejected) Rejections: Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, MIT, Minnesota, Maryland, UCLA Anderson, Harvard, Michigan, NYU, Cornell, Brown
  • Institution: Stanford University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/6/09 Notified through: E-mail AND Postal Comments: What a better way to end a week of 5 rejections and 1 wait-list (not to mention 2 problem sets, and a Stat lab report), except with, not only another rejection from my dream school, but the official rejection letter in my mailbox when I come home? YAY!
  • Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Website Comments: Kind of feeling like Northwestern was a fluke...granted, the most AMAZING fluke of my life.
  • Institution: Cornell University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 4/6/2009 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Not an Ivy-Leaguer
    Waitlists: UPenn (
  • Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD Decision: Waitlisted Funding: N/A Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: Email

Cricketer 2009:
Type of Undergrad: BA Economics - Top British Uni
Undergrad GPA: First Class
Type of Grad: MA Economics - Top Brit. Uni
Grad GPA: (Exp. Distinction)
GRE: 780Q, 600V, 5.5AWA
Econ Courses: Lots of courses + Grad Micro, Macro, Metrics, Networks.
Letters of Recommendation: 3 economic professors. All know me pretty well
Research Experience: Not much - only undergrad dissertation
Teaching Experience:None
Research Interests: Micro Theory, Development
SOP: Wrote what I am interested in and who I would like to work with. Why that uni
Other: Cricket.
Attending: MIT
Accepted: MIT($$) - after waitlist, LSE ($$$), Cambridge ($$$)
Rejections: Stanford, Chicago, Harvard
Comments: Was apparently very close at Stanford.
What would you have done differently? Nothing much, except apply to a few more places perhaps. Twas a tad risky only applying to four US places I guess
    Attending: MIT Accepted: MIT($$) - after
    Rejections: Stanford, Chicago, Harvard Comments: Was apparently very close at Stanford.
    waitlist, LSE ($$$), Cambridge ($$$)

Nebuchadrezzar 2009:
Type of Undergrad: european, gpa scale
Undergrad GPA: 3.8/4.0
Type of Grad: european masters
Grad GPA: n/a
GRE: 800 q, 440 verbal, 4.0 awa
Math Courses: calculus 1, 2, 3, diff eq, real analysis 1 2, topology, lin alg
Econ Courses: int mic, int mac, labor, game theory, io, phd micro 1 2, phd macro 1,2 , phd metrics 1, 2, optimization
Other Courses: -
Letters of Recommendation: 3 from home inst, at least 2 of them should be good
Research Experience: term paper, honors thesis
Teaching Experience: ta in several courses
Research Interests: micro-macro theory, game theory
SOP: standard sop summarizing my profle
Other: -
Acceptances: rochester($), wisconsin(no $), michigan($)
Waitlists: wustl
Rejections: harvard, mit, chicago, nw, upenn, nyu, columbia, stanford, berkeley, caltech, cornell, yale, princeton...!!
Pending: -
going to: university of michigan
What would you have done differently?
i could study more in masters and send my transcript and get a letter of recommendation from there maybe. i don't know if that would help with the top 10. but i am happy to go to michigan!
    Acceptances: rochester($), wisconsin(no $), michigan($)
    Rejections: harvard, mit, chicago, nw, upenn, nyu, columbia, stanford, berkeley, caltech, cornell, yale, princeton...!!
    Waitlists: wustl

calgrad08 2009:
Type of Undergrad: UC Berkeley, double major in Economics and Applied Math (with high honors)
Undergrad GPA: 3.9
GRE: 800Q, 710V, 5.5A
Math Courses (Undergrad level): multivariable calc, linear algebra (2 semesters), abstract algebra, numerical analysis, real analysis, complex analysis
Econ Courses (Undergrad level): micro, advanced micro, macro, metrics, applied metrics, game theory, development, psych & econ
Econ Courses (PhD level): metrics (2 semesters)
Other Courses: probability theory; operations research courses for applied math concentration
Letters of Recommendation: 1 from prof for whom I’d worked for years as an RA, 1 from advanced micro prof, and 1 from grad metrics prof
Research Experience: 3 years (including summers) working for Berkeley profs; 1 summer at Treasury Dept; 1 year at Federal Reserve Bank
Teaching Experience: none
Research Interests: metrics, applied micro
SOP: nothing special, and I didn't customize it at all for the different schools
Other: submitted NSF app but didn’t win
Acceptances: Berkeley, Chicago, Michigan, Northwestern, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, UCSD, Wisconsin
Waitlists: Brown
Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Yale
Pending: none
Attending: Princeton
What would you have done differently?
--Senior honors thesis, both for the sake of submitting it along with my apps and being able to say that I'd done one, and for the good practice it would have been to have done my own research. I also would have tried to coauthor something with my profs, or at least get more involved in the analysis/writing of their papers rather than the (mostly) data-prep work I did for them as an RA.
--Attend office hours. I got quite good letters from my recommenders, but I can't help but think it would have been good to get to know them (and other professors) better.
--Grad-level micro. Metrics was great and I would certainly take it again if I was doing things over, but it would have been nice to have had micro under my belt as well.
But honestly I've had great luck in the admissions process and I'm thrilled to be heading to Princeton this fall. These "things I would have done differently" are really minor in the grand scheme of things, and with so much noise in the process anyway, would hardly have made much of a difference. The admissions game is as much a mystery to me now as it was before I applied!
    Acceptances: Berkeley, Chicago, Michigan, Northwestern, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, UCSD, Wisconsin
  • Institution: Wisconsin Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: to be worked out if I respond with serious interest in attending Notification date: 2/25/09 Notified through: email Comments: first acceptance!
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: waitlisted for 1st yr funding; full tuition plus stipend in subsequent years Notification date: 2/26/09 Notified through: Email with attached pdf Comments:
  • Institution: University of Chicago Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: ?? Notification date: received by mail today Notified through: postal service Comments:
  • Institution: U Penn Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: tuition, fees, health insurance, plus $21,630 stipend for 5 yrs Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: e-mail Comments:
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: ?? Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: short mass email without any details. official letter of admission and other information will be sent via US mail tomorrow
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 28,5k+tuition waiver+TA Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Notification date: 3/6 Funding: forthcoming Notified through: email Comments :
  • Institution: Michigan Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: ? Notification date: 3/11 Notified through: Email Comments: the offer letter wasn't attached to the email as it should have been. I'm emailing them back about it.
  • Institution: UCSD Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Like the others, no mention. Notification date: 3/11 Notified through: Email
    Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Yale
  • Institution: Yale Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 2/20/09 Notified through: email directing to website Comments:
  • Institution: MIT Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: e-mail Comments:
  • Institution: Harvard Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Postal Service Comments: Letter dated March 13
    Waitlists: Brown
  • Institution: Brown Economics PhD Decision: waitlisted Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: e-mail Comments:

untitled 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.S. Math, BA International Studies (mid ranked Midwest Flagship State School)
Undergrad GPA: 3.65
Type of Grad: M.S. Math (mid ranked but slightly better Midwest Flagship State School)
Grad GPA: 3.6
GRE: 800Q, 600V, 5.5AW (scored 800, 590, 6 before MS degree)
Math Courses (undergrad): Lots, some Bs, B+/A- average
Math (grad): Lots, still a couple Bs, A- average
Econ Courses (grad): Few
Econ Courses (undergrad): None
Other Courses: Physics Minor, once, lots of Poli Sci before I realized math + poli sci =~ econ
Letters of Recommendation: Two Math, One Poli Sci, One Econ. Econ was extremely strong
Research Experience: Math Thesis, RA at academic leaning econ consulting firm
Teaching Experience: Taught micro, macro, math econ, and econ stats principles courses during two year stint at local university while working as a consultant
Research Interests: Econometrics, Resource Economics, Decision Theory, Development
SOP: Focused on work/research experience - probably would have done it differently
Concerns: yes, mostly private.
Acceptances: University of Washington - Seattle
Waitlists: none
Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford, Duke, Boston University, Davis, Pittsburgh, UCSD, UBC
What would you have done differently?
I can think of one or two classes where an A might have made a difference. Also, it might have been helpful to take at least some econ classes as an undergrad, but I'm glad I didn't, as I enjoyed my undergrad enough. Many private things.
    Acceptances: University of Washington - Seattle
  • Institution: University of Washington - Seattle Economics Ph.D. Decision: Accepted Funding: Pending (I hope) Notification date: 3/14 Notified through: E-mail Comments:
    Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford, Duke, Boston University, Davis, Pittsburgh, UCSD, UBC
  • Institution: Duke Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 2/17 Notified through: E-mail / Website Comments:
  • Institution: Yale Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 2/20 Notified through: E-mail/Website Comments:
  • Institution: Stanford Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/6 Notified through: E-mail Comments:
  • Institution: UC-Davis Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/11 Notified through: E-mail Comments:
  • Institution: Pittsburgh Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: E-mail Comments:
  • Institution: UCSD Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/19 Notified through: E-mail Comments:There were a couple other top 10 schools, but you get the picture.
    Waitlists: none

tmdruie 2009:
So I can get on the shiny charts!
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Physics and Economics from a top 10 liberal arts college
Undergrad GPA: 3.14/4.0
Type of Grad: One stats class
Grad GPA: 3.3
GRE: 790Q, 600V, 5.0AW
Math Courses: Calc I-III(I took them in high school, I really dont remember and nor do my transcripts), Linear Algebra (B), Mathematical Probability and Statistics (B-, B), Real Analyst(A, at a different school then my undergrad), Stochastic Processes (B+, grad course, at a different school then my undergrad)
Econ Courses: AP Micro and Macro (A, in high school), European Economic History (B+), Law and Economics (B), Intermediate Price Theory (B), Intermediate Macro Theory (B), Econometrics (B), Contemporary British Economy (B), Industrial Revolution-Britain (A-), Econ of Multinational Corps (A-), Thesis (labor econ)
Other Courses: Physics, which I put in my math lists. Quantum Mechanics I, Partial Differential Equations (B+), etc. I only did the bare minimum for a liberal arts major
Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ professors (my thesis advisor and the person who led my study abroad), 1 physics professor (thesis advisor), 1 economist who is my supervisor
Research Experience: RA for 2.5 years at a central bank
Teaching Experience: Tutored, graded and lab assisted for two years for physics in college
Research Interests: All over the place. Labor, policy, experimental, applied micro, development, etc.
SOP: Intro, I did physics I can do math!, I wrote a thesis in economic and liked doing research, Im working as an RA and like doing research, I took extra math and can write proofs, I was part of an econ paper reading group and like reading papers, interests (changed a bit depending on what the school had, and more policy oriented for ag econ schools). Also a few sentences about things I did that I removed or added depending on the school. The 500 word schools were hard, the 1000 word schools were easy. I also had a Personal History Statement about being a female doing math for the schools that wanted it.
Other: Applied for the NSF. I tried not to say anything to risky, and not say much about interest in policy to non policy/ ag econ schools. I like Aikido.
Acceptances: Boston University (waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA)
Waitlists: University of Minnesota
Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics)
Pending: Toronto MA, Queens MA
What would you have done differently?
Gotten better grades in undergrad. When I really started understanding what the things I need to do for a PhD I think I did the best I could, took real analysis, applied for the NSF (if only to write a SoP for them), read papers etc. I probably could have gotten more research experience at my job (co-author), and I defiantly could have gotten better grades and taken more math as an undergrad. But over all Im happy.
Boston University
    Acceptances: Boston University (
    Rejections: MIT, Harvard (Econ and Political Economy and Government), Yale, Berkeley (Agricultural & Resource Economics), Northwestern, NYU, U Penn (Econ and Wharton), University of Wisconsin Madison (Econ and Agricultural and Applied Economics ), Columbia, Brown, Cornell, Caltech, University of British Columbia , Ohio State, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Econ and Public Policy and Economics), University of Maryland (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Boston College, Johns Hopkins, University of Minnesota (Applied Economics), University of California Davis (Econ and Agricultural Economics), Duke, University of Essex, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon (Econ, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Public Policy and Economics)
    waitlist for $), Michigan State(no $), University of Essex (ISER), Ohio State (Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics) ($-Fellowship), Indiana University ($-TA), Iowa State University ($-TA) Waitlists: University of Minnesota

DreamFactory 2009:
Type of Undergrad: BBA (minor Econ), International applicant, not top but one of the best schools in my country.
Undergrad GPA: 3.83/4.00 after rescale, summa cum laude (within 2% of the graduates, but the transcripts doesn't offer the rank anymore)
Type of Grad: Same school, MA econ - major:Economic theory (expected aug. 2009)
Grad GPA: 4.0/4.0 after rescale
GRE: 800Q, 670V, 4.0AWA
Math/Stat Courses:
Calculus I (B+),II (A), Intro to Probability (A+), Differential Equations I (B+), Linear Algebra I (Aced all exams, A+), II (A+), Analysis I (A+), II(A+), Topology I (A+), Stochastic Processes (A+), grad Real Analysis I (A)
Econ Courses: undergraduate - Principles I (A+),II (A), Biz Econ (A), Monetary (A), Financial (B+), Micro (A+), Macro (A), Metrics (B+)/ graduate - Micro I (A+) II (A), Macro I (A), II (A+), Metrics I (A+), Financial Economics (A), Micro Seminar (A+), Public Sector Economics II (A+)
Other Courses: Bunch in biz. especially in finance (mostly A's or A+'s in finance)
Letters of Recommendation: 2 econ (both micro), 2 biz (both finance), 1 math (analysis 1,2, topology 1), all very strong but not so famous
Research Experience: RA for 2 semesters (participated in a project), 1 working paper, conference participation etc.
Teaching Experience: grad Micro I (MWG) - 2 semesters
Research Interests: Behavioral Finance/Economics/Experimental, Market Microstructure, various topics in Micro Theory......actually almost everything in Finance and Economics since most of them are interesting (I'll choose them after I get to know more)
SOP: no idea how it look like to the adcoms.
Other: External fellowship.(5 years of tuition+health+18k)
Acceptances/Attending: U of Chicago (Econ, very late admission!)
Waitlists: none
Rejections: 4 econ (actually I was rejected from Chicago econ in March) - Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia
17 finance - Booth, Kellogg, Wharton, Stanford GSB, Sloan, Stern, Haas, Fuqua, Tepper, Simon, Anderson, UIUC, OSU, UMinn-TC, Eli Broad, Wisc-Madison, Johnson
Pending: LSE MSc Finance and Economics (Applied after all those dings)
What would you have done differently?
I would've concentrated more on my SOPs. Should've had different major in my undergrad (changing major is not allowed in my alma mater, and Biz major had toooooooo many required courses back then). Also, I should have gone for exchange student in the U.S. when young...get some LORs from famous faculties there...BUT I DON'T CARE ex-post, I got into one of my favorite school!
    Acceptances/Attending: U of Chicago (Econ, very late admission!)
    Rejections: 4 econ (actually I was rejected from Chicago econ in March) - Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia 17 finance - Booth, Kellogg, Wharton, Stanford GSB, Sloan, Stern, Haas, Fuqua, Tepper, Simon, Anderson, UIUC, OSU, UMinn-TC, Eli Broad, Wisc-Madison, Johnson
    Waitlists: none

Mobius Strip 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. Mathematics and Economics from a top 10-15 liberal arts college
Undergrad GPA: 3.87/4.0
Type of Grad: NA
Grad GPA: NA
GRE: 800Q, 570V, 5.0AW
Math Courses: Calc I-III, Linear Alg, Modern Alg, Adv Modern Alg, Real Analysis, Game Theory (in Math Dept), Topology, Chaos Theory. Received department honors in Math.
Econ Courses: Basically all of them, 4.0 GPA, Thesis (A), Department Honors, Brownell Prize for Distinction in the Study of Political Economy
Other Courses: NA
Letters of Recommendation: 2 from Federal Reserve, 1 Math from Undergrad
Research Experience: RA for 3 years at FRB in DC. Co-authored published paper on racial discrimination in credit markets.
Teaching Experience: NA
Research Interests: Labor (Education), Real Estate, Financial Markets
SOP: Talked about my volunteer activities in tough, urban schools and how it shaped my interests in research in education. Transition to work at the Fed regarding discrimination in the credit markets. Final, throw-away paragraph naming some profs at schools who I'd be interested in working with.
Other: Crushed by NSF
Acceptances: U Michigan (off waitlist, after 0-14 start)
Waitlists: NA
Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Berkeley, Princeton, Chicago, Chicago Booth, Northwestern, Wharton, U Penn, NYU, Columbia, Duke
Pending: NA
Outside Fellowship: Received a $20k fellowship from undergrad college to supplement lack of funding from UM
What would you have done differently?
After receiving NSF results and reading Jeeves's posts, spelling out the broader impacts to make it easier to checklist. I scored fairly well on intellectual merit, but only average on the broader impacts.
Other than that, it's hard to say. I had nearly a 3.9 GPA with a Math and Econ double major, 3 years at the Federal Reserve, a published paper, and a presented working paper. I did spend 3 years in the private sector at a major bank, which probably hurt my admissions results, but gave me a broader personal, real-world experience that I do not regret taking.
Attending: U Michigan - Ann Arbor
    Acceptances: U Michigan (off
  • Institution: University of Michigan Programme: Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Notification Date: 31/03/2009 Funding: None Comments: Now 1 for 15!
    Rejections: MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Berkeley, Princeton, Chicago, Chicago Booth, Northwestern, Wharton, U Penn, NYU, Columbia, Duke
  • Institution: Yale University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/20/09 Notified through: Email to check website Comments: Did Yale and Duke have to be my first two responses?
  • Institution: Chicago Booth Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Notification date: 2/24/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Getting frustrated ...
  • Institution: Northwestern Ph.D. Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: Notification date: 2/26/09 Notified through: ApplyYourself Website, No email
  • Institution: Wharton Applied Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Checked website Comments: Probably was my last shot: 800Q, 3.9 GPA, Math/Econ double major, and 3 years at the FRB -- but no graduate school in the Fall. $#@!
    waitlist, after 0-14 start) Waitlists: NA
  • Institution: Michigan Economics, PhD Decision: Waitlist Notification date: 3/20 Notified through: snail mail Comments: Tease! Just when I got past anger and denial and into acceptance ...

softsquirrel 2009:
Type of Undergrad: France's top Grandes Ecoles(2 years in a top "Classe Princeton Reviewépa" if anyone knows it)
Undergrad GPA: 4.35/4.4, 1st out of 500 (Our school thinks its students merit a 10% bonus on GPA and that's why they add that, which made me some trouble as I always have to explain that)
Type of Grad: Same school(The system is weird in France, basically it's 2+3 years after high school and they deliver a somewhat Master-equivalent degree at the end)
GRE: 800Q, 720V, 4.5AWA
TOEFL IBT: 115(27Speaking and 28Writing)
Math Courses: basically everything, almost like a math majoring student
Econ Courses (undergrad-level): baby micro+macro+corporate finance
Econ Courses (grad-level): Micro, Macro, Econometrics, Development , Growth, Game Theory, Financial Economics etc.
Letters of Recommendation: 1 from a well-known French prof teaching economics in US top universities, 1 Oxford Phd (eco), 1 School prof(eco), another 1 schoolprof(math)
Research Experience: only one team-based research on auction theory
Teaching Experience: 2 years TA on maths for 2nd-year math students (the so-called "colle" in our argot)
Research Interests: macro+international
SOP: quitewell-written, I think
Applying to: Princeton, Yale, Harvard, MIT, Chicago, Stanford, NYU, UPenn, Columbia
Commnet: little research experience, but it's the problem for all candidates from French Grandes Ecoles
  • Institution: Yale University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Fellowship: 25.5K from University fellowship +11k from growth center for at least 4 years + Health Insurance Notification date: 2/19/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: now I can wait for the rest with much more patience
  • Institution: Columbia Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: no funding but placed #1 on the wait list for funding... Notification date: 02/27 Notified through: Email Comments: now I start to have the intuition that I'm out at Harvard...
  • Institution: MIT Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 28k for 2 years + TA + tuition Notification date: 03/02 Notified through: e-mail Comments: I woke up and saw the email, it was great!!!!!
  • Institution: Chicago Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Not mentioned Notification date: 03/02 Notified through: snail mail Comments: and I went downstairs to check the mailbox and found THIS, now it's marvelous!!!!!!!
  • Institution: University of Pennsylvania Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: "high on the waiting list" Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 28,5k+tuition waiver+TA Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Notification date: 3/6 Funding: info coming in letter Notified through: email
  • Institution: Harvard Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: Postal dated 3/13
  • Institution: NYU Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/18 Notified through: email Comments: I was just looking for how to withdraw the application and received this....

italos 2009:
In this thread please post only your results.For further comments please refer to other threads in the forum
Notification date:
Notified through:
  • Institution: UC Santa Cruze In International Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TBA Notification date: 2/20/09 Notified through:Email Comments: European Union citizen, Security school where I also have a personal connection
  • Institution: UW-Madison Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: unable to offer financial support for the first year of study.They can provide support in the three years of study following the first year,conditional to satisfactory progress Notification date: 3/12 Notified through: Email Comments: I need funding also for the first year!!!!
  • Institution: Washington University in St. Louis Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 0 Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: E-mail Comments:WTF I need funding!!!!!
  • Institution: University Of Maryland, College Park Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: 0 Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: I emailed Vickie Comments:WTF once again! I need funding!!!!
  • Institution: European University Institute(EUI) Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted for Interview Funding: full if admitted Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: I called Comments:Going to Florence!
  • Institution: JHU Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted Funding None Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: I emailed Comments: WTF once again no funding.I think I deserve the Antichorn award for the most unfunded applicant!!!
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: -100+DHL expenditures Notification date: Today(10 minutes ago) Notified through: Email Comments: A kinda of expected. It seems to be a mass email
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: -100 +DHL cost Notification date: Today (10 minutes ago) Notified through: E-mail Comments: that was something I was expecting since December as they were already in posses of last years LORs..
  • Institution: Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/5, Funding -51 Euro paid to DHL Notified through: I emailed Jody Comments: At least I saved my money on the application fee as I preferred to sent later a check.I was told that they were going to read my file anyway and if admitted I could pay it later
  • Institution:Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/6 Cost: Application fee+GRE and TOEFL score reports +DHL Notified through: email Comments :I I was expecting that.....
  • Institution: University of Chicago Decision: Rejected Cost: application fee+TOEFL+GRE reports+ DHL Notification date: Today, Letter dated March 6 2009 Notified through: postal service
  • Institution: NYU Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Cost: usual application fee +TOEFL and GRE reports +DHL Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: I emailed Marjorie Lesser(very nice lady) Comments:I was hoping something more from NYU as I had a stellar letter of recommendation from an NYU alumni who happens to be also my coauthor.But just let me say that I know what is the real reason not only for NYU but for all the other outcomes
  • Institution: Harvard Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: postal service Comment : Not much to say
  • Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/18 Notified through: Website Comments: I had an alumni as a letter of recommendation writer who has strongly supported me but I think it has more to do with another issue on my profile which is also confirmed by the other results
  • Institution: University of Minnesota Programme: Economics PhD Decision: Rejected (e-mail) Notification Date: 04/01/2009 Comments: I was on the waiting list and just got the email form Kara that I am out.I am disappointed but my options now seem to be clear!Let's say that the only thing that makes me laugh is that I will not have to spend the next 5 years under -40 °C!

jnaecker 2009:
Institution: Caltech
Program: Social Science Ph.D.
Decision: Accepted
Funding: 28k plus tuition and fees
Notification date: Feb 5, 4 pm PST
Notified through: Email
Institution: UCLA
Program: Economics PhD
Decision: Accepted
Funding: Tuition and fees totaling 10,000 in year 1, plus eligible for department supplementary fellowship. Tuition, fees, and living expenses in years 2-4.
Notification date: 2/10/09, 1 pm PST
Notified through: email
Notes: 2 for 2!
  • Institution: Caltech Social Science Ph.D. Decision: Accepted Funding: 28k plus tuition and fees Notification date: Feb 5, 4 pm PST Notified through: Email Comments:
  • Institution: UCLA Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: Tuition and fees totaling 10,000 in year 1, plus eligible for department supplementary fellowship. Tuition, fees, and living expenses in years 2-4. Notification date: 2/10/09, 1 pm PST Notified through: email Notes: 2 for 2!
  • Institution: Northwestern Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: 20.5 K fellowship Notification date: 2/25/09, 1:22 pm Pacific Time Notified through: Email with attached pdf. Comments: Back to a winning average!
  • Institution: UC Berkeley Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: TBA Notification date: 3/3, 3:43 pm Pacific Notified through: E-mail Comments: short mass email without any details. official letter of admission and other information will be sent via US mail tomorrow
  • Institution: Penn Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: High on waitlist for fellowship Notification date: 3/5, 2:00 pm Pacific Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: Stanford Economics PhD Decision: Admitted Notification date: 3/6, 4 pm pacific time Funding: info coming in letter Notified through: email Comments : hells yeah
  • Institution: UC San Diego Economics Ph.D. Decision: Admitted Funding: Not mentioned Notification date: 3/12, 9:20 am Pacific time Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: Wharton Applied Economics Ph.D. Decision: Accepted Notification date: 3/17 Notified through: Email
  • Institution: Yale University Economics Decision: Rejected Funding: N/A Notification date: 2/20/09, 9:30 am Pacific Notified through: Email directing me to status on website Comments: My first rejection.
  • Institution: Stanford GSB Organizational Behavior Decision: Rejected Notification date: 2/23/09 Notified through: Email directing me to status onwebsite Comments: Oh well.
  • Institution: MIT Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3, 12:19 pm Pacific Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: Princeton University Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/5, 11:45 am Pacific time. Notified through: E-mail
  • Institution: Columbia Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/5, 5:00 pm PST Notified through: E-mail directing me to website. Comments: Phooey.
  • Institution: Chicago Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/9 Notified through: Postal service.
  • Institution: Harvard Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/16 Notified through: Postal Service Comments: Letter dated March 13.

averageall 2009:

  • Institution: UC Santa Cruz In International Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: TBA Notification date: 2/21/09 (10 mins ago) Notified through: Email Comments: I am an international student. Out for Yale.
  • Institution: NYU Economics, PhD Decision: Rejected Funding: -100$ Notification date: 3/13 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Email to Marjorie and got reply, "I am afraid you are not on our current admissions list." Only 18 slots for more than 800 applicants.
  • Institution: Harvard Economics PhD Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/19 (Official letter) Notified through: Mail Funding: -100$ Comments: Expected!


knickerbocker 2009:
Type of Undergrad: B.A. in Economics, Math, Applied Math, Top 7 econ program, Minor Japanese Language and Culture
Undergrad GPA: 3.94/4.0 PBK, Econ 4.0/4.0, Math 4.0/4.0
Type of Grad: N/A
Grad GPA: N/A
GRE: Q 790; V 620; AW 5.5
Math Courses: Calc I-III, Linear Algebra, Math Stats, Real Analysis I,II, Higher Level Math
Econ Courses: A lot
Other Courses: Mostly Japanese
Letters of Recommendation: 3 econ full professors, no nobel prize winners, but know my work well
Research Experience: NONE
Teaching Experience: None.
Research Interests: Economic History, Macro
SOP: Sub par, I fear
Other: Good summer jobs the past three summers
Applying to: Columbia, Yale, Harvard, MIT, Penn, Berkeley, Stanford, Princeton, Chicago
Worried I didn't apply to any safeties. Low GRE. Reassurances greatly appreciated.
  • Institution: Yale University Economics Decision: Accepted Funding: Fellowship: 25.5K from University fellowship +11k from growth center for at least 4 years + Health Insurance Notification date: 2/19/09 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck everybody.
  • Institution: Columbia University Economics Ph.D Decision: Accepted Funding: 22k Notification date: 02/27 Notified through: Email from graduate prgram coordinator Will not hold this spot for long
  • Institution: University of Chicago Economics, PhD Decision: Accepted/ "A member of the one out of ten". Are they quoting W.E.B. Du Bois? If so, not cited. Funding: ?? Notification date: received by mail today Notified through: postal service Comments: As always good luck all, good stuff is coming.
  • Institution: U Penn Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: , waitlisted Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: E-mail Comments:
  • Institution: Princeton Economics PhD Decision: Accepted Funding: fellowship and stuff Notification date: 3/4 Notified through: E-mail Comments: It looks as if I will be returning to the garden state. Good luck all.
  • Institution: MIT Economics Ph.D. Decision: Rejected Notification date: 3/3 Notified through: E-mail Comments: Good luck everybody and for those in at MIT and Harvard, please choose MIT
  • Institution: Harvard University Economics Ph.D Decision: Waitlisted Funding: -100 for now Notification date: 02/27 Notified through: An email. I would really like to get in. Guys and Girls, Good luck to everyone you will all get in great places.
Admit summary statistics:
As submitted and recoreded from Test Magic:
There were 2 accepted out of 30 applicants.Of those accepted, average GPA was 3.82, average GREQ was 795.0.
From the Department webpage in 2010 (please send me a link if this is wrong!)
2008-2009: Number of Applications Received: 790; Number Admitted: 35; GRE Scores (Admitted Applicants); Quantitative: 770-800; Average: 797; Analytical: 3.5-6; Average: 5.0

Test Magic Econ Forums
Last Updated: 14:57:51, Fri May 11, 2012